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Boo'sMom 02-27-2006 07:15 PM

Shennie--me too--when it comes to bread (or any starches for that matter)--I am a junkie.

Repo girl 02-27-2006 07:30 PM

Deets- I have 3 letters for IUD!!!

Okay, I have just had a pretty discouraging experience at the COD. I was not going to weigh in until Thursday morning, but my sis asked me if I wanted to go with her this afternoon. I decided to go ahead and go in to get measured, get a new journal, and talk to them about all of the exercise, and if I needed to change plans. I did not want to weigh, since it is the end of the day, but they didn't really like that, and insisted that I weigh. Well, I was down 5 lbs on their scale, from a month ago when I was in last, which is consistent with my scale said a week and a half ago when I last weighed. I know that it will be a lot better on Thursday when I have no food or water in me, and I have had a chance to get rid of all of the red meat in me from this weekend. So, I ask to be measured, since it has been 2 months since they measured me. This counselor measured me 2 to 3 inches larger everywhere than the last time. She said that the other counselor that measured me last time was bad for pulling the tape too tight, and she is not willing to pull on the tape, because it is not fair to the clients. I was sooooo disappointed. Here I am exercising all the time, thinking I am getting thinner, but the numbers sure don't support that theory. I know that I am losing, because my clothes sizes are going down, but that whole weigh in was still a big kick in the guts. She also moved me back to red because of all of the exercise. Better go get it done for today. Have a good night chickies!!!

rad7775 02-27-2006 08:25 PM

Hi Girls:
Tomorrow is big day for me is WI day. I go WI every Tues. or Wed. Let's see what happen.Please wish me luck!!! Good Night Girls!!

ConnorsMum 02-27-2006 08:47 PM

Okay, dumb question.....what is IUD? I assume it's a form of bc, but I'm clueless.

slowlyshrinking 02-27-2006 08:55 PM

ONEderland!!! It was a little anticlimactic, because I've been there the last couple of weeks on my home scale, but it was kind of exciting to go to that smaller first digit officially! And, since that was my original goal, and the counselor wanted to talk about a new goal (I bought a bunch of weeks when they were on sale - no real plan, just all I could afford at the time). Of course, it was one I don't care for - the manager, who signed me up and who I get along with pretty well - said I shouldn't worry about a long term goal until I sit down with my Dr. and set it. And I certainly am not at any risk of going too low, believe me! All I want to do is go to the Dr.'s office, get weighed in in my clothes, and not be overweight!

Shennie - I've been drinking lemon water for 2 days - it must have done the trick, because I was down today at my weigh in!

Katie - your house sounds great! How hard was it to put the floor in? I've been wanting to put it in my kitchen, but wasn't sure if I could do it myself. And sorry about the measuring fiasco! I think the measuring is pretty subjective - I mean, how tight are they supposed to pull it?

See all of you tomorrow!

LadyIzzy 02-27-2006 08:58 PM

Boo and Shennie - speaking of Texas Roadhouse, Saturday, I went there and had the rolls, catfish, sweet potato, and a margarita.:devil: Of course, you know the 3.5 lbs. that I lost on TO came back. Trying to mend my ways since then.:o

deetsmom 02-27-2006 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by slimmerKim
Hey all -

It's been forever since I've posted and seems like a while since I've been OP - at least 2 weeks- I'm SO afraid to go weigh in.

A few weeks ago, I was 5 lbs from goal and my WL weeks were gone, so I'd planned on starting stabilization the next week, and then I didn't go and haven't been back. LAWL called me today and I told them I'm going out of town and could they put me on hold for two weeks, so she said yes and now I will MAKE myself go back on 3/13.

But DH and I are going out of town to stay in the Ritz on Miami Beach this weekend with his work - there will be lots of eating ACK!

I tried to read the last few pages and it looks like the subject of BCPs has come up - I just finished my FIRST pack of BC - I took them 7 years ago, but not since. I really hope they don't make me gain weight b/c I need them for the light AF it causes - mine were getting crazy. I have LOVED this cycle b/c I have AF right now and it's nothing. PLEASE don't let me gain the weight. Anyone take Loestrin?

Because of our trip to FL, I had to buy ALL new clothes b/c I have NONE that fit from summer. I was a size 16 then and now I wear a size 6 :) Well, NO shorts are even out here, so I ordered a bunch of clothes from Penneys.com and they came today and FIT - yay! Size 6P

Anyhoo - on the subject Lunas- I SWEAR by the new flavor - cookies n cream - it doesn't taste like ANY of the others - very "smooth" taste if that makes sense.

And for those of you in the STL area - I live about 20 miles west of downtown - in Chesterfield :)

Aw Kim, thats rough:( You just gotta jump back on that horse and get to where you were before cos Ill tell you, you might gain some back on stabilization as you "fluctuate" or "stabilize" as they say. Anyway, do the best you can on the trip and all and congrats on the 6's! WOW, you were a 16 last summer, thats amazing! My weight loss has been so gradual that last summer I was an 8, the summer before, 14's, so Ive been buying new summer clothes for two years now! I am excited to buy things that I know Ill have next year at this point! I just dug out some of my old stuff and can not believe the difference in one summer. WAY TO GO ON THAT VICTORY and here's to getting back OP:)

kattheall 02-27-2006 10:58 PM

Hey Chicks,

It's been a few days since I posted. My work schedule is weird. I only work three days a week, but a 12 hour shift. Its also 30 miles away. (no, I'm not a nurse) Plus,I have to share the computer.
I had my WI today. I was down 3.4 lbs :) :carrot: :) :carrot:
I'm sooooo pleased. Sounds like your all doing well. Congrats on all your successes.


deetsmom 02-27-2006 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by slowlyshrinking
ONEderland!!! It was a little anticlimactic, because I've been there the last couple of weeks on my home scale, but it was kind of exciting to go to that smaller first digit officially! And, since that was my original goal, and the counselor wanted to talk about a new goal (I bought a bunch of weeks when they were on sale - no real plan, just all I could afford at the time). Of course, it was one I don't care for - the manager, who signed me up and who I get along with pretty well - said I shouldn't worry about a long term goal until I sit down with my Dr. and set it. And I certainly am not at any risk of going too low, believe me! All I want to do is go to the Dr.'s office, get weighed in in my clothes, and not be overweight!

Shennie - I've been drinking lemon water for 2 days - it must have done the trick, because I was down today at my weigh in!

Katie - your house sounds great! How hard was it to put the floor in? I've been wanting to put it in my kitchen, but wasn't sure if I could do it myself. And sorry about the measuring fiasco! I think the measuring is pretty subjective - I mean, how tight are they supposed to pull it?

See all of you tomorrow!

YOU ROCK!!!!:carrot:

deetsmom 02-27-2006 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by kattheall
Hey Chicks,

It's been a few days since I posted. My work schedule is weird. I only work three days a week, but a 12 hour shift. Its also 30 miles away. (no, I'm not a nurse) Plus,I have to share the computer.
I had my WI today. I was down 3.4 lbs :) :carrot: :) :carrot:
I'm sooooo pleased. Sounds like your all doing well. Congrats on all your successes.


Wow, you must be on the Blue plan, no? BRAVO on the loss!!!!

kattheall 02-28-2006 02:07 AM

I'm on the purple plan but I only WI once a week.


Boo'sMom 02-28-2006 08:19 AM

Katie--I just can't buy into the measuring at the center. YOU know YOU and if your clothes are fitting better then you know it's all working out just fine. The same gal measured me at week 4 as day 1 and wasn't even sure EXACTLY where she put the tape so even though it showed only 2.5 inches lost my clothes told a different story. I am due to measure tomorrow and am terrified since that lady isn't even here anymore so another person will do it and who knows where she will put the tape!! Consistency makes a big difference. For me I am always heavier the week before TOM so I am not optimistic about tomorrow. Like others I play the "only show a loss everyo other week game"--I guess that's my lot in life--GEEZ. DH has never had less than 3# each week so he is clueless to my rollercoaster! Gotta love him!!

deetsmom 02-28-2006 08:42 AM

I just made a recipe from the recipe thread above and just wanted to rave some more...it was this huge breakfast cookie and I recommend it to anyone with a sweet tooth..it was really satisfying and warm on a cold day, i wonder what it would have tasted like cooled, LOL! My kids will love this too, Ill certainly make it again. Gotta love a breakfast cookie, tee hee!

PURPLEPIRATE99 02-28-2006 08:44 AM

katie - ditto to above - when your clothes are fitting better - you're losing weight and inches and that is just FACT. No one ever measures the same - no one and I don't really agree with the way she went about it - but you know in your heart what you have accomplished - so don't get down about it - You've done wonderful plus you LOST 5 LBS!!!! That is GREAT!!!!!
We are all proud of you - so is your DH and you should be too - just forget about yesterday and get re-measured in a month or so......

About the floow - we have been looking at the pergo flooring as well - was it really hard??

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