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Boo'sMom 02-26-2006 02:29 PM

Hey--has anyone tried the Tiramisu-Rice Dessert? Sounds great. I am not very adventurous in the kitchen. I have found quite a few on the LAWL website (thanks again Tina!) that I think I would like to try. I especially like the single recipe one's. Easier when I don't have a lot of leftovers to think about. I also copied and pasted all of the cookbook to a word document for my mom, sister and Mil--if anyone wants it for a hard copy, just tell me how to insert the file and I'll send it on.

MTdebster921 02-26-2006 02:57 PM

Milca - I hear ya about DH not wanting to get rid of old clothes. They say women are bad.
When we met, he was in 27" waist jeans, now he is on the verge of 38's. He had some shirts from when we first got together over 15 years ago. He kept saying "Don't get rid of those, I will be able to wear them again someday!" I cleaned closets and packed them away. I told him that I had done that and they were in the closet under the stairs. They accidentally found their way into the boxes of stuff I donated to the Salvation Army:s: OOPS!!! He hasn't missed them for a few years. Outta sight, outta mind.

heather314 02-26-2006 03:59 PM

My husband won't part with his old concert shirts... Hes got a couple Iron Maiden and Metallica that you can literally see through lol grrrr

rad7775 02-26-2006 04:03 PM

Boo's mom: TO does sucks!!! I feel your pain.The program sell some popcorn I try them once, the taste was ok. Man allways lose weight faster than woman. Why we allways have to deal with the worst part. I mean we have the PMS then the TOM later the pregnancy and all we have to deal during the 9 months (I love my kids) but come on at least we should have the blessing of losing weight faster!

Debbie(debster): When we were moving from Tampa to Chicago the only part that I enjoy of packing was giving away all those pants that my DH wants to keep like "monuments" in our closet, but one pant survive...he told me not to throw it away and he said it so serious that I got scared!! I tell him with sweet voice" Baby, Let it go, get over it, is ok" he tells me "I'm gonna fit on them, you will see" What I see is his butt getting bigger(I'm jocking). He's not that fat he's 5'10'' and size 36, for his body I don't see him that fat. He eats a lot and don't gain a pound!!!

deetsmom 02-26-2006 04:22 PM

My husband hoards EVERYTHING and worse, so does his MOM!! Everytime we visit, she sends him home with stuff from his old room, last week it was a pack of Snoopy playing cards from the early 70's....I just can't.....LOL!

deetsmom 02-26-2006 04:25 PM

I used to do Pilates last year around this time, its amazing how losing weight makes exercise feel so different...Im not as strong as I was when I was doing it regularly, but theres much less of me to move around, LOL! I think I will resume this to tighten up my midsection, this might be just what I need. I also did my old TaeBo Cardio DVD and HATED IT. I like fast walking OUTSIDE for cardio, but til it warms up, I think I will get back into the Pilates thing...has anyone here had good results with it?

deetsmom 02-26-2006 04:33 PM

I've been meaning to post about this...last week I found the MOST DELICIOUS veggie burgers (nothing like a burger at all, almost like a fritter or other naughty treat) by Dr. Praegger. I got the tex mex and california ones, they are 100 calories and count as a regular protein and are REALLY yummy. I got mine at Costco and Trader Joes..Im sure other stores have them in their organic sections too...just thought Id spread the word!

rad7775 02-26-2006 04:37 PM

My MIL I love her a lot but she ALLWAYS wants to give us what other persons don't want.For example, she called me like a week ago because her sister was going to throw away a chair and she asked me if I want it.Itold her Thank you but no!

rad7775 02-26-2006 04:40 PM

DEETS: I eat morning star and yeserday i try the nuggets they are awsome. Did you try the new flavors from Crystal light the new one is fruit punch, you can't tell the difference from them and KOOL AID

deetsmom 02-26-2006 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by rad7775
DEETS: I eat morning star and yeserday i try the nuggets they are awsome. Did you try the new flavors from Crystal light the new one is fruit punch, you can't tell the difference from them and KOOL AID

Ive had Morningstar..these are different...AMAZING, you have to try them! Im not big on Crystal Light..im a straight water girl with the exception of one daily Diet Coke that HAS to come from McDonalds..im a junkie.

rad7775 02-26-2006 05:01 PM

DEETS:They sell them at Cotsco and the name are Dr. Praegger.AM I right? Do they have like pieces of veggies on it? because I went to Costco last wed. and they were giving samples and my hubby try some veggie burger and he told me that they were good. But I didn't bought them because I thought that we only can eat morning start.. silly me!

deetsmom 02-26-2006 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by rad7775
DEETS:They sell them at Cotsco and the name are Dr. Praegger.AM I right? Do they have like pieces of veggies on it? because I went to Costco last wed. and they were giving samples and my hubby try some veggie burger and he told me that they were good. But I didn't bought them because I thought that we only can eat morning start.. silly me!

Yes, that was when we got them too! I asked my COD and they said it could be any veggie burger...who knows. THEY ARE WORTH IT.

Leah AU mom 02-26-2006 05:47 PM

THanks Deets...I'll look for Dr. Praegger at Costco.
y'all have talked about laughing cow cheese, and I have looked everywhere and can't find it. We may not have it in AL, but what section of the stores would it be in?

Mary, Glad to know your DH is with you in your weight loss....

Small NSV....Several people this weekend mentioned that I look thin. That's seems strange to me because I'm not close to where I want to be and I haven't lost much, but it is a motivation to keep going and not give up!!!!

I love the support here!! Y'all are GREAT!!
Here's to a great week for everyone.

ConnorsMum 02-26-2006 06:25 PM

Okay, I have kind of a strange question to you all. It is my TOM right now and it seems that on these weeks, I lose more than any of the others, which seems opposite of what normally should happen. I was discussing this with my DH and my conclusion to this dillema is that this week is the only week of the month that I don't take birth control pills. We decided that I am going to test this theory and use another form of bc for a month. Has anyone else had this problem with bc? I can't figure out any other reason for the great losses I am getting this TOM (not that I'm complaining ;) ).

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