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deetsmom 02-26-2006 06:47 PM

think of the weight you could gain without BC pills, LOL!

ConnorsMum 02-26-2006 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by deetsmom
think of the weight you could gain without BC pills, LOL!

LOL! Believe me, it won't be a 'free for all'. My son is only 8 months old, I don't want another anytime soon. That's why I discussed it with DH.

rad7775 02-26-2006 07:55 PM

I'm in the same dilemma too. I have too kids. One is 5 and the other is 2. I don't want no more kids because of jealth reasons, I went to the Dr. cuoplle of weeks because Iwant to do the surgery where your tubes are cut (Iforgot the name) and he recomend me to do the IUD because I am only 28 years old and usually women at my age when they have the other surgery done they regret it because later they want to have another kid and they can't, because when they cut your tubes there is no reverse.

PURPLEPIRATE99 02-26-2006 08:04 PM

Hello My chickies!!! I haven't caught up all the way, but I did want to do a few congrats -

Mary - Congrats on the new size - I'm sure those leg huggin pants turned DH on!! You know how those men are - I will be ready to send you all my size 12's in about 5 more lbs - I went through my totes today and I was estatic to get most of my size 10's on , just not quite comfortable yet!!!!

I have the same problem with Old Navy. I did find one pair of jeans that fit me perfect, legs, stomach - everything - then what do they do? quit selling them. So then I buy two more pair off ebay - and I put my others on yesterday and WHAT??? THEY ARE GETTING TOO BIG - AND THESE ARE MY FAVORITE JEANS!!!!! I WAS HAPPY AND SAD AT THE SAME TIME....

Deets - Congrats on the comments at the gym - that is soo wonderful and I know it had to give you the positive boos you needed and deserved as well!!!
That is funny you mentioned those Dr. P veggie burgers - I get a newsletter from hungrygirl.com and they mentioned them the other day. We don't have a costco close, but it said that they also carry them at Whole Foods - which is our all natural store - i will have to check them out now.

Leah- Congrats on your comments as well!!! That is such a wondeful feeling and it is so much better when you hear it from someone who doesn't see you everyday!!! That happened to me last night at our family birthday get together - two people commented on how much I have lost since Christmas - it made me feel like a million dollars!!!!

Shennie - Sorry you had that small binge - but at least that scale is still being true to staying under that 150!!! You will be in stabilzation land befofe you know it hangin with Deets - !!!

Repo - That is hilarious about the condoms - I love how you snuck the in the present - that is too cool!!!!

Connersmom - I would just stick with that reliable pill - at least you know how your weigh reacts - but that is funny how that works!! Good luck!!!

Erin - we will miss you!!!

Well I will try to catch up more later or first thing in the morning!!
Have a great night - going to put my little one down to night night.....

Mom_of_3_Monsters 02-26-2006 08:37 PM

OK Ladies !! I need your help "finding" my way back on to the wagon !! I was just asked to be in a wedding in Sept for some friends of mine !! and I really want to look my best, ya know ... Sooooo I have decided to start TO tomorrow so I can "rid" myself of these starchy sugar cravings !! :devil: SO be ready for lots of complaining and whining ;) :D and LOTS of questions:^: and help keeping me accountable !!!!


deetsmom 02-26-2006 09:35 PM

We're glad to have you back,.Norissa...whining and all, LOL! YOU CAN DO IT, now you have a real goal in sight to make you get there too:) Glad youre back!

Mom_of_3_Monsters 02-26-2006 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by deetsmom
We're glad to have you back,.Norissa...whining and all, LOL! YOU CAN DO IT, now you have a real goal in sight to make you get there too:) Glad youre back!

Thanks for the kind welcome back ;) although I never really "left" I am one of those lurkers :^:


Leah AU mom 02-26-2006 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Mom_of_3_Monsters
OK Ladies !! I need your help "finding" my way back on to the wagon !! I was just asked to be in a wedding in Sept for some friends of mine !! and I really want to look my best, ya know ... Sooooo I have decided to start TO tomorrow so I can "rid" myself of these starchy sugar cravings !! :devil: SO be ready for lots of complaining and whining ;) :D and LOTS of questions:^: and help keeping me accountable !!!!


come on and join the wagon. I'll PM you for motivation for WI in you want me to. I can use the encouragement and motivation too. If I remember correctly you aren't going to the COD are you? I am not either (have been there before) trying to shed the lbs. I let creep back on.

Just finished the season of Upward (church league) Basketball cheerleading and Basketball with my daughters, so here's a cheer..........corny I know....Come on Norissa you can do it, put a little power to it:cheer: :cheer:
Did that help?

Mom_of_3_Monsters 02-26-2006 10:18 PM

Leah ... I would love any encouragement I can get ;) SO feel free to PM me whenever ... that may keep me from totally lurking :p No I don't go to the COD either, I had great success with the program a few years ago, but got pregnant w/ my youngest son, who will be 5 in May, I didn't gain all my weight back luckily ...

We are in the midst of our Upward season right now ... 1/2 way through indoor soccer !! All 3 kids are involved the boys are on the pre-K/K league, which DH and I coach, and then DH coaches our daughters 3rd grade team !! My daughter has been on a Cheerleading squad the past 3 years, but decided to play soccer this year. It is so much fun !! I LOVE the Upward program !!!

SyracuseNY 02-27-2006 07:53 AM

Hi ladies: Just dropping in to say hello. :wave: I haven't given up the fight, I'm still hovering at about the same weight. I'm lurking as with Norissa. Some day are so hard to keep up with you ladies. LOL!

Repro: I love your wit! I'm sure that everyone enjoyed your last B present. I was LMAF when I was reading. :rofl:

Norissa: I'm sending you and me some:dust:. Just remember, 1 day at a time.

This message is from Star: :tantrum:

Deets: I would be on :cloud9: if I got a comment like that at the gym I go to. I'm working on it. LOL!

Well, gotta run and get back to work.

:hug: to everyone, Sy

deetsmom 02-27-2006 08:13 AM

Speaking of the gym...how much retention is expected the day after working out? I know muscles hold onto extra fluids after, especially if you havent worked out in awhile. I worked out yesterday and didnt get that sore muscle feeling today, but the scale is up over a pound and thats the only thing I changed. Is this typical?

PURPLEPIRATE99 02-27-2006 08:16 AM

Deets - I think it totally depends on what you do at the gym and everybody's body varies - but I think a lb would totally be normal. I can flucuate, but I stay close to the same, but I alternate weights with cardio - so I can the water muscle weight and then shed the next day with cardio. I don't usually see a gain - at least now since I've been going for over a month.

PURPLEPIRATE99 02-27-2006 08:49 AM

Good morning my fellow chickies - hopefully I won't be quite as busy this week - I've missed you guys!!!!

Well, I have to admit I didn't do great this weekend. We had a birthday get together at my in-laws and well - I did OK. I had too many starches for the day and a small piece of cake ( I let savannah eat most of the icing though). I think my problem was that I was soooo hungry when I got there - that I just indulged. I was too full afterward and felt bad, but I didn't let it get me down. I did good yesterday and got back on track. I did have ground sirloin for dinner, and I was up a little on the scale this morning, but I figured it will go away hopefully by Weds -

Does anyone else see an increase on the scale after eating beef? Or is it my overindulging on saturday that got me??
Well, I will get more in later......hope everyone has a very POP day!!!

stiesta 02-27-2006 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by deetsmom
..im a straight water girl with the exception of one daily Diet Coke that HAS to come from McDonalds..im a junkie.

Why is it that McDonald's diet coke tastes the best? I so agree with you -- there is just something about their diet coke!

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