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Leah AU mom 02-11-2006 08:57 PM

Hey Gals!!
We just got back from a whirlwind trip to Atlanta. We took our daughters and they spent the night with cousins on the North side of Atlanta, while DH and I went to a 5oth b'day party for his company president. It was funny!!!He got some really funny old age Male related gag gifts. He was a great sport and really cracked everyone up.
DH and I stayed in a hotel near the party (DS) stayed home with grandparents. This a.m. we went back to pick up the girls and took them to the circus in Atlanta. We used company tickets and sat on the 4th row. It was great!! Those elephants really smell!!!

I'm getting more in the habit of staying OP while we are out. It feels great when I don't cave in and make bad food choices.

Katie, Thanks for the pinto recipes. and GREAT job on the 10 jeans!!!

Shennie, I need to chase you into the 140's That's great!!!You are my inspiration!!!

Deets...Congrats on stabilization. It sounds like your body likes the 130's. I'm sure you are looking and feeling great! Toning will probably help even more.

Tee...Your pic is very cute!!!!!!

Everyone Else....Have a great Sunday!!!

Leah AU mom 02-11-2006 10:09 PM

Hey Mary,
Yikes! Sorry about the husband blowup. Hopefully, he'll come to his senses and spend time with his wonderful wife and precious Eli!

shennie_97 02-12-2006 09:49 AM

ksdiogi~ My frustrations witht he SS office are outstanding at this point. If you read further you will lao find out that the inadvertantly added another didgit to my birthday and I had to take them proof of my birthdya and have to wait 6-8 weeks for them to verify my birthday to change it back...even though they can clearly see on the compyuter the date they made the mistake. But I have decided to :lol: too, because I would go crazy if I didn't.

I CAN FIT SIZE 6 pants (well it's Ney york and company and they run a little big, but THEY FIT PERFECTLY.) I can't wait to wear them to work tommorrow.:carrot: :carrot: :carrot: :carrot: :carrot:

So I had a few celebratory drinks in Olive garden and I feel soo bloated today. I refused to leave the pants int he car. actually had them int he seat next to me in Olive Garden. DBF thought I was nuts, but the waitress completly understood :lol:

I feel so great!!!!!!!!!!!

Mary~ :hug: Sorry about DH. Hope you two get to make up soon

Boo'sMom 02-12-2006 09:56 AM

Shennie--you rock! Size 6!!!!!!!!!!!! You deserved the celebration and just drink tons of water today and all will be right with the world again. If I ever get to a 6 I will wear the tag on my forehead--LOL.

Mary--so sorry--maybe the stress of Valentines? I hope today is a better day.

Everyone have a great one!


Repo girl 02-12-2006 10:50 AM

Good Morning friends!
Shennie-WTG on the pants!!! That is so cool!

Mary- I'm feelin' ya. Hope things smooth out today.

Leah- Sounds like a lot of fun. WTG with the choices. I agree with you, it feels so good to do it right.

Tee- Thanks for the reminder, sometimes I really need it!

Barb- As always, congrats on the loss, you are doing so well.

Muji- The BL dvd is great. It really kicks your butt, makes you work hard, and you feel it. I think that it is very inspirational, too.

Erin- Mine is Bob's. I really like him. He has you holding these torture positions, and he's like "Don't stop, don't stop, you can do this, come on" and so I do. I think he may be reading my mind....

Bernadette- Yeah for you. Shopping your own closet is major motivation when you are losing. WTG!!!

Lori- I drink skim. Okay, I don't just "drink" it. I put it in a smoothie or cereal. I am not a milk fan, I do more cheese than milk.

Boo'smom- You have lost 15 lbs! I'll bet a little shopping trip tot he closet would make you smile.

I took the kids to Curious George yesterday. Here is how the movie played out, Popcorn: None, Candy: None, Pop: None, Water: Tons. I was so proud of myself. Popcorn is so hard to say no to, especially when everyone around me was eating it. I saved 2 starches, my dairy, and one fat for a birthday party last night. The cake was Better Than Sex Cake. It was really god. I leaned over to DH and said, "Close, but not quite." We have a busy day today as well. I am headed in to exercise right now, then we are going to EMIL's for her birthday, then to a womens hockey game. A friend of ours is playing, and she is so tough, I can't wait to see her kick butt!! I am trying to nail down the time line here, so that I can plan my food accordingly. No cheating for me!!! I have an exciting loss to anounce, but I want to wait till tomorrow so that it is for sure, you know my scale can be a sadistic liar sometimes, and I would hate to disappoint myself. Have a great day everbody!!! Katie

LadyIzzy 02-12-2006 11:00 AM

Happy Sunday
Chickies - Congratulations to all of the loser and maintainers and a big hello to all the rest.

Well, it's confession time for me. I had to go out and purchase a couple of interview outfits because the tailored suited that I own do not fit. When I was working in my previous office we wore work casual. For me that meant elastic waist and big tops/jackets and low heeled shoes. At home it's sweats/jogging suits and stretch pants. The figure can get away from you in these outfits. I almost cried when I couldn't button the skirt to a suit, then I tried on the slacks and got the same result. Ended having to wear the top out and closure for the pants tucked inside and the zipper only up halfway. I'm saying this out loud so the world can know that I have not been diligent with good eating and exercise. Sporadic does not get it. And excuses about the thyroid doesn't work either. The thyroid slows your weigh loss but you make adjustments and lose regardless. So there, I have outed myself and am looking for help and support. thanks in advanced

Repo girl 02-12-2006 11:05 AM

Bre!!! I is so good to hear from you, friend. Time to jump back on the wagon. You can do it, as you have done it before. Make a plan, set a few mini goals to get you going, and stay close to us, too. It is certainly possible to get back your lost lbs. Now get out there and walk that puppy!!! Katie

Debster921 02-12-2006 12:42 PM

Morning chickies,

WOW looks like this week has been kind to a bunch of people-

Katie, Sheenie, Bernadette- WTG on the new sizes!!!!:carrot:

Mary - I'm glad for you that DH realized his mistake and hopefully will think about spending more quality time with you and Eli. Sometimes they just need a smack on the head to remind them.

Heather - How is that new DFS? Are getting into a groove? I bet you are having a ball with him!!

Bre- They say that confession is good for the soul. Good luck on getting back on track.

Anybody have big plans for Valentine's day? I think that we are just going to hang out here and I will cook a special dinner. Not sure what yet.

Tomorrow will be one month with LAWL and so far am down 15 lbs. I have several boxes around the house that has clothes in them from when I lost weight last time, so I probably have a full wardrobe to last me for 6 sizes. (that's sad huh?) I guess it will save me money this round though. Anyway, I got brave and tried on a size smaller jeans. I can get them up but can't get them buttoned or zipped.:( Which is weird because I usually have had a small waist and fairly flat stomach, just a huge butt and thighs. If I got pants that fit me in the butt and thighs, I had tons of room left in the waist. This time I have a little more padding around the ab area. So I guess I gotta get busy and start doing some crunches!!

Have a super Sunday all!!!:val3: :val1:

CandlePrincess 02-12-2006 01:43 PM

Deb: We are having a ball with him. He is sooooooo cute! But he is running us ragged! We are kind of couch potatoes....and so it's an adjustment. I'll admit to a huge emotional breakdown Friday night and Sat morning. My husband just moved along as nothing was wrong, he knows how i am, and reassured me that life without children isn't what we want. So we are adjusting, and moving all over this house!, and DFS is just happy as a clam! He has adjusted to us beautifully! Tomorrow DH and I are back to work and DFS will be in daycare, hopefully this transition will be as smooth as the others in the last few days.

I was ready to throw in the towel on this LAWL and trying to keep up with him, but my emotions are back in check and I am working on my menus and grocery list today. DFS eats whatever we give him...and eats lots of it! He loves fruit and veggies and drinks lots of water....so maybe fixing food for him won't be so far off what i need to be eating anyway!

Repo girl: how was Curious George? My best friend's five year old wants to go see it sooooooo much. Was it good?

All for now ladies...I am off to finish laundry and head out to the store!

Here's to a POP week!

Leah AU mom 02-12-2006 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by marbear
Hubby came home and apologized and realized it was wrong to spend 8 hours on a Saturday on baseball and not even half that time on family. He said he realized he was being a butthole. Yeah!


Yeah!!!! Good for him! He has a sweet wife and precious child! He obviously knows that (by his apology)

Leah AU mom 02-12-2006 01:54 PM

Deb...Way to go on the 15 lbs.!!!!!!!!!!

Katie, Congrats on skipping the movie popcorn and other snacks. I agree that is sooooooooo tempting and addictive once you start popping in your mouth. How was Curious George? We want to see it, and I heard Nanny McPhee is good too.

Heather...I'm glad y'all are getting into the groove with your DFS. When we had our first child, she had colic and screamed all the time for about 3 months. I remember thinking, "What have I done to myself? This is torture!! " I also felt terribly guilty for feeling that way. I would guess that all mothers feel overwhelmed at some point or at many points. The blessing is definitely worth the work as you can see in the happiness in you DFS.

Bre...You CAN do this!! Welcome Back!! Get on the wagon with us.

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