3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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PURPLEPIRATE99 02-10-2006 03:57 PM

katie - so what are you trying to say Ms Chickie - I talk/post to much???;) I used to eat too much - so now I replace that with posting!!!

Just kidding -

Barb - I know I've missed you guys today - I really have!!!

Hopefully I can find some time to get on this weekend!! :carrot:

Repo girl 02-10-2006 04:36 PM

Heather- No way, chickie, post away!!! And that is Mrs. Chickie, to you!

Huge NSV- My cousin just stopped by with a bag of clothes. She has just lost a lot of weight too, so she told me a while back that she has a bunch of stuff that does not fit. Anyway, all of the tops are a size large, so of course they fit great, but the jeans are a size 10. I am in a loose 13, so I was thinking, no way, but of course as soon as she left I raced into my room to try them on, and, drumroll please........THEY FIT!!!! Not leave the house fit, but I can snap them and still breathe fit. Yahooooooo for me! And what a sweet cousin I have. Maybe if I work hard I will dare wear them to Jackpot next weekend. Biggest loser, here I come!

Repo girl 02-10-2006 04:49 PM

Just hand weights. I bought 2 lb ones because I am a wimp. They were on sale at Kmart for $2.00. The dvd has several work outs on it, though, and not all of them use the weights.

Gamababa3 02-10-2006 05:08 PM

Excellent Katie that you are able to get in pants at a size 10. You will be able to wear them out in know time with a fitting top with them:) I already have weights at home so it will be easier. I've watched different shows though that show you can use cans of soup or anything like that as weights also.

hkychik 02-10-2006 05:10 PM

Katie, what a great treat! Just wait until you can give those clothes away too!:hug:

Shennie, congrats on the 140 somethings! What a super landmark that is. You are such an inspiration to us rookies. I can't wait to tell my DS, when he asks, that I weigh less than daddy! That's my goal for his birthday, the end of March.

Wow, Green - way to go!:cheer:

BTW, TOM was excellent to me on the scale, today. I've lost 6 lbs in two weeks, but 4.4 of those were a non TOM week. I can't wait to get back to those numbers. If I can lose during THIS, I can lose anytime, I'm sure!

stiesta 02-10-2006 06:08 PM

Hello fellow chickies,

A scale victory for me to day -- did TO this week and am down 3.4 for the week. Halla-frickin-luluya!

I sat down with my COD and laid it out for her that I am not interested in doing the bars more than once a day. I don't want the shakes either. She told me that it's fine to put extra chicken breast on my salad at lunch to make up for the lost protein, but she said not to tell anyone she told me. Why can't they just give us the info up front? I know they're in a business to make money, but please, just help us instead of sell to us. It cracks me up becuase for 2 months all she has done is preach to me the wisdom and necessity of the bars. Now today she admits that I don't have to do that to be successfull.

Anyway, happy to be on the downhill slope, been suck at the top for a while. Looks like you're all doing great!

deetsmom 02-10-2006 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by shennie_97
Ok I can officially say I weigh 140something when someone asks…I WI at 149.8 this morning.

Tee~ hope everything works out. I hate group work unless you really know your members it always turns out that way.

Mary~hope it is all over soon

Congrats on the loss Green

Katie~ you are hilarious and your dogs have to be the most entertaining I have ever heard of

Deets~ were are you…you promised no more MIA… I will be working on the tape this weekend

Carmen, beanie, star, sy~ come out, come out and play.

OH MY GOSH!!! THAT IS AWESOME SHENNIE, you tiny thing you!!!! Youre so lucky that the losing hasnt slowed any- you're amazing!!!

I, on the other hand, have given up on losing anymore. I finally made peace with 133...since I seem to be stuck there no matter what, I need to be. This is where my body is comfortable, whether Id like to lose more or not. At this point, I am really needing some tone up in the midsection, not more "weight", per se to come off. I tried on swim suits yesterday and realised I am not a tiny framed person, I have a much more athletic build than I ever realised and thats just that. I will never be lanky or tiny in that way.

I cheated majorly last Friday, then did the strict strict all week and once my body lost what I gained from the cheat, I still leveled off at 133 and never went an ounce lower, so I went in to WI today and said, thanks for the extra weeks, but no thanks. I am a sz 2/4 and am happy with that, so lets go to stabilization. So big deal, I get one extra fat now- LOL! But at least I am at peace with it for now, LOL!!! Best thing is, now I only have to go in two times per week!

Anyway, Ive been out a lot lately and naptime is few and far between, thats why Im MIA:) I just wanted to drop in and tell you how proud I am of you though, YOU GO GIRL!!!!!

Gamababa3 02-10-2006 07:25 PM

I'm watching Oprah and Bob Greene, Oprah's fitness expert is on. I found what he had to say very interesting and went on her site to post what what said.

Bob says a person's weight naturally plateaus at a certain point so the body's organs can adjust. Once this happens, you can start shedding those last few pounds by increasing the intensity of your workout.

Activities such as aerobics may help you lose weight at first, but eventually those workouts become less challenging. He suggests working out on a treadmill, which allows you to increase the pace and the incline over time.

"It's physics," he says. "You at your given body weight today are exercising with a 3 percent hill at 3.3 miles an hour—that's great. Your weight's going to adjust and come down. … But, you need to increase the workload, and most important, the pace. [You can] methodically break through each plateau by increasing how fast you move."

Basically, Bob says, you have to burn more calories than you take in.

In addition to exercise, your eating patterns will affect your weight loss. You have to allow yourself to feel hunger, Bob says. That little gnawing feeling you get in your stomach late at night means that your body is ready to "eat the fat." When you give in to the craving, he says, you are eating your results. "If you go into a calorie deficit, you're going to be a little bit hungry. People need to learn how to accept that, be okay with that slight discomfort."

How can you ignore a growling stomach? Bob suggests to step away from the refrigerator, and find something to occupy your mind and make you feel good. A bubble bath or a long walk can help take the edge off.

First, Bob says, Jacara and millions of dieters should get rid of the "all or nothing" attitude. The key isn't about how often you exercise—it's about how consistent you are.

The one thing every dieter has to remember is that exercise is not negotiable. "Decide what's right for you—how much you are willing to do," he says. "Whether it's just 10 minutes or 20 minutes, and don't negotiate that."

Also, don't make the mistake of adjusting your diet before determining how often you're going to exercise. "You need to establish how active of a human being you're going to be, and then move on," Bob suggests. "Then your food has to adjust. If you exercise more, you're going to have the liberty to eat more."

Repo girl 02-10-2006 07:39 PM

Thanks for that Barb. It really is just common sense, isn't it? I wonder why it is so hard for us to accept. "Exercise is not negotiable" I think I will print that and hang it on my fridge.

shennie_97 02-10-2006 08:29 PM

Katie~ great NSV with the size 10 pants. New York and company has a B1G1 ˝ off pants sale this weekend, plus I have a $20 off $50 purchase coupon, so I am going to buy me some new slacks, I hope to comfortably fit a size 8…maybe squeeze into a 6 (fingers crossed on that one though ;) )

Deets~ :bravo: for your decision…so tell me is it as beautiful as I imagined over in stabilization, and 1 extra fat is heaven enough for me. (although we do get more starches one day too right ;) )

Barb~ thanks for the info

Ok, I was supposed to be going to Olive Garden this weekend for valentines, but i don't want to get rid of my 140's....I am going to see if I feel I can make good choices tommorrow and not over do it, but right now I think we might have to go somewhere else. Only thing is that DBF hates olive garden and this is the only way I can force him to go is to make it for valentines. :?:

deetsmom 02-10-2006 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by shennie_97
Katie~ great NSV with the size 10 pants. New York and company has a B1G1 ˝ off pants sale this weekend, plus I have a $20 off $50 purchase coupon, so I am going to buy me some new slacks, I hope to comfortably fit a size 8…maybe squeeze into a 6 (fingers crossed on that one though ;) )

Deets~ :bravo: for your decision…so tell me is it as beautiful as I imagined over in stabilization, and 1 extra fat is heaven enough for me. (although we do get more starches one day too right ;) )

Barb~ thanks for the info

Ok, I was supposed to be going to Olive Garden this weekend for valentines, but i don't want to get rid of my 140's....I am going to see if I feel I can make good choices tommorrow and not over do it, but right now I think we might have to go somewhere else. Only thing is that DBF hates olive garden and this is the only way I can force him to go is to make it for valentines. :?:

One extra fat, LOL! Each week I think one extra portion is added and then in maintennance, different choices are introduced in...at least thats what they mentioned to me. You are doing so amazing, size 6 here you come you lil thing, you!!!!

CandlePrincess 02-11-2006 08:45 AM

Hello all! I think this week has been a bust for me! Besides getting used to having a child in the house it's been hard to eat because i am not feeling well. Bless my husband's heart for stepping up and taking over childcare and such while I am sick. I am actually starting to wonder if I can really do this. I know the program works, but the time I have to invest in planning meals and such seems to have disappeared now.

To all of you that have lost.....:bravo:

I have to run for now...hopefully i will be able to catch up and get back on track soon.

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