3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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green0923 02-10-2006 10:55 AM

WI = Down 1.4 lbs!
Good morning, ladies!

Great news! I lost another 1.4 lbs since Wednesday, and am now at 20.2 lbs down in 3 wks! Yahoo!

Katie, I'm not help on the cooking with beer. I have had plenty of beer battered this or that in my life, and I don't ever remember tasting the beer, but I don't know about cooking.

Your right, it is quiet here today!

Repo girl 02-10-2006 11:14 AM

Way to go Erin, the lbs are just falling off you!

Mary- It seems like the more daycare kids here, the better they all play. Hope the bleeding slows down soon. How long is that supposed to last?

I bought the biggest loser workout dvd last night. I am trying to get motivated enough to go in and do the first workout. I am hurting a lot from yesterdays gazelle ride. If I really want to exercise and make it stick, I am going to have to keep it up everyday, no matter the pain, until it stops hurting in 2 or 3 weeks. I know that I have to do this. Since I started yesterday, it would be dumb not to exercise today, right? Right, because then I have to start over again. Okay, I am going to do it right now. See ya later chickies!!!

hkychik 02-10-2006 11:29 AM

Hey Repo, how's that workout coming? You go girl!

Good morning all! Just a quick note before I go weigh in (UGH - TOM and WI have me expecting the worst) then off to get a rock chip repaired.

Congrats to all the losers out there, here's to a POP day!:cheers:

Repo girl 02-10-2006 12:13 PM

Okay, the BL dvd is the BEST!! It was great not to be exercising with skinny minis, and I was dripping sweat by the time I was done. Also, because of all of the stretching, I am suprised and pleased that my neck and shoulders actually feel better than when I started. Obstacles: dog who kept laying down at my feet and getting stepped on, 18 month old niece standing behind me pinching my butt and laughing, and 3 year old daughter laying on the couch behind me giving me up-to-the-minute reports on whether my big butt was going away or not. Solution: Get up at 6:30 and do it before they are up!! I really loved it, and want to stick with it every day. Will one of you please ask me every day if I have done it or not? I may need a kick occassionally.

Mary- Poor DH, life is so tough sometimes....NOT!

Lori- GL at WI!!!

dawn78 02-10-2006 01:33 PM

I just got back from WI, down .8 lb. This is the first time the scale has moved in two weeks so I'm happy. They still want me to think about doing TO next week. I told them I don't like their TO juice and without even hesitating she said to use cantaloupe instead. I was shocked!! So it looks like next week I'll be doing TO.

shennie_97 02-10-2006 02:36 PM

Ok I can officially say I weigh 140something when someone asks…I WI at 149.8 this morning.

Tee~ hope everything works out. I hate group work unless you really know your members it always turns out that way.

Mary~hope it is all over soon

Congrats on the loss Green

Katie~ you are hilarious and your dogs have to be the most entertaining I have ever heard of

Deets~ were are you…you promised no more MIA… I will be working on the tape this weekend

Carmen, beanie, star, sy~ come out, come out and play.

2bfit06 02-10-2006 02:38 PM

Hey ladies,
OK, so I go to the COD on Monday after having a long discussion on Saturday because they took 3 weeks to get back with me with information from the Nutritionist and they finally switched me to the blue plan, of course because it was the end of the day, I was up. I have been on plan for about 12 weeks and I lost only 10 lbs, gained 4 of them back following my gold plan to the letter. Nobody knows why. I have no medical problems. I have 24 lbs to lose, I have 11 weeks left and then I am done with them. I am going to try this on my own.

Now keep in mind that the one counselor(manager) who sort of has a brain is now gone and I get the one who loves to sell, sell, sell. She tells me that I should probably purchase their supplelements as well as other LA Lites (like the drinks) instead of just using the bars. By this time I had totally tuned her out. I have only been switched to the blue plan for about 4 days it's 1 more starch and another 1/2 of protein, which I am having trouble eating, but she wants me to try more stuff. Imagine that!!

Sorry to vent here, I noticed there was a thread started for complaints, but I am just truly frustrated. This plan worked so well for me 3 years ago.

To all of you who have been able to manage doing this on your, please help me.

Gamababa3 02-10-2006 02:46 PM

Katie glad you happy with the BL workout. I might end up buying it also cause I love to sweat:)

Dawn congrats on the loss and good luck with the TO.

Shennie :bravo: :dancer: getting below 150 good for you.

2befit sorry to hear your having such a tough time on the program this time around. I'm sure some one on here that works the program on their own can give you some tips. Good luck!

PURPLEPIRATE99 02-10-2006 02:49 PM

Erin - All I have to say is WOW and CONGRATS - 20 lbs in 3 weeks is wonderful!!

Katie - You never ceased to amaze me and make me laugh. I can just picture the kids and the dog and you laughing the whole time - I'm so glad that the exercise has helped you feel better instead of worse - that is wonderful!!!

Shennie - YOU GO GIRL - I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU - I KNOW YOU'VE BEEN WANTING THE 140'S FOR AWHILE------- :cheer: :dancer: :carrot: :hug: ;) :cb: :bravo: :strong: :cp: :hat: :flame: :woo:

Dawn - Congrats on the loss - any loss is a loss and good luck with the TO

2befit - I'm sorry you are having a hard time. I don't have any experience with the counselors, b/c I do this on my own, but I have been there before with ww and other programs. Try looking back a few threads I think January or the journal thread - Angelica was describing how to mix heavy days vs. light days - maybe this will help you to switch things up and accomadate. I don't really know what to say - but don't give up. I'm sure some of the other chickies will have some advice. If the plan worked before - it can work again. If the gold was making you gain - why would they give you more food? Maybe I didn't understand, but that doesn't seem right either?? Maybe they are just trying to switch things around giving you more protein. I know you are down, but please don't give up - I'm sure we can help you - you don't have too much more to lose - therefore, it will be slower than the first weight that came off...you can do this!!!

Lori - Good luck at weigh in - TOM is never nice on the scale!!! Hopefully it won't hurt you today....

Mary - I really hope things are back to normal for you soon!

Hope I didn't miss anyone - I'm trying to work post in while trying to catch up at work!!!

Repo girl 02-10-2006 03:06 PM

Shennie, You are the bombdiggity of LAWL!!!! These decade jumps mean so much, don't they? Congrats, Chickie

2bfit- Sorry to hear you are struggling. I am on blue, and I love it. If you do consider doing the supplements, just buy a bottle of calcium, a good multi vitamin, and EFA's at the health food store or Walmart. LA's are way too expensive. Good luck, and let us know if there is anything we can do for you.

Hey Heather, You must be busy. This thread has been so quiet today, I had to read a book. Hahahaha

Barb- I really like it. It was only $10 at Kmart. I am thinking about giving it to my parents for Valentines Day. It is the kind of thing they need to get going, like me.

Gamababa3 02-10-2006 03:13 PM

I looked online at Walmart and they have it for $8.88 and the shipping would be two something. I might wait and see how much it is at the store. The only exercise videos I have is from Richard Simmons and I don't own a VCR anymore. That's cool if your parents would exercise to it.

Heather sorry your so busy were all used to having you post more. I'm sure once I'm working again I won't be on as much.

emmysmom 02-10-2006 03:36 PM

OMG, Katie...you make me laugh. I can just picture those kids!!!:rofl:

Green, 20 pounds is incredible!!! Keep up the good work!;)

Shennie...congrats on the 140's!!!:dancer:

I went to WI today after my 2 days of TO and I was down 3.6 pounds! I still have a few to go to get back to where I was before my "break"...but that's okay, I'll take it!

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