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Leah AU mom 02-08-2006 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by slowlyshrinking
I've been lurking for a while, but I decided I would finally make myself visible. I've really appreciated all the information and support here. I joined LAWL in August of last year, and have had all the usual frustrations with my COD and plan. But I have lost 62 pounds,and have 62 pounds to go! At least I'm a lot thinner than I used to be - I even bought regular clothes last week - a size 18, but still, better than the 26 I used to be. So have a POP evening, and I'll be back in the morning!

Way to Go!!!!!!!!:carrot: :carrot:
62 lbs...........That is awesome!!!!!!!:dancer:

Leah AU mom 02-08-2006 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by emmysmom
I have decided that TO will be my punishment for cheating. I'm on day one and I just want these 2 days to be over with! I do expect to see a difference on Friday, though. Any time I did TO while I was POP, I wouldn't see much of a loss. I am so hungry...I want to steal my 2 year-old daughter's oatmeal because it smells so darn good! Pretty sad, huh?:yes:

Back to my old theory that TO is really just to make you appreciate your fruits and starches.:dizzy:

Leah AU mom 02-08-2006 09:28 PM

Small NSV....I ordered pizza for my family before church tonight. I had one slice of thin crust (instead of 2.5 of hand tossed...)

Repo girl 02-08-2006 10:18 PM

Good job Leah! Pizza is my nemesis!

thnknthn 02-08-2006 10:27 PM

:welcome3: Slowly Shrinking!

Losing 62lbs is no small feat in my book! WTG! So glad you decided to jump in here with the rest of us. You need to be very proud of yourself! :hug:

Congratulations on hanging in there and shrinking into a butterfly that you have been hiding:)! Please hang in there and know that we are here.

Have a great evening and OP!

See you soon I hope!


hkychik 02-09-2006 12:04 AM

:welcome2: Slowlyshrinking! Great job on your loss!

Leah, you are my hero! I'm not sure I'm to the resisting pizza stage yet!

Repo, I had COD worked out in my mind as Counselor of Death! Thanks for the clarification!:sunny:

PURPLEPIRATE99 02-09-2006 08:16 AM

Good Morning my Chickies - I have skimmed through all the posts - but I'm going to go back and read all the "REASONS" for losing weight - there were several that caught my eye - I think everyone should have their own reasons that motivate them!!!

Dawn - Thanks for remembering about the ginger dressing - I will go and check out the recipe - Thank you very much

:welcome: slowlyshrinking - You will love it here - these chickies are great!! We all give support one way or another - Congrats on the 62 lbs - that is wonderful!!!

EmmysMom - just wanted to say again - Glad you're back!!! You can ride on the group wagon - we don't like to let anyone fall off!!!

Leah - WOW - resisted pizza - that is wonderful. I haven't gone there yet. I've stayed away from the pizza all together - that is a wonderful NSV!!!

Lori and Boo'smom - Good luck on the cooking - I hope it does or did work out and tasted great!! Katie gives great advice when it comes to ingredients!!!

Congrats to ALL THE LOSERS!!! -Being a Loseris such a wonderful concept around here - right?? hahahahahaha......Hope everyone has a very OP day!!!

Trying to catch up with work from being in a meeting all day yesterday - will post a little later....

green0923 02-09-2006 08:36 AM

Slowlyshrinking ... Wow! 62 lbs is so great! Congrats! I have a LOOOOONG way to go, and seeing those tremendous weight losses gives me hope!

Leah, great job on the pizza resistance! I have been faced with that challenge and won, but it was hard! I never really thought of myself as a pizza lover, but it smelled soooo good! It was catered in for lunch one day here at work. I had to watch everyone eat it, packed in a small room... and there I was with my bottle of water.

Dawn, sorry, I don't know anything about TO. My center does not recommend it for me because I am diabetic.

Boo, 1.8 lbs is great ANYtime, but it is especially great during TOM! Congrats! And btw, you have every right to get excited about 25 lbs! Man, when I have 25 lbs left, I will be floating on air!

Katie, once again, your suggestions sound perfect! I was wondering how to handle refried beans. I LOVE bean burritos ... glad to know there is a way to modify to eat them OP.

Lori, I like the Counselor of Death acronym! Seems like all centers have at least one of those! :)

All right, ladies, hope everyone has a POP day! I tried the hot lemon water trick last night. Heating the lemon made it really easy to get the juice out. Wondering ... it didn't seem to make me have to go a lot last night. Should I expect to see it today? Or try it again this evening?

Thanks, as always, for the great advice!

CandlePrincess 02-09-2006 09:00 AM

Ok i went to weigh in yesterday and I was up 1 pound. I kind of expected it. I've had a cold and it's been hard to eat and get all my foods in. We picked up our foster child yesterday and I have to admit he is kicking my butt..lol. He's 14 months old and I admit to being at a loss. His former foster mom says he eats anything and he ate a good supper and a good breakfast this morning. But I have no idea about his schedule and what he can and can't do. I feel a bit overwhelmed! What a switch, no kids to a 14 month old....and it's only been one day! I stayed home from work with him today and my husband will be here tomorrow, and then the weekend and then he will be starting in daycare. I am certain we will all develop a routine and I will learn what he likes to eat and do etc...this is what we have been waiting for! Did I mention he is soooooooooooo cute!! Off for now....trying to figure out when I get to take a shower!

green0923 02-09-2006 11:14 AM

HeatherCP, it is so wonderful of you to be a foster family! It's people like you who make this world a better place! So tell us about DFS! What's his name? What does he look like (besides beign adorable!)? I can't imagine going from nothing to a 14 month old. I have a 3 yr old and and 11 month old, and we have at least had the chance to build up to the mobility and into everything factor. Wow! That is so great! Congratulations!


PURPLEPIRATE99 02-09-2006 11:22 AM

HeatherCP - I totally agree with Erin - that is wonderful that you choose to be such a wonderful role model for foster children - Hopefully you could post a picture - Do you know how long you would keep him or could it be possibly indefinite?? I couldn't imagine going from nothing to a 14 month old!! Wow - much congrats to you -

Leah AU mom 02-09-2006 11:24 AM

I like the way you put that, Hold me on this group wagon Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Candle Princess,
How neat to be a foster parent. I know you'll give him love. 14 months is a challenging age because they are mobile and they don't really understand why we would want them to "stop." God bless you for sharing your love with that precious little child.

Repo girl 02-09-2006 11:24 AM

Heather- Congrats on your new little guy. He sounds like fun. On showers: Keep him busy with a small pile of toys right there in the bathroom, and go for it. You guys should fall into a routine quickly, and things won't be quite so overwhelming. As far as food goes, by one year they can be eating off the table, so I would not worry about baby food. Also, they can start learning to feed themselves, so finger foods are a must. The movement of putting hand to food on tray to mouth helps to create synapses in the brain, and is also a great sensory experience. It is, however, a messy period of time, too. If your high chair is on carpet, I would put a shower curtain under it. Hand him toddler silverware with his meals. At first he will probably throw them on the floor more than anything, then hold them in one hand, and eat with the other, but one day he will attempt to use them, and before you know it he will be able to feed himself thick stuff like mashed potatoes and pudding, then cereal. Good luck, and enjoy! I'm sure you will be great with him.

Erin- I am a refried bean junkie too. I love Taco Bell's bean burrito. Here is what I suggest, 1 whole wheat tortilla wrap (they are big and thin, about 60 cal) 1 cup of homemade beans, 2 tablespoons chopped onions, a drizzle of red enchilada sauce or hot sauce, and 1 ounce of shredded light cheese. I would count this as S, P, 1/2 D, Condiment.

Dawn and Heather- I made the ginger dressing last night. It was awesome. DH and I loved. Too spicy for the kids, but I could eat it on my salads all week.

Did anyone watch Biggest Loser last night? I loved the couple that won. They were so cute. Both couple's did an extraordinary job. I told DH to buy me the BL Workout DVD for Valentines day. Speaking of DH, he really hurt hurt my feelings last night, and I don't know if I am being too sensitive, or if he was a jerk. He come home late, so we had already eaten, but I sat at the table with him while he ate. I have been putting out a big effort since he started this job to have breakfast and dinner on the table so that we can all eat together. He slept in yesterday, and did not bother to eat with us, then comes home late, and still does not eat with us. Anyway, I have been trying the new recipes from the Saving Dinner lady all week, and the kids and I have really enjoyed them. So while he is eating dinner, (it was Chinese New Year slow cooker beef, brown rice, and green salad with ginger dressing) I ask him how he likes it. He says that it is good, but bland. Then I start putting the leftover rice into a plastic container, and he says, "I hope you are not sending me with that for lunch tomorrow. The leftover fish you sent me with today was so gross I couldn't even even stand to smell it." Okay. I have packed his lunch every day for 3 weeks without one thank you. Ever. So I say nothing, load the dishwasher, and he goes in and lays on our bed to watch TV. I come in, bend down kiss him, and he pushes me away, saying "I can't stand the smell of your shampoo. I told you to buy something else." It is lavender, and it does smell weird, but I cannot afford to throw things away, just because he does not like the smell. It gets the job done, and I will use it until it is gone. Later we run to my sisters to jump her car. On the way home, we start talking about food. I say that I really like this new meal plan, because I am actually doing some real cooking, and I love to cook. I have felt like with LAWL, I don't get to cook as much as I used too. He says that since I joined LAWL, all of our food is bland and without flavor, and that I really should see about using more spices in our food. I point out that the kids will not eat things that are spicy, so I don't go crazy with the spices. I just felt so unappreciated that I could not believe it. He did not say any of this stuff in a mean spirited voice, but it all really stung me. I understand that he works long hours, and he is tired, and maybe cranky. But so do I. I don't expect him to do one stitch of housework or childcare. My job is difficult and lonely. I work my butt off every day to keep my house clean, my daycare running smoothly, and kids taken care of. By the time we got home last night, I put the kids in bed, took my pills, and went straight to bed. He got into bed and kept trying make small talk, but I was not very responsive. I know he was puzzled at why I was not more talkative, but I was too tired to fight with him, and I know that if I tried to say anything about that stuff, he would get defensive. Anyway, this morning he tried to sleep in again. I told him that I refuse to spend every morning begging him to get out of bed. He came in to breakfast, but did not want the huge pile of pancakes I had made, so made himself eggs and toast instead. Am I being a baby, or is he being a jerk? Do your DH's notice the things that you do, thank you for your efforts, or do I need a reality check here? I am happy with my efforts, proud of my clean house, and enjoy taking good care of my family. I just wish that he would care more. Sorry for writing a book, just need to vent sometimes.

Leah AU mom 02-09-2006 11:38 AM

I guess that I should probably get out of the habit of ordering pizza, but my kids love to have it when they have friends over and it's definitely quick and easy, so I just figured I better figure out how to eat certain things in moderation instead of overdoing it. It would be ridiculous to think that I could change my life to never eat pizza again.

Leah AU mom 02-09-2006 11:41 AM

Probably a stupid question, but what kind of beans for your recipe? Do you use canned?

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