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deetsmom 02-07-2006 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by Repo girl
Barb, sorry your first was disappointing. That sucks. Hope tomorrow is better!!

Mary, I agree with the other girls. Don't stress about it. Eli is fine. My 4 year old is so tiny that she does not even register on the height chart, and her weight is at the 5th percentile. WIC scared me so bad about her size one time that I went straight to our Dr. with her. He told me that height weight charts do not really mean that much with little children, and not to be concerned. On Eli eating like a bird, ask him to make a fist. His stomach is about the size of that little fist. That is why little kids need to eat often, because they cannot eat a whole lot at a time. You are doing a great job with Eli.

Deets, How is Ultra Strict going?

Like everything else, I get used to it rather quickly. The meal replacements shakes are tasty ad with TWENTY grams of protein, they DO fill you up...so far, so good...

thnknthn 02-07-2006 02:49 AM

:welcome3: Ange!

Hello Ladies Hope you all got thru SuperBowl OP! I dont know how but I did and I stayed OP and I did not have any margaritas:(...

Hope every one has a good nite and see you in the mornin'


PURPLEPIRATE99 02-07-2006 08:10 AM

Good Morning Chickies!!!

Well I will start by staying I cheated a little last night and I felt horrible. I got home from the gym and Savannah was eating some goldfish. My DH was cooking supper, but it wasn't even close to being finished. So I thought - well, I only had 1/2 starch for breakfast this morning, so I can have a few - that shouldn't hurt - Well I had a few, then a few more- then a few more. I ended up having at least about 50 which is one serving ~150 cals -which isn't bad, but I felt bad. I just needed something - I felt so weak and couldn't wait till dinner. I already ate my fruits for the day - I should've just had my luna instead, but I didn't. Then I ate supper and felt soooooo full. I did skip my last luna which would've equaled out in calories, but not the right Protein.

I figured I would do the right thing and confess to my chickies this morning - I'm going to be POP today though. I'm not letting it get me down - I've done really good lately -

So, off to the personals.....

Britt - Sounds like you have a wonderful weekend planned with DBF - Hope you have a wonderful time.

Shennie - I like what Britt said about celebrating your birthday twice. Hopefully the tax return will go through without any problems. You will probably have to answer questions later - maybe 2 years from now when they get around to reviewing it......(*that happened to me ) just keep all that paperwork from the SS.

:welcome: Ange!!! you will love these chickies - they are all wonderful and full of support!!!

Bernadette - Congrats on doing so good through the Superbowl!!! and way to go about not giving into the margaritas!!!

Barbara - I'm so sorry to hear about the disappointing day at work. Hopefully the other opportunity will come through for you - I've been there before. I spent 13 weeks at a job I absolutely hated, but luckily I landed the job I'm at now and absolutely love it - I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers - and hope that you get that other job you're interested in. Good luck at weigh in - maybe that will cheer you up - b/c I'm sure you will have a loss - you've done awesome!!!

Deets - Missed you - Glad you're doing well on the strict plan - hopefully that will help you get off those last stubborn pounds and then you can go to Stabilization.....

Mary - I agree with the other chickies - he looks totally healthy to me and the advice and information from SlimmerKim really makes sense. I think b/c we concentrate so much on what we eat ourselves that we push it to our kids as well. My DD has lowfat cheese - not the real kind. I get the reduced fat crackers/chips - everything - b/c I'm so scared she will get chubby and not have a good self esteem like I did. I know kids can be so cruel to each other in school.

Slimmerkim - Thanks for the wonderful information about the kids eating. I didn't know that artificial sweetner was "bad" for the kids. My DD loves our tea which is made with splenda - she doesn't get too much though - is that bad? Should I try to make her regular tea? I guess I'm so paranoid about her getting big - that I try to limit her fat, but I guess that is not a good idea. I will take all your advice/information into consideration. She is a healthy eater - but she is very tall for her age, so her height and weight equal out really well -

stiesta - You will get that loss this week - just keep your head up!!!

Katie - Good morning Chickie!!!!

Leah - Thanks for the recipe - unfortunately black beans make me have this terrible odor that comes from my backside - :rolleyes: :nono: :barf: Makes my DH want to hide outside - hahahahahaha
so I hope someone else enjoys your recipe idea........

To anyone I missed - Good morning and here's to a POP day :cheers: for everyone!!!!:dancer:

PURPLEPIRATE99 02-07-2006 09:02 AM

Mary - So sorry to hear about the positive. I really hope that your body will do what it needs to take care of things naturally so you don't need the surgery - I will still keep you in my thoughts and prayers...

shennie_97 02-07-2006 09:47 AM

Mary, you know what is best for Eli you see him everyday not just quarterly for a shot and weigh-in. Keep the faith about your health, you are just being prepared for a wonderful miracle, just wait and it will show up.

Slimmerkim~ were do you work do you work for a PAT office?

Barb~ :hug: My last job I was hired on the spot and thought the interview went pretty bad, but I soon figured out why was hired on the spot and was glad to say goodbye to them. (had the similar issue with overtime requirements) Do what is best for you, you have to have peace of mind and nothing is worth loosing it.

Heather~ that was a great choice for a cheat, we give those to the kids all the time for healthy snacks and I often can’t resist

Ok, finally weighed this morning and I was at the same weight from Sunday…150.4, so I am not too bad off, but even though, I keep kicking myself because if I didn’t cheat I could have been in the 140’s by now.

I have to head down to Indianapolis this afternoon for Social Work LEAD day in the morning where we get to meet with representatives and talk issues at the State house. I also have to go to DSs DARE graduation this afternoon at 1PM, and they are having pizza. I am pretty sure they will get it from Little Ceasar’s (so it will be soaking with grease) I will dab away the grease and slowly eat one piece though for a CC.

Tonight I don’t know were we will end up eating, but I will be sure they serve a grilled chicken salad and I hopefully I will be ok tomorrow.

Question: when you know you will be eating out twice in a day I know it is important to have more water, but should I wait to drink a lot more water this afternoon/ evening. I have a 2 hour drive to Indy and we are carpooling so I don’t want to have to constantly ask to stop, so I think I will try to get in 40-50 oz before 2PM and then will start back up with another 40-50 when we get down there at about 6Pm, what do you think? I just want to see the 140’s.

Tee625 02-07-2006 09:55 AM

Hello ladies .... Hope everyone has a POP day. I had a bad week last week and now I'm up 2lbs. I need to make sure I stay POP this week so I can lose it. It's amazing how it takes two weeks to lose 2lbs and 2 days to gain it back.

I've been trying to post a picture but I keep getting a message saying the upload has failed. The picture is in the size requirements I'm not sure what's wrong. Can any one help?

m_everett 02-07-2006 10:02 AM

Hello there chickies..... How is everyone doing on this fine Tuesday morning?!?!? I'm feeling pretty tired myself today. I'm on day 2 of TO (knudsens) so I'm really hoping that it'll payoff at WI tonight. I can't wait to get back OP tomorrow. TO really makes me feel run down....blah....
I started working out again last night and boy am I feeling it today....it does feel good to get my body moving again.:tread: :ebike: :strong:

Hope everyone has a great OP day!!!:D

-Marisa ;)

Tee625 02-07-2006 10:05 AM

Sheenie, I think that's a good idea to hold off on the water while your on the road so your car mates won't get upset.

shennie_97 02-07-2006 10:16 AM

NSV, I pulled out a pair of pants this morning, thinking I might be able to get into them (haven't fit them comfortably in at least 6-7 years) and then put them down and was in a hurry when I ended up putting them on. so i was sitting in the car realized, wow, they went on so easy I didn't even notice putting them on, no struggle what so ever..my leg just went right in.

Tee~ I have to spend the night with these ladies so i though it was best not to upset them ;)

Rebeca 02-07-2006 10:21 AM

Hellow guyz!!! I went to the center yesterday and happy to see that I lost the 2lbs i gained! It has been so hard to go out with friends and have fun with all the lettuce in my place while everyone else is having martinis with mozzarella sticks and steaks with jacksauce!!! Anyways, I finally lost it and with my crazy schedule is hard to find time to cook something really good. WOrking from 8 until 5 then school from 5:30 until 9:30 is just not easy! Then on the weekends I have other jobs to take care of!!!

While eating about the children's habits of eating I realized that the reason I am not able to deal with food is because I was forced to eat when i was not hungry! As a little kid I was very skinny and my mother (as all mothers do) thought I was too skinny and therefore unhealthy! Being skinny or chunky at such young age is not a sign of heath! Kids will grow out of their baby fat and there is absolute nothing parents can do about it!

Please take your children's food seriously! Dont make them eat too little or too much! Let them recognize when they are hungry and when they have enough! Otherwise your children will be struggling with their weight just like we are!

Make them believe that they are perfect just like they are and they do not have to be a size 0 to be beautiful!!!

Have a great day chicks!!!

PURPLEPIRATE99 02-07-2006 10:53 AM

I just have to say Rebeca - about the kids eating - that is exactly what I'm doing. I don't make her eat anything - I let her choose when she is full and I let her choose when she wants something else. I don't keep alot of junk around, but I do have a few heathlier snack options for her other than fruits, yogurt, good stuff. I don't want her to be part of the "clean plate club" like I was forced to do - She knows when she doesn't want anymore food - and she is a healthy girl. She has spurts where she eats more than others, but she doesn't drastically lose or gain - she is very consistent.....I just don't want to be too strict on her as far as having everything low fat and reduced fat just b/c I'm scared she will gain. The best thing for me to teach her is healthly eating and portion control when she needs help!!! You are so right!!!
Congrats on the loss as well.

Marisa - Congrats on the workout!! I think that will help even more with the TO results!!

Shennie - I think you have planned so well. I would definitely try to get in the extra water. I would try to get in as much as possible within reason and then stop drinking heavy about 2 - 2.5 hours before you leave. That should give your bladder time to release any extra without having to stop too much. I think your idea about the pizza is great. Dont worry honey - you will see those 140's - your body just wants to test you and see how serious you are - hahahahah - like you haven't already showed it. Thanks for the comments about the goldfish. I knew they weren't too bad, it was just the guilt of knowing I shouldn't have had them, but they were soooooooo good. I really did enjoy them.

Tee - Good luck on getting that 2 lbs off - you can do it.....and I agree with the part about you gaining so much quicker than loosing. I guess that is the part of life that just isn't fair - no matter how you look at it. It is kind of like having to work 5 days and being off for only 2 - whoever came up with that idea wasn't thinking clearly.....

Gamababa3 02-07-2006 11:14 AM

Repo, Heather & Shennie thank you for your thoughts towards me and this job I do appreciate it.

Shennie so happy your able to fit in your smaller pants and they go on so easy now, great feeling I can't wait to be there.

Heather sorry to hear about your cheat, but you are a very strong person and I know you will put this behind you and be right back on program. Hand in there. I thought your comment about the black beans was so funny. I made the red beans again on Sat and my grand daughter won't eat them said they make her toot to much. Her Mom agrees as Jasmyne usually stinks up their apt.

Tee I'm sure the 2lbs you gained will come off quickly hang in there. As for the pic I had that problem to. You have to have a program to resize your pic smaller for it to work. The one of mine now is from my camera phone.

Rebeca Congrats on your loss. Great words of wisdom. My grand daughter eats healthier then most of us. I'm happy she likes the healthy things plus in preschool they give them healthy choices also.

Well here is my update on this job. I sat here getting ready this morning and it dawned on me they have no proof I work for them as they haven't done my orientation yet, so they don't have my SS# or my DL # and I haven't signed any paper work, except for an email with my name saying I received a stapler, tape etc. They want to make sure I don't take anything when I leave. Well my thoughts were is not to go in. I talked with my husband this morning and he said I'm more important then any job and as long as I can still get unemployment he is ok with that. I did call the unemployment office yesterday and gave them the company's name and phone number, but I called this morning and the other women said to just come to my job. I'm pretty sure there's not much the company can do to prove I worked for them. They did set me computer up and I typed an email, but that is about it. What do you guys think? I don't want to go back. I did leave my scroll mouse and three pics there, so I'm going to have to ask them for them back. I know I'm not going to get paid for my long day yesterday, but I'm ok with that it just opened my eyes to asking a lot more questions before I accept a job again.

Repo girl 02-07-2006 11:17 AM

Morning everybody! Having a POP day. We had a sleepless night with kids in our bed and stuff, so all I feel like doing is laying on the couch. Has anyone ever tried the bun and thigh roller? I am thinking about buying one. I made something really good last night. I found this website that gives you six dinner recipes a week, along with a shopping list for the grocery store. I chose the low carb options, and made the first meal last night. It was called turkey vera cruz. It was divine. The site is savingdinner.com. All of the recipes that I am making this week can be adapted to LAWL easily, and my family loves nice meals.

Gymgurl 02-07-2006 11:17 AM

Hey girls....sorry I have been so busy the last couple days! I had weigh in this am and stayed the same...this is good since TOM started yesterday morning.....but still OP and doing pretty good...caught my daughters cold...so I m going to lay down and will be back later!!

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