3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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PURPLEPIRATE99 01-26-2006 10:31 AM

Good Morning chickies - well, I'm at home today with my little Savannah. I took her to the doctor b/c she has been really whiney and had a low grade fever for a few days - plus I thought she had pink eye. Well, she does have pink eye along with Hand foot mouth diasese - ARGH!!!!! So now she can't go back to daycare until Monday - hopefully DH can say home tomorrow..

Leah - Major congrats on not eating those munchkins - one of my co-workers tried to sabotage me with those the other day - I politely said no - and I was sooooo proud of myself...

Bernadette - Don't be so hard on yourself - I know that the initial success can keep you wanting more and more - but as long as that scale is going down - just know that you are succeeding------and you are!!!

Big Bootie - Congrats on the exercising!! That is wonderful motivation!!

Sy - Good luck on breaking the plateau!!

Britt - Good to hear from you - sorry you are so busy with school. My scale used to do the same thing to me - it was never quite 10 lbs friendly though. I ended up getting a new scale at the beginning of the year - just so I could feel good about accuracy. Congrats on staying OP all day!!! Your doing great to be juggling school and LAWL - as well as everyone else on here that is doing any kind of schooling -

Barbara - You will get that 2 lbs off within a week - glad your COD didn't chasise you and understood - Good luck at all the potlucks coming up.

Katie - Good luck at WI!!!!!

I'll try to check in later if I can -

Chklithunder 01-26-2006 10:32 AM

:wave: Hi Chickies.

Heather - sorry to hear about your DD Savannah (love that name). Here's hoping she's better in no time.

Katie - GL at WI.

SY and Nikkijo - We were expecting a storm but it didn't happen. We are having a GREAT January. I am just praying this keeps up, and I hope it doesn't get too much worse in your neck of the woods.

Deets - Have you decided what to do about your goal weight yet, or are you still chewing on it (no pun intended)?

Julie - WTG losing that water weight plus .2 - You'll be in those 160s in no time a'tall dahling.

Star and Metal - where are y'all?

PURPLEPIRATE99 01-26-2006 10:38 AM

Thanks for the well wishes chklihunder - I'm sure you know how it feels to have sick children as well as alot of other do on the board.... by the way I just noticed in your profile that you are a programmer - what language do you program? I develop in VB 6 and .NET as well as ASP.NET -
and what is your first name again - I try to use first names if I remember --heheheh there is alot of new people as well as myself - so I'm doing the best I can....

Chklithunder 01-26-2006 10:46 AM

Heather - I know VB 6, but most of the work I do is in PL SQL and UNIX. Every blue moon I have to dust off the COBOL book too (bleccch). I HATE the mainframe, and I am not very good with it. My first name is Carmen. Don't feel bad about not remembering the names...it'll come! ;)

momof3boys1girl 01-26-2006 10:47 AM

I bought some Tilapia last night and want to make it for dinner tonight..i just need some help on how to cook it...ive never cooked fish before...do i use the oven and what degree?? or should i use a pan with pam spray?? any suggestions would help...and what is the best seasoning..

Thanks JAMIE

PURPLEPIRATE99 01-26-2006 10:53 AM

That's right - I remember now b/c of the avatar - you just changed it to the boys picture!!!

Jamie - I've had my tilapia and haven't cooked it yet - tonight will be good since I'm at home all day - interested in the suggestions you get as well...

PURPLEPIRATE99 01-26-2006 10:54 AM

well ladies - time to go tend to the little on - she is wanting undivided attention - I will try to check in a little later.

deetsmom 01-26-2006 11:21 AM

Tilapia- Im your woman!
Mary suggested fish tacos, which I do a variation of when not using starches. Sprinkle the fish with lime juice, chili powder and garlic powder, then I broil until flaky. I serve with a chopped tomato mixed with cilantro and green onion. She makes a fish taco with a tortilla, cheese and ff sour cream and salsa, I believe. I like mine with red pepper or some brown rice.

Carmen...Im still plugging away for two more weeks that were pre-purchased..wherever I get is wherever I get...I am sick of the WL phase. I did TO last week and most has returned, so its the same up and down. I am definitely not shooting for 124 anymore - thats not going to happen...130 would be nice!

shennie_97 01-26-2006 11:56 AM

Katy~ I only “count” my home scale weight. Since I have made it past my goal weight with the COD, I really don’t care at all what they have. Plus when I go there I am not going in with an empty stomach and I don’t like to have to think of what to eat for breakfast based on if I have to WI for the day.

Katie~ good luck on WI? How did the mom handle the haircut scandle…has the little girl come back yet?

Deets~ do you use a broiler or just use the oven broiler? I tried to broil my fries the other day and it didn’t work, so just wondering how you broil

candela570 01-26-2006 12:10 PM

Hi everyone;:dancer:

I am new to this site. I joined LAWL last Friday. So far so good, I am now beginning to understand the book a little better, as well as writing what I eat down. I find that to be very helpful. I have read some of the post and find them to be very helpful. This site is great!!!!!... As for me, I am trying to reach my goal weight of 150 in 25 weeks, hopefully I am able to do it. :carrot: Looking forward to chatting with everyone.:D


shennie_97 01-26-2006 12:13 PM

:welcome: candela

thnknthn 01-26-2006 12:47 PM

Hello Candela

I am new here too, been on since 1/8. Just jump right in the ladies here are great and always willing to help. Congratulations for taking the first step!


30lbsby22 01-26-2006 12:53 PM

hey all i went to WI today and there was a new counselor there. Someone from a different center i guess. She suggested to me that I should start to take the Reduce Plus. Does anyone know anything about this? No one has ever really tried to push anything on me at my center. But this woman was determined to get me to buy those. I told her I would do some research and let them know saturday. If anyone can fill me in on if they have taken them and if they work I would love it. Thanks guys!!

Repo girl 01-26-2006 12:55 PM

Hi All, back from WI. Only lost 1 lb, but hit my halfway mark with them. They have me at 40 lbs lost, not sure why I show 38, must be from ozs here and there. Anyway, I am scheduled to lose 80 lbs with them, even though I am planning on buying more weeks later because I want to lose 90. The manager was so cool. She was all excited that I had hit my half way mark, and she took a picture of me. We sat down and compared the 2 pictures, and I cried my eyes out. I cannot believe what 40 lbs looks like. My face is very different, so is the rest of me. Can't wait to see what 40 more looks like!! Anyway, she asked if they can hang my pictures up on the Wall of Fame, to help motivate others. I said sure, I'm very proud of what I have accomplished this far. So, it was a great day at the COD.

Shennie- Believe it or not, both mothers totally blame their daughters, and no one is even mad at me, except for me, that is. All 3 three of them ended up with cute litte pixie bobs.

Tee625 01-26-2006 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by nikkijo
this is exactly why I do the lites. I LOVE them. I have lemon midmorning and a cookie dough one at night with milk. It's my dessert.

I did the lites the first 3 months and got so tired of them. I had to force myself to eat them. Since I started LAWL my cravings for sweets have reduced drastically I barely crave them anymore ... until recently. I guess it's due to TOM which strangely has been going on for almost two weeks. Sorry TMI

I think I will just arrange my meals so that I can have FF SF ice cream after dinner, hopefully that helps.

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