3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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donnakd 08-04-2007 12:40 PM

New to 3fatchicks
Hello, I am new to 3FC and so glad to find the LAWL section!! I lost 24 lbs on LAWL in 2005, was stalled out and couldn't lose more(wanted to lose 20 more) when my doc wanted me to stop dieting because my thyroid functions was "borderline low", so I quit, and gained it all back plus about 8 lbs. I decided 3 weeks ago to start back and try again. I have had a rough start back because me step-dad died right after I started, so will restart(again!) Monday with takeoff(going to do summer slimdown). And I actually had a physical Thursday, and my cholesterol is a little high(225) and my thyroid is borderline low, so don't think that is due to dieting, since I haven't been!! Doc wants to recheck both in 2 months. So am going to really try hard on LAWL, aiming to lower cholesterol, and if I don't lose like I think I should, maybe the thyroid re-test in 2 months will reveal why!!
I am sorry, maybe I should have told more about me first!! I live in north central Texas(near Wichita Falls--my center is there) , I am 43 yo, been married for 18 years, and have a daughter who will be a sophomore and son who will be in seventh grade. Kids sure do grow fast!!! My hubby is a farmer/rancher, and I help him and we also(kids biz for car/college money) raise miniature and tweenie dachshunds. We currently have 18--they have added so much to our life!! We love each one, and can't imagine not doing this!! It is SO fun, but sure hard to let the little pups go!!
I am a little uncomfortable putting a pic of me up, but might get brave after getting to know everyone!!
Again, I am so glad I found this! The manager of the center I go to says they are working on getting a site for support, but don't know when. But I am not sure I need it now since finding y'all!!!
How do you add sig--can't figure out how!

JLem311 08-04-2007 01:41 PM

welcome to everyone!

Dear Me 08-05-2007 02:30 AM

I am 17 years old, and I have been doing LA weight loss since december 2006 but I haven't been fully committed to the plan. My mom has lost over 50 pounds in the same amount of time. I started LAWL at 250 pounds, and lost 20 pounds but gained 10 of it back. I just got re committed and have already lost 3.6 pounds since Monday of this week (its saturday today) So yay me. I also would like to say that I think using this site will help me this time around. Wish me luck!

Dan2112 08-06-2007 10:01 AM

Welcome DM!! Nice to see "youngsters" here as well.. It will be good to have your perspective on things...

Katy66 08-06-2007 10:15 AM

Welcome All!

QZMOM 08-18-2007 01:12 AM

Hi all,

My name is Lecole and I am just finishing my first week on lawl, I lost 4.4 this week and I am a breastfeeding mom so I couldnt do the take off or some of the restrictions that my friend who talked me into joining has. I have 2 children a 9 year old DD and a 10 month old DS so life is crazy, but I am excited to be on the plan.

Suz160 08-28-2007 08:49 PM

Hello. My name is Sue. I'm a 41 mom of three (14, 9 & 5). I am just starting on the LAWL program with a goal of losing 80 lbs. I have just completed chemotherapy for breast cancer and now need to get myself in shape and healthy so I'm not putting myself at further risk of reoccurence. And, it would also be great to go shopping for a whole new wardrobe NOT in plus sizes!

fatnomore0814 08-29-2007 10:32 PM


Hello! My name is Suzanne and I am a 38-year-old wife and mother of two beautiful girls 7 and 2. I joined LAWL on New Years Eve and have lost 97lbs. in 35 weeks. This is the best decision I ever made. Unfortunalty, my center is closing due to the bad press on 20/20. So, the last 25lbs is on my own. But, I have the tools to do it, and with support from my family, I am not stopping. I struggled with weight my whole life. I am thinner now then I was in high school. :carrot: Any advise anyone can give me on stabalization on the new numbered plans would be FABULOUS!! Good luck to all!!

amylou7777 09-03-2007 12:28 PM


Sue- I know how you feel, I can't wait til I'm not in a plus size!

Suzanne-WOW! You need to get some before and after pics up! It looks like we started around the same place, with a little bit of a height difference. I don't have a "final" weight goal in mind yet, just trying to get under 200...congrats on your achievement...we are here to support you the rest of the way!

KelKel 09-03-2007 09:55 PM

Hi my name is Kelly, I am 41 single and new to LAWL. Actually I joined some time ago but could not get the motivaion to get started. I saw a picture of myself that just threw me over the edge so I am totally motivated. I have 39 pounds to lose. I work out about 45 minutes or so a day and was hoping I would just drop the weight. Not going to happen.

coldhawg 09-06-2007 11:56 PM

Hello--I am a newbie here. I was on LAWL a few years ago after my first child was born and did really well on it. I lost about 40lbs. Since then I have gone back to work and have had a surprise second daughter. I just finished nursing and didn't lose a pound while nursing so I am still weighing almost as much as I did 8 months pregnant! So I got all of my old LAWL stuff back out and started again this week. So far I am down 2 lbs and I am thrilled to have found this support system. I work full time at the county level of motor vehicles and I have a school age daughter and the baby. My husband of 12 years is very supportive but it is nice to have outside encouragement as well.
My goal is to lose about 75-100lbs in a year so that I can be a more positive and healthy role model for my girls and LAWL encourages correct eating habits--not dieting---which is what I want my girls to see and learn. I have struggled all my life with extra weight and was not taught proper eating habits and I want to teach my daughters better than that. :)

agraygirl 09-12-2007 11:47 PM

I've been on LAWL since late Feburary 2007 it's now September and I've lost around 35 pounds. I don't do the bars. I love this diet so far. :)

I am a stay at home mom/web developer in Tennessee!

CarolMc03 09-15-2007 12:05 PM

Hi! I am new to the site, today! My name is Carol, I am 35 years old. Married, 2 kids. I joined LA Weight Loss because I have finally had enough of trying to loss it on my own. My goal is 20-25lbs. I have lost 9lbs in 3 weeks, so I am pretty happy with that, since I had a vacation in between.

I work in the morning, so that I am home in the afternoon with my kids. I try to go to the gym when I can but the summer got away from me and I didn't go at all, with both my kids home!

I was VERY apprehensive about joining the program because of the cost and my failed attempt at WW (they gave me too much freedom). But where I live they had a special that if you met your goal you got half of your money back! That was probably the BEST incentive they could have given me! So I took the chance.

I am hoping to meet some new people on here so that I have someone to talk to openly about it. ( I haven't told any of my family, other then my husband). My biggest obstacle is that my husband's job involves alot of travel so I am home alot with the kids, alone. I am a BIG stress eater!

I hope to get to know alot of you!!!!!

Good luck to all!!!!

tentimes 09-16-2007 12:29 PM

Hi, I'm new here, too, though I've been lurking without registering for awhile. I joined LAWL a month ago and have been very pleased with the steady, easy weight loss. I've been exercising *hard* for a couple of years, trying to take off the weight I gained after quitting cigarettes, but suddenly realized it's been 4 years (hooray!) and I still had the extra weight. I have to travel a lot for work, and I've been in restaurants constantly this month and still lost eight lbs, which is fantastic for me.

I LOVE this program and feel like I'm really going all the way to my goal this time.

Ternoway 09-16-2007 08:20 PM

I just joined LAWL about 2 weeks ago. So far it's going pretty well and I'm not finding it nearly as bad as I had anticipated. I've already lost about 4 pounds and am looking forward to seeing my thinner self, I can't remember what she looks like! :carrot:

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