3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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stressrelief2008 08-16-2009 04:19 PM

Hi everyone,

I've been successful on LAWL before. Got lazy, gained almost all the weight lost back again. I've tried it all, WW, South Beach, LAWL, Nutrasystem...I would have a small fortune if I still had the $$ I have spent on my quest for a smaller body. Anyway, I was most successful on LAWL -- so, here I go again. I'm 52 years old now, was 44 when I did the program before. I've been diagnosed with hypothyroidism and I'm on synthroid now. I've been married to a fantastic, supportive man for 26 years, have 2 children, one daughter, one son; 2 granddaughters ages 5 and 3 -- they are the love of my life and I want to be able to see them grow. So this is it -- I HAVE TO GET HEALTHY. I work full-time as an operating room nurse in a stand alone surgical center. We are extremely busy and I am on my feet all day long. The weight is causing much joint pain -- I NEED TO GET HEALTHY. So, I am asking for your help and support to keep me on track this time. I say thank you in advance.

Arkantana 12-31-2009 12:12 AM

Hello everyone,
My name is Jennifer and I'm 37. My husband and I have been married two years and have three kidos 17, 13, and 8. I'm a Christian and love Jesus, he's my rock
I moved to Bozeman, MT when we got married but travel back home to Arkansas as much as possible. I love doing things with my family. We do everything from riding 4 wheelers, camping, playing games, and every once in a blue moon my hubby gets me on a snowmobile (not often because he takes it to the limit, and I'm a slow rider). I am starting my healthier lifestyle journey with my best friend Jamie from back home (long distance of course). I am excited to lose some weight but more importantly I want to change my eating habits for good. :carrot:

felicks 01-04-2010 11:17 AM

Hello everyone,
My name is Lisa and I am 38 years old. I have 2 wonderful daughters (5 and 2) and have been married for 6 years. My husband and I recently moved, I started a new job (went from classroom teaching to district-level work) and with the decrease in physical activity, I've managed to gain 40 lbs. in a year. :( My aunt used to do LAWL, and I did it with her for a little while about 10 years ago, probably lost about 15 lbs. then, and it seems like a reasonably healthy program to be on, so I'm trying again!
I hope to find a lot of information on this site, and some motivation too, since I'm not particularly a self-motivated person when it comes to not eating things that taste good but that I know are bad for me!

mj2007 01-04-2010 01:29 PM

Hey Lisa,Jennifer

Good to have you as a part of LAWL community. If you want all the weekly chatter and tips,motivation...etc....please join our conversation in the weekly Friends and Losers thread.

MrsSassy 01-06-2010 10:00 AM

Hi everyone!
My name is Kelly...I recently had some medical issues and was pretty much immmobile for three months! I wasn't happy with my weight before that, but at this point I'd love to just get back to there. In 3 months I packed on 20 lbs. It's horrifying to look in the mirror. My profile pic was taken the night before my life was turned upside down and this extra 20lb weight gain began (October 4, 2009)

I'm 36 years old mother of two heavenly girls and two earthly girls! My job is my family and I love it.... I feel like 2010 is my year to get healthy again. So I pulled out my dusty LAWL menu plan and I'm back on it as of 4am this morning.


Christina2629 01-29-2010 09:49 PM

I am so glad to have found this forum. My name is Christina and I did LAWL 5 years ago and lost 56 pounds and went from 181 to 125. I was so proud and happy but when my bf and I moved in together and i got a new job I got way to comfortable and have gained all the weight back plus some extra baggage. I have found my old LA diet resources and have decieded to give it another try. the only difference this time is i wont be doing the LA lites I am going to try the Luna bars as i have heard they are similar to the lites. the past few years I have tried other diests such as WW but the only plan that helped me dramatically was lawl. I hope by finding this site I can stay on track and be encouraged by you all.

FormerLAWLSuccess 03-10-2010 10:15 AM

HI! I'm so glad I found this group! I am a former LAWL success story. I lost 107 pounds when my center was open an active in my area. I was 40 years old and had the epiphany that it was do or die so to speak at that time. I busted by buns and followed the plan pretty much to the letter (yeah I cheated, it took a FREAKIN YEAR can you blame me for sneaking a no no snack occassionally?) but from Memorial day to Memorial day I reached my goal weight. 2 months later my center submitted me for consideration for advertising and I was flown to Miami with 7 other successes from across the country for a photo shoot and filmed a commercial which aired nationally. You can still google my name and see my photo ads pop up. I had surgery shortly after returning and was placed on surgical hold and before I could get back my center was closed. I never got my maintenance. I was devastated and regardless how much validation I had from being chosen to do a national ad for the company as well as getting local recognition and doing print work stemming from that, I began to eat again. I was (excuse me) PISSED OFF!!! I now realize that I used that as something to hide behind instead of going forward with my success. This morning I woke up and decided to stop living with regret and to be proactive and find a support group an dig out my old diaries and go it ALONE...without a center. After all, the reason I chose LAWL in the first place was because you didn't have to purchase prepackaged foods, they taught you how to eat what you normally ate in proportions...how to eat for life...how to live. So here I am and here you are and here we go together. I'm off to purchase a rotiserie chicken which was my fast forward of choice meat and some bagged salad greens. Day 1 of round 2 of my wake up call. Thank God for light bulb moments.

aprilmartwick01 05-19-2011 01:19 PM

i am april i am new to this site and im hoping that it will help me go in the direction i need to go so far doing the la to your door i have lost 14 pounds i have 43 to go i am looking for friends to talk to and people that know what this struggle is all about... i am also looking for la weightloss tips and recipes to help me also thx

OrlandoSomeday 07-18-2011 11:53 AM

Back to LAWL and Lost 1 oz on a Take Off!

I'm a former LAWL customer from the old center days! I was on LAWL in 2006 for about 6 months and went from 171 to 145. It was great! The diet was easy, healthy, and successful. Then the bleep hit the fan and my center pretty much closed up shop over night and I lost a few boxes of lites. I wasn't too upset because I had already lost the weight and was just glad for the time I had with them.

Well, fast forward to 2008 and was in even better shape at 141 and solid muscle. I was in the best shape of my life until the fall, when I had a health emergency that resulted in surgery and weeks of recovery and altered eating and no exercise. To too it off, in the spring of 2009 I had to have another, completely unrelated procedure done. At this point, my fitness drive relaxed a little and I gained weight. I was 150 last summer.

All in all, I was ok with it because I was still pretty fit. I even signed up for the Disney Princess Half-Marathon. Because I've always loved exercise, I started training right away. And I thought all the running would help me drop those extra pounds I had gained. Boy was I wrong! I was ravenous the entire time, especially as the mileage started getting up there. I would burn 1000 calories after a 10-miler and go home and eat 2000 calories worth of breakfast! You see where this is going. By the day of the race I was in the best cardiovascular shape I'd ever been but I looked SO out of shape! I ran the whole race in 2.5 hours but was too ashamed of how I looked to buy the commemorative plaque with my picture on it :( Because by then I was up to 165.

So, I've been trying to lose the weight on my own since February with little or no luck. Then, a few weeks ago I got this coupon in the mail from LAWL and debated about whether I should bother to spend the money or if I should just keep trying on my own. Obviously on my own wasn't working, so I bit the bullet and bought the materials. I will by using Luna bars and fruit/Knudsens for the take off juice.

I just finished the 2-Day Kickoff Take Off and lost a whopping 1 ounce! LOL. I have no idea how that happened. I mean, I know how to do this. I've done it before so I'm not really a newbie. Maybe I'm just getting old!

Has this been anyone else's experience? I mean, I ate nothing but proteins and veggies (no lites because it's the Kickoff) and lost 1 OUNCE. Not 1 LB but 1 OUNCE.

Anyway, today is officially day 1 of the actual plan, so I'm hoping for a better scale reading my Saturday (1 week). Sheesh!

But I'm looking forward to being a part of this board!

Just Call Me L 08-24-2011 10:22 AM

Just...call me "L"
Like so many of you, I had been successful on LAWL in the past. Once in undergrad (about 2004 I lost 20 lbs...started @ 237 and got to 206) and the summer before I started law school (in 2007, I started @ ~247 and got to ~203). 3 solid years of unimaginable stress (hardly any working out, drinking more than ever and eating like a teenager) skyrocketed me to the 260s by graduation and I packed on an extra 12 for good measure while I studied for the bar exam.

In 2010, I set out to lose weight to prep for swimsuit season and Carnival and got with a personal trainer who nearly killed me but in 5 months time though I was a lot stronger and healthier, my weight loss was negligible. I was discouraged and quit him, then went on to gain 10 more pounds.

I went to Carnival and declined to don a half-naked costume because (for the first time ever) I wasn't comfortable with my appearance. As soon as I returned, I did the HCG diet (which probably wasn't all that healthy, but I wanted a kickstart) and got down to 247. Been working out since then to keep it off and its working. I did the master cleanse awhile ago and decided that I will resume LAWL in order to maintain and possibly lose more. I would like very much to be ~200 by next Carnival (Feb 2012).

Did the takeoff earlier this week. This is the first day of LAWL. Look forward to connecting with you all!

HeatherF 09-26-2011 11:59 AM

On the (weight loss) road again
I just joined the site, glad to have found you! I did LAWL successfully years ago. The weight is back and I'm ready to lose some lbs to feel and look better. I have my LAWL materials and will do it on my own - with your help of course!

I'm starting the LA Express tomorrow. I'm off to the store for Knudsen's Morning Blend and some protein and veggies.

Thanks for the great tips for substitutions!


Just Call Me L 09-26-2011 05:33 PM

Peace, Heather. I know you'll be super successful this time as well!

HeatherF 09-28-2011 08:11 AM

Off top a good "Fast Start"

Originally Posted by Just Call Me L (Post 4048098)
Peace, Heather. I know you'll be super successful this time as well!

Thanks. Where is the best place for LAWL chat? I don't see a Friends and Losers thread.

Yesterday was my fist day of Fast Start/Take Off/LA Express. Drank my Knudsen's Morning Blend, munched on celery during the day and had sauteed chicken and green beans for dinner.

Best part, I did not eat in reaction to a "discussion" with husband. yea!

yourIllusion97 03-29-2012 06:12 PM

Hi there everyone, I am from Indiana, lived here all my life. I work as a Pharmacy Tech. I first was on La Weight Loss back in 2006 on the colored plans. Lost around 20 or 25 pounds. Well its now been a few years and I am back basically where I was before I started LAWL. I want the weight back off. I still have my books, I was on Gold, then Green in the end. I am hopeing to work the plan again and loose the weight again.

Dory 08-15-2012 04:38 PM

My Introduction
When I was 24 I had a rude awakening when one day I went through my kitchen (like I always did) to get to the front door. For some reason when I walked through this day, clipped my hip off of the dishwasher. I had never done that before! Odd....so I yelled out to my boyfriend, "Honey? Did you move the dishwasher??"
"No... why?"
That was the first time that it had dawned on me that I might have gained some extra inches. Once I had an inkling of awareness that I might have gained some weight, I started to notice other things. Had I really developed a bad back, or had it actually gotten harder to wipe after using the toilet? I could swear that I had lost some length in my arm... oh maybe had I gained enough inches to notice a difference in my ability to wipe my own ***? But that wasn't what finally did it for me.... it was when I got our photos back from our Disneyland trip. I remember when I first opened the attachment thinking, "Hey! Who's that??" It was one of the more disorientating feelings of my life when I realized that I didn't recognize myself. Somewhere beneath the excessive weight was my face that I knew so well.... but was that really me?

LA Weightloss was opened up across the street from me, but I had always been embarrassed to go in. It didn't help that I didn't actually think I was in need of any weight loss.... but finally after all of these realizations making it impossible not to realize that I had a weight problem, I went in. I remember the first weigh in like it was yesterday. I knew that I must be 30 or 40 pounds over weight, but being that I never really knew what my weight "should" be, I was unsure. The friendly young counselor did her hard sales speech, which I politely ignored and said, "No, I don't want the bars and I won't pay for another year of maintenance, but if you can guarantee that I will lose the weight, then I will pay what I need to minus the items I have already stipulated." That's when we did our weight in I stepped on the scale and weighed 234.... I knew it was a lot, but it wasn't until she did my calculations that she said, "According to what you said was a healthy weight for you, as well as your BMI, you have approximately 79 pounds to lose." I nearly choked... 79 pounds? HOW HAD THIS HAPPENED? I was embarrassed, but I felt empowered as I was now in their hands and today was the first day of the beginning of my liberation from my fat prison.
It took me 8 months and I lost 69 pounds. As I edged closer to my original goal weight, I realized that 150 would never be comfortable for me and that at 18 I could have felt comfortable there, but at 25, I needed to reassess.

So here I am again, at 185, having gained 15 pounds and working to get if off again. This time I would like to get to 165, and I am excited to do so. I'm pumped to be back on the plan - it's so absolutely liberating. AND my experience being on the forums was one of the only reasons I stuck with it when times got hard, so here I am again.

I look forward to hearing your stories, and helping where I can from my successes.

Dory :D

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