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Old 01-19-2009, 10:59 AM   #181  
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Good Morning all! Just a few minutes to post before I am heading out the door. Glad to have the day off from school. I had a nice victory last night with my family. I love to cook and try to let my family be loved by me thru food(comfort, nuture ect...) I cooked with my oldest son and his friend. This was fun and bonding. My victory was when we sat down to eat I didn't have to show them I loved them by having all that was on the table. I think Bill said it best....that's not about me anymore. I am finding freedom in changing. I also helped my daughter to identify her feelings at midnight and that since she was bored, she didn't have to feed them. SUCH A NEW THOUGHT PROCESS FOR ME. Thanks for listening.
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Old 01-19-2009, 11:09 AM   #182  
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Thanks for the answers and warm welcome, everyone! I appreciate the thoughtful responses.

I have ordered the book and am looking forward to starting this journey. I will plan on posting here once I've begun reading the book - I'm sure I'll have tons of thoughts/comments/questions and will probably annoy you all with them!

Have a good week, everyone!
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Old 01-19-2009, 05:28 PM   #183  
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News flash: I went to the Take Care clinic at Walgreens and I've got a sinus infection. Got some nice antibiotics to help it along. Hoping that does the trick.

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Old 01-19-2009, 08:51 PM   #184  
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Got my first response and advantage cards done. Also started my memory box. Did not do that great eating wise, but have not started to do the new book. Need to go as I have alot to do before I go to bed. Have a great night.
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Old 01-19-2009, 09:38 PM   #185  
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Coaches/Buddies Another day on plan. Almost sounds boring after a while. I'm hoping my antibiotics kick in tomorrow and I start feeling well enough to exercise again.

Chris I hope the iron helps! Good job on getting your response and advantages cards done.

Bill I don't envy you your shoveling! How is the elbow?

RobinW Hurray for two pounds! You've lost a lot in the last couple months! Planning is working for me too.

Lily I think V8 actually probably qualifies as a low-cal (30) beverage, so I could retract my snarky "sue me," LOL. Now if only I could stomach the low-sodium kind...

maryblu I'm living my joy of movement through you at the moment. I so miss it. Antibiotics are GOOD things.

Jean 160s. Sweet!

Rachel You are doing such great things for yourself and your kids. You should be very proud of yourself!

Jennifer Which of the books did you decide to order?

I'm sleepy. Going to write down my plan for tomorrow and attempt to get to bed early. It is theoretically DH's night to get up with DS, but he isn't always really good at getting DS back to sleep.

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Old 01-20-2009, 04:09 AM   #186  
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Thumbs up Tuesday - Inaugration Day in the US

Diet Coaches/Buddies - I made "Tamale Pie" with the TVP (Textured Vegetable Protein). CREDIT moi. Onions, meat, black beans, tomatoes, and spices are sauteed in a skillet then baked in the oven with cornbread on top. Was good. The TVP gave the right texture; the seasonings gave a strong tamale/taco taste. Will be a useful vegetarian potluck dish. For our own consumption next time, I may add about a quarter pound of ground beef thinking that just a small amount will fool the palate.

maryblu - Love that thought, "JOY of movement is the biggest advantage of all." And Kudos for out moving with your snow/wood chores. I'll go look for a replay of Pete Seeger's This Land is Your Land. Wonder what diet/exercise plan keeps him so fit.

Robin (RobinW) - Congrats on 2 more pounds. Yay for rest. And Kudos for planning.

Jean (kuhljeanie) - BIG Congrats for reaching the 160's. Nice to achieve that steadily inching along. Neat that you're doing the Bistro wean so seriously. I still expect to see Jeanstro frozen dinners at Whole Foods any day now, LOL.

Oh, and Congratulations on reaching the 160's.

Anne (wndranne) - Ouch for feeling lousy with a sinus infection; Kudos for not using food for comfort.

Re my elbow: it's about the same - doctor's appointment for my boo-boo is Wednesday. DW has me on Ibuprofen for its anti-inflammatory properties. I shoveled anyway.

Chris (angelmomma210) - Yay for getting started with the memories box and reading the new book.

Rachel (helping rachel) - What a gift to be able to help your DD identify the feelings behind snacking. And wonderful story cooking with your oldest son and his friend. Thanks for the reminder; I'd love to get past my own food pushing stuff.

Lily (lilyyoung) - Kudos for staying on an even keel. Yep, maintaining is a better choice than binging. Thanks for the concern about my elbow.

Jennifer (JenMusic) - Kudos for ordering the book; great step. No need to go silent until it arrives. Feel free to comment and discuss; a different perspective is always valued.

Readers -
"Stage 1
The Success Skills Plan

Skill 2: Weigh yourself daily (page 56).
..." The Complete Beck Diet for Life, pg 50.

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Old 01-20-2009, 06:22 AM   #187  
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Well I let the scales get the best of me and started restricting my planned calories yesterday instead of practicing the full 7 days. I couldn't stand watching the numbers bounce up and down, edging higher overall. I stayed on plan and allowed myself a much higher calorie limit than I usually do, but still... it bugs me I let the scales have so much power over the way I act and feel. Rationally it was probably not a bad decision; if the scales are only a guide, they were definitely guiding to eating less! Emotionally though, I resent these numbers have such power to control how I feel about myself long after I've stepped off the scales. Especially since sometimes they seem so arbitrary.

Added 30 minutes on the elliptical after stretch and move class yesterday. I'm still so far from what I could do physically just a few months ago when I had been at the gym regularly. Imagine that, it didn't all come back in a week! Especially yoga, there's just more "body" in the way; every class is a diet motivator! Thanks maryblu for JOY of movement is the biggest advantage of all. I am still feeling a higher energy level waking up, probably because I'm sleeping so much better!

angelmomma Sympathy on DH around the house all the time; went through that last year myself. What a challenge not to say things I would regret. I kept telling myself conflict between us would only make the whole situation worse and tried to make my "suggestions" as gentle as possible. Have faith, it will work out. Kudoes on focusing on you ; making cards and memory box!

Bill Regarding head colds and sleep deprivation: In one study, a 26-minute nap improved NASA pilots’ performance by 34 percent. (Brain Rules). What else can you do in 30 minutes that improves your efficiency by 1/3? Is that an excuse for a nap or what! As Robin said, getting rest is unbelievably important. Robin congrats on 2 more lbs!

kuhljeanie Yeah for getting in the 160s!

rachel Kudos on cooking and bonding without binging! My husband has that "food is love" gene; I have to go to my response card " I'm entitled to do what I have to do to lose weight, as long as I am nicely assertive". Bill's that's not about me resonates with me too.

anne Glad you got meds for the sinus infection. Hope that gets you up and running.

Suppposed to get some snow today - hope it holds off until I've been to the gym; CREDIT me for not using that as an excuse!

Have a great Tuesday!
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Old 01-20-2009, 08:44 AM   #188  
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Diet coaches/buddies: Thank you to all the veterans that have made the committment to post here. I receive the gift that you all have created a safe place for me to come,grow,tweak and change. I love hearing all your experiences, helps me to ponder new things to try, give myself credit for the changes and gently let go of the stuff that isn't about me anymore!!!
Davidette You encourage me by exercising. I haven't add that back in to my routine. I used to really enjoy water aerobics and walking, but stopped months ago. I read your entry and know that to change for good, I must have an exercise program outside of housework and my job.

Bill Thanks for taking the time to consistently be here. You are an example of...If you work the principles, it will work. Thanks for the little book blurbs at the end of your posts. Little bits of wisdom to chew on,,,,help me
Marylu,Robin, Angelmomma,kuhljeanie,Anne, Jill and Jennifer, and Lily glad to have you as diet buddies and on this journey to a more healthy lifestyle. Blessings on all your choices today
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Old 01-20-2009, 10:30 AM   #189  
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Default (blog) inauguration day!

morning all! was so pleased to receive a comment on my brand-new blog already! thanks, bill, for the idea for YET ANOTHER small business. filling my head with more food-production dreams, just when i was letting the cake business slack off. apparently to do this right, i need to buy a special piece of kitchen equipment that allows me to maintain precise water temperatures to cook things properly using the sous vide method. i'm not sure about that yet...we're still staggering under the volume and bulk of all the cake stuff (which i do still use, don't get me wrong!) we just need a MUCH bigger kitchen. sigh.

had a beautiful run yesterday (had to postpone until i could get to a treadmill, given the crap weather. i'm committed, but i'm not insane.) unfortunately i pushed myself hard enough to experience the dreaded "runner's trots" which made for an uncomfortable commute home. i'm down another pound today - i may have discovered the real reason runners are so skinny! will work equally hard today, although i am extremely tired. just couldn't get to sleep last night. i'd doze off, then wake up, over and over. compounding the problem, el nino was up at 5:30 and i spent over an hour getting him back down. i FINALLY fell good and asleep around 7:30 - just in time to start getting ready for work. fortunately there's a school bus that comes around at 7:45 and that woke me up so i wasn't too horribly late for work today.

anne, another day OP is NEVER boring! you go, girl! hope those sinuses clear up quickly. bill, tamale pie sounds yummy! i'm thinking about a crockpot version - like a thick taco soup. it would probably freeze well. cheers! davidette, i hear you on those numbers! it's a real trick to allow them to make you feel pleased when they go your way, but to stay mellow and objective when they don't. sounds like you're finding your balance. rachel! welcome! let me echo others' comments on the joy of movement. i can move faster now that i'm somewhat lighter, but the real wonder is that it just feels better. can't wait to get to know you better! chris, looking forward to hearing about that memory box. you don't have to wait until you've read the new book to start eating better, do you?

waving at lily, onebyone, mary, jen, and kim!

Last edited by kuhljeanie; 01-20-2009 at 10:31 AM.
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Old 01-20-2009, 11:49 AM   #190  
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Good Morning

Bill~ oooooo tamalie pie, that sounds good!! Your getting to be quite the chef!

Anne~ Oh, sinus infections are never fun!! Hopefully that will clear up soon for you. Kudos for being on plan! I think boring op is good.....eventful op days might mean you've been struggling with something. Yah for boring on plan!

davidette~ Awesome job with the 30min on the eliptical!! Kudos!!

helping rachel~
I receive the gift that you all have created a safe place for me to come,grow,tweak and change.
Thank you for that. I hadn't thought of 3fc's that way. But you are right, when support isnt forthcoming and you need someplace where you aren't judged, this is the safe place. Thank you for the reminder

Jean~ did I miss the blog post? Can you post a link or pm it to me pls

onebyone~ how are you making out?

One of my favourite quotes is "Always bite off more than you can chew, then figure out to chew it."

Well it seems Ive done just that again. Within 24hrs of sending out vendor information for our event.....almost all the tables are taken! With the feedback Ive been getting, Im almost worried that our venue isnt going to be big enough. But wow, what fun this is turning out to be!!

Ive really been fighting with myself to NOT change my goal for this event. When I am going to be front and center for most of it...I really dont want to look like a big blob up there. I know I not a big blob, but that is where my brain goes Ok, that's out there.....and I know its a thinking error. *sigh* Im workin' on it!

Eating is off, Im eating on plan, but not enough food. I need to find some way to add more "good" foods without triggering any sugar cravings.

Exercise is not too shabby. Ive been walking back and forth to the shop...but the treadmill is collecting dust again.

I promise myself to get on it tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I even got my water in yesterday!!! This is quite the feat folks, because our bathroom at the shop is so cold its like going out to the outhouse! It would be ok if I didnt have to remove any clothing!!

Have a great day everyone!
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Old 01-20-2009, 02:03 PM   #191  
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Morning all. Doing alot better..started my vitamins again..was out for over 2 weeks and just keep forgetting to get them. Staying op right now and reading my cards.
I really appreciate all of you. You help me by your give me advice and most of all you let me come here and just be myself. Thanks
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Old 01-20-2009, 03:23 PM   #192  
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Hi Everyone.

I lost 20lbs on WW, but realize that I need to change how I think and feel about food. I browsed thru Dr Beck's newest book and felt like it was the right plan for me. I was just wondering if it is worth it to get both books, or is the new one a rehashing of the original book?

Also would you recommend the workbook? Amazon has a deal where you can get all 3 for $40. Just wanted some feedback before I splurged. From what I have read here, in the Beck diet threads, I think it will work best for me.

Thank you.
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Old 01-20-2009, 04:12 PM   #193  
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all 3 books for $40? Id jump on that one!! I have all 3

I loved the first one and the workbook has been sooooooo helpful to me. Im just starting to read the new book. But I love the concept of it! Its working for me.
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Old 01-20-2009, 09:24 PM   #194  
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Coaches/Buddies Another on plan, sick day. I stayed home again, but I'm thinking I'll be back at work tomorrow. I got to watch the inauguration. I did far too much housework today, and after this I need to go clean up the rest of the mess for the housecleaners tomorrow. I always hate how that works.

Bill Your tamale pie sounds interesting.

davidette I got the scales to have less power over me by weighing myself something like every hour for a week. It sounds pretty obsessive, but I got to know how much my clothes weighed, how much I weighed before and after lunch, before and after working out, what variation I got from different scales and what not. After seeing as much as a 10 lb difference in a single day, I find it hard to get really worked up over small day-to-day fluctuations. It is the longer term trends that I watch now.

Good for you for adding some exercise.

Rachel You are sounding so peaceful and centered in your posts. That'll be a nice antidote to me in this thread. I have a tendency to be pretty tightly wound.

Jean Beautiful run on a treadmill?? Really?? What kind of stuff are you putting in these meals of yours? I can never get past the gerbil feeling myself.

RobinW Everything is just clicking for you!

Chris Glad the vitamins and helping out. Nice work with your cards.

Lucky Charms I think the basics of the CT techniques are covered pretty well in all the books. I'd probably pick BDS if you already have a food plan, WW sounds like? I'm not familiar enough with the workbook to know what to tell you about that.

DS is calling. He's supposed to be asleep so I can clean the house while DH is puttering downstairs. Time to reinsert pacifier, I think!


Last edited by AnneWonders; 01-20-2009 at 09:25 PM.
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Old 01-20-2009, 10:17 PM   #195  
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Thumbs up Happy Inauguration Day to my American Friends.

Good Evening everyone.

I'm not having very many good days lately. Since I opened the door to sugar I have yet to close it.

I was sitting in Graduation Review Class this morning and a panic came over me. This is an extra class for those of us getting ready to graduate at the end of June. So part of the whole thing is we will have a boatload of group photos done of us. They will be everywhere: press kits, website, booklet, invitation cards. I am sure you know where I am going with this. I have 6 months to graduation. I feel so unable to lose even one pound. This week I went up 7. 7. yeah. Water weight for sure but you know, I just don't know what to do. Or even where to start. I don't want to be the "fat one" in those group photos. I really don't. Even if I lost 10lbs/month I'd still be the fat one...but not the really fat one. We have a slim trim mostly 20 something hip group. I just don't want to look really awful and the stress of this kind of stuff traditionally, historically, habitually, makes me turn to food. I feel between a rock and a hard place.

And yet.

So? Why would these next 6 months be any better or worse than any other 6 months? It's still day by day. I just need to start doing something. I've been getting lots of exercise due to the bus strike. Since I am stuck at the school for an extra 4-5 hours above and beyond my classes every day during the week it's pretty much a daily occurence that to get anywhere to keep myself entertained is at least a 30 minute walk. So credit moi for continuing to move.
Now I just need to get the rest of it together. I'm working on it.

PS: as for the bus strike we were told it will be TWELVE weeks after the strike is over to get the buses fully going.50% will be running if they are safety certified. Today both sides are at the exact same impasse they were at before. If they went back tomorrow, there would still be no buses for the course of my school semester. I'd just better accept it cause I really can't change it. What a dumb situation. Idiots.

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