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Old 01-05-2009, 05:22 AM   #46  
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Thumbs up Welcome golfgal7


Welcome to the Complete Beck Diet for Life / Beck Diet Solution Discussion Group, Support Group, Diet Coach / Diet Buddy Group.

And, in honor of your first day of posting on 3FC,

How did you find out about The Beck Diet Solution?

And how did you find 3FC and this thread?
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Old 01-05-2009, 06:23 AM   #47  
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Thumbs up Monday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Because our schedules conflicted, I ate dinner alone last night, from leftovers. Good choices of leftovers and that deep satisfaction of emptying four small containers from the fridge. CREDIT moi. Then DW can home unexpected early and I joined her for her dinner, sharing some soup and crackers. Off plan; Oh Well. Then rushed off to my 7pm meeting where there was, unexpectedly, a table of snack food. Took some baba-ganoush and a homemake pumpkin brownie. Double Oh Well. Not too much of anything, but definitely in need of some of that ole time NO CHOICE if the face of unexpectedllies.

onebyone - Hope you are headed off to school with your friend. Kudos to your federal Minister of Labour for taking an action to try to break the impasse with the buses. [Note to my spell checker: Down boy, I am quite happy with L-a-b-o-u-r, thank you very much.]

Thanks for the tips about employment at Costco. There are parts of their operation that would appeal to me - just the efficiency of the whole thing. Little things like the cooler for special order cakes is serve yourself. Find your own name and pick up your own order. That makes sense to me, including the polite sign that reminds us that other people might have the same last name so kindly check the whole name, LOL.

Heidi (landlady6) - Kudos for preparing the meals for the week, and for "wiing" alot, and moving on in the new Beck program. Ouch for the old tension between the benefits of the structure of the work week versus the joy of unstructured play week. Hope all your kids return from vacation ready to settle down and do school work.

Robin (RobinW) - Ouch for the 10pm monsters. Kudos for gathering your wits per, "I have control, I control how I feel, I control what goes into my mouth." Continuing to send supportive thoughts as you deal with this quarterly emotional event.

Anne (wndranne) - Kudos for marching forward with the new Beck plan. Just love "It is getting to be habit." I can picture Judith applauding. You sound like you have the week planned; thanks for the demo that the way to make it easier is to plan it in advance.

Kim (bennyhannamama) - Big Kudos for continuing to increase your social events. Your New Years Eve celebration sounds super fun and so liberating for you. And Kudos for setting yourself up with a gym membership for the year.

Glad you're getting the new Beck book so that you can start the new program with so many of us here.

Chris (Anglemoma210) - Kudos for keeping your perspective per, "I am more than numbers on a scale." And thanks for sharing your strategy at Sam's Club - putting your DH's arm around you to remember to stay in control. I'd like to try that one, but my DW would rather have her teeth drilled than to go into a warehouse store - just not her thing.

Good luck with your doctor's appointment.

Lilly (lilyyoung) - Congrats on your loss, even if overnight - it's always encouraging when the scale is validating. Kudos for making a plan for your meeting where food is expected.

As to substitutions: I substitute; that works for me. Others don't; that works for them. I get this feeling when I'm off-plan in my worst eat-like-there's-no-tomorrow manner. That's the feeling I've got to avoid and substituting doesn't send me there. YMMV. Good luck in working that through. I'm a big believer that you gotta work each one of these out to fit your own style. What's easy for one of us might not be the thing that's easy for you.

golfgal7 - Neat to use your travel time to listen to Beck from the CD. Makes me wonder if the new book is on CD yet.

Readers -
"The Role of Thinking

Some dieters erroneously believe that they can't develop a strong resistance muscle because they think they eat "automatically." they say they don't know how they finished the box of crackers or the bag of trail mix. But eating is never automatic. Digestion is automatic. The beating of your heart is automatic. Eating is not." The Complete Beck Diet for Life, pg 20.
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Old 01-05-2009, 09:20 AM   #48  
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angelmomma210 I gather you are dealing with unemployment. Having recently been through that with my husband, I know how incredibly stressful that can be. One thing that helped me was the idea that you are more likely to get what you focus on. Everyone believes focusing on a goal helps to achieve it; success will probably not drop in your lap, whatever you want. The reverse of that is focusing on what you don't want; that is, worrying about what might happen, would tend to bring you that result also. This concept that worrying would bring me the very things I fear was enough to break the cycle when I started tail spinning into anxiety. "It will all work out for the best" became my mantra. I still use it when I start worrying this job won't last. That and deep breathing! Hope it helps.

maryblu Interesting you'd bring up the neti pot; I have recently been using mine again. I've been having a chronic slight sinus drainage in the back of my throat and after using the neti, it feels like I can breathe clearly again. It's like a breath of fresh air. Unfortunately it doesn't last but so long before the drainage comes back. If I could manage to use it more frequently I think it would help get rid of this, probably for good. About 25 years ago I used it all winter, morning and night, and did not have a single cold that season. Could have been because I was 25 years younger and healthier, but who knows?

onebyone My daughter got a Wii fit for Christmas and we played on it yesterday. When you get it set up you are going to enjoy it. I'm sorry she'll be leaving in a few days to go back to school, taking it with her. I really like the balance games; even though I'm terrible at them, you can't help but laugh and enjoy yourself.

Bill I'm a regular Costco customer so I know exactly what you are talking about. At one point I was able to go in there with specific rules: You can't eat standing up, so if you want the sample that bad, be willing to wrap it up and eat it in your car or at the snack bar later sitting down. (2) Don't taste anything you aren't considering buying. The first time I managed this I was on top of the world. I'm going to be there again someday and stay there this time. I'll be using that thought "it's not like it's food"; how true and how motivating!

Thanks for the sympathy re: my mom's dementia. Actually its helped me focus on rewiring my brain NOW. She's pretty much locked in a loop. If I have to "lock in" I want it to be in a positive place.

I'm trying to use the workbook for the first Beck book in combination with the new Beck book and the days / skill order don't quite agree. In an event I'm going to stall for a few days and work on conscious eating. I've got to stop thinking of it as torture in my mind. It's just a habit.

I was beating myself up for the things I didn't do yesterday until I looked at what I actually did do. So I ate twice with my family on a planned "no distractions" day, I also ate mindfully alone 3 times. I didn't make a post here, but I did read the current posts and honestly, as I sat at the table alone having my evening snack, feeling sorry for myself that I couldn't at least curl up with a book at the same time, I thought of you guys being strong in your own ways, all across the country. Being part of a group does help tremendously. Thanks everyone for being so interested and interesting!
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Old 01-05-2009, 09:44 AM   #49  
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Default happy monday coaches!

the sinus draining continues. (sounds like a dishy soap, no? ) i brought my gym bag to work today, which may be a touch over-optimistic, but it's possible that yoga class won't involve a lot of inverted poses. shall see. if it does, i'll be delighted to spend 45 minutes walking on the treadmill. i don't want to overdo it, but i can't help but think that a little more movement than i've been getting will make me feel good.

credit moi - put together my bistro-style breakfasts last week, and ate the first this morning. it took me about an hour and a half to make up about 20 breakfasts. not too shabby - and there's a learning curve to it, for sure. i've got some room to get better with my egg rings. the trick will be figuring out the right temperature to start them cooking, and the right amount of egg in the ring, so they don't "leak" into the pan. i ended up with 4 good ones and two scrambled egg breakfasts. nothing lost!

a happy sidebar to the economy sucking - the monday morning doughnuts and bagels have been eliminated to save money. wish the coffee hadn't gone away with it, but i have tea at my desk, and they're still generously providing unlimited quanitites of hot water.

glad to be back at work!

great catch, bill! i can't handle sam's/costco either. i either go beserk or make myself crazy trying NOT to go beserk amongst the mountains of mini cream puffs, frozen taquitos, buffalo chicken pastry bites, and buggles. it's too much. DH does the sam's shopping for the family, usually less sexy items like diapers and cat chow. it's great that we have different issues.

hiya heidi! i know how you feel about the love/hate relationship with the structure of work. it's almost a relief to be back, but i'm already dreaming about my next vacation (and bummed about how long it's going to be until we can afford it.) oh well!

anne! sounds like my plan too! i'll miss the kid, but i won't miss the whining. he fought tooth and friggin nail this morning against taking the antibiotics for his ear and eye and screamed about having to wear a coat. cried all the way to daycare...he's somebody else's headache now, bless him. your exercise plan is very similar to mine!

hey been there! the good thing is that a mopey mood passes just like a storm cloud, and you know that you can't REALLY use food to make yourself feel better, because it doesn't. and OF COURSE you can do this (but you already know that.) how tired are you these days? what's really bugging you? you already have a permanent solution, but it's a process, not a result. so. sounds like you're already feeling better!

morning robin! sounds like a HIIT workout for your resistance muscle. does it feel sore? kudos for fighting the fight! sounds like the damage was far less than what it could have been. go you!

hiya kim! nice to hear from you again! i used to travel constantly for work, and ate meal after meal alone in restaurants. it freaked me out in the beginning, but i got used to it and started to like it after a while. what a nice thing, to enjoy your own company! happy new year!

hi angelmomma! great strategy for costco! hope your appointment goes well.

heidi - was the neti pot a mess when you first started using it? i'm intrigued by it, know it's supposed to work well, but i get freaked out by the idea of it.

welcome golfgal!

hi lily! enjoy your event tonight. sounds like a good plan!
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Old 01-05-2009, 09:54 AM   #50  
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sorry davidette! looks like you posted while i was typing. isn't it amazing how quick we are to beat the crap out of ourselves for the things we do wrong, and never consider how much we do right? the way you're handling your mother's illness is inspiring.

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Old 01-05-2009, 11:30 AM   #51  
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Good Morning

Bill~ Costco is a dangerous place sometimes!! Mind you I did find a really nice fish from those samples. Im taking issue more with the employee that should have kept her mouth shut!! It might have stopped you, but you were stopped the wrong way. hmmm. Thank you for your supportive thoughts coming by way.

davidette~ Big Kudos!! Sounds like you did really good......and when you are sitting there feeling alone, know that you really arent. We are all right there with you

sounds like a HIIT workout for your resistance muscle. does it feel sore?
Ha!! I never thought of it this way, but man you are right that is exactly what I was doing with my resistance muscle!!!! My brain hurt too

Isnt it a funny thing about the doughnuts and bagels....when you ask for them to be removed they dont. Money crunches and they are gone!! Kinda cool tho that you no longer have to deal with them!!

landlady6~ Kudos for getting your veggies chopped and the crockpot filled up!!! It always helps so much to have stuff ready to grab out of the fridge!

Anne~ Yah for whine-free time to yourself!! That alone is just heavenly! lol I didnt give myself credit for holding out until 10pm. I berated myself for giving in. Thank you for pointing out that in its own little way it was a small success.


bennyhm~ Kudos for committing to your half marathon!! Awesome!!

onebyone~ did you get your walk over to the mall? It was beautiful out yesterday wasnt it?!! Today too, but its super slippery on the sidewalks.

Alright well yesterday wasnt a total loss, but it wasnt the greatest. As kuhljeanie suggested, I did HIIT with my resistance muscle yesterday....pretty much all day. I cleaned the entire house trying to keep my hands from putting food into my mouth. I did pretty good until after supper. I will say tho, that compared to the past yesterday was ok. I dont have the intense guilt I usually have over my behaviour. It wasnt good, but it wasnt a food free for all. Is there such a thing as a controlled binge? If so, that is what happened.

Its over.....until March

I am back in control and feeling ok with myself

Today's plan.........go out and get a new pair of runners. Leave them by the treadmill so I have one less excuse! Ive moved the weights as well and my exercise ball so everything is in the same place.

Healthy food is packed for lunch, hubby is making another cup of coffee and everything feels right in the world again

Have a great day everyone!

Im going to post this here.......then come back and add more. Im having trouble with loosing posts.

Last edited by RobinW; 01-05-2009 at 11:46 AM.
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Old 01-05-2009, 12:52 PM   #52  
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Thumbs up planning for success - day 1 week 2 of 8 weeks

Good Afternoon (what already?!) Coaches

I re-arranged my work schedule since I didn't find my co-workers number, but I didn't look that hard for it I will go in Wed to Fri this week. Today I am getting some more cleaning done and trying out a new exercise routine recommended to me. It's called T-Tapp. Here's the link: I just wanted to do something for 15 minutes and I guess all these samples are about 15min put together. Sounds intriguing. I have no idea what this stuff is about, which is also intriguing. I also discovered a whole bunch of recipes to try so I am a happy camper. Kudos moi for looking ahead and PLANNING FOR SUCCESS.

My friend is going to pick me up tomorrow morning and we'll have a coffee together and plan our weekly art project for 2009. We always make a committment to do something on a reg basis and haven't committed to that yet. Not sure what we'll be doing yet. And he's also going to take me to the Costco so i can get my bp meds and we'll probably leave there so I can do some grocery shopping, so I am glad to be looking at recipes and planning my week today. Kudos moi for all this planning again.

I did two other things to further my goals: I joined Freecyle for my city on the net and just posted that I have boxes and boxes of magazines from 2006 to 2008 to give away, unsorted just take it. A major de-cluttering obstacle for me are those magazines. AND I also wrote a email to a local orgainzation called Just Food who help citizens set up community gardens in their area. We are a dense housing complex with a varied imigrant population, many of who would I am sure love to grow their own vegetables. Seems there is a heck of a lot of lawn around here that would be much better served as gardens. As it is there is a meeting about how to do this kind of thing on Jan 19th and I asked to be put on the list to attend, promising I'd be there unless the bus strike thwarts me. Maybe it'll be over by then? I have wanted to do some community service but there wasn't anything I was that passionate about to be so social but this? This I believe in and would happily give my time to. Kudos moi for stepping out of my box.

That's it. Oh I did just have breakfast by candlelight again at my kitchen table in my morning sun kitchen. i ate mindfully (kuods moi) and peacefully.

RobinW hi! yeah I got to the mall, and back! I think you did okay yesterday so wanted to send an officialy kudos for your controlled binge. We make progress by baby steps...

kuhljeanie that made me laugh about the cost cutting re: bagels and doughuts! Guess they were feeling the pinch on that one eh?

davidette Kudos for eating alone and for really trying and being aware of Beck principles. that's all good. And it helps me too to remember I am not alone trying to change the way I think and react to food. I am glad you are here posting with the rest of us.

BillBlueEyes Oh well is a very valuable strategy for when we go off plan isn't it? We just get back on track. It takes all that self-hatred and berating out of the equation. One does not need lead to the next... going off plan to staying off plan. This equation no longer computes. Look all these brainiacs say it doesn't compute either! hahaha!

landlady6 Kudos for pre-planning your food. So very important. I keep going back to that... Thanks for your thoughtful response to my post. The black cloud thinking has left me for now. As for the doghair catnip mice, the one I bought was labrador retiriever! (hmmm or was it labradoodle?)

wndranne Congrats on getting so many days in that it's starting to get boring! This means routine...awesome! And yeah, getting out into the sun really helped yesterday. I get cabinfever when I am inside too long.

angelmomma210 I am hoping you hear what you need at the heart Dr. to feel better... glad to see you feeling more positive and looking ahead... it's what a new year is best at I think!

bennyhannahmamaBig Kudos for all those positive actions you've taken lately. Wow. Nice to see. And good to hear from you too... keep going!

golfgal7 Glad to hear you too are finding good things in the Beck book. Me too. It really helps. Thanks for posting!

Off to try out that T-Tapp! update: yikes! t-tapp looked too complicated for me today so I opted to do a 15minute 1mile WATP workout instead. Will attempt t-tapp another day!
Enjoy your day....

Last edited by onebyone; 01-05-2009 at 03:57 PM.
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Old 01-05-2009, 02:34 PM   #53  
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Good afternoon! Wow, the group is growing - that is a good thing! I don't have time for personals today but I have read all your posts. They are so inspirational. I order Dr. Beck's new book from Walmart online for $15.81. It's not available in their stores. Hopefully it will be in by the weekend so I can spend some time reading it.

I was doing good with my weekend until yesterday. Friends invited me to go for coffee and a bagel after church. I decided the bagels were so big and the scones were so small, I'd be better off having a scone. Unfortunately not so. Anyway, I decided to just have soup for lunch to make up for it. That left me hungry and the next thing I know I'm eating P&B sandwich and a Slim-A-Bear ice cream bar and a handful of cashews. Needless to say, that blew my day apart BUT I did get back on track with dinner and didn't wait for tomorrow and continue eating. Credit moi for that. Next time I'll just have coffee. It was stupid to have the scone when I was even hungry.

I am so looking forward to being able to get rid of the brace for my thumb and getting back to exercising at Curves. Friday should be the day.

Two things I've learned - planning is the key and forgiving yourself if you slip and getting right back on plan with the next meal.

Well, I have to get to work so have a good evening!
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Old 01-05-2009, 09:53 PM   #54  
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Just a short note to let you know what happened at the dr. I have not been on what they call beta blockers...that is suppose to help your heart not go into a-fib. I had an older german dr. and he said that I should try them..the first one I tried quite a few years ago..did not work. Am gonna try a newer one now and see how that works. If I can stay away from surgery...I will.

On plan today. Felt good. Not much other news here. Thanks for the new manra..I love it. Thanks
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Old 01-05-2009, 10:29 PM   #55  
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Coaches/Buddies Still doing really well. I had a small off-plan moment today with some coffee at work when I was really fighting the fatigue (bad sleeping last night). It was hours old and I added some half & half to make it drinkable. Oh Well. Tomorrow's lunch/snack box includes a diet Coke. Maybe not the best choice, but Oh Well. It would be lovely if I got a good night's sleep and didn't need it. I ran tonight and am ready for lifting again tomorrow. Scale is finally cooperating and weight is down. I'm doing my Beck exercises. Tired tonight, so apologies if I'm a bit terse on the personals.

Heidi Wiing sounds like fun! I have a diving game and a safari game waiting for me on Friday. Can't wait! Hope school went well.

Bill Watch out for the big post-holiday burn out! Gets me almost every year I don't prepare for it. Lots of unexpectedlies around.

davidette Glad this group is helping. Mindful eating is a tough skill. I think we just shortchange ourselves with all the stuff going on. Eating is supposed to be pleasurable and I find it weird I have to remind myself of that.

Jeanie Hooray for donuts being banned, but boo for coffee. I'm seriously impressed you are doing anything with a young son and an illness. I generally turn into a zombie. My kid-free day was nice if a bit empty; how was yours?

RobinW Sounds like you made it through in much better condition than you expected and I hope you count that as success. Getting your exercise environment together sounds wonderful.

onebyone Nice that you found a way to benefit your community and help yourself at the same time!!

Susan Good job getting back on track immediately and not waiting until tomorrow!

Chris Crossing fingers that the new meds work out for you.

OK, off to read, and then to bed. I'm skipping my evening snack because I just don't want it--not hungry, and it (popcorn) isn't appealing to me tonight. Does that count as off plan? I'm off plan then.

Have a good one!

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Old 01-05-2009, 10:50 PM   #56  
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thanks one-by-one. It's so much easier to see myself as a failure than as a success! enjoy the gardening.

angelmomma, I hope it works out with the new medicine.

thanks landlady, bill and others for your comments! I'm still learning who everybody is, and I'm often tired by the time I post, so please forgive me if I forget to acknowledge some of you. I like it when people post pictures of themselves--but I understand the desire to keep some privacy. I know I haven't done it either--yet.

It was an okay day on Weight Watchers. Yesterday I had rebound eating after my event. I only saved 4 points (about 200 cals.) for dinner, but instead I had movie popcorn and diet ice cream out, and came home and had pizza, so I was up a pound this morning. I wasn't able to get on track during all that, but I started back on track this morning. I've managed to avoid signing up for the gym, but hopefully I will do it sometime this week.

It's good for me to hear that even successful maintainers, like Bill, sometimes eat in an unplanned way. Goodnight, all,
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Old 01-06-2009, 12:08 AM   #57  
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Hi team,
I am feeling like I am getting my mojo back.. feels GREAT. I am actually shifting my mindset to REALLY feeling like I want to take care of myself. I have always wanted to want to... and have gone through bouts of doing so but to WANT to...are you with me? I feel tired right now and think that I will actually...go to bed. Usually, I would do a bunch of random stuff online (this doesn't count as random..this is intentional, this beck board stuff! ) and probably eat a bunch of food.. I am slowing down and realizing that my body doesn't need or, when I am still enough I can realize, want any food. Whoa..that is new territory for me. I am in this habit of expressing freedom when my daughter goes to bed.. so that is when I stay awake and do random stuff so that I can "enjoy" being alone... ??? Kudos to me for...eating mindfully today-I caught myself a few times going onto automatic and slowed down. I got on the wii this morning and did some yogaand weighed in. I set a 5 lb goal on wiifit and am moving in the right direction! I LOVE pedicures and have decided that, for every 5 lbs I lose, I will get a pedicure. NICE!

BBE: I am sorry about all the unexpected food temptations-that BITES. I loved your description of the difference between making substitutions and being "off plan".

davidette: Thanks so much for the reminder of how we go for what we see- is so true!

Kuhljeanie: the netipot is really no big deal-even the first time I used it, it wasn't too bad. The water should be lukewarm and I use just a small amound of that saline powder that they tell you to use. It really does relieve the pressure temporarily. Seriously-watch the youtube video (search for it-there are several but the first one is what I have seen) exactly how it goes... am always so impressed with your commitment to exercise...

RobinW-you sound like you are being a littler gentler on yourself. Easy for me to say since I am VERY hard on myself too.. great to distract with housecleaning-that is a win win! And oh well for the controlled binge.
onebyone: big kudos for taking the initiative on that community garden cause. And for clearing out clutter and for planning ahead and keeping things fresh with new recipes. will have to google ttapp...

Quilterin VA: great attitude for getting back into the groove of this-I am in the same camp.

angelmomma: sounds like it is worth a try to avoid surgery-good luck!

wndranne: ou are on a roll! It is hard for me to keep up with personals as well.. we all do what we can right? Way to pay attention to hunger with the popcorn...

lilyyoung: Great that you are back on track-keep up the hard work.
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Old 01-06-2009, 06:48 AM   #58  
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Thumbs up Tuesday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - I had to bring food for shared snacks to an evening meeting, so brought red bell pepper strips, cucumber slices, and cilantro hummus. CREDIT moi for bringing something that I wanted to eat rather than crackers and cheese which I thought the others would prefer. I was one-upped by a truly mindful eater who brought raw turnip slices for her dip. They were great - who'd thunk.

onebyone - Big Kudos for attacking those old magazines. It just amazes me what our barriers to a sane environment can be. Here's hoping that some school teacher is desperately looking for a source for cutting out pictures and jumps at your offer.

Heidi (landlady6) - Yay for Return of the Mojo - sounds like a good movie. Kudos for giving yourself credit as well as for getting in your wii exercise.

Robin (RobinW) - Yay for being back in control. Yay for new runners. Yay for "everything feels right in the world again." I will remember to send silent supportive thoughts your way each quarter when suffering the pain of paying estimated taxes - seem appropriate that those two events are linked, LOL.

Jean (kuhljeanie) - LOL that a benefit of the weak economy is loss of FREE donuts; now that's the kind of benefit I can use. Ouch that you're still working sinuses. Kudos for preparing such a wad of Jeanie-Bistro breakfast's. (Patiently waiting to hear that you're starting a business delivering designer diet meals.)

Anne (wndranne) - Yuck for old coffee. Double Yuck for adding half and half attempting to make it drinkable. BTDT. (It wasn't, of course, but that never stopped me, LOL.) And thanks for the reminder "Lots of unexpectedlies around."

Speaking of gaining weight, do you have any insight into our collective 50% overnight weight gain, per
Scientists mapped the Milky Way in a more detailed, three-dimensional way and found that it's 15 percent larger in breadth. More important, it's denser, with 50 percent more mass, which is like weight. The new findings were presented Monday at the American Astronomical Society's convention in Long Beach, Calif.

That difference means a lot, said study author Mark Reid of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass. The slight 5-foot-5, 140-pound astrophysicist said it's the cosmic equivalent of him suddenly bulking up to the size of a 6-foot-3, 210-pound NFL linebacker.
And does it give you shivers to think that you could present a professional paper and have the press describe your weight and build for all the world to ponder?

Susan (QuilterInVA) - Neat summary, "Two things I've learned - planning is the key and forgiving yourself if you slip and getting right back on plan with the next meal." Gotta agree with those.

Ouch for the scone - they're evil. Prior to my healthy journey I had a scone at the airport Starbucks at least once a month - thought I was eating something healthy, LOL.

Chris (Anglemoma210) - Kudos for on plan. Yay for the new drug to counter the a-fib. Hope it's the one.

davidette - Kudos for stepping back and giving yourself credit. That was a hard one for me, and remains so.

I shared your insights into the benefits of your mother's dementia with my friend who is the primary caregiver for the guy I mentioned - who really appreciated that insight. Said that this guy is always happy, like he was in real life, in contrast to a friend with a similar job who was tense and challenging. In dementia, the challenging guy is not happy, but confrontive and challenging. A remarkable motivator to find our emotional equilibrium while we have that option.

Lilly (lilyyoung) - Kudos for getting right back on track, that seems to be the secret of success. And good luck in continuing to see yourself as a success.

Readers -
"Before you eat, you always have a thought, even if you're not fully conscious of it. The thought may be as simple as I'm going to eat this." . . . The Complete Beck Diet for Life, pg 20.

Last edited by BillBlueEyes; 01-07-2009 at 04:00 AM.
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Old 01-06-2009, 09:00 AM   #59  
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Good Morning coaches

I'm just sitting here waiting for my friend to show so we can get out to Costco for my prescription and also find a nice place to sit and have a coffee in. It'll be good to chat over coffee , one of my favorite things to do.

Well I had a 100% onplan day yesterday including, credit moi, a 15min exercise session. I hope to repeat both events today and have started well by getting a good breakfast in me AND making a shopping list in case my friend brings me to a grocery store (not Costco cause I don't have much $. I may have, like $20 and at Costco ONE item is like $20).

I will call the school today and get in touch with Val in the office who can give me a ride in to the school tomorrow to get going on the clean up in the studio. Oh and the union for the transit workers will hold the vote on the contract on Thursday morning. My friend believes it will pass. She can't even conceive of them not voting for it cause they no longer have leaverage with us. For a while there I was voicing my opinion that they may NOT vote for it but she won't listen and keeps trying to bait me into that conversation now but I just stay quiet and let the words pass on by... If it does pass it'll take a week to get the buses into driving condition. They've been idle in the bus yards for weeks now as the mechanics were out on strike too. So we may have bus service a week from Friday. Maybe.

Guess that's it. it's movie day this afternoon and I am choosing madagascar2. It was either that or Valkyrie (and I already know that story and how it turns out!) and you know, at this time of year I always feel a little blue so I am all for the happy goofy movie. I will once again, be passing on the popcorn like last week. I will reserve the right to get the Giant Diet Pop though even though I am trying not to take in fake sugar... it's the best solution for now as I will just feel resentful if I only have water. Not quite there yet with some issues...

Bye for now. I'll check back in for personals later.

Have a good day.
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Old 01-06-2009, 10:34 AM   #60  
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Good Morning

The sun is shining!!!! I love it!! It can be freezing my butt off cold but if the sun is shining, I feel good!! Nothing like a little vitamin D to perk me up I'll be heading out in a little while to get some running around done. Then back to the shop to take down the christmas decorations and replace them with valentines stuff.

onebyone~ yah for getting out to the mall!! Enjoy your coffee date with your girlfriend. I love doing that and havent in quite a while....thanks for the reminder

Bill~ Kudos for bringing food you would eat rather than what everyone else might want. You have me wondering on those turnip slices???? I just cant imagine slicing one of those suckers without a big mega industrial electric slicer

Thank you for your support!

landlady~ I have to tell you, trying to be easier on myself has been quite a challenge. But it is certainly something Dr. Beck has taught me. Get over it and get on with it. Kudos for eating mindfully and kudos for getting your mojo back....I love it when that happens!

......well that's a first I hit some odd button and I posted before I was done
Ive got more to say....

Anne~ yuck for the old coffee! Thank you for recognizing what is right in front I didnt count it as a success but I should have. Thank you for that! I hope you get some great sleep!

quilter & angelmomma

Yesterday wasnt a stellar day, but it was better than my brain seemed to believe at the time. I was walking out of famous footwear with my new runners and was going thru the day's food. Everything was on plan except for a 4pm slip-up. Once I thought about it, I realized I actually had a pretty good day. BB (before beck) I would have taken that as my cue to eat the rest of the day ....and to eat in accordance to my old habits.

Speaking of habits.......I have a big honkin' kudos for myself I wanted to mention. Ive started adding whole grains back into my diet. Starting with brown rice and oatmeal. Here is the thing...I dont really want it right now. So the other night for supper I made a nice chicken dish with lf cheese, tomatoes and sf salad dressing. Tossed it in the toaster oven to get all melty and warm. When I was getting ready to serve it, I put hubby's serving ontop of his brown rice. I was thinking....hmm that's too heavy for me. The lightbulb went off and I went and got the baby spinach out of the fridge and put my serving ontop of the spinach!! Yah Kudos for me! Off plan, but in my opinion it was a better plan

Have a great day everyone!

Last edited by RobinW; 01-06-2009 at 10:46 AM.
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