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Old 09-01-2008, 11:48 AM   #1  
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Default "VOLUMETRICS" -- Fall is in the Air

. . . Thought we should have a new start once again, since it is the start of a new month and, for some reason (at least to me) Labour Day always feels like the start of the new season as well . . . Hope this will become one of your favourite places at 3FC . . .

VOLUMETRICS is not new, it just hasn't been making as big a splash in the weight loss community as some of the better known plans. I first discovered Volumetrics about a year or two ago thanks to the review on 3FC. After reading the review I went and bought both of the books and decided the Principles of Volumetrics was something I could live with . . . forever.

VOLUMETRICS explains how to FEEL FULL ON FEWER CALORIES . . . and let's face it, most of us won't stick with something very long, if we feel totally deprived all the time. The guiding principle is to get the 'highest volume of food at the lowest cost in calories' by choosing foods with a lower ED (Energy Density). BTW, 3FC has a data-base of over 7000 foods and is one of the few that includes the ED for all the items.

What foods have a lower ED? Basically, those that contain the highest water and fibre contents . . . for example; we all know that grapes and raisins start out as the same fruit, right? Raisins simply have had the water content removed. Did you know that 1/4 cup of raisins contains about 100 calories? More importantly . . . did you know that you can eat almost 2 full cups of grapes for the same 100 calories! I know which would make me feel fuller and stay fuller for longer . . . how about you?

Anyway, enough of my blathering for now . . . Please come and join our little discussion group as we help each other make our way along the long and winding road to better health and fitness the VOLUMETRICS way . . . hope to see you all soon . . .
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Old 09-01-2008, 11:55 AM   #2  
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Yesterday was a really strange day . . . it looked so good in the early afternoon, I decided to go do some shopping and was wandering around Walmart when a really freakish storm arrived. Walmart took a hit to their main generators and were rushing everyone through cash and out of the store while they still had emergency power. Got soaked getting to the car and then decided to do a couple more local stores anyway since they were warning everybody to stay off the roads during the downpour. Storm continued to rage throughout the night and forecast says we might be getting more rain again today.

After I finally got home, I definitely got into some food that I shouldn't have so my not so OP month really ended on a very NOP day. Hopefully, we will all have a great SEPTEMBER . . .
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Old 09-01-2008, 04:05 PM   #3  
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Count me in! I have the books on order from amazon, but am pretty familar with the concept from web articles.

Caloric density of less than 1: eat away.
Caloric density of 1 -2: Start portion control.
Caloric density over 2: red light foods

Does that sound right?

I am 54 and finally through with dieting. My approach to this is just follow the guidelines above and forget the rest. No more points, grams, carb counting for me.

I have about 60 pounds to lose. Count me in for volumetrics!

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Old 09-01-2008, 04:31 PM   #4  
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CHERYL and too . . . glad you found us. You are definitely on the right track, Chickie.
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Old 09-02-2008, 08:25 AM   #5  
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Welcome Sheryl!

Here's an inspirational quote for everyone to start off September in the right frame of mind- "Success is falling nine times and getting up ten!" I have no idea who said it- it's just one of the quotes I have posted around the house.
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Old 09-02-2008, 08:32 AM   #6  
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Good Morning, Gang . . .

Since the long weekend has now passed into history, the sun is shining. Oh well, doesn't really mean a lot to me (ORF, you know) but I do feel for those who had their last taste of summer freedom dampened by Mother Nature. I am glad to hear that her DS, Gustav, has mostly fizzled out, but looks like her latest, DD Hannah, is picking up steam and may even get all the way up to us by the coming weekend. Hey, that's a long time away from now and things may change.

I really like that quote LIZ . . . and it's so very true.

See you all later . . . keep things POP-ing today . . .
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Old 09-02-2008, 11:24 AM   #7  
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Hi everyone,

Thanks for the welcome.

My new motto is progress not perfection. Last night I ate THREE (albeit small) bowls of Breyers Free French Chocolate Icecream. Now this icecream is fat free and full of fiber, and has a low caloric density. But three bowls?

The good news is that I got on the scale this morning and didn't gain. Now I can guarantee you if that icecream had been Haagen Daas, there would definitely be a gain.

I really like Volumetrics. You read the labels and get a sense of what is high or low calorie (because of the calorie's relation to its weight), and then make a wise choice.

I'll be working my way down to one small bowl!
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Old 09-02-2008, 05:39 PM   #8  
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Welcome Sheryl!!

Today we had meetings all day. So it's only a 3 day week with the kiddos.
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Old 09-02-2008, 05:56 PM   #9  
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Hey everyone! I'll bet you all thought I had run away from home. One thing and another (obsessing on the political situation, the storm on TV and being gone for a few days) has kept me away.

Anyway, it's time for a reckoning. Tomorrow morning I will weigh myself and assess the damage.
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Old 09-03-2008, 09:05 AM   #10  
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marigolds- so does that ice cream taste good? Like real ice cream, or do you kind of have to get used to it?

I usually have that whipped chocolate yogurt in the house if I have a craving I can't get rid of, but it's not low calorie. It's just less damaging than real ice cream.

I made Gazpacho last night for the first time- it was good, but I have serious issues with the raw peppers. I even used milder banana peppers from my garden, but they still came up all night. I think I'm going to have to cook and then cool it next time, or just leave them out. It's a really perfect soup for the hot summer days, though, and it's very low ED and very healthy! Even my DH liked it, although I think I put too much lemon juice in it for him. I like stuff tangy/sour, and he doesn't so much. He also likes creamy tomato soup, so next time he's going to try stirring yogurt or sour cream into it.
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Old 09-03-2008, 09:20 AM   #11  
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Think I've mentioned before that I get good mileage out of FF/NSA yogurt by stirring in a sponfull of Splenda and a spoonfull of cocoa powder.

Just to let you know, I've been having really weird computer problems the past few days and will be making an appointment to get this nasty little beastie a checkup either Friday or Monday. At the moment, 3FC is one of the few places I'm able to access, but I don't know how much longer that may last.

Decided I needed a backup machine and bought myself a new toy yesterday, a laptop, along with a cute little stand for it (which took me over 3 hours to put together ) and a thingee for setting up my own wireless network -- BUT -- this snarly desktop (which is currently hardwired into the cable connection) will not let me load the software to set up the wireless. Today I will be tackling the laptop set up. Do any of you have any experience with VISTA? I've not been hearing much good stuff about it. We'll see.

Hopefully, I will be back . . .
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Old 09-03-2008, 07:31 PM   #12  
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I had to get a new computer, too. I got a Dell desktop with Vista. I have been having connectivity problems. Not sure if this is due to Vista/new computer or the relatively new satellite internet connection. It was working just fine, but something isn't quite right now.

Now for my "reckonning". My ticker says 142, but I only weighed 142 for a couple of days. I have held at 145 most of the time. This morning I weighed 148 after all kinds of bad eating for the last few weeks. So, it is a kind of good news/bad news thing. I am still very happy that I have kept so much off for 9 months!!!! That is better than I have ever done with the maintenance. I have GOT to get a grip and not blow this.
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Old 09-03-2008, 09:56 PM   #13  
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congrats on the new computer Gail!!!!

Everyone have a great night.
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Old 09-04-2008, 08:08 AM   #14  
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My daughter worked in the IT dept at her college until she graduated, and they held off doing anything with Vista for a long time. From what I understand, there's a lot of patches and updates that you need to stay on top of to fix the problems .

I did try mixing vanilla yogurt with diet hot chocolate powder, but it was too sweet. I should mix it with plain yogurt- it's be cheaper than buying the chocolate yogurt.

Meowee- I tried the ripe banana/fruit fly trick and it worked really well! I had to bag up all my fruit first so they had no choice but to pick the banana, but then it was easy to catch them all.

We're finally getting some rain- I think it's the leftovers from Gustav.
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Old 09-04-2008, 10:16 AM   #15  
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Took me four tries to get here this morning, but I made it . . . . . . a friend gave me a number for a local computer wizard that I'll try to get to come here to look at the desktop rather than having to lug it to Staples -- so far no answer, but my guess is he actually works somewhere and does this 'on the side' so I'll try again this evening.

Laptop is functioning and has lots of free games to keep me busy until I can get somebodyto fix this one so I can connect the internet to the new one. As soon as I manage that little chore, I'll definitely check for updates on the MS site.

The Staples guy mentioned when I complained that Vista came on the laptop that most of the problems start to arise when people try to use Vista with older software. good old 'planned obsolescence' on the part of Microsoft no doubt so we have to buy newer versions of everything they make.

Definitely try it with plain yogurt, LIZ, add your own sweetener, and definitely use unsweetened cocoa powder (I've always found that diet hot chocolate stuff to be cloyingly sweet anyway) -- that way you can control both the sweetness and the darkness/richness/bittersweetness of the chocolate component.

GAIL . . . the big secret to this weight-loss game seems to be in the keeping it off part and not neccessarily in the joy of reaching any particular number. It's pushing toward 3 years for me 'this journey' and although I've still got a long way to go before I even break out of the "obese" category. I'm both amazed and pround of my almost 75 pounds.

Okay . . . guess I'd better get around to a few places while I'm lucky enough to have a connection . . . hope to see you all later. :
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