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Old 06-03-2011, 03:38 PM   #46  
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Hi everyone!

I am savoring my last day of my week off from graduate school. (We only get a week off once every 12 weeks at the end of the quarter.). It starts up again Monday so I'll be up to my eyeballs in books all weekend.

Today has gone well program-wise. I wasn't not crazy about the tomato basil soup but it was okay. I also found the pina colada drink very sour so later today, I think I'll add some rum extract, coconut extract, and maybe some Splenda.

I am just starting week 2 and I thrilled that I get to have 1 restricted product per day. I also got a new product yesterday from my coach-soy patties. It's a mix and you put spices in it, form it into a patty, and cook it. It sounds good to me and it's not restricted. Has anyone tried it? If so, how did you spice it up? I was thinking about taco seasoning or Italian.

Have a great rest of the day! I'll check in with ya'll tomorrow...

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Old 06-03-2011, 03:44 PM   #47  
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Originally Posted by karenfromtexas View Post
Hi everyone!

I am savoring my last day of my week off from graduate school. (We only get a week off once every 12 weeks at the end of the quarter.). It starts up again Monday so I'll be up to my eyeballs in books all weekend.

Today has gone well program-wise. I wasn't not crazy about the tomato basil soup but it was okay. I also found the pina colada drink very sour so later today, I think I'll add some rum extract, coconut extract, and maybe some Splenda.

I am just starting week 2 and I thrilled that I get to have 1 restricted product per day. I also got a new product yesterday from my coach-soy patties. It's a mix and you put spices in it, form it into a patty, and cook it. It sounds good to me and it's not restricted. Has anyone tried it? If so, how did you spice it up? I was thinking about taco seasoning or Italian.

Have a great rest of the day! I'll check in with ya'll tomorrow...

My coach told me we weren't allowed to start restrictions until week 5. Is that right?
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Old 06-03-2011, 03:49 PM   #48  
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Originally Posted by ontariophotogal View Post
I kinda wish I had waited for that birthday treat until today since today is my actual birthday
Happy birthday!!

Originally Posted by BoxerFit View Post
Wow!! I didn't know there was such a thing as "food dream stage". Glad to know I'm not losing it! ha! But in that case, can't wait to dream tonight.....hopefully pizza!
Originally Posted by JoAnne9597 View Post
I haven't hit the "dreaming of food stage". When has everybody usually had this happen?
I think I had this around weeks 4 to 6. I literally dreamed that I had eaten some terrible junk food, then woke up feeling guilty. This happened two or three times. I realized that I hadn't cheated and was SO happy when I was "with it" enough to figure out it was just a dream. I think it's part of carb detox.

Originally Posted by JoAnne9597 View Post
My coach told me we weren't allowed to start restrictions until week 5. Is that right?
My coach made me wait 4-5 weeks (I forget), but all coaches are different. I know someone who started in Manhattan and she was allowed to pick out restricted on day one. They can lead to cravings, which is why my coach wants people to wait until they get all the cravings out of their system before having them. Hope that helps.
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Old 06-03-2011, 03:51 PM   #49  
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Originally Posted by JoAnne9597 View Post
My coach told me we weren't allowed to start restrictions until week 5. Is that right?
Unfortunately this is one of the areas where many coaches are different. The 'old' protocol said that restricteds couldn't start until after you had been on IP for a while. Many coaches have since adopted different policies that allow for restricted items from day 1.

IMO you should follow what YOUR coach says because you are meeting with them each week, but it is your decision.
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Old 06-03-2011, 03:59 PM   #50  
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Originally Posted by redhead14 View Post
Congrats to everyone for making it one more week!
Had WI#2 this morning -3lbs w/ 5 inches gone

After the week of stomache issues, OK not pooping TMI I was very happy with those numbers.

2 weeks and 11lbs gone plus feeling great and having all of you for support what more could a girl ask for?!?
that is great, keep up the good work.

Originally Posted by fannymae32 View Post
Hope you have a wonderful Day as well! Yesterday I photographed my friends Grad / senior portraits and I also made his GF tag along I have been so busy the past 6 months with newborns and little kids that I forgot how much fun it was to photograph people that can understand your instructions.. I gotta do this more often.

Of course with a big high comes a big low, I have just been sick as a dog all night and morning, not sure if its from rolling in the grass and stirring up god knows what in the grass, or something I ate.. or I don't know. ...

2ride - Don't worry about giving blood.. I am sure I lost at least a pint or 2 to the mosquitos yesterday.. and although faint.. and lumpy I think I will survive.

OK back to bed I go.
those mosquitos, do you have a spray for Farley? I got a recipe from my vet if you would like it. Hope you feel better, not fun being sick on your days off.

Originally Posted by JoAnne9597 View Post
I haven't hit the "dreaming of food stage". When has everybody usually had this happen?
Well I call it a stage, I had it for a couple of weeks and than that was it, about the 2nd month. Brain must have been craving sugar.
This weekend, don't you let your stepmother bully you. You can do it, no is not a swear word. and if you have to go out like you said. I am a bad person, cause I love cooking/baking fattening foods, but now they don't interest me, I can bake them and just let others eat them... at least so far.

Have a nice weekend Jo.

Have a Happy B day OntarioPhoto
Old 06-03-2011, 04:04 PM   #51  
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Hey just looked on the new phase 1 sheet, it use to say not to have restrictions before week 2 or 3 and now there isn't any timelimit on them. Can start them right from the start. I had some packs when I started that were restricted but had read my sheet and didn't eat any until week 3. Must say I haven't bought any of them since then as the bars tasted too much like more. I do like the chili and the bars, but I stick with the peanut or chocolate soy puffs for my treats.
Old 06-03-2011, 04:26 PM   #52  
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Originally Posted by redhead14 View Post
Congrats to everyone for making it one more week!
Had WI#2 this morning -3lbs w/ 5 inches gone

After the week of stomache issues, OK not pooping TMI I was very happy with those numbers.

2 weeks and 11lbs gone plus feeling great and having all of you for support what more could a girl ask for?!?
A Big CONGRATS to you! Keep plugging away!
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Old 06-03-2011, 04:28 PM   #53  
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Originally Posted by ontariophotogal View Post
Happy Friday everyone

I had WI 15 this morning and no shocker for me, I didn't have a loss OR a gain. It's been a bit of a rough week as last weekend I had a bridal shower and ate a small sandwich and a couple of strawberries and then just yesterday, I took the kids out to Boston Pizza as they've been begging to go and I decided to treat myself for my birthday with a couple small pieces of pizza and a couple of breadsticks. I knew what I was doing and what I was up against and I am ok with it. I kinda wish I had waited for that birthday treat until today since today is my actual birthday but what's done is done and I'm back at it this week. I am thankful that I didn't have a gain and also thankful that when I have indulged, I haven't gone overboard and feel MUCH MORE in control than I ever have in this life. It truly gives me hope that when I make it to maintenance, it won't be as scary as I once thought

Hope everyone is having a great day! I'm spending mine with a couple of sweet newborns in the studio

Happy Birthday Isn't it special to spend your actual birthday with newborns!!!
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Old 06-03-2011, 04:28 PM   #54  
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Originally Posted by Porthardygurl View Post
Good morning all..or afternoon for some of you...

Well..day3.. i finally hit day 3 of phase 1...and today i woke up without hunger pangs..Praise God!! Cause i had horrible hunger pagns for the past two days..and now..there GONE!!! YAY!! So happy! Finally got used to the shakes(alternative) I found adding cinnamon helped cut the extra sweet taste im getting from the stevia in it..

I still feel tired..but overall..way better than the past two days..i think were looking up..

Oh and i wasnt supposed to check my weight cause i told my hunny to hide the scale..but i cheated and used my wii fit board last night..and it told me i lost 2.2 kg..or 4 pounds.. My BMI moved from 39 down to 35..crazy hey?

Anywho.. i hope everyone has a great day and happy losing!
I had to smile at this... Where there's a will; there's a WEIGH!

Congratulations on your weight loss!
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Old 06-03-2011, 04:31 PM   #55  
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Originally Posted by JoAnne9597 View Post
Ok well we are off in the morning, going out of town to my dad and step moms house. They have bought a new house and having been moving since yesterday. So we are going to help them. They have no idea I'm doing IP. And I haven't seen them for about 2 months. I'm wondering if they will notice. I will have to tell them once I start eating differently then them. I'll have to plan my meals tonight for the next 2 days. Hopefully they will make something healthy for dinner saturday night. Or maybe I'll just bring my own chicken Well wish me luck for the weekend. I plan on staying OP but I just hope they don't give me a hard time.

I have to tell you a short story about my step mother. She probably weighs 90 lbs soak and wet. And has always been that way, give or take 5-10 up or down. My whole family (aunts, uncles and cousins) have all had a problem with weight. Obviously it runs in the family. And when she came along, she always got alot of attention because she was alot smaller than the rest of us. And she's always making deserts and fatty foods to make everybody else around her FAT. And everytime I've tried to lose weight, she's always tried to discourage me saying I look good and I don't need to lose the weight. Just to make herself look good. But she also has alot of emotional and mental problems, issues! I'm pretty sure she is anorexic/bulemia. But of course nobody could ever say anything. So I'm just wondering what she will do once she seems me 23 lbs lighter. I'm not gonna let her take me down this time. If I have to, we (my kids and husband) will just go out for dinner and I'll be able to order what I want.

Anyways, I'm a little anxious about the visit and all but like I said, plan on staying OP. Plus my hubby is very supportive of me and tells me I'm getting skinnier every day. So, I hope everybody has a great weekend.
Have a safe trip, Joanne. Your weight loss will be noticeable, I'm sure. Just remember how far you've come and I know it will help you stay OP. Just remember that the prize is worth it.
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Old 06-03-2011, 04:41 PM   #56  
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Hi all! Just wanted to pop in and let you know I had my first official wi today - I'm down 8 lbs after being OP for 9 days. Yah! Here's to another week OP!
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Old 06-03-2011, 05:05 PM   #57  
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Originally Posted by Laura G View Post
Hi all! Just wanted to pop in and let you know I had my first official wi today - I'm down 8 lbs after being OP for 9 days. Yah! Here's to another week OP!
Way to go!!! You are doing great!
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Old 06-03-2011, 05:17 PM   #58  
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Originally Posted by Laura G View Post
Hi all! Just wanted to pop in and let you know I had my first official wi today - I'm down 8 lbs after being OP for 9 days. Yah! Here's to another week OP!
WTG...keep up the great work.

And thanks ladies, I will do you proud. Well I'll show them. Nobody can keep me away from my dream, not this time around...!!!

Last edited by JoAnne9597; 06-03-2011 at 05:20 PM.
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Old 06-03-2011, 05:27 PM   #59  
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Originally Posted by Laura G View Post
Hi all! Just wanted to pop in and let you know I had my first official wi today - I'm down 8 lbs after being OP for 9 days. Yah! Here's to another week OP!
Hey Laura, was just reading some of your blogs, and just wanted to point out that the big mac in a bowl doesn't have cheese. There's no diary products allowed on Phase 1. FYI!!
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Old 06-03-2011, 05:41 PM   #60  
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Originally Posted by Laura G View Post
Hi all! Just wanted to pop in and let you know I had my first official wi today - I'm down 8 lbs after being OP for 9 days. Yah! Here's to another week OP!
Congratulations, Laura. That's quite an accomplishment. You should be very proud of yourself.
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