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Old 05-10-2011, 03:01 PM   #61  
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Originally Posted by darbs7 View Post
Oh my, I never considered alcohol, what was I thinking??? How about a Tanquery Diet Tonic and extra lime? over crushed ice................ imagine, on a floatie in the pool, lots of hot sun, and a pool boy in a speedo? Hey we might as well dream.
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Old 05-10-2011, 03:50 PM   #62  
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Originally Posted by longdivision View Post
i am struggling this week. somehow i put on 2 lbs over the weekend. can't think of anything i did wrong except i had the tiniest sip of the boyfriend's diet coke while i was out this weekend. it wasn't even half a teaspoon worth. could that have made me gain 2 lbs? anyhow, the last 3 days have been spent trying to get that weight off. my WI is on thursday and i'm afraid that i won't be showing any loss. has anyone had this problem from drinking diet soda? or perhaps somehow gained a little weight for no reason this late in the program (18 weeks)? i checked my ketostix this morning and it's still on the dark side (has been since the very beginning, even though i get tons of water).
I do drink diet soda- 1 a day. Hasn't slowed me down a bit. Is it TOM? Did you eat something extra salty?
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Old 05-10-2011, 03:58 PM   #63  
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Originally Posted by longdivision View Post
i am struggling this week. somehow i put on 2 lbs over the weekend. can't think of anything i did wrong except i had the tiniest sip of the boyfriend's diet coke while i was out this weekend. it wasn't even half a teaspoon worth. could that have made me gain 2 lbs? anyhow, the last 3 days have been spent trying to get that weight off. my WI is on thursday and i'm afraid that i won't be showing any loss. has anyone had this problem from drinking diet soda? or perhaps somehow gained a little weight for no reason this late in the program (18 weeks)? i checked my ketostix this morning and it's still on the dark side (has been since the very beginning, even though i get tons of water).
I have had this issue and it is usually a couple of things that I can think of that might make it happen based on what happens to me -- Stir Fry (soy sauce or tamari sauce really cause me to retain fluid) - and if I eat the IP Soup and Omelet in the same day -- too much salt for me (I am super sensitive to salt and blow up like a balloon from even 1 piece of low sodium bacon - I know you are vegetarian so that isn't the cause). I also gain water weight when I ovulate (weird - but it is how my body works) and if I don't get in at least 100 oz of water - it is like my body is holding on to fluid because it isn't getting any. Do you have the big C? (nothing can throw the scale off more) Have you had extra caffeine the past few days? (this also makes a difference in how I handle fluid) Hope these thoughts help. I know how frustrating this can be. I get so frustrated when the scale moves the wrong direction
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Old 05-10-2011, 04:33 PM   #64  
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Originally Posted by CheekyWit View Post
I have had this issue and it is usually a couple of things that I can think of that might make it happen based on what happens to me -- Stir Fry (soy sauce or tamari sauce really cause me to retain fluid) - and if I eat the IP Soup and Omelet in the same day -- too much salt for me (I am super sensitive to salt and blow up like a balloon from even 1 piece of low sodium bacon - I know you are vegetarian so that isn't the cause). I also gain water weight when I ovulate (weird - but it is how my body works) and if I don't get in at least 100 oz of water - it is like my body is holding on to fluid because it isn't getting any. Do you have the big C? (nothing can throw the scale off more) Have you had extra caffeine the past few days? (this also makes a difference in how I handle fluid) Hope these thoughts help. I know how frustrating this can be. I get so frustrated when the scale moves the wrong direction
oooh, you just reminded me that i DID have something with soy sauce this weekend. i don't normally have that. also, my TOM just ended on thursday, and i seem to be one of those gals that can still lose weight during TOM, but losses slow the following week. i don't get it. i have also been eating one restricted a day for the last 2 weeks per my coach's request. i would normally only eat restricteds maybe 3 times a week. my coffee intake has been upped in the last 4-5 days as well. i guess there are a lot more factors than i had been considering. well, either way, it is frustrating because i feel like if i were going to gain 2 lbs, it should have at least been done by doing something awesome like eating indian pizza or cheesecake. i was totally robbed!

thanks for the help, cheeky and ash!!
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Old 05-10-2011, 05:16 PM   #65  
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Originally Posted by mamarix1 View Post
Oh my, I never considered alcohol, what was I thinking??? How about a Tanquery Diet Tonic and extra lime? over crushed ice................ imagine, on a floatie in the pool, lots of hot sun, and a pool boy in a speedo? Hey we might as well dream.
Love it!

And to the salty conversation...I eat food with tamari a couple times a week and I am always up or no loss the next day.
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Old 05-10-2011, 06:34 PM   #66  
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Just got back from my WI, only down 2 pounds this week. I was hoping for a little better since the last two WI's were only 0.5 pounds each. That makes only a 3 pound loss in the last three weeks. I'm glad I'm going in the right direction, but I sure do wish I could light a little fire in there somewhere!

I'm working on making these next 7 days perfect OP days. So hopefully next week's WI will be 2 pounds or more again! I am itching to get into the 150's!
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Old 05-10-2011, 08:02 PM   #67  
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Originally Posted by longdivision View Post
i am struggling this week. somehow i put on 2 lbs over the weekend. can't think of anything i did wrong except i had the tiniest sip of the boyfriend's diet coke while i was out this weekend. it wasn't even half a teaspoon worth. could that have made me gain 2 lbs? anyhow, the last 3 days have been spent trying to get that weight off. my WI is on thursday and i'm afraid that i won't be showing any loss. has anyone had this problem from drinking diet soda? or perhaps somehow gained a little weight for no reason this late in the program (18 weeks)? i checked my ketostix this morning and it's still on the dark side (has been since the very beginning, even though i get tons of water).
First off hooray for this thread! I'm am struggling day by day here and waiting for the end to come! the last bit really is the hardest!

I doubt diet soda would affect you like that I have been drinking one a day sometimes two (if I'm having a bad day!) and it hasn't seemed to affect my weight loss and is my one guilty pleasure lol. Who knows why that happened...I would bet tho that it will fall off in the next day or two. Sometimes my body will randomly shoot up a few pounds and then drop it silly various factors!

WI#14 tomorrow I've decided to take my coaches scale with a grain of sand as it is generally off by random amounts and I have quite an expensive scale so I trust it more! My scale is saying I'm at 191 but the coaches scale has been between 1-3.5lbs heavier....but I'm going off my scale for my goal! which means I'm only 16 lbs away!
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Old 05-10-2011, 08:20 PM   #68  
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Good thing the show is on, I could eat a jar of chocolate frosting. Also, I live in the country and thankfully I don't have anything nummy in my pantry.
Going to try a RTD vanilla in coffee for a treat.
My how times have changd.
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Old 05-10-2011, 08:55 PM   #69  
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Originally Posted by Adrean View Post
I doubt diet soda would affect you like that I have been drinking one a day sometimes two (if I'm having a bad day!) and it hasn't seemed to affect my weight loss and is my one guilty pleasure lol. Who knows why that happened...I would bet tho that it will fall off in the next day or two. Sometimes my body will randomly shoot up a few pounds and then drop it silly various factors!
Originally Posted by ash825 View Post
I do drink diet soda- 1 a day. Hasn't slowed me down a bit. Is it TOM? Did you eat something extra salty?
I'm glad diet soda hasn't messed y'all up, but it might not work the same for everybody... according to an old post I found (, drinking carbonated beverages can throw you out of ketosis because of their acidity... I think there have been other posts about it too, maybe Carla will pop in & give more details... I haven't tested the theory, so I'm not an expert, but just be careful...

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Old 05-10-2011, 09:40 PM   #70  
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Originally Posted by mamarix1 View Post
Good thing the show is on, I could eat a jar of chocolate frosting. Also, I live in the country and thankfully I don't have anything nummy in my pantry.
Going to try a RTD vanilla in coffee for a treat.
My how times have changd.
LOL, that show always makes me think "If they can do it so can I!" Mmmm, chocolate frosting...there was a time when I did sit down and eat a whole container of that stuff. That or peanut butter...times have changed!
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Old 05-10-2011, 10:46 PM   #71  
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Originally Posted by Aunt Sheshie View Post
I'm glad diet soda hasn't messed y'all up, but it might not work the same for everybody... according to an old post I found (, drinking carbonated beverages can throw you out of ketosis because of their acidity... I think there have been other posts about it too, maybe Carla will pop in & give more details... I haven't tested the theory, so I'm not an expert, but just be careful...

I've heard that too but I don't think its true. I have never been bumped out of ketosis because of it. Don't get me wrong I know its not good for you but at this point if it keeps me from eating something worse I'm ok with that!
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Old 05-10-2011, 10:55 PM   #72  
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Originally Posted by darbs7 View Post
Yippppeeee scale movement this morning....hit my original the march to my new lower goal.
Woohoo! Congrats! That's awesome, Darbs!
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Old 05-10-2011, 10:59 PM   #73  
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Originally Posted by CheekyWit View Post
my weight loss has slooooooowwwwed way down. That scale is a taunting fiend, these last 10 pounds are taking longer then the first 40.
Yeah. That's my biggest problem too. Every pound seems to be harder than the last. But as long as it's still moving, we'll get there, right?
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Old 05-10-2011, 11:07 PM   #74  
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Originally Posted by mamarix1 View Post
Good thing the show is on, I could eat a jar of chocolate frosting. Also, I live in the country and thankfully I don't have anything nummy in my pantry.
Going to try a RTD vanilla in coffee for a treat.
My how times have changd.
I was just going to ask if anyone else watched Biggest Loser. I started watching this season - I thought it would help me to see other people going through similar things.

It's totally a typical reality show in some ways, but it does help me stay focused. And for some reason, this week really helped me sink in how far I've come and how cool/impressive/awesome that is.

I've lost 85 pounds - and I'm not done yet. :-)

I've been wavering on whether or not to call it quits at 85, or plug on through the last couple pounds. I have a trip coming up for work, and I've been trying to plan around not being in phase 3 or early phase 4 while I'm traveling. I think I just made the decision to stick it out the three more weeks until the trip, and start phase 4 when I get back. Unless something drastic happens with the scale between now and the end of this week, I think that's what I will do.
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Old 05-10-2011, 11:13 PM   #75  
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Originally Posted by longdivision View Post
i am struggling this week. somehow i put on 2 lbs over the weekend. can't think of anything i did wrong except i had the tiniest sip of the boyfriend's diet coke while i was out this weekend. it wasn't even half a teaspoon worth. could that have made me gain 2 lbs? anyhow, the last 3 days have been spent trying to get that weight off. my WI is on thursday and i'm afraid that i won't be showing any loss. has anyone had this problem from drinking diet soda? or perhaps somehow gained a little weight for no reason this late in the program (18 weeks)? i checked my ketostix this morning and it's still on the dark side (has been since the very beginning, even though i get tons of water).
Don't freak out about it. This happens to me all the time - it's temporary, it's water, it's the big C, it's something. It will be gone in a couple days. A month or so ago, my body started doing this to me - wavering between the same 2-3 pounds, but up one day, down the next, up again two days later. As long as the 'low water mark' keeps going down, you're still losing weight. There's no way you GAINED two pounds of FAT over the weekend. You'd have to seriously go off diet to do that. It's just not anatomically possible.

Stick to the plan, be patient, drink more water, and the 2 pounds will drop off with an extra couple right behind it.
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