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Old 05-09-2011, 08:01 PM   #46  
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Originally Posted by cwphy View Post
I just looked at your progress photos. Please, oh please! can I be as beautiful as you are when I turn 56!
Oh my, aren't you sweet! And so smart too!
LOL thank you so much for the encouragement.
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Old 05-10-2011, 08:44 AM   #47  
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Yippppeeee scale movement this morning....hit my original the march to my new lower goal.
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Old 05-10-2011, 09:24 AM   #48  
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Originally Posted by darbs7 View Post
I would love to do bootcamp too, but the restricteds keep me going, plus when I lost my most weight (back in fall 3.5 average per week for 16 weeks) I was having a restricted every day. I just need to cut all the other stupid things I do out (very minor, but need to get more perfect).
The idea of cutting restricted foods makes me cringe too...however, you were losing at a great rate then because your body was using more fat/calories because you were heavier....however, you are no longer at that weight....your body doesn't need the restricted foods unless you cut somewhere else. Our weight loss slows down as we get closer because we are skinny little things and our bodies don't need as much to keep them running!, maybe cut back to a 1/2 a restricted a day....then you are still getting your "treat" but not cutting them out completely.
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Old 05-10-2011, 09:31 AM   #49  
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Originally Posted by wyoangel View Post
The idea of cutting restricted foods makes me cringe too...however, you were losing at a great rate then because your body was using more fat/calories because you were heavier....however, you are no longer at that weight....your body doesn't need the restricted foods unless you cut somewhere else. Our weight loss slows down as we get closer because we are skinny little things and our bodies don't need as much to keep them running!, maybe cut back to a 1/2 a restricted a day....then you are still getting your "treat" but not cutting them out completely.
I think I would quit...really....but I will do it if need be. But I had a perfect day yesterday and I am down another pound today!!!!! I am at my original goal, so now the march to the new goal.

Yesterday I was perfect perfect perfect...first day in a long time. I always twick and edit the plan slightly....a little cream in my coffee 3.5 packets a day after I put the vanilla RTD in the coffee...a couple of extra pickle....a bite of cheese.

Enough is enough....back to 100%.

I also workout 2X a week with a personal trainer and walk my dogs 3-5 times a week and golf (walking and carrying clubs) 3-4 times a I am sure that my restricted helps keep up that energy level....starting this week I have added my lunch time walks back too.

But if after a week I am not happy....good-bye bars for a few weeks. But that would make me sad.
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Old 05-10-2011, 09:55 AM   #50  
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Well, I only lost 2 lbs. this week, but I have been exercising and it is still down no matter how many.
the one thing I refuse to give up is my coffee, I drink it black and strong and often. I just can't give up everything, coffee is my weakness. I used to buy ice before I got an icemaker, so between coffee and my apple cinnamon soy puffs, I can make it another 23 lbs.
I was thinking hard yesterday about what I would have if I could have something, and I just don't know what it would be! It might be some kind of condiment. Tartar sauce, ketchup, real BBQ!
What would you have?
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Old 05-10-2011, 10:45 AM   #51  
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Originally Posted by mamarix1 View Post
Well, I only lost 2 lbs. this week, but I have been exercising and it is still down no matter how many.
the one thing I refuse to give up is my coffee, I drink it black and strong and often. I just can't give up everything, coffee is my weakness. I used to buy ice before I got an icemaker, so between coffee and my apple cinnamon soy puffs, I can make it another 23 lbs.
I was thinking hard yesterday about what I would have if I could have something, and I just don't know what it would be! It might be some kind of condiment. Tartar sauce, ketchup, real BBQ!
What would you have?
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Old 05-10-2011, 12:04 PM   #52  
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I have found my kindred spirits thanks Darb for starting this thread. Not sure if it is the whole "watching a pot boil" theory or what but my weight loss has slooooooowwwwed way down. That scale is a taunting fiend, these last 10 pounds are taking longer then the first 40. Normally I don't let this bother me since my pant size is getting smaller but it is that damn BMI that is my focus.(I don't want to see the words "obese/overweight" on the top of my medical charts anymore) I am so close but the number eludes me. Part of it is the stress of getting this weight off before I phase off -- no matter what I am moving to phase 2 June 2nd. I am now feeling the pressure of being so close to goal and so close to phasing fear is that the date will come before the weight. I will spend the month of June doing phase 2 and 3 and moving to maintenance in July. We want to try for another baby in August so that means I need to be done and eating normal. My hope is that IP will have rested my pancreas and helped me loose enough weight that I don't get gestational diabetes again -- we shall see. Oh.... and my hair is starting to fall out in a scary scary amount. (hope you all are not experiencing this) I have read the hair threads and am taking biotin and the other stuff recommended by linden- thanks Linden if you are reading this- but it hasn't slowed the loss - thank gawd I have normally thick hair -- I cannot run my hand through my hair without pulling out a handful of hair....yuck and YIKES. Rant done...thanks for reading :-)

So for all of us on this thread that are so close, but it feels miles and mile away...I am right there with you. Cheering you all on is a happy part of my day. The fact that you all so willingly share your struggles and victories keeps me not feeling so alone, and leaves me feeling incredibly humbled and inspired. A big huge hug I am sending to each and every one of you and a thank you so loud the universe rumbles.
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Old 05-10-2011, 12:24 PM   #53  
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You are all so right. These last pounds are very stubborn. I am hovering around 147one day a little less, another a little more. And because of it I am allowing myself some little extras!

I know if I try to suck it up and stick op I should lose some more. I almost feel I am sabotaging my own efforts for some unknown reason! I guess you can over think this diet!

Sigh. Here's to losing the tough pounds!
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Old 05-10-2011, 01:00 PM   #54  
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Hey girls count me in....I need support. Just new to the IP diet but want to get down to 155lbs (or more) from 177. I truly miss happy hour while out camping now that the weather is getting warm. Not sure how long it's going to take me to reach my goal but I've been sticking with the diet and not cheating so far.
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Old 05-10-2011, 01:24 PM   #55  
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Originally Posted by CheekyWit View Post
I have found my kindred spirits thanks Darb for starting this thread. Not sure if it is the whole "watching a pot boil" theory or what but my weight loss has slooooooowwwwed way down. That scale is a taunting fiend, these last 10 pounds are taking longer then the first 40. Normally I don't let this bother me since my pant size is getting smaller but it is that damn BMI that is my focus.(I don't want to see the words "obese/overweight" on the top of my medical charts anymore) I am so close but the number eludes me. Part of it is the stress of getting this weight off before I phase off -- no matter what I am moving to phase 2 June 2nd. I am now feeling the pressure of being so close to goal and so close to phasing fear is that the date will come before the weight. I will spend the month of June doing phase 2 and 3 and moving to maintenance in July. We want to try for another baby in August so that means I need to be done and eating normal. My hope is that IP will have rested my pancreas and helped me loose enough weight that I don't get gestational diabetes again -- we shall see. Oh.... and my hair is starting to fall out in a scary scary amount. (hope you all are not experiencing this) I have read the hair threads and am taking biotin and the other stuff recommended by linden- thanks Linden if you are reading this- but it hasn't slowed the loss - thank gawd I have normally thick hair -- I cannot run my hand through my hair without pulling out a handful of hair....yuck and YIKES. Rant done...thanks for reading :-)

So for all of us on this thread that are so close, but it feels miles and mile away...I am right there with you. Cheering you all on is a happy part of my day. The fact that you all so willingly share your struggles and victories keeps me not feeling so alone, and leaves me feeling incredibly humbled and inspired. A big huge hug I am sending to each and every one of you and a thank you so loud the universe rumbles.
It is nice that we all have each other to get to the end with. I am trying 100% protocol this week to see if it is my little twicks that were sabotaging my progress.

Of course I love wyoangel's theory...we are just so tiny now that we don't burn as much!!!! love love love it!
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Old 05-10-2011, 01:47 PM   #56  
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Originally Posted by darbs7 View Post
Yippppeeee scale movement this morning....hit my original the march to my new lower goal.
Woo hoo! Congrats, you can do it!
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Old 05-10-2011, 01:57 PM   #57  
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May I join you too?

I actually "gave up" and had 2 little cheats this weekend (Sunday and Monday) for the first time since my Father-in-law passed away (WI #4 in my signature) but I am starting over today. I want to drop 10 more lbs and then I will be phasing off. I have added my stats to the spreadsheet, I hope you don't mind.

I think I need to do bootcamp for a week (or two?) to get back on track... Today is a good day so far.

I really should be out of ketosis right now but I don't feel like I am... I am not hungry and my tongue still feels "funny"... but the scale is not budging (but it hasn't been since way before my cheats and hance one of the many reasons for falling off the wagon). Time will tell.

Last edited by Susie_Bee; 05-10-2011 at 01:58 PM.
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Old 05-10-2011, 02:00 PM   #58  
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For those who are wondering about scale weight vs. BMI, etc.
Have you considered getting your body fat% tested and using that as yur determining factor? I don't think the BMI is an accurate representation for my body shape. So, even though I have a "goal weight", I am actually more concerned with my body fat%. My goals is 20%. I'm thinking that will be somewhere around 140 pounds, but that is just a guess. I'm excited to test it again at the end of the month and see what my new numbers are!
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Old 05-10-2011, 02:30 PM   #59  
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I do my body fat every week at weigh in. I am currently at approx 16%, but I still see fat that I would like to lose.
I am quite muscular-I exercise hard 6 days a week. My legs are big. If there was a quick fix to that I would take it, but alas bad genes!

All I can say is every one of the around 20 pounds that I have lost was fat! And it makes a big difference in the inches!!
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Old 05-10-2011, 02:55 PM   #60  
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i am struggling this week. somehow i put on 2 lbs over the weekend. can't think of anything i did wrong except i had the tiniest sip of the boyfriend's diet coke while i was out this weekend. it wasn't even half a teaspoon worth. could that have made me gain 2 lbs? anyhow, the last 3 days have been spent trying to get that weight off. my WI is on thursday and i'm afraid that i won't be showing any loss. has anyone had this problem from drinking diet soda? or perhaps somehow gained a little weight for no reason this late in the program (18 weeks)? i checked my ketostix this morning and it's still on the dark side (has been since the very beginning, even though i get tons of water).
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