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Old 06-06-2011, 04:14 PM   #31  
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So I had a horrible Memorial Weekend Breakdown  Week! But as we say "this too shall pass" =) I went back to the center today after almost two weeks of not making it in. Didn’t help that I slipped and sprained NASTY my left ankle! It’s finally all healed and I can get back on track.
I’m beginning to get irritated with some of the “nutritionist” hyping sales and pitching the MOST UNBELIEVEABLE deal EVER! I just brush it off…I couldn’t believe that a box of 14 quick boost was going to cost me $30 for a weeks supply? Insane? But as soon as I retracted they offered me a “discounted” rate if I bought 6 making them $15 each…I’m def going to take advantage of it but that will have to wait until the next pay check!

So I got on the scale and even though I did not lose a lb. I did lose .8 ounces. Still a step in the right direction! Now I’m going stir crazy not being able to “work out” so I do not know if I should go ahead and snack on one of their protein bars and go for a walk when I get home from the office!?!? I’m also getting pretty disgusted w/chicken and greens. How is everyone preparing their meals? Any menu ideas? My breakfast are perfect since it’s one slice of nature’s own 40 cal bread, Eggland’s Best hard boiled egg, a tsp of hellman’s light mayo and some fruit (blueberries, grapes, orange, etc…) plus my coffee and QB =)

I like the program because of the guide it gives in making some great choices. The accountability factor of coming in at my leisure and seeing my weight periodically also helps me out…but the staff and their sales gimmick when I just recently (not even a month) have already dished out $700+ kills me. What’s worse is the rotation of the so-called “weight management” staff- you tend to repeat yourself over and over again since they either don’t make notes in our charts or read notes…

Okay now on to making a week’s worth of menu planning and organization! I’m going to start doing a goal list for ever 10 lbs lost something new will be bought =)

Happy Loosing Everyone!
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Old 06-06-2011, 05:01 PM   #32  
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Smile Hey - Simba stick to it!

I understand you are trying to do this plan frugally and it is not as easy as it is for me. I picked a QWLC I can swing by on my way home (I commute 40 miles each way to work). I also paid the crazy amount to get the Platinum Package and believe me I have spent more and got less! I got all the QBs, pills and supplements(Food) I need to finish my 18 week plan.
and I knew for me if I was to have to "find the money" I would have broke plan and I think you have to really stick to your resolve even more.

I too had some Memorial day cheats that I won't even write in my log.
I am only cheating myself- but then if my counselors see me not losing they must suspect something is wrong. I have made MANY mistakes on the program too! Like if you have tuna you can't have something else limited in the diet that day. I have been going almost every day and I too am tired of "chicken and greens"... I go to Sams Club and pay like 12 bucks for a big ole tray of chicken breasts, hit them with Mrs. Dash grill em up and then take them to work where I split them long ways then cut it into medallions spread them over my greens hit them with some gourme mist and a coupla tablespoons of apple cider vinegar... yummy for the first week now kinda boring!

I agree the counselor rotation can mess you up when you see someone different everyday. I think I am going to start requesting specific people because some people make me feel good about it and others I just do NOT connect with.

I have heard you can buy the products on the internet cheaper. If you want to write me personally maybe I could help you more.

I find myself eating a slice of pepperidge farm skinny bread 1 egg and an apple most breakfasts. But I did have the QWLC cinnamon cereal today and I like it.
I made QWLC jello with strawberries last night and dreamed God put a dollop of cool whip on it. He does work in mysterious ways!

Another thing I love to do is eat 2 Sunsweet prunes, they come individually wrapped and are easy to get a quick fruit in!

Oh and I do not work out much at all- after driving home for an hour I feel like couchflopping almost everyday!

Remember results will come IF you stay on plan.

NO BOOZE-NO BREAD it's better than DEAD!

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Old 06-07-2011, 12:21 PM   #33  
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Default Hello - QWLCers

Hi everyone - Boy and I glad I discovered this forum. It's nice to be able to relate to others who are following this crazy plan! I did it about 1.5 years ago to lose 26 lbs so I could be at a healthy weight when I get pregnant. Luckily, I got pregnant during my stabilization phase and only made it to week 3 of my 6 week cycle.

I gained 65 lbs during my pregnancy. I lost 45lbs from having the baby, using Weight Watchers (because I was in no mental state post-baby to deprive myself as the QWLC plan requires you to do!). After a plateau, I joined QWLC to lose the final 20. I've lost about 9-10lbs after 4 weeks. I know it should be more, but like many of you, I've stuck to their plan 80% of the time. I haven't cheated to the extent where I've had any alcohol/wine/beer or cakes or cookies or pizzas, etc. I have about 3 more weeks to go and I still want to lose my final 10lbs.

Every other day I go through an emotional rollercoaster on how much I love/hate the plan. I'm scared to death once I'm done with the plan, I will gain all the weight back.

How are you all handling it? Any tips to stay with it or correct the bad behavior?

Good luck to you all!
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Old 06-07-2011, 12:28 PM   #34  
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Default Product Sites

Hey guys, email me or message me directly if you want some tips on sites you can by the QWLC products for cheaper. I found some for $10/box. I also have a tip for the Quick Boost. Good luck!
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Old 06-07-2011, 12:29 PM   #35  
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Default Klb & Efa

Does anyone use the supplements they push on you? I'm desperate since i'm at my final 10lbs. I haven't been using the KLB or EFA's because I don't think they work. Anyone have any good examples of them working/not working for you?

Good luck!
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Old 06-07-2011, 08:07 PM   #36  
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What's KLB? I like the herbal extreme (hoodia) because I actually don't get hungry. I use my own brand of EFA (carlsons) because they don't upset my stimach and I didn't want to change. They help with going to the bathroom. I don't ujse quick boost because it makes me double over in pain. I do use the carb blockers.
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Old 06-08-2011, 01:12 AM   #37  
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Simi123 I would like that info, I can't find a way to private message could you send to mrgimme at gmail dot com? ( typed this way because sometimes they get stripped out)

We have a great thread going! I was on the treadmill twice today and perfect plan following! I am changing my lifestyle so keeping weight off will already be a habit, QWLC is just giving me fast results- I never want live in Fattytown again! ( even though I haven't quite left yet) I am heading OUT!


Last edited by Lose Ordie; 06-08-2011 at 01:19 AM.
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Old 06-10-2011, 04:36 PM   #38  
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Default Klb & Efa

Originally Posted by Alitig1 View Post
What's KLB? I like the herbal extreme (hoodia) because I actually don't get hungry. I use my own brand of EFA (carlsons) because they don't upset my stimach and I didn't want to change. They help with going to the bathroom. I don't ujse quick boost because it makes me double over in pain. I do use the carb blockers.
Here is more info on KLB (got it from the QWLC website):

"Look and feel great while you're losing weight! KLB 5 is a healthy formula to naturally aid in a safe and effective weight loss program. This formula contains Kelp, Bromelain, Lecithin, Blue-Green Algae, and Apple Cider Vinegar and contains no yeast, sucrose (white sugar), starch, artificial colours, flavors or preservatives. If you’ve tried potions, shakes, and starvation and still haven’t achieved your desired results, an herbal diet aid may just be what you need. Two tablets per meal is all it takes!"

Thanks for the feedback on EFA's. I agree with you that the QB is too much caffeine.
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Old 06-10-2011, 04:50 PM   #39  
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Originally Posted by Lose Ordie View Post
Simi123 I would like that info, I can't find a way to private message could you send to mrgimme at gmail dot com? ( typed this way because sometimes they get stripped out)

We have a great thread going! I was on the treadmill twice today and perfect plan following! I am changing my lifestyle so keeping weight off will already be a habit, QWLC is just giving me fast results- I never want live in Fattytown again! ( even though I haven't quite left yet) I am heading OUT!

Hi there! I actually figured out a way to post the info here using your method

Quick Boosts are basically the FRS Powder Sticks. They just brand them and charge more for it at QWLC. I did a comparison of the ingredients on the boxes and they are the same. You can sometimes get the QB/FRS for $8/box if you search online vs the $20 they charge in the center!

Also, check out NashuaNutrition and mydietshopz (google them for the links) and you can get access to mostly the same products for less than $10/box. If you order more than $75 its free shipping too. Much more economical than the Centers!

Good luck everyone!
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Old 06-11-2011, 07:39 PM   #40  
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I have a consistent weight loss of 3.4 per week but the people at the center don't seem to think it's en0ough. I'm going there for support and encouragement but I'm getting a "meh" attitude. Just because I'm large doesn't mean I'm gonna pull biggest loser boy numbers. Ok. enough whining!

Have a great weekend everyone
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Old 06-13-2011, 09:03 PM   #41  
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Default Push Through

Originally Posted by Alitig1 View Post
I have a consistent weight loss of 3.4 per week but the people at the center don't seem to think it's en0ough. I'm going there for support and encouragement but I'm getting a "meh" attitude. Just because I'm large doesn't mean I'm gonna pull biggest loser boy numbers. Ok. enough whining!

Have a great weekend everyone
I think they are just trained to push you no matter what numbers you pull. It's like that attitude of nothing is good enough to make sure you don't slack on the diet? I am pulling 2lbs a week (considering i'm following it 85% it's not terrible). Honestly, I'd rather have a sustainable loss than something that is extreme (like cut out all the salt) and then when you go back to it, you balloon up because its water weight. This plan is AWESOME, and as long as you keep your head straight, you'll be fine.
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Old 06-14-2011, 05:43 PM   #42  
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Default Guarantee

I just joined QWLC and I am confused about the guarantee. I know that if you don't take the vitamins and supplements that at the end of your weight loss program (mine is 20 weeks) if you haven't lost the amount of weight that they said you would lose then you are SOL bc you didn't follow the program.

My question is....Do I have to buy their products to maintain the guarantee or do I just have to have those items? I want to purchase the FRS powder and the drinks and bars from Nashua. I haven't found all of the supplements yet.

I'm not really 100% concerned about the guarantee. The girl told me that if I didn't use all the supplements I would probably still lose 55 or the 65 lbs which I would be happy with.

However, if I get to the end of my 20 weeks and I'm only down 55 lbs and I'm ok with that do I go into my 6 week stabilization or will they make me lose the additional 10 lbs before that?

I'm just a little confused on what to do!
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Old 06-15-2011, 08:52 AM   #43  
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I haven't figured out the whole guarantee thing, either. I don't have an answer for you but wanted you to know that I am in the same boat. I guess it all comes down to the end of the weight loss phase, and having to pay 45 dollars a week if you didn't buy their items to continue to use their services.
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Old 06-16-2011, 01:39 PM   #44  
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Originally Posted by Brittney4177 View Post
I just joined QWLC and I am confused about the guarantee. I know that if you don't take the vitamins and supplements that at the end of your weight loss program (mine is 20 weeks) if you haven't lost the amount of weight that they said you would lose then you are SOL bc you didn't follow the program.

My question is....Do I have to buy their products to maintain the guarantee or do I just have to have those items? I want to purchase the FRS powder and the drinks and bars from Nashua. I haven't found all of the supplements yet.

I'm not really 100% concerned about the guarantee. The girl told me that if I didn't use all the supplements I would probably still lose 55 or the 65 lbs which I would be happy with.

However, if I get to the end of my 20 weeks and I'm only down 55 lbs and I'm ok with that do I go into my 6 week stabilization or will they make me lose the additional 10 lbs before that?

I'm just a little confused on what to do!
I think they will pressure you towards the end of your plan to sign up for "renewals" which should be discounted weeks, so if you spent $40 it would be $30 or so to get you down to that original weightloss number. Personally, I'm in the same boat. I'm about 9 lbs from my number I told them I wanted to lose and have 2 weeks left and as I'm getting smaller, I'm only getting 2 lbs/a week. I already told them, I'm not signing up for more weeks since I'm happy with what I have accomplished and want to work out more while in stabilization and keep their plan 80% and start to include some body for life techniques (6 small meals which include a protein, low fat/low carb).

Just do your best and know you have options to keep going if you need to. I just had a baby close to 8 months ago and being 5-7 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight is good for me. Mentally, I can't deprive myself anymore and need a break. Who knows, I may be back
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Old 06-16-2011, 05:54 PM   #45  
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Originally Posted by proudmommy09 View Post
So why did you get off qwlc just curios?
The first time I was doing really well and then I got pregnant and got put on hold. Then I breastfed and didn't feel like I could follow the plan while breastfeeding. After all that was over I was ready to start back and they had changed a bunch of things and my favorite supplements were gone and I just couldn't follow through with all the changes. And in all actuality I was having what now I would call post-partum depression although noone ever put a name to it. I just wasn't ready.

Now I do follow some of the things I learned at QWLC. I don't eat fruit past 2PM (I also added carbs to that rule). I only eat beef 2 times a week.

I also wished for some more type of interaction with the QWLC. They were always so "medical" and sometimes I needed some emotional support. I wonder why they have their program built like that. But they really should try to do some type of online support. I think it would help.
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