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Old 06-05-2002, 04:52 PM   #46  
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Hi there,

Thanks for all the great ideas! T.V. dinners are a god-send on some of these evenings. I grew up always having "dessert" after dinner, so I always expect something sweet after my evening meal. I get those fat-free pudding snacks. 1 satisfies my sweet-tooth and I don't have to figure out how much is a serving, since if I get ice-cream, I figure my typical serving is about a quart!

Justme, I'm so glad you're not beating yourself up for one weak day and just moving on. And how great that you were able to keep it to 2250! I don't count calories much anymore, but I know when I used to, I could go well-over 4000 on a bad binge day.

Well, back to work. Love this site!

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Old 06-05-2002, 06:33 PM   #47  
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Sounds like everyone is having an "up" day so far. I agree with everyone else Just, I am glad you are not beating yourself up over the extra calories. I am not counting anything for that exact reason. I getted stressed when I have to count anything and that is why I couldn't do weight watchers. I read an article in a magazine a few years ago and I also have a book that talks about learning to eat like a slim person. That is what ultimately will work for me I am sure of it. And that is what I am doing. I don't restrict any food and I swear I feel FREE. I don't sit around thinking about eating cheesecake and banana splits anymore and believe it or not I don't even crave them. I do agree with Tiff about keeping the healty choices in the house. It makes things a whole lot easier when you have them available.

Well, I just got home from work and I'm exhausted as usual, considering that I usually get up between 4 & 4:30 am I guess that is to be expected. At least I did manage to get on the treadmill this morning for 15 mins and I feel like I accomplished something for today. I guess saying it this morning made it so.

Have a great evening everyone..........

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Old 06-05-2002, 08:48 PM   #48  
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i just lost my whole post, i will check in tomorrow,

have a great night all.
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Old 06-06-2002, 06:34 AM   #49  
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Default Just a question

I was doing some reading this morning and someone mentioned that because they weren't drinking enough water they were retaining. I know it is important to drink enough water, but if you aren't drinking anything but water, just not enough will your body retain what you are drinking?

Since my initial loss of 15 lbs the scale hasn't moved. I know that we all hit plateaus and I wonder in my case if it is because of not drinking enough. I'm probably only getting in 4-8 oz glasses a day and now that I think about it I do drink coffee in the morning.

Are there any water experts out there? ( I would put a smilie here if I knew how to do it!)

Have a great day everyone!

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Old 06-06-2002, 08:05 AM   #50  
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Default water

I'm no water expert, but from things I've w/caffeine causes your body to rid itself of water, consuming too much caffeine can lead to dehydration. So, if you are only drinking a few cups of water...add to that some coffee...your body may not be getting enough water.
That said...I drink coffee. I cut back sometimes, even switch to green tea occasionally. DH drinks it, and I have a hard time staying away from it. But, I do get in a good 8 glasses of water a day.
Hope that was helpful info.
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Old 06-06-2002, 09:50 AM   #51  
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morning all i am having a great day so far, a lean protien healthy breakfast 3 cups of water done and excercise done, i dug out an old susan powter tape, boy i would have to be nuts to overeat after that workout.

as far as the water thing goes for me, i know it is healthy for our insides to work properly but honestly i dont notice a weight difference whether i drink alot or a little. i dont mind water, because there really isnt alot of other liquids i drink. i know i get in at least 7 or 8 cups in a day, if i am thirsty i will drink more. i drink it because it quenches my thirst but i am not a fanatic about it. if i get in 8 fine , if i dont i dont. i am really trying to get in more lean protiens as they do keep me satisfied and not wanting to eat more of them. like if i have white carbs. i have a lot of whole grain carbs in the house and i am hoping to choose to eat them instead of the white carbs that send me into an eating frenzy.

hope everyone has a good day.
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Old 06-06-2002, 12:11 PM   #52  
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Huntress, when you want a smilie....look to the left as you are typing and there is a rectangle with all the smilies in it...just click on the one you want and it will put it right into your post! Easy as pie. Let's see those smilies now!

Ok, well, this comes from a long-time water hater. I don't drink it. Almost ever. Ok, well sometimes. When it is SUPER hot, and I am SUPER thirsty I will drink it. With spicy food, I will drink it, because I have to wash down the fire and I don't care what I drink then. When I am working out, doing a step tape and my mouth feels like I'm sucking on a brick, I'll drink it then. But as for getting in 8 glasses.... Not gonna happen. When I was in WW, my leader said I could drink 4 of my 8 glasses as Crystal Light...which is wonderful! But I have never noticed whether the scale moved or did not move because of it. Although, there are some HEAVY DUTY water advocates out there, and they will GET IN YOUR FACE about it.

I do believe my skin looks better with more fluids. But then I pee all the time. So...what can ya do?

Will, you are the BOMB. I HATE mornings and just can't get motivated that early. I love my evenings. I know it IS better to exercise in the morning, but I am grateful to do anything at all, so I won't fuss. But you truly are an inspiration.

Grrrr I was mad last night, I went to the Junior High about 8:30 to walk on the track and the soccer team was there practicing on the grass in the middle of the track, so I went home and went back at 10:15 and there were 2 guys out there with flashlights doing something, and since I didn't feel like getting raped. (Oh YEAH, like THAT would happen ) I went ahead and went home. I didn't want to walk around our neighborhood, there is a busy road there, and I wanted the flat surface of the I just didn't do it at all. BUT, I will get it tonight, and I may walk on Sunday now, even though it is my day off, just to make sure I get all my walking in.

Well ladies, I have a job interview today. Don't get me started on this. When I was thinner, even just 50 pounds thinner, I don't think there was job that I applied for that I was ever turned down for...but now, I am CONVINCED that my weight is an issue. I am/have been an office manager/secretary/receptionist/office assistant.....any and all of those things. I have incredible skills and experience and NO ONE will hire me. I think that when it comes down to picking the person that sits in the front position and represents your company, and they have to choose between me and Cindy Crawford who can't type.....
So, anyway, I have done this diet thing for 3 weeks now and my confidence is soaring, so I will go in there and WOW her, and if she hires me, fine...and if she doesn't....FINE, I have things to do this summer and work will only interfere anyway.

So, think good thoughts for me, I am putting on my finest and marching in there to kick butt and chew gum and I'm ALL out of gum.

Talk to you gals this afternoon some time!
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Old 06-06-2002, 08:38 PM   #53  
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hi tiffany, you go girl, i will be crossing my fingers for ya. you are oozing with confidence and it will come through, that is such a great asset. although although alot of people wont admit it, i totally agree with you on the , heavy person or cindy crawford thing, of course i dont speak from experience, i have worked with children most all my life and you just have to love them take care of them and keep them busy, doesnt matter the size , although i was young and thin when i started at the daycare center, i just never had to worry about the kind of job you have, i wont wish you luck, you wont need it.

boy you really did try to excercise huh?? good for you. at least you tried. most people wouldnt have even tried to go back. what determination. you will get far with that.

i had a great day, stayed in control.

hope everyone else had a great day.
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Old 06-06-2002, 09:27 PM   #54  
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Thanks for the info on water. I've always known how important it is to drink it, but like you Tiff I've always hated the stuff. I am a hard-core Coke addict (coca-cola that is) I would drink it from morning until bedtime if I could get away with it, but with these hot humid summers in Houston I guess the water is best. I also like crystal light especially if I add just a little more water to it than it calls for because I don't like the aftertaste.

Good luck on your job interview Tiff, you definately are more than qualified and I'm sure you will get something soon.

Willbe, you really are going to do it this time I can tell from your posts that you are really motivated and doing well. This time next year I bet you will be looking like a goddess. For that matter we all will! Right ladies!

I just got home from SuperWalmart and boy am I tired, I swear I got a workout just from pushing that cart all over the store. Then when I came out there was a thunder and lightning storm!

I gotta go take my daughters friend home and then it's off to bed, boy am I ready for the weekend. My kids and I are going to the beach Saturday and I'm looking forward to getting away.

Goodnight all!

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Old 06-06-2002, 09:32 PM   #55  
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Default Again with the water...

Ok, my last thoughts on the water situation. Here is what this week's issue of Women's World has to say...

We've all heard how celery has so few calories that chewing it actually burns more calories than you take in. The jury is still out on that one, but experts say the effect DOES hold true for ice water. Scientists have now proven that when you drink it at 40 degrees or cooler, you actually burn calories digesting it.

"That's because your body has to raise the temperature of the water to 98.6 degrees, and in the process, it burns about one calorie per ounce of water," explains Selene Yeager, author of The Doctor's Book of Food Remedies.

So, if you gulp down eight glasses of icy water a day this summer, you'll burn about 430 extra calories a week!

Well, I don't know about you girls, but hating water or not...that is a good enough reason for me to guzzle some!!

Off to walk, dang soccer kids better be gone, and no loonies lurking at the track either!
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Old 06-07-2002, 07:56 AM   #56  
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morning ladies, yes huntress, i got a feeling this time too, we will all do this. the beach, great, i love to go . i have a chuck e cheese party and then we are going back to the house for a bar b que, i have to stay in control on sat. so i wont be going to the shore this weekend, have fun.

tif, hope you got your walk in, now i can drink the water but i cant drink it ice cold, so whatever it does for me it does for me, i cant make myself crazy over it. in my case the eating is more important to take control of anyway.

hello everyone else, i hope you all are doing well.

well, here is another positive post, i dont know if any of you got this from my posts or not, but i have been trying to incorporate somersizing, into my lifestyle plan. and yestereday i was in such control of my eating, just by eating more protiens, and eating different carbs. like whole wheat pasta and a fruit. i did so well, that i am gonna try it again today, i gonna take it one day at a time and see how long i can eat this way. sat will be a challenge but i know i can do it.

feeling great today and hope to stay in control again.

hope everyone else will have a great day too.
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Old 06-07-2002, 09:28 AM   #57  
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Hi Everyone,

I decided to post 1st thing in the morning today. Yesterday was not a good day for me, as far as food and excersize go. I just got myself into a funk and didn't go walking. Instead I stayed home and ate. I didn't go too crazy, so I don't think I did a lot of damage. One day is usually O.K. for me, unless I eat until I'm sick. I know, that sounds just gross, but it's the way I am. Anyway, back OP today and expect to hear from me at least once more today. I think I'll just "check in" right after work when I begin to think about eating dinner and supper and dessert and dessert and dinner and more dinner! Gen, I needed to hear what you had to say. Today, I'm just going to make different choices. Yeah, I wish I could magically snap my fingers and lose 100 pounds, but unfortunately it doesn't work that way. I know, I think I've tried every stupid lose weight quick scheme I could afford!

Tiffany, I hope your interview went well. I've been at the same job for 16 years and it may well be time for a change, but I HATE the job-search process. It's too bad that our society does have prejudices about body-size, (among other things). You sound like you really have a handle on it, though. I love your attitude! Well, gotta head to work. TGIF!

til later,
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Old 06-07-2002, 09:32 AM   #58  
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Well, can you tell I've got two threads going! Gen is on the other one. Have a good day!

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Old 06-07-2002, 09:49 AM   #59  
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hi jen, i am learning to not let the bad days get me down, cause when they used to , it just sent me into an eating frezy. good attitude starting fresh today. hang in there. and no it doesnt sound gross overeating, i am sure we have all been there, i cant even begin to tell you what i eat on a binge day. i just dont stop, it is like i am a bottomless pit. it is scary to feel so out of control.

but i am working on that, and i believe the different food choices i am making will help me stay in control, they are just not foods i want to pig out on.

lets all hang in there, we can make it.
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Old 06-07-2002, 11:47 AM   #60  
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Hey Jen, good to hear from you! Glad you have a handle on yesterday. Not a big deal. Here is my thoughts on this...(like I don't ALWAYS have thoughts on SOMETHING!!)

This whole "change in the way we eat" is like being a baby again. We are learning something new and it will take a while. When a baby learns to walk, he pulls himself up, falls down...crawls a little bit and then tries again. Pretty soon, he takes more steps and only falls once in a while and then before you know it...he is running and never looks back! I guess right now, we are still in the infancy of our new way of eating. Nothing wrong with that. We will all fall down, but we won't lay there and wait for someone to pick us back up...we will do it ourselves! No doubt about it.

I am so proud to be here in the presence of such strong, awesome women. We are finally getting smart about our own bodies and know that we know what we need to be able to stay in control...we will have no problem getting to goal. Yes, it may take a while...but patience is a virtue and good things come to those wait!

I love the way we are taking bits and pieces of this plan and that plan and making them work for us. Smart!!!! Before, I would try something and if it didn't work, I would just give up until the next thing came along. Now I have to realize that my life is not getting longer, it's getting shorter and I want to spend as much of it as I can being healthy and thinner of course! So, I am starting this and will continue to do it, mistakes and all, until I am where I want to be. I know I am looking at a good year to a year and a half to lose this weight and I am ready to commit that time to something so important. I know you guys are too and that's why I love logging in and seeing the good news and the not-so-good news, because it means we are REAL. Struggles and all. I love that.

Well, off my soapbox now...the interview went well, and I should know next week. I'm almost tempted to waitress again, so I will be on my feet running around instead of sitting at a desk for 8 hours, but I'm a sucker for the M-F with weekends and Holidays off, you know?

Hey, I DID get my walk in! I am going to have to write off the track, cause I went at 9:00 and the kids were STILL practicing. (They have lights there)! So, I went back home and walked my neighborhood, I walked 1.3 miles, and that takes me a half hour, so I am slower than snail snot, but I will get there! Rome wasn't built in a day!

Well, cruddy dud. I guess I should clean my house today. With three girls running around here, there is always something to do. Maybe I will sweep and mop the kitchen and then vacuum the house. That should burn off my Egg Beaters and toast!

Check with you all later,
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