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Old 01-13-2002, 01:12 PM   #136  
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Talking Hello All!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend! We are getting pounded with snow right now, so it has been a lazy day today!

I have been trying to eat better and less calories, I am actually counting them!! Wahoo! I never have so this is good! Steve, my significant other of 11 years, has been very supportive. He went out friday to grab us something to eat. He brought me home some Special K, grapes and a Healthy Choice meal.....I was really surprised.

I have been eating a bowl of Special K w/milk for breakfast, cutting down on my coffee consumption to 1-2 cups vs. my 4-5 cups every morning. I am trying to keep my breakfast and lunch calories down to around 300, with a regular meal at dinner. So, with snacks I am probably eating around 1300-1400 a day. I have not started an exercise regimen yet, when I do I might have to increase my cals?? Thoughts?

I have to incorporate more fruits into my diet, I don't care for some fruits so I think that will be difficult for me. I love veggies, so that isn't an issue. Question for you guys; are fresh veggies better than frozen as far as nutrition, vitamins are concerned? Or does it just depend on how they are cooked, I steam all veggies fresh or frozen, as to not boil out the vitamins......

I am no longer having problems with headaches or dizziness, that eventually subsided, they have no idea why that was happening. I do though, when I was hit, we were hit so hard, my head was humming, like my brain was shaking, it took several minutes for me to figure out what had happened. It was bizarre, but I am fine now though.

Talk to you all later~
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Old 01-13-2002, 03:42 PM   #137  
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Hello ALL!

moonbeam, Congratulations! I know how good being under 150 must feel! I am looking so forward to 199 I can’t stand it!

aphil will have some really good advice for you. I know she will check in with us sometime today or tomorrow.
Happy to hear you are no longer having problems with headaches or dizziness.

I did a search for frozen vs fresh and this is just one of the many links.
Which is Best? Canned, Frozen or Fresh?

Here are links to some good Calorie Calculators.

222/202/120 day 38, 20 down, 82 to go

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Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use."
~~~Earl Nightingale
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Old 01-13-2002, 11:41 PM   #138  
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Hi girls!
Moonbeam, dont worry i had a whole wheat bagel, and its not like i eat them everyday....the nutrigrain bar was just because i didnt have time to eat and it was the best i could do. and eating a little too little is better than eating too much. as long as im not starving myself.... not trying to disregard your advice but i didnt want you to think......whatever im not too sure what im saying at the moment! its been a long day!
anways...but yah..overall i gotta be just a little more careful about what i eat. weekend break from total body workout is over! back to the grind...i just did some abs and walked and stuff over the weekend......but now its on to the tough stuff!
well im going to sleep cause i have a really bad headache! have a good night and ill talk to you all later!
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Old 01-14-2002, 12:16 AM   #139  
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Hey Ladies,

Just checking in. Hope everyone had a good weekend. I pretty much took the whole weekend off and ate whatever I wanted. It's not so much that I feel "guilty" or mad at this point - it's more that I am worried that I'm NOT upset. On the plus side, I did run another mile again today. My plan was to do another tomorrow and then try to up the distance to 1.5 on Wednesday, but we'll have to see how sore I am tomorrow - I can already feel the soreness in my thighs.

Nasus, congrats on reducing your coffee intake so much - do you think that's could have caused your headaches and dizziness? I've been through caffiene withdrawl myself and experienced some of the symptoms you mentioned. It's also possible that you're not eating enough calories - 1300 is fairly low for your weight. Most diet websites have tools for you to input your height and weight to give you a recommended calorie intake per day in order to keep your metabolism fired up.

Well, off to bed.
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Old 01-14-2002, 11:06 PM   #140  
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Hello All

Hope everyone had a good day. Can’t believe the board has been down most of the day and several posts got deleted.

Here’s a great meal to cure those “Winter Blues”
1 can “Progresso Chicken Noodle Soup” only 180 calories for the whole can and 18 g protein with only 4 g of fat(it’s ready to serve but I like to add ˝ cup water)
Couple that with a nice Big Green Salad and a couple of tbsp “Just2Good” or “Light Done Right” dressing and you have a very satisfying meal for around 300 calories.
I usually add a cup of hot green tea or FF hot cocoa for dessert.
I’ve been having this a lot lately; it just makes me feel good.

Goodnight Everybody!

222/201/120 day 39, 21 down, 81 to go

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"Remember you are who you believe you are. You can achieve only what you believe you can achieve. The greatest miracle in the world is YOU!"
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Old 01-15-2002, 07:53 AM   #141  
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Grr, that's so frustrating that posts get deleted! I was briefly able to check them last night, and I know Aphil wrote something to get my *** back in gear, but of course now it's not there!

Anyway, I know I am responsible for what goes into my mouth and therefore responsible for my weight. I also know what I need to be eating in order to be healthy, etc....the missing link is getting my brain and my mouth to connect As far as the drinking thing goes - that's not something I'm going to be giving up anytime soon. If I know I'm going to be going out on a weekend or to a happy hour, I try to plan my drinks into my daily calories. The bottom line is that I'm 24 and single, and really around here going to bars and clubs is the only social scene. I try to be sensible about how often I go out (and now my wallet dictates it!), but I just can't give up my social life on top of giving up my old way of eating, etc. OK, enough of that - not trying to make excuses here.

Yesterday I kept it to about 1575 calories and I jogged/walked for about 20 mins, so I'm starting to get back on track. Faith, thanks for the tip about your Winter Blues meal - sounds yummy!

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Old 01-15-2002, 08:54 AM   #142  
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HI all,
#!*%#!*#!@%!**#! Darn forum and posts getting deleted! This is the second time this has happened this past weeek-and they were both long posts also!
Lexxy-if you are going to drink-try for something lower in calories like a can of light beer for around 120-140 or try a rum and diet Coke or ameretto and diet coke for about 100 calories if they measure the shots out-if not and it si on the strong side-200 calories. A lot of bars free pour and actually pour about 2 shots into each mixed drink. If you are unsure-watch them make the first drink and count the seconds it takes for them to pour in the booze-to free pour a shot it should take 4 seconds. Among my talents with wedding coordination, interior design, and crafts-I also took a couple weeks of bartending school!
I know how it is Lex-I wasn't trying to tell you to give up the bars-I am only 26 myself-but stay away from all froo-froo drinks and anything frozen or mixed with juices-one of those and you might as well have had 3 Hershey bars after dinner-they are killers.
I myself and a wine drinker-and not cheap wine like Boones or Mad Dog-hehe...I like the good stuff now and then when I do have it.
In my last post I also told Kayla to get a box of Slim-Fast meal on the go bars and keep one in her purse for when she does not have time to eat a real lunch. They have more calories than a Nutri-Grain, as well as more protein and nutrients. I do this when I am out running around-as a mater of fact, all you lunch skippers should do this or something similar-Not eating lunch is asking to binge in the afternoon on anything you can grab.
Lex-I know how hard it is to stay in line, trust me...When I lose weight my body does the weirdest thing-most women have a plateau when they get down close to their ideal weight-but I have a hard plateau after each 5-10 pounds I lose. My body just seems to fight the weight loss a bit more than everyone else, and I have been on one the past two weeks. It is hard to do everything right each day and the scales not drop for a couple weeks at a time. I just have to wait them out and then they will drop again...After Jasmine, I went through about 5 plateaus like this before I lost all of the 4o pounds I gained with her and then a couple more -yes, I was actually smaller than I was before I had my daughter...Well I am down 8 and in the middle of a big plateau and haven't lost any in about 2 1/2 weeks and it sucks...I get overwhelmed like all the rest of you-but I try to stay motivated and motivating to the rest of you even when I am down.
Well, I better go-my mother is coming up today to watch the kids a bit while I get out of this house-we live away from our families due to my husband's job and the walls start closing in on me after a while and I need to be saved! Take care girls-move those buns!
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Old 01-15-2002, 02:20 PM   #143  
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Hello everyone! I couldnt make it to the gym last night and probably not tonight either because ive got an AWFUL flu. its been going around and two of my close friends have had it and they were both sick for about 10 days! its craziness! but im hoping it gets better soon! im waaaaaaaaay too busy to be sick!
anyways...sorry to make it short! im going to go have some soup and then go back to bed!
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Old 01-15-2002, 03:52 PM   #144  
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Where is Everyone?

Kayla, Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well.
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Old 01-15-2002, 06:01 PM   #145  
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Lex, Kayla and I have all posted today-I don't know where everyone else is! I hope everyone is doing well-tupo girl, Willbethin, feelingbluelately, moonbeam-how are you all doing?
I am going to just have to start checking the forum twice a day-my email notifications are not working and letting me know when there are new posts...
Faith-has anyone in your family said anything about your loss as of yet? I am the type where I lose 15 or so pounds, and then all of a sudden with the next couple it is like everyone notices all at once...
I am still holding steady, trying to get through this plateau so I can drop those numbers again...I made smoked sausage tonight for dinner and substituted lite with the husband didn't even notice..he he he (I love to do that) I have already faked him out with lite shells and cheese and lower fat/calorie microwave popcorn-as long as he doesn't see the label he doesn't know there's anything different!
I better get going and clean up these supper dishes...Kayla, I hope you feel better-I am getting over the thing that is going around here and haven't been able to do my normal workouts this past week...just get back to it in a couple days when you feel better. Take care of yourself!
ps-Willbethin-I hope the damage control is going okay-you can do this, but it won't be easy!
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Old 01-15-2002, 06:44 PM   #146  
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Hey girls,

Thanks for the alcohol tips aphil! Today was my rest day for running - it was so nice out today too, I kind of wanted to go! But I don't want to overdo it too much in the beginning.

Kayla, sorry to hear you have the flu. My rommate got it on Sunday and I am so afraid it's going to hit me too!

I went grocery shopping today and spent WAY more than I should have! Fruits and veggies are just so darn expensive! The only indulgences I guy myself are bagel bites, which are 400 calories for 8 which I usually have once or twice a week, and I have to confess I bought Corn Pops, which I know are just sugar, but they're better (and more filling) than choclates or something. Tonight I think I'm going to make some chicken and roasted garlic with broccoli.

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Old 01-15-2002, 07:03 PM   #147  
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Hello ALL!

My e-mail notifications aren't working either. Are anyones?

aphil,I've let everyone know I'm on a weightloss mission, to help keep me motivated and on track. The most noticeable loss is in my face. I was beginning to look like I was going to explode. So yes, everyone is noticing and being very supportive. I'm also enjoying wearing very loose pants that before I had to pour myself into after they were already stretched out. I've got 2 pounds to go to get to my first goal of 199. I can't wait!
I'm sure the scales will start moving for you again soon. Plateaus are such a B***h! I know I'm due one and dreading it, but it's inevitable.
I hope you enjoyed your time out. Luckily my Mom lives close & saves me often.

lexxy2, Corn Pops are one of my favorites too. Keep up the running, you'll melt the extra weight off in no time!

willbethin, Hope all is well with you. Remember what you said a while back:
Originally posted by willbethin
we all have a great attitude about getting healthy this year. it really will be our year to get to our goals. we are doing it!!

let nothing or no one get in our way!!! look out summer, we are gonna be looking and feeling great!!!!
Have a great evening all!

222/201/120 day 40, 21 down, 81 to go

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"The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your ATTITUDE!"
~~~Dennis S. Brown
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Old 01-15-2002, 09:36 PM   #148  
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Question E-MAIL

Hey everyone!
Well my e-mail notification is working all too weLL! it sent me 6 notices that faith had replied! and there were a bunch of others who replied before her but i just got hers......6 times!
Anyways....thats weird!
but im going to bed now....take your vitamins ladies cause if you get what i have......good luck! i feel like im about to keel over!
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Old 01-16-2002, 07:53 AM   #149  
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Morning everyone!

My email notifications are totally random - sometimes I'll get one for every post, other times I won't get them for days.

I think I've told everyone that I'm a member of, and they periodically have challenges where they'll send us daily tips to stay on track - I'll try to post them when I remember or if I think they are especially helpful.

"Plan your daily diet to include enough calories to keep your metabolism in high gear. If you restrict your caloric intake too much, your body will go into starvation mode. The body has a minimum amount of calorie energy it must consume in order to maintain simple functions, and depriving yourself of too much food can make your calorie counts far too short for even the most basic activities. While you will lose some weight, you will also slow down your metabolic rate and cause fluid and hormonal shifts that can result in organ damage.
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Old 01-16-2002, 09:23 AM   #150  
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Hi all!

Cold Wednesday here in Nashville! Supposed to get into the 50s today. Wish it would hurry....

Kayla, wish you felt better. Stay in, stay warm, eat well.

Faith, I'm so happy for you that you're so close to your first goal. That is awesome!

Lexxy seems like you are on the right track! Roasted garlic is one of my faves. DH loves it too. Better than butter!

Aphil, is there anything you maybe could change about your program to keep you off these plateaus? For myself, if I don't vary my food frequently, or change my workout routine (picked up my first dumbbell [the weight, not the person, hee hee] in 1977 and have never looked back!), I adapt too easily and the result is a plateau.

If I had my way, I'd eat the same things much of the time. My pancreas would get used to processing the same things and would run out of the proper enzymes after about four days of this. Result? Plateau. No loss. No nothing. A doctor who specializes in sports medicine told me that this was a common problem. Eat chicken and broccoli and brown rice for lunch every day for a week or so and the scale will stop moving downward because the pancreas isn't doing its job. When I follow his advice and rotate my foods, I have a steady loss. When I don't follow that advice, I have a problem with losing.

I'm no doctor, but he is. Just my two cents' worth. Plateaus are miserable and I wish there were something I could do to help you.

moonbeam, feelingbluelately -- where is everyone? Let us know you're okay!

I have not had any trouble with the notifications, but it sure was a mess to have so many messages drop off...

Have a great Wednesday! I am so glad to be here!
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