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Old 04-10-2013, 07:16 AM   #46  
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morning! WARNING, MAJOR VENT - just need to get some bad weight thoughts out right now. I apologize in advance. Just venting...

I convinced myself that when I weighed in at 151 last week that EVERYTHING 145 and up was just bloating and water retention from a couple of bad eating weeks...

But now I'm in the 146-147 range and it's going down, but so glacially slow. SO that makes me think that it is real weight, and that is so so so depressing. You guys didn't know me before, but 147 as a weight I just keep coming back to is SO HIGH for me. It's like my all time high as an adult except for one other period of my life when I was first married and didn't give a crap. All through my late 20s and 30s, I was mostly 125-133, which is still above my ideal, but at least I looked slender to others. I refuse to believe that you have to pack on the weight once you hit 40.

Here are some little things that make me sad.

1. Nobody, and I mean nobody, says stuff to me any more like, "Wow, and you're so tiny..." and that used to happen to me ALL THE TIME.
2. The other day in one of my classes when some brownies were offered and a bunch of us were saying "no thanks", someone pushed them toward a very slender woman and said, 'Well, you should take it since you're the only one here who can use it!"
On one hand it made me feel so bad that I was lumped in with all the other lumpy people, but on the other hand, it's just the truth right now. I do NOT look slender and tiny anymore. I look thick. I look like the kind of person who SHOULD be refusing brownies. And I hate, hate, hate it. ( I used to be one of those people who would dig into food in front of others and people would think it was cute that the tiny one was eating so voraciously.

Yep, weighed in at 147.2 again today. I am REALLY sick of being anywhere in the upper 140s. It's not me, and it needs to stop.

I am doing things right now with food and the weight IS going down, albeit so slow that ANY setback like eating something slightly off plan is likely to send it right back up again. When it comes to exercise, I've taken yesterday and today off because my back pain scared me so much on Sunday. Also, I have a cold, which is making me grouchy and sleepy. Yep, weather was beautiful yesterday and the day before, and where was I? At work all day and then in a three-hour class. Then I was so sick on Monday I just went home and went to bed. Yesterday I still was not feeling well. Slight nausea all day and extremely congested. Went home, watched some t.v. and went to bed early again.

Today I have about a million things to do. I will try to run/walk when I get home, but we're supposed to get torrential rainfall later today. *sigh*

I am tired of my classes, tired of being tired ALL THE TIME, I'm tired of not losing weight easily, I'm tired of being stuck at a weight/size I'm not happy with. I feel envious when I see people losing weight very steadily and showing progress. I know I just need to try harder, get my head even more in the game, to switch things up even more. I will think on that today, even though I have no time to think right now. :-p I wish I had a personal chef, you know?

Anyway, I just needed to vent and get all the complaining out for now. Thank you for listening!

@Turbo - your training sounds like it's going so well! Ugh, I do NOT like getting sick while running. Especially if you're not close to home! I hope that was just a fluke for you. Did you eat before running? I used to get REALLY sick if I put anything in my mouth before I ran.

@Alex - yes, my body seems VERY sensitive to any sort of water gain right now. Ugh, the medication I'm on doesn't help, I'm sure! You sound happy and busy and healthy! Go you! And great job with the good run!

@Jessica - hee, I love hearing about your roller derby stuff! That sounds like fun! I would love to do something like that except with all my aches and pains from running, I'd probably break something! ;D And that's a great victory with the Dairy Queen! Very inspiring

@Mitsy - yeah, in theory I'm doing a half marathon at the end of this month, if my back is not actually injured! I'm going to try to run today after I get home and see how it feels. If it flares up again, I may have to go to the doctor and see what's going on! As for not weighing, I may have to do that. It's making me SO FRUSTRATED. Maybe I'm going about this whole thing the wrong way, I don't know. Or maybe I'm seeing things wrong. The scale IS going down, but I still don't think I'm doing that thing that really clicks for me and my body...more on that on another post, I think

@Kakers - hey, girl! Congrats on the cruise! That sounds so nice!

@xiao - I am loving hearing your traveling and eating experiences abroad. I have lived abroad at different times and I miss the adventure.

@cohesivegen - wow, you've also done a lot of international travel, too! I lived in Trinidad, which is in the Caribbean but also near to Latin America. Overall good experience, but I'd go into it eyes wide, wide open. Crime is crazy bad there.

@krampus - alas, yes, I do have a history of lower back problems. I haven't had a flare up in a LONG time, so this worries me quite a bit. I have had a protruding disc before. This kind of injury could take me out of the race for sure, which will REALLY suck because I've paid for it and argh, I really want to do it. But if I can't, I can't I guess! Can't do too much about it.
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Old 04-10-2013, 10:51 AM   #47  
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Alexistrophic- Good job not over indulging! I hope your computer can be fixed easily!!
Turbo- Interested to see how the change up in workout goes! And those meals are so much more creative than what we eat around here.
Krampus- you are right much much better than gaining! And thanks for the update on Joss. I completely feel you on the TOM face stuff. I’m also convinced TOM is on the way for me and that must explain why I just can’t stop eating the past few days.
Mitsy- I’m with you, gotta save the good exciting meal for dinner!
Olehcat- Our bodies must be in cahoots, mine has been sticking at 147 for the past few years now… I’ve only got below 140 ONCE and that was a year and a half ago. What is with that number anyways? Such a strange number. IDK why but I think I would feel better if it was an even number, like 146, or a multiple of 5 like 145. Ya know, as long as it’s not 148 or 150 LOL. Sorry you aren’t feeling well…. Colds are NO fun. Right now my problem is allergies, even taking Zyrtec every day isn’t enough.
Xiaobaicai: Eating Chinese style definitely sounds dangerous to portion control! I can see how it would be easy for it to get out of hand without even noticing.
CohesiveGen- good luck on the exams! I am sure you are more than ready for them to be over!
__________________________________________________ __-

So the cruise is a 5 day cruise going to the Bahamas, Nassau and Freeport. Honestly I am so not even concerned with where it is going LOL we almost booked a cruise to nowhere, but it’s only a little one $100 more per person for a 5 night cruise vs a 2 night. I just want to be on a cruise ship, enjoying the warm breeze, out in the tropical sun. I became obsessed with cruising in 6th grade and have only been able to get on ONE so far, 9 years ago, so excited doesn’t even cover it!!
Right now I’m taking a break from gymnastics so I can use that money towards the cruise instead. I stopped going the last week of February, when I came down with the flu. I was asleep on the couch almost the whole week, and the next week was cleared to go back to work but really didn’t feel too much better. Since then I have been out of the habit and then we booked the cruise and that’s $80 I can use towards a short excursion or something.
I did get in a small workout yesterday. During work with one of my kids they kept wanting to throw a ball towards the road and make me chase it… so I got in a good 20 or more sprints LOL Hey it was something! And Sunday I made my husband go on a walk with me and swing on the swings… still not much, but the swings can be a decent leg workout if you swing long enough.
Yesterday though I sucked, big time, with my food. I definitely went overboard with lunch and then didn’t scale back for dinner. Or should I say after work pig-out. I ended up eating FOUR little Debbie snack cakes, and 2 slices of pizza with double pepperoni. Lunch was similar. Then I inhaled some Doritos before bed :/ Needless to say I woke up with more of my today, up to 150. I’m going to have to get myself in check!!
I think today will be a smoothie day. We’ve both gotten really into smoothies, just plain fruit ones with yogurt. We’ve got a whole TON of fresh fruit we bought and I cut up and threw in the freezer. I think today I will go for Honeydew and Plum without yogurt, and a tropical fruit mix with yogurt. If you haven’t tried it, cream of coconut is a pretty awesome addition to a smoothie. I highly recommend it!

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Old 04-10-2013, 12:49 PM   #48  
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Turbo ~ Buckwheat crepes sound delicious!!! And how adventurouos with your fish tacos and avocado/cilantro dressinig. Yummmmmy! It was the first time I'd ever gone to a hookah place, but I'd heard about it enough and am definitely planning on going back. What do you call hookah up in Quebec? Trying not to get too worked up about this "meet and greet" with the guy on Sat. We're just going for coffee at a shop near me (which I thought was sweet, b.c he lives close to an hour north.) I'm just trying to think of it as a chance

Krampus ~ We got some of that beautiful weather down here, too. 82 degrees-- What?!?! lol - glad your boss brought in his friend for you to share it with. Argh to PMS and those random "must eat everything in sight!" moments. It's scary to think about those old binge days. I don't know if it was ever that bad for you, but for me, it's remarkable how quickly those urges return.

Xiao ~ Wow! You ARE making good progress. Stay on it, girl. You know so much about the different cuisines in the area! I was so boring when I was abroad. Pretty severe food allergies turned me into a cautious eater. Bleh. Where's home for you when you're not in China.

Mitsy ~ Stay strong! Sounds like you're on a roll so far. Yoga is great for mind + body.

oleh ~ *hugs* Man, oh man. Welcome to featherworld. I can definitely relate. I'm not usually the thinnest girl in the room (definitely more of a "sturdy" build) but it's so uncomfortable to be up at a higher set point. I've been hovering around the 159-160 range for way too long that it's turned into "real" weight. I'm frustrated at myself for being up this high, but I just try to remind myself that I've lost this weight before and that everything comes in cycles. At least we're catching it now and now twenty pounds up from now, you know?

Kakers ~ That cruise sounds aMAZING!!! I've only been on one in my life also, but can't wait to go on another one. Good for you and the hubs getting away!!! I thought I was the only fully grown adult who still swings on swings! It's good for the soul, I say.

Hip hip hurray for the Genius Bar!!! They were able to reboot my comp and save all my info to an external hard drive. I ordered a new internal HD, too, since mine is clearly on its last legs, and they will be able to transfer all my info onto the new HD AND upgrade my operating system.
PS - How did I manage to fry the hard drive on my computer, you ask? Well, I'll tell you. Any movement to the computer while it's powered up can potentially be harmful to the HD... so putting the computer on the display deck of a treadmill and watching a DVD while running... not the best idea. Also, a friendly reminder to turn your laptop off before stuffing it into an overstuffed suitcase. :thup: Just sayin'.

I can feel my hormones start to swing already... Gah, TOM! (and life, really...) Searching for some comfort food that I can safely eat in large quantities (I am a volume eater)... Maybe some rye crisps or something like that? May have to investigate the cracker aisle later tonight. In a perfect world, I'd just have lots of vegetables, but best to be prepared for the worst, I think.

I've also been trying to journal more with my trusty colored sharpies and cheap spiral notebooks. Just aiming to get the feelings out and not eat over them. That's the plan, at least....
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Old 04-10-2013, 04:08 PM   #49  
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krampus : I would SO NOT BE able to work if there was a dog around. I am an ultimate animal lover and will gladly ditch everyone at a party if there is a cat or god around :P That is so cool to be only u 0.2 pound after a binge. But yesterday, in my car, I was wondering ; do our body really adapt from bingeing (like we don't gain 5-8 pounds overnight like it before) OR did our definition of bingeing changed? Before, a binge would be a whole bag of chip all to myself or something like that, now it's like I panic over so much less food...

And I'm so excited about bonfire and BBQ season. We grilled our first burgers last saturday and they tasted like heaaaven.

Okay, I had to google what was a compound lift (yay I learned a new thing). Actually, I'm not doing much of compound stuff, I guess the chesspress on a ball would be basically on of the only thing I do that can fit that term... Actually, I decided to really focus on a few moves that I need DB and Barbell that I will do at the gym and I'm planning to get a kettlebell to try stuff at home. My routine is basically : Barbell Squat, Chesspress on ball, Leg Extension, Lateral raise, Weigheed glutes kickback machine thingy, Shoulder Overhead press and DB Tricep Overhead Extension. I was pooped after that LOL

AHHH it's nice to know Jossfit is alright! I tried to stalk her a week or two ago, but I must be a really bad stalker, I wasn't able to find her on facebook or other social media.

Xiao : Argh, I hate mucky road. It's not even that I don't like getting dirty, I don't care, but I don't like running all tense being afraid of falling. Falling in the dirt, THAT I don't like. What kind of weather do you have in China at this time of the year?

Congrats on the progress too! That rocks!

Mitsy : That is awesome that your are feeling great! Getting a positive feeling helps so much to creative some kind of positive feedback loop and give you motivation to keep going! You go woman!!

Olehcat : Aww, I'm sorry you're feeling the way you feel. You seem to be quite busy and nervous about the time lacking, which probably does not help all of those feeling altogether. First thing first, get better! Hope this sick thing will fly away pronto! For the weight loss, what are you doing exactly? Are you doing a specific plan or you just go with the flow?

And yeah, my problem with my weekend run was definetely due to going out there too quickly after eating, thank to the boyfriend who jsut wanted me out the door so he could play PS3 without feeling guilty of letting me in the house alone while he's killing people at his war game :P

Kakers : Aww your cruse sounds fun! I want to go in a cruse NOW. My brother is also going in May (in Spain and Italy, *?%& f*cker!! LOL) while I'm stay pale as a ghost at home

Seriously I was reading about your smoothie and it HIT ME : I never thought of adding plum to a smoothie. It must be SO GOOD. I love love love plum, but those little thing are so sugary, I don't have them on a regular basis, but mixted in a smoothie with a lower sugary fruit, it must be awesome!

Alexis : Well, we, weird non-European French speaking people in Quebec call Hookah ''Shisha'' here I went to Morroco a few years ago and I tried one with some kind of apples in there, it was amazing! Oh, this guy looks sweet to do all the road to meet up with you! Props to the people who saved your computer!!

For your TOM craving cracking thingy, I think it's Special K/Kellogs that has a new crackers thing, it's like 90 cal for 20 grams. I tried it once and it was cracking enough to let my craving pass without eating all the chips in the world!


Up to 134.2 this morning, but I might be sore from yesterday gym workout AND dear TOM is supposed to hit up in a few days, depending how crazy messed up my cycle is that month (seriously, are we all synch with TOM on the thread or what LOL). I'm also getting pre-TOM craving, I read the word Doritos in Katy's post and I almost went wild LOL Luckily I think I still have some popcorn to pop if the cravings reach a super duper high.

I ran my scheduled 5k this morning and it felt surprisingly good, especially since it was a post-strenght training day. I did really reduced the strength training of the legs though and I am mostly focusing on arms right now, which are probably my weakest part. Spartan race is in less than 2 months, so I want to get them stronger for that.

Last night fish tacos were great (for me) but the boyfriend felt blah; I don't know why, he's been at wat with tilapia for the past 2 weeks, complaning that it does not taste anything. DUDE you've been eating that once a week for the past year, why complain NOW lol. But to be fair, the poor guy is hurt again, looks like it is his IT knee band thing. I've been telling him for weeks that the training program his friend had put him on was too much but HEY the guy is a elite athlete and probably knows better than my beginner runner girlfriend, right? I 70% feel bad for the bf because he is hurt and he feels sad but a 30% b*tch part of me is in a I told you so mood. - OOPS rant over

Tonight is pesto-poached chicken-pancetta-veggies overload pizza night. It's 4;07 and I am already starving!

Take care ladies!
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Old 04-10-2013, 04:45 PM   #50  
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Hi all,

It's not as nice out today - hope it comes back soon. We got in a nice bonfire at the BF's place last night - beers and bluegrass and ICE CREAM and prior to the bonfire he and I took a nice hike. Today I was slightly out of it due to the one oatmeal stout beer I drank. Our old bookkeeper came by and showed me the ropes - the future of my organization is now in my hands! Ahhh! It's kind of nice to change my email sig to "Executive Assistant/Bookkeeper" and now I have more work to do (a plus).

TOM came. Glad that was the answer - I had a yogurt and a Quest bar for lunch, totaling less than 400 calories, and I'm just...not hungry. Which will make going out with my parents and my roommate tonight pleasant, because often I end up being too hungry and thus "hangry" when I make dinner plans and try to eat lightly in advance. I'm all crampy - REST DAY.

Alex Hormonal swings and TOM, bleh. What about Korean seaweed? All the salt and crunch... I'm glad everything worked out with your laptop. i have been really successful keeping the binges at bay, I think living with people makes a huge difference for me!

kakers Yikes - hope TOM comes and you won't keep feeling bad about stuffing your face. My roommate commented the other day when I was shoveling Girl Scout cookies into my mouth that I was doing a good job - ha! Exciting cruise plans - I've never been on one and have no interest myself but I can TOTALLY see the appeal and why folks love them!

olehcat Ohhh I'm so sorry you're having such a tough time of it. It sucks not feeling well physically, being tired and struggling with weight and food and all that crap. I hope things will look up for you. To be fair though, being sick/congested/tired can = water retention, and most of the people you see losing weight quickly are like, way heavier to start off with. Also, losing slowly is 10000000 times better than gaining.

Mitsy Just a couple days of something new can make a huge difference in how you feel, can't it? It's really encouraging! Seriously I think binge eaters are at LEAST 50% previously non eating-disordered people who dieted hard and got carried away.

xiaobaicai You must be pretty far up north. I have a lot of friends in South Korea and Japan who are really worried about the state of affairs with DPRK - how is it in China? Tense? RUNNING as a nonsmoker is much easier - I smoked for 6 years or so myself, never going back. I have an electronic cigarette for weak moments and parties.

Turbo Hi! Didn't see you there - from what you listed a lot of those things are compound lifts! Especially the barbell squat and overhead press. I do a lot of the same things and I have noticed GREAT results! I'm sorry your BF is having IT band issues and being cranky about tilapia. Being injured SUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKS and ruins pretty much all other areas of life but it's not fair to take it out on you! By the way I saw on Montreal Gazette that street food trucks are returning to Montreal this summer! Yessssssss.

Last edited by krampus; 04-10-2013 at 04:48 PM.
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Old 04-10-2013, 08:06 PM   #51  
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So yeah, guys, definitely miserably sick, which could explain my extreme grouchiness this morning! Ears so plugged up I can't hear anything, including myself speak, just ickiness> This might explain my extreme fatigue and muscle aches, HOPEFULLY including the back pain when I was running on Sunday!

@Kakers - your cruise sounds completely awesome! I've never been on a cruise in my entire life. And that's so funny that you're stuck at the same weight. On me it's a bit chunkier since I'm shorter, lol. But yeah, it is a very odd number, isn't it?

@Alex - thanks for your comforting words. You have such a good attitude overall. I realize that my hardcore whining this morning was really a symptom of being so sick and everything feels blah and hopeless when I feel like this!

@Turbo - Thank you - I'm REALLY feeling sick now, so I know I'm sick-sick and can focus on nothing but getting better now. I suspect that's why I had such a spectacularly bad run on Sunday and possibly the reason for the backache (I'm hoping!). I had been focusing on cutting refined carbs and focusing on having mostly protein breakfast, just a salad and fruit for lunch, and then a light supper of usually something proteiny and veggies, like chili. I got off plan very slightly over the weekend a few times, but very slightly is way better than in the past when I've gone completely off plan on weekends.

@krampus - beers and ice-cream, what an interesting combo! And you're right. I didn't realize even this morning just how sick I am. I'm mega, can't breathe, can't even hear my own voice because my ears are so plugged up sick! I had to cancel my writing group tonight and I NEVER do that, ever, because I love it too much. So you are probably right. I have a lot happening with stress and being sick. Best thing for me is to not weigh for awhile, probably, chill out, and make healthy choices.
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Old 04-10-2013, 09:59 PM   #52  
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Hey ladies! Just a quick check in, everything is going well, staying on my eating plan this week. I thought I was starting to get better and either I am falling "resick" or I may have a sinus/allergy thing, so I bought some meds to start on tomorrow, hopefully that will help because I can't take it anymore! I don't have much of an appetite, so that is good because I'm not tempted to eat mindlessly, and I've been drinking tons of water/tea. BUT I haven't been able to work out for 2 weeks now, which is frustrating! I am exhausted, but I will try to catch up with you ladies this weekend

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Old 04-11-2013, 06:40 AM   #53  
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This is interesting - I will post and be a THIRD sick person here! I think it's allergies. My sinuses are just terrible, my eyes are itching, and my throat is sore. I did not sleep last night almost at all because I am sick, so I took some medicine yesterday...but I bought a medicine that was only $1 and I am not sure it is working very good! lol. But, at least, I had very deep sleep last night.

I am going to make my mother's chicken noodle soup recipe today. It usually makes me feel better when I am sick, for some reason! lol. I hope I can do just short exercise today, so I can continue my goal, but if I feel too tired, well, there is nothing to do about it!

Good job, everyone else! And all other sick people, feel better!!
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Old 04-11-2013, 09:36 AM   #54  
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I had a really sucky time with impulse eating today, and although I didn't do any serious damage (total calories for today = 2250), I'm still kind of annoyed with myself. All throughout the day, I didn't really eat meals so much as graze on stuff. I counted everything down, and it was, generally speaking, not unhealthy. It just probably would have been more satisfying to eat an actual cooked meal, rather than eat a dish of 20 almonds here, 2 pears there, a tablespoon of PB, etc.

It was also frustrating because my brain, for whatever reason, simply would not cooperate with me. I drank a crapload of coffee, and it felt like trying to kick an old diesel engine to life on a cold morning. Just sputtered and gave a few false starts, but didn't ever get to turning. I loafed in bed and diddled around on Twitter, Reddit, and Craigslist (looking for jobs back home). Got virtually nothing substantive done in the way of writing or even reading.

When I got out of class this evening, I had tallied myself at 1920, which is pretty good, considering that I did do an 8 mile run today. However, some idiot just about took me out on his electric scooter, and then I tripped on a pothole (didn't even fall down), and that all put me in a rather cranky way. So, as though guided by forces beyond my conscious control, I found myself being steered into the convenience store by my apartment and buying a bag of Japanese-style rice crackers and a little square of chocolate. I came back upstairs, put the snacks on my desk, stared at them, and was like "Last chance not to eat this! You could put this stuff away for tomorrow right now and stay on track!"

Naturally, I didn't. The stuff wasn't even that good or satisfying. I mean sure, it was only 330 calories, but it sucked to cap off a cognitive block day by snorking down junk food. Argh.
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Old 04-11-2013, 11:35 AM   #55  
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Totally deadlifted 135 lbs this morning, WOO. I think I'll shoot for 200+ by the end of 2013. Good goal - the challenge will be grip.

Heavy WI, my appetite was pretty low yesterday and prob again today. Water retention blahblah. Gym and open mic tonight - looking forward to unveiling new songs.

xiaobaicai That was my day Monday. I just shoved random crap into my face and felt like I had BINGED, when I would have been fine eating a DINNER of comparable calories. Hope you have a better day today, I know how much that sucks when you just never feel satisfied yet feel disgusting at the end of a rough day.

Mitsy55 That sounds a lot like allergies - get well!

chahma I'm so sorry you've been under the weather so long - heal up!

olehcat Groooooosssssssssssss, I'm so sorry you're sick. I am starting to feel human again! Rest and get well and do not add the stress of weight loss to the pile of stress !
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Old 04-11-2013, 12:42 PM   #56  
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Turbo ~ Well, happy that YOU enjoyed the tilapia! I'm considering giving it a whirl, myself. You sound like an awesome cook. Poor (elite athlete ) bf with his knee injury. I had to lol at the 30% of you in "I told you so" mode. I thought that was pretty sweet of the dude, too. He is "doing all that road" to come see me. And calling it "shisha" makes sense, since "hashish" is literally "dried weed" in arabic.

Krampus ~ Oooooh, roasted seaweed! How could I forget about that!!! That's a great snack. I've been seeing it around whole foods, too. Exciting about open mic night! And look at you LIFT, girl! Oatmeal stout? That sounds... unique? I like my oatmeal smothered in butter and brown sugar, but stout works!

Xiao ~ For an "impulse eat" that doesn't sound too bad at all. Do you feel like sometimes you need those slow days? Call it "mental health" or maybe a "rest day".

Mitsy ~ No fun being sick! Hope the chicken soup helps.

Oleh ~ Sick-sick woes! And with all the stress in your schedule, it's no wonder you're running down. Take care of yourself, girl. What are your "healthy" feel better foods?

chahma ~ Yerguh. This season is murder on allergies. I'm tryinig my hardest not to get "re-sick" either.

Dinner with a friend tonight, then another rehearsal tomorrow eve.

Sat is the meet up with the dude in the Am and concert #2 in the PM
Sunday is concert #3 @ 4PM and I hope to be in a crashed out on the couch in a recovery coma by 7PM.

Noshin' on baby carrots now. Usually I'm not such a fan of the high GI veggies, but I figure that they're a better option than the giant sourdough pretzels on the counter...
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Old 04-11-2013, 05:12 PM   #57  
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krampus : oatmeal stout beer ; it sounds marvelous! I'm in love with stout beer. That is so cool for your new position too! Did you get an increase? people are going CRAYCRAY for the return of the food truck in Montreal, they've been forbidden for the past 60 years or something. It's gonna be nice to hang in the city this summer! When we were visiting NYC, I was CONSTANTLY wanting to get hotdog or pretzels at random food trucks, I was amazed by them LOL

Jesus you are killing those deadlift! I'm feeling all badass at 60 pounds LOL

Olehcat : Awww, hope you'll get better soon! it must be the season, everyone is sick! At least it gives you an explanation for the ''feeling crappy'' of the past days.

chahma : Glad to hear you are doing great following your plan! Yo go girl! Hope for you it is only allergies! :S

Mitsy : You too, get better!! Yumm, chicken noodles soup, best remedy ever!

xiao : As you said, considering your run, your calories log is not that bad at all. But I get that the frustration comes from ''what did I eat THAT and not a complete meal''. Oh and by the way, that sucks for the scoother guy and the pole (I'd probably have given the finger to the guy, I get angry so quickly for stuff like that LOL).

Alexis : I'm really not an awesome cook, I'm supper bad with the spices and seasoning. I just enjoy to try tons of new things You are having such a busy schedule, I'd probably just crawl under my blanket just thinking of all this these I have to do it I were you!


Hi! Up again at 134.2 this morning, but I had a good poop and anyways I feel awesome. I took pictures showing progress this afternoon after my run, I'll try to post them tomorrow when my cat won't be sleeping in such a cute way ON MY CAMERA. I think this lifting thing is really helping, I'm thrilled.

Went out for my 6k run this afternoon, the first 3k with the wind in the face were ''BLAH THIS SUCKS I don't ever want to run again'' and the last 3k with the wind in my back were ''OH I'M FLYING LIKE POCAHONTAS RUNNING IN THE FIELD etc etc etc''. Also in prep for Spartan Race I did 20 Burpees right after I finished my run ; at the Spartan, if you can't get over an obstacles, you have to go 25 or 30 burpees. I'm planning to do some everyday, starting with 20 today and increasing the number every 2 day. (by the way I hate burpees, they hurt my knees when I drop to the ground booohoo)

Weather forecasts are calling a snowstorm on us tomorrow. I'm feeling like I want to cry and/or move to California.

Take care ladies!
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Old 04-12-2013, 08:13 AM   #58  
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krampus: God almighty, deadlifts. I keep telling my lazy self that I'll commit to a weight program, but I never do. How long did it take you to get to where you are now with lifting? I think when I move back to the states/Canada, I'm gonna get serious about it. Oh yeah, and about the NK issue -- no one here in China is particularly worried about potential violence, as they're its only ally and source of food/fuel aid. They were fortifying the border down in the Liaoning province (about 10 hours south of here), but I think that was more to keep the potential surge of refugees back than anything else. At this point, I seriously doubt anything material is going to happen, though.

Alexis: Well, it's just that I've had my fair share of 'rest days' this month, but as was indicated by my weigh-in and measurement this morning, I could tell that my body really was legitimately hungry because it was losing weight. Also, I've been getting homesick and so have started compiling a running list of stuff I want to make sure I eat/do/see back in Michigan this summer. Sourdough pretzels just got added

Turbo: I live for those Pocahontas runs! Oftentimes, it'll take me like 45 minutes to get sufficiently warmed up to the point that I get really fluid, and then just the right song'll come on on my iPod, and away I go. I had a killer sprint through the downtown commercial district a couple days ago while listening to Metronomy, if I remember right, and if I'd had more space to continue, I'd've kept up with my sprint til' I collapsed and hit the pavement.
Good news to report! I woke up this morning well-rested and feeling distinctly thinner, so I had a wee first thing after getting out of bed and took my waist measurement: a loose-tape 26.5"! I believe the last time I was posting here last year, I was at 26". Then I got on the scale and weighed in: 56.0 kg! Yes!

So here's the thing with me and calorie-counting. Basically, if I go to bed feeling at least vaguely hungry, it's because I'm losing weight. Last month, I did really good on staying under 1700, but made very little progress because, for reasons unknown, that was satiating to me. This month, I've actually been doing like 1850 a day (sometimes more, sometimes less), but am losing at a very encouraging pace. The only indication that anything in my body is different is that I often feel a bit hungry as I lie in bed at night. Not starving hungry, but just that minor hollowness that all us dieters are surely familiar with.

So while I didn't make good on my promise to myself that I'd work out today, I ate 1700 calories of good wholesome food, and am presently feeling that slight, before-bed hunger that lets me know I'm on track.

Last edited by xiaobaicai; 04-12-2013 at 08:13 AM.
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Old 04-12-2013, 03:15 PM   #59  
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Turbo ~ Dang Canada and its unpredictable weather... Love that "flying" feeling on a run. Now that the weather is nicer, I'd like to start running outside more and you know, interacting with nature. Although w. pollen count so high during the spring/summer, outside is not always my friend. The "deadmill" is still my go-to tool...

Xiao ~ Man, those "lazy days". Don't know what your teaching position involves, but I know that mine was not the most demanding at all. There were times when I felt like my brain was dripping out of my nose from disuse. Do you have other activities that keep you mentally engaged?

Struggling under spring allergies. Ugh. Have been dosing up on Benadryl and finally bit the bullet and bought Allegra. Also added a vitamin D supplement and hope that will help with energy levels. Argh.
Rough day all around.

Ate too many dates... Double Argh. Oh, well. HOping to maybe get in a run on the treadmill before rehearsal.

Last edited by Alexistrophic; 04-12-2013 at 03:16 PM.
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Old 04-12-2013, 07:07 PM   #60  
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hi, feathers,

I was so sick yesterday, I called in sick to work and literally laid in bed or on the couch all day. It was great. It was the most real rest I've gotten in I don't know how long. Even during my spring break, I was trying to accomplish things and had goals every day and felt guilty if I just lazed around. So yesterday? Lying in bed watching netflix, doing NOTHING. Despite being sick? It was a good day.

Still was too congested to go running today, but will try tomorrow. I will have to see if the back ache returns. If it doesn't, then I"ll assume it was the beginning of that icky virus and will be very happy. If it returns, then I have to worry about back problems again.

I haven't weighed in a few days because I know being sick really throws numbers off, and not necessarily in a positive way. I still ate, albeit pretty lightly, but probably saltier things than usual.

@chahma - hope you feel better!

@mitzy - eep, you too! I wonder if this cold is catching through the computer Seriously, hope you're better soon, too!

@xiao - yeah, some days are like that. I have had days like that where I just get nothing done I hope to and eat more than I want...Just take a breath and try again the next day. Great theory on the being slightly hungry before you go to bed. I'm going to work on that, too. Making sure I eat lightly enough that I am slightly hungry when I go to bed. I actually like that feeling.

@krampus - wow, great deadlift!!! Thank you! I'm feeling a lot better today. Was awful Wednesday and Thursday.

@Alex - thank you! I know I got sick because I'm so run down and stressed. Ugh, just three more weeks of this intensive schedule, then things will ease up a bit! I do love a good chicken broth-based soup with lots of veggies! That's a healthy comfort food for me. In fact I made some yesterday. I added some turkey breast pieces, too, for protein, but they are my least favorite part of the soup. I usually add onions, mushrooms, garlic, cabbage, spices.

@turbo - Thank you! I feel a lot better today than the last few days. But yeah, totally makes sense that I've been feeling rotten since Sunday! Still badly congested, but at least I don't feel awful all over. Running like the wind! What a great feeling! Did you get the snowstorm?
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