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Old 02-25-2009, 11:03 PM   #256  
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Hello Everyone!

Countingdown - Thank you so much for the encouragement, and yes, I would love to join all of you for the 5k. Thank you for including me.

Aggie - I will definitely pray for your sister Sue. I am so sorry she has had such a difficult year, and again will have to relive the surgery process. I will pray that God will comfort her, give her strength and just surround her with his love. I will pray for you too Aggie.

All of you are doing great, and I pray God will bless you all abundantly with a peaceful and beautiful morning tomorrow.
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Old 02-26-2009, 08:40 AM   #257  
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Good morning and God's blessings to you all! Thank you all so much for the prayers and well-wishes! It means so much to have this support system and you are the best part of the group!

A good, but busy day yesterday. DSs feeling better, so took DS3 to PT and went to one of our favorite fast food joints (Culvers and yes, I stayed on plan) where the boys sat and worked on their schoolwork until DS2 had to go back to the "other" school. Then, we got our shopping done-finally! Did a good 20 minutes of fast walking around and around Walmart It was a beautiful day, also, with lots of Now, today, it's gonna be icky-Well, we wouldn't want too many nice days in a row or anything-we might get spoiled and sure wouldn't want that

Rosebud-thanks for telling us about Mug and her sister. Prayers said and I just know that God will provide the help she needs.

I was just reminded yesterday how God provides for even the smallest of our needs. While waiting at DS's PT, I was reading the weekly community paper and there was a letter to the editor about the school's book club collecting books to send to schools in Africa so the children (all ages) have reading material for classes and home. I have been wanting to scale down our book "collection" for a long time, but the libraries here weren't interested in what we have, as they already have copies, so I got a prayer answered and I just think it's so cool that we can help children in Africa at the same time! They will even take Bibles-isn't that excellent?! Sneaky of me, huh? So, I'm off to sort through the books......Talk to you all later! You're in my prayers
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Old 02-26-2009, 06:14 PM   #258  
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THANKS FOR PRAYING EVERYONE ~ for MUG's sister and their family: they received wonderful news this morning -- that a surgeon from the University of Louisville has agreed to operate on her again to correct her internal plumbing problem! PTL! OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD!!!

Ya know, I awoke in the middle of the night last night (3 AM) and felt impelled to ask GOD for mercy for this young lady again -- it was one of those 'whispers in the night' kinda things ... and our Lord is so Faithful and True to hear and answer our prayers!

Now, we will keep praying for her right through her surgery and recovery, as she is a very sick young lady! Once again, thank you Prayer Partners for your faithfulness too ...

HEY RONNI ~ that's a terrific idea: sending books & Bibles to children in Africa, and I hear stories all the time that they appreciate anything and everything we send them too!

Hope EVERYONE has a FABULOUS FRIDAY tomorrow!!!

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Old 02-26-2009, 06:20 PM   #259  
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Bev - good news about Dennis! Glad your Mom is listening to you. Moms sometimes don't.

Sandy - keep it up! I hope to be reading of your progress

Ronni - that is very cool about the books. When I weeded my collection, we took them to Goodwill with the rest of my "clutter". They took everything, and I know that the money they make helps lots of folk in our community. But, I love the idea of sending them to Africa - way cool program

A good day here, even though we are expecting some nasty weather. Good feedback from the church service last night, so I"m glad I took the time to put the media stuff together, even though they weren't planning on using it

I did 45 minutes of aerobics on the Wii again today after work, so I am tired. One down side of working out after work - I rarely feel like preparing a meal. DH has had to cook a lot more, or we have been having grab-n-go kinds of meals. I think soup and grilled Laughing Cow and veggie sandwiches are gonna be tonight's fare.

Hope you all had a good start to Lent! Prayers continuing for all!

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Old 02-26-2009, 07:57 PM   #260  
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Hi Everyone!

I just read all the post and tried to catch up with you all.

Bev - Congrats on your brothers situation and your Mom taking your advice. The Guardianship hearing lasted 20 minutes and was done. The boys are very happy to be out of foster care.

This week has been stressful. Our DS3 has been sick as you know (Jayson). Tuesday night we had to take him to the emergency room because he couldn't keep anything down and he had a high fever. They put him on IVs and got fluids in him because he was dehydrated. They were going to keep him but decided not to. His fever finally broke early Wedneday morning and since then he has greatly improved. He still is not out of the woods yet, but he can eat and is more himself.

This was very emotionally exhausting because I have never gone through something like this since I never had kids of my own. Needless to say it was a learning experience.

I was not able to get a lot of exercise time in, but I did get a walk/run in today. I was able to do it in 25 minutes and it use to take me 35-40 minutes. I have stayed on plan this week and I'm hoping my WI tomorrow will show a loss.

My prayers go out to all of those who are sick. To Sue for her back surgery and any other I may have missed. God be with each of you.

God's blessing on all of you.

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Old 02-26-2009, 08:05 PM   #261  
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Kathy - that is so great!!!! Mom, I am happy for you! And I am glad Jayson is doing better. You won't even know he was sick a week from now!

Laurie - thank you.

I don't have much tonight. I found out that when you take a pain sleep for 12 hours! so, no work out today, but I will tomorrow. I made tilapia and put it on a bed of avacado, sour cream, cilantro and tomatoes! all on a whole grain/carb friendly tortilla. YUM!
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Old 02-26-2009, 08:26 PM   #262  
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Hey all!
I was just wondering if I could ask for some prayer here.

My little boy has the startings of a cold and has gotten febrol (spelling) seizure before when sick so it just scares me to death so please pray for him to get well soon.

Also, my dad has bad lung problems and once again has a upper respitory infection.

My brother in law was in a car accident this week and he really needs to find the Lord and stop drinking. Also he has some injuries from the wreck and is in rehab to learn to re-walk on his broken leg.

My mother in law has cervical cancer and just had a hysterectomy.

DH has this upper respitory bug too.

And I just feel overwhelmed. I need to put a lot of things in Gods hands and it hard for me to let go.
I really need to find my way back on the weight loss path too. I have just lost my way when it comes to this weight loss battle.

I could relaly use some prayer for myself and my family. Thank you all so much!
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Old 02-26-2009, 09:35 PM   #263  
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First of all prayers for all that have been asked for!

I am working a lot of overtime right now...until Saturday....but then we will slow done a bit for a week or so.

I will catch up ~ Gary
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Old 02-26-2009, 11:17 PM   #264  
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Blessings to all this evening,
Bev, so happy to know that your brother made out okay and that your mom listened to you. I know this made you happy. Bev, the meal you made sounds delish, I love tilipia and avacodo's, what a combo.

Ronni62, glad to hear your son is doing better and what a great way of getting the exercise in by walking all over the Wal-Mart. Good job.

RoseBud, how right you are, our God is an awesome God, and He does answer prayers.

Countingdown, great job on your excerise. 45 minutes on the Wii Fit, I may have needed mouth to mouth, that was excellent. You go girl.

Oh2bthin, happy the boys are happy. Congrats on your excercise this week and even did it faster. Keep it up and thank you for your prayers for my sister Sue.

Lokkingformeagain, I will definitly add all of your prayer request in my prayers tonight.

I went to weigh in this evening and I stayed the same. I so wanted to reach that 30 pound mark, but since I did not, I will try again to lose that 2.4 pounds needed to reach that mark. I have truly had a stressfull day today. My daughter, Morgan and I got into the worst argument that it brought me to tears. I try so hard to do all for my children that I can. I raised them right, to believe in God, to be caring, respectfull, loving and giving. Somewhere along the way I must have failed. The two youngest have turned out to be so disrespectfull and ungreatfull and it makes me so sad. I guess it is my own fault, I tried to take good care of them and to help them. Maybe I helped too much and should have let them earn some things for themselves instead of giving it to them. I thought I was doing the right thing but now with my eyes wide open, I believe that I was an enabler and did them more harm than good. Pray for me this evening that she and I bridge this gap of divide and we come together in prayer and in peace. She is my daughter and I love her dearly. Pray that she come home to God for she has strayed. Pray that God opens her heart and see's that she can do nothing without Him. Pray for my peace of mind and to give me joy, so that the reflection of Jesus is seem in me and my may touch the lives of others. I hope I am not talking too much but I feel so comfortable here with all of you. Thank you for listening and please have a peacefull slumber. God loves all of you and God knows, so do I.


PS Thanks to all of you for your prayers for my sister, Sue. God Bless

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Old 02-27-2009, 12:52 AM   #265  
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Aggie, dear, sweet lady - you have not failed. If any mistakes were made - even those of being too helpful - ask for forgiveness and forgive YOURSELF and move on. Ask God what He wants you to do now. If tough love is the it! I prayed for you and for Morgan. She will find her way in HIM. I KNOW IT!

Be at peace and rest sweet
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Old 02-27-2009, 09:15 AM   #266  
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Good morning!

Laurie-you're so faithful with your exercise. Like Aggie said, 45 minutes of aerobics and I'd have needed CPR, too! You're an inspiration to me knowing that we can find success in sticking with our plans and relying on God to help us toward our goal. Thanks!

Kathy-prayers for Jayson continues to feel better and so glad that the boys are happy about the hearing results.

Lookingforme-prayers said. Just know that you are not alone. There have been so many times I've just felt so overwhelmed I couldn't even figure out how or what to pray and just prayed over and over "God, please help us all" He's there, He knows your needs, and He will provide. One thing I've found helpful is to remember to give Him praise, even when I can't figure out how to ask for His help, I try to give praise to Him for all His wonderful works and it helps me realize His power and the awesome things He'll do for us.

Gary-it's great to get OT, but sometimes bad for getting the rest and free time you need to rechargeThe weekend is here!

Aggie-prayers continue for Morgan, Sue, and for you as well. I'll share with you something I learned in al-anon. There was a saying we heard over and over-we did the best we could with what we knew at the time. Meaning, there's nothing gained by beating yourself up over things you think you may have done wrong. There may have been things we did wrong, but it's over and done and we are forgiven! It's harder for us to forgive ourselves than for anyone else to forgive us, especially God. Our children will come around (I have a step-son who's similar to your daughter) because we've laid the foundation. We must just continue to lift them up to God and continue to ask for His guidance.

Hi and prayers for everyone else as well! Hope you all have a great day!
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Old 02-27-2009, 11:44 AM   #267  
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Wow! was in the middle of reading when noticed the wind had picked up alot, went outside to move my car and a limb had already come down and broke a rain guard, took a big chunk out it - I guess that easy enough to repair could have been the hood or something but pain...
Ronni- At least doing laps your not as likely to wander around spending money when ou notice different things in the store- which happens to me!
Wilma- Prayrs interview went well, and you get the promo.
Kathy- Still praying husband finds job that works out.
Counting- I agree- Kaylee my 4 yr. old niece wanted to to pull her up the hill instead of walking up... not
Janne50- Amen! We often forget to hand decisions to Him.
Rayne- sorry to heaar about laptop- prayers able to get different one... and continued prayers for db that he does well when he goes back to court and makes the right decisions and for things w/ your mom. tough situation at times I am sure.
Aggie- Wow! your poor sisterr! she must be so fustrated. Prayers for her all so the situation w/ dd
Rosebud- what a sweet word summer- I can't wait... Thanks for sharing the story about mug's sister- how sad
Looking for me- wow!prayers for you and your family! For peace, healing, and strength
E.z.- busy busy busy...
Well gotta run. catch ya all later.
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Old 02-27-2009, 05:26 PM   #268  
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Kathy - good luck on the WI - and good job with the exercise even with a busy schedule!

Lookingforme - prayers continuing for all the situations you mentioned! Keep us posted

Aggie Prayers continuing for your children. How I wish we had God's omniscience! It is so hard to be patient when our children stray or stumble! Prayers for patience and peace for you as well! Don't be hard on yourself. We all do what we think is best at the time. We don't always make perfect decisions - we are HUMAN after all! And - all things work together for GOOD, for those that love God! Who knows what today's trials and tribulations will bring?

Ronni - thanks for your kind words. I gotta say that aerobics have gotten so much easier without the extra 93 lbs! You will get there! I remember well having trouble walking a mile to work! And don't get me started on huffing and puffing up the stairs!

Sue hope you are safe and well! We have some nasty winds here as well. And ICE! Truly unpleasant weather today. At least the sun peeked out for a bit

Hello to everyone else! Hope you had a good Friday!

We had no school today, which is always a blessing for me. My phone and email stay quite and I can actually get caught up on projects that take concentration. The garage door was frozen shut when I got home, but thanks to my new muscles, I was able to bang on it enough to break it free from the ice. :

Gotta get bills paid and I'm hoping that my tax return made it into my account today (it was supposed to).

Prayers continuing for all!


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Old 02-27-2009, 08:25 PM   #269  
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Just a quick note to share my good news. I got the job!!! Now the transition and lots of learning begins. Thanks so much for all your prayers.
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Old 02-27-2009, 09:01 PM   #270  
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Wilma - Congratulations on the new job. God bless you as you start on this new journey.

Wow, there are so many things to pray about. I'm so glad that we have a great big God who can handle all of these situations.

Aggie - The Bible says, "Train up a child in the way they should go and when they grow old they will not depart from it." You are human and will make mistakes, but like Rayne said, if you have to show them tough love than that's what you need to do. God will guide you and give you the wisdom you need for each situation.

LookingForMeAgain - Wow, it seems like your plate is so full with physical situations. God is with you and my prayers are also with you. Continue to lean on Jesus and he'll see you through.

I'm so thankful that we can trust God for every situation. The thing is we have to give them to Him and then walk away and leave it with Him. God is able to do aboundantly above all that we could ask or think.

Thank the Lord Jayson is more himself each day. He's getting an attitude again so we know he's back to his oldself again.

I lost 2lbs. I was so happy. It seems like the scale was stuck, but it finally moved.

I must run. Take care everyone and remember God is as close as a prayer away.

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