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Old 02-24-2009, 12:15 AM   #241  
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Default Rayne-

So happy to hear your not leaving us... you are an inspiration and pleasure to have around. All I can say after reading your last post. AMEN! Amen! Too many christians are judgemental and then are seen doing or acting as they should not which spoils their testimony! Thanks for the reminders! Blessings!
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Old 02-24-2009, 08:24 AM   #242  
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Janne-I count calories with calorie cycling. Right now I'm trying to stay between 1300 and 1700 cal per day averaging about 1550 each week. I also try to eat as much healthy food as I can, so instead of chips and dip or cheesy tortillas, I'll have a Kashi granola or cereal bar, popcorn, fruit, or cheese stick. I still have my dark chocolate if I'm wanting that, but I record everything I eat in a journal with the number of calories. That's why I'm finding this so much easier now, because I've realized that really nothing is off limits, just limited! I do use Lean Cuisines for easy, quick meals and they help in that they are premeasured, so I'm learning what real portions are, not what I used to eat! This works for me better than other plans I've tried, because I can still cook what the family likes (although I've changed things to make them healthier using olive oil and whole grains and lots more veggies) and I just eat my measured portions. I have had to calculate calorie counts for all our old recipes. It's some work at times, but well worth it, when everyone is happier about what they're eating.

For many years, I had rejected the idea of counting cals, because I could only remember the way we did it in high school (during the Twiggy 70's!) and I always failed because we were trying to keep our counts too low and only eating 2 times a day. Now, I eat 5 or 6 mini-meals each day and it seems to keep me going and not having cravings. I'm also now at the stage where I'm trying to get more physical, but, like many here, have some issues that make that difficult, so I'm just trying to walk more every chance I get(like on the treadmill or at Walmart where the salespeople grin when I'm making laps)

Don't know if any of this helps, but I know I've tried everyplan out there, many that weren't good for a person and too many that were too restrictive and made the whole family mad. I've learned a lot here at 3fc and really believe God led me here so I could learn and get healthy.for you. I know how hard it is to find what works, not just for you, but for everyone in the household, as well as fitting in cooking if you're a busy person.
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Old 02-24-2009, 08:49 AM   #243  
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Kelli: What a feeling! I remember how good that feels!! Good on you!!!

Ronni: I like how you get in your exercise wherever you are. I did that on the weekend too. I park at the far end of the lot and then walk the whole store.

Sue: Thanks! There was another interview yesterday. Yet another person I had trained. Two more to go. My chances are pretty good but I'm trying not to think about it too much. I'm excited and scared at the same time.

Gary: You're right. I am quite busy. But, I did read somewhere that 3 10 minute spots during the day can do as much as one 30 minute spot. So don't let me off the hook so easily. Tonight while watching Biggest Loser I am going to go and cycle in my basement. Hear that Ronnie?!

Aggie: I have been quilting for years. I'm really not that good at it but I enjoy it so much and people seem to really appreciate it when I give them their quilt. I love doing the baby ones as they don't take long to do and I can use my imagination. I'll post pictures when I get it done sometime this spring.

Janne: Welcome here! Keep posting. This is a great group of people.

GOtta get to work. Who else will they be interviewing I wonder??

Have an awesome day!
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Old 02-24-2009, 01:50 PM   #244  
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Hi everyone,
Hope you are all having a splendid week. I've been praying for you all - I'm glad I'm here. I think the little and often approach works too for weighloss Ronnie, not that I'm an expert!!

Love and blessing AR xxx
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Old 02-24-2009, 07:30 PM   #245  
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Hi Everyone!

Just checking in to see how you all are doing. Jayson went to school today, but he is still not eating very well. I'm hoping by the end of the week he is more himself.

Today in my devotional reading the Scripture was "Be still and know that I am God." With my husband not working I've been stressing about finances and all the other things that go with it. The Scripture helped me to get things into focus, though I must confess I have slipped along the way and had to remind myself of that throughout the day. I have to keep reminding myself that God is in control and he will work all things out in His time, not mine.

Have a great Wednesday and God's blessings on all of you.

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Old 02-24-2009, 08:14 PM   #246  
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Sandy - you go girl! Keep up that walking! It DOES make a difference. You gotta join us on the 5K next month

Kathy - great news on the hearing! Thanks for letting us know how it went! Prayers continuing for the boys!

Kelli - congrats on 14s! That is awesome! You can now pick out so many cute clothes! I remember crying when I finally bought clothes in the "normal" section of the store.

Gary - that soup sounds perfectly on plan Enjoy!

Bev - weightlifting AND walking! Fantastic! Bet you feel tired but GREAT! Keep at it! That ticker will be moving DOWN!

Sue - I don't mind the sledding downhill - it is the walking UP that I hate We are blessed that the best sledding hill in town is only a block away. I have many, many happy memories from taking the kids

Ronni - our plans are similar. Like you, I think calorie counting has gotten a bad rap over the years. Journaling my calories and my exercise was a huge part of my success. And eating ever few hours really helps as well. It seems like I'm always eating

We did see the sun today, and it ALMOST felt spring-like. There are several little birds that sit in the window grill-work at my office building. Their singing has been quite prolific as of late. They are such a blessing each morning as I start my day. I do think that I will make it to spring. I think I can, I think I can ...

Hope you all had a productive ON plan day. I stepped up the aerobic workout on the wii today - 15 minutes boxing, 5 minutes advanced step, 10 minutes hula hooping, 5 minutes running and 10 minutes of free step. It felt good to be really tired when I was done

Blessings to all, and prayers continuing for each of you!

Laurie aka
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Old 02-24-2009, 09:59 PM   #247  
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Hi everyone,

EZ Money..thanks for the advice

Wilma thank you for the welcome, from reading the posts it sounds like this is full of people blessed as supporters and encouragers

Ronni thanks for your input...I think my problem is that everytime i try to do this i forget to ask for His help. I have to realize that no matter what struggle I am going through He will help me. I don't understand why i never thought to ask him for help in this area of my life.

Thanks so much everyone for listening and have a great evening
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Old 02-24-2009, 10:48 PM   #248  
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Kathy - I didn't see what happened today at the hearing??? I missed it?

Sue - thank you. I totally agree, obviously!

Laurie - today i did yoga and 40 minutes at a brisk pace...then 3 minutes of cool down for a total of 2.32 miles!

I have to take Dennis (my bro) to court in the am for the FIRST dui. So, I have to put off the gym until 515.
Please be praying for him. It's at 9 am est.

I'm trying to stay out of he and mom's world as much as i can. It just gets me aggitated and they aren't very nice. A friend of mom's told me today that she feels bad for me because I try to help them, but they get annoyed with me because they don't like the truth from me! lol...she said that she thinks mom thinks of me and dennis as HER siblings...i told her, i've always felt like her mom.

now, she's a good woman, will give you the shirt off her back and LOVES Jesus. so, i don't want ya'll thinking bad of her. just something doesn't click in her brain...guess we all have that in some capacity. i don't know

well...i got my laptop back, but its barely working. I may have to get another one. yuk. GOD WILL HAVE to provide the sources for that!!!!! So, please be praying for a laptop, because I can't do my school work with no computer. I can use Susie's at night...but that's kinda not helpful (not the word I am looking for, but close enough) during the day...

I love you all!
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Old 02-24-2009, 11:34 PM   #249  
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Hi everyone,
I did not want to come in this evening and go to bed without saying to hello to all of my brothers and sisters here In Christ. You all have become a second family to me and I rely on you for support, words of wisdom, comfort, and plain old friendship.

I have a sister named Sue. She lives in Michigan, Southfield to be exact. Last year my sister fell off of her balcony. Sue broke her back in four places, broke her arm and her hand in two places. Sue was is a body cast for almost a year after her surgery. She had been doing much better and was going to physical therapy. Recently she had to have a MRI and now they her she has a collapsed bone in her back that no one saw. This requires more surgery. Now Sue is not a whinner, but this time she is at witts in. Well each of you pray for her? Her new surgery is schduled for March 13. She is nervous but she says she wants her life back. I know that all of you are Prayer Warriors and we need your prayers, Sue needs your prayers. I will be forever greatfull.

Each of you are in my thoughts and prayers. Bless you and Good Night.

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Old 02-25-2009, 08:47 AM   #250  
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Good Morning! Well, things did not work out like I wanted yesterday, as DS3 became nauseous just as we were leaving for town, so we sent DS2 off on his own. DS3 was apparently having a bad reaction to the antibiotic and has vomited the dose up a couple times now, so doc called in a new Rx, and DH picked it up after work. So, I didn't get in my walk and I didn't go to my treadmill as it now doesn't seem to be working-we can't keep the belt moving, so I must find the instruction book to see if it needs some kind of adjustment. Anyway, we'll be going to town tonight at the latest, maybe even this am, as apparently there's a solid sheet of ice on all the roads again. Maybe I'm a little overprotective, but I just can't seem to let DS2, who's 16 and still a new driver, go out alone when the roads are like this. We'll see how the road looks when it's closer to time.

Aggie-prayers said for your sister, Sue. I know God will get her through this and help in the healing process. Such a horrible accident! for both of you!

Bev-Sounds like your mom and mine are very similar. It's hard, but I found that it is best to try to stay out of the firing range. (I can tell you more of the story later, if you want) Prayers that God's will is done regarding your brother-my dad is an alcoholic and he never would quit drinking even after a dui, so God made him allergic to grain alcohol He's so allergic he can hardly even walk into a bar now! It's really hard to see them have to face the penalty for their actions, but better in the long run. At some point, they have to grow up, but for some it takes till they're 70! Praying your computer problems can be resolved cheaply, too!

Hi to everyone else, too! Prayers for all of you to have a great day, be safe, and see and show God's love in everything you do
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Old 02-25-2009, 08:56 AM   #251  
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Default Weigh in day!

My weight stayed the same. I'm not complaining!! I did make it downstairs last night and cycled for a few minutes and spent a few minutes on my exercise board. I am so out of shape!! I'll keep it up though increasing the minutes as I go.

Ronni: Take care of those boys. Praying for you!

Aggie: I will be praying for your sister. What a lot to go through and then suffer another disappointment.

rayne: Way to go on the exercising. I'll be praying for your brother today.

Laura: I'm looking into gettin WII fit also. Would you recommend it?

Off to work. Have a great day!
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Old 02-25-2009, 03:12 PM   #252  
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HI FOLKS ~ nice to see so many of our regular CE's back posting again ... WILMA, SUE, and GARY too. We've been very busy doing more sorting and moving furniture around. We had to order another cupboard as we are one short and we need one for linen, one for a pantry, and one for miscellaneous stuff; they were on sale but had none in stock, so have to wait 1-2 weeks for that. In the meanwhile, DH is starting other projects to get ready to go to our summer lot in the spring.

The temps are milder today, but we have winds and a bit of snow; not too heavy though. We have a nice new big flock of red-capped or red-pole finches here the last few days: it's so fun to watch them and their antics. We even had some new birds here: think they are either wrens or nut-hatchers, not too sure, so will have to do some research on them on the net this week.

We have been eating well; keepin' on plan and doing my morning exercises. I had to rest one day as I had overdone it a bit, but am back at it again this week. I am gonna look for a pedometer to see if I can keep track of my daily steps; someone here is starting a 'daily steps' challenge in the exercise forum, but I just want to see how many I do a day now and try to up that a bit each day.

Am sending up ^^PRAYERS^^ for those who have special needs and concerns at this time, esp those who are looking for jobs and need some extra encouragement right now. DH and I went through that so many times, and GOD always showed us how to be thrifty; we learned by experience. We always made it through, and when I would get anxious, I would read positive scriptures like the Psalms and other great promises from the Word, plus praise GOD for all His blessings and provision, and I would feel much better. GOD will provide; for He is faithful ... take good care ROSEBUD

Last edited by Justwant2Bhealthy; 02-25-2009 at 03:15 PM.
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Old 02-25-2009, 07:32 PM   #253  
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PRAYER REQUEST PLEASE ~ there is a lady on this site who's sister needs prayer: her moniker is MUGCANDOIT and she has asked for advice on this thread ...

I thought it would be nice if we prayed for MUG's sister and their family at this trying time. Thank you all!

Last edited by Justwant2Bhealthy; 02-25-2009 at 07:34 PM.
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Old 02-25-2009, 08:50 PM   #254  
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Hi janne - hope your day went well! So glad you are here with us

Bev on the YOGA! I'm grinning from ear to ear just thinking about it!

Prayers for your family continuing as you go into tomorrow morning!

Aggie - prayers ascending for healing and peace for Sue!

Ronni sounds like you had a rough day! I'm praying that tomorrow is a bit calmer for you. Hope DS is feeling better, and that the weather improves!

Wilma - I do like my Wii Fit. The yoga is excellent, the strength training is quite good, it helps to have hand weights for a couple of the exercises. The balance games are fun, but get old after a while. I still really enjoy the aerobic exercises. They are really fun. If you have a Wii, I also really like "My Fitness Coach". The "game" is about $30 and uses equipment you already have (balance ball, hand weights, and step). Maya the personal trainer takes you through a different routine each time, focusing on whatever area you pick. For me, I am focusing on upper body strength, since everything else is pretty strong. I do that 3 days a week, alternating with the Wii Fit on the other days. The combination of the two has really gotten me through this very, very long winter

Rosebud, a pedometer is a great idea. I try to get in extra steps whenver possible. Sometimes I am pretty creative (taking things upstairs one at a time, instead of waiting until I have an armload) I figure every few steps is one more calorie burned

Prayers ascending for Mug and her sister!

We had a wonderful Ash Wednesday service tonight. I will leave you with the words to one of the hymns, it touched me.

1. Sunday’s palms are Wednesday’s ashes
as another Lent begins;
thus we kneel before our Maker
in contrition for our sins.

We have marred baptismal pledges,
in rebellion gone astray;
now, returning, seek forgiveness;
grant us pardon, God, this day!

2. We have failed to love our neighbors,
their offenses to forgive,
have not listened to their troubles
nor have cared just how they live,

we are jealous, proud, impatient,
loving overmuch our things;
may the yielding of our failings
be our Lenten offerings.

3. We are hasty to judge others,
blind to proof of human need;
and our lack of understanding
demonstrates our inner greed;

we have wasted earth’s resources;
want and suffering we’ve ignored;
come and cleanse us, then restore us;
make new hearts within us, Lord!


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Old 02-25-2009, 10:12 PM   #255  
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You all are so awesome! Dennis got it postponed until March 25 because he asked for an attorney.

Mom took a little advice from me tonight about her boss. the boss isn't very nice. Mom is to retire in June and wants to get leave at the end of May, she has been saving up. But she's afraid they won't let her.

Aggie - my roomie and I just prayed for Sue. I really prayed intensely for peace, hope, courage and strength. And a good DR. that will find and fix all. Of course, we know our great HEALER!

Ronni - I would love to hear about it...I need to pray that Dennis hates alcohol. He hasn't drank, as far as I know, since he got out. He has no money...

Thanks for the congrats on working out. I didn't today...intense cramps. Had to take pain pills. Which is why this all may be typed weird... I really wanted to work out, but maybe I should sit out the days when I hurt like this. But I LOVED the yoga!!!! I am still eating good. It feels good. I missed not walking today. I may manage the yoga class tomorrow and a trip on the treadmill. Or just wait out hte 'visitor' and go on Friday. (sorry for the info gary...)

ok...I am rambling...I love you all. I can't tell you what this forum means to me.
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