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Old 01-29-2024, 11:29 AM   #76  
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Carol Sue I figured your weight gain was fluid. I think that is mostly what mine is up because it isn't usually too high. I just need to watch the sodium. I think that has been my problem when I try to do low carb. High protein diets have a lot of sodium. I think that is why they say not to eat a lot of processed foods. I love Arby's but all that processed meats have a lot of sodium.

My weight was back down to 157.2, but BP was up so I guess it isn't all sodium.

Headed out. BBL

Have a good day everyone.

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Old 01-29-2024, 02:27 PM   #77  
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I think all processed foods are high sodium, like the packaged meals DH likes. What can I do? I try not to eat much of them. He mostly eats them for lunch. I like to make RiceARoni for a side but I don't use the whole seasoning pack. I like it but I know its high sodium. I try to consider what I've eaten all day.

I got a new credit card in the mail but when I went to activate it I couldn't find it. Today I searched until I found it and found a new Target card, too. Im so disorganized. I tried to activate the new Target card today but I could not find a place online that said activate. So I will just try to use it next time I'm there. Targets website is a nightmare!!

So we are leaving soon for Wal-Mart and Goodwill. DH cooked breakfast for me but didn't eat any himself so he's asking for food already. This makes it very hard for me to stay on plan. I don't want to give up my eggs for breakfast. But if he doesn't eat then insists that I eat dinner with him its not going to work. For years I didn't eat dinner and controlled my weight. I would happily continue that eating schedule now. It seems he wants to interfere. If he's going to eat OMAD that means trouble for me. Most people who eat OMAD eat dinner. I'm different. I choose breakfast for my OMAD.


The Arbys fish does have high sodium but for the days total I just have 1390 GM of sodium and I'm to have up to 2000. That's how I figure it. My total calories were 1100.

I don't think I overate today. My breakfast is usually under 400 calories so I can eat dinner as long as I keep it small and don't eat lunch.

By the way, I don't like the Muscle Milk shakes I bought. They are too sweet. I'm drinking them, but won't buy them again.

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Old 01-29-2024, 10:03 PM   #78  
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Carol Sue I have a similar problem with DH on my woe. I told him I was going to give up fruit for a few days or weeks to see what might be going on with the potty issues and he just can't figure out why I would do that. However, there certain things I won't bring in the house that I can eat that he can't because of his BS. I just do the best I can too.

I ate the Chinese food we get and I have to say I truly enjoyed every bite. Then because I want to eat only 2MAD, I had oatmeal for supper. I need to fast for 6 month Doctors appointment that is coming up early March so I want to get used to fasting because of my Fasting Lab that has to be done at 1:30 pm. Our docs appt. is at 3:30 pm and I don't have to fast but I do have to weigh.

Things were weird at Oncology but I did get an appt. for infusion on Friday for my infusion so everything worked out and that is what counts. My calories was around 1328 and I managed to get all my exercises done for today. Over all it turned out to be a good day.

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Old 01-30-2024, 03:36 PM   #79  
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Trish, im surprised that you have to fast for a 1:30 lab draw. I know you can do it but its just unusual.

I love Chinese food but seldom get it. After the fried rice fiasco at the casino I might never eat it again. All DH will eat is the LaChoy Chicken Chow Mein. We went to a local Chinese Buffet once and he found enough things to eat on there. I don't know if he would do it again. I loved it. There are a lot of Chinese Restaurants in our area which I find surprising. We also have an over abundance of Pizza and Italian restaurants.

Today I'm making Mac and Cheese. DH requested it. We can't go out because son in law is supposed to come over after work to get the weight station I dont want anymore. I wanted to give it to DGS. I asked his dad but he never got back to me so I guess its a no. He better not come back and say he wants it after I give it away.

I hope you are over your potty issues. Mine are here and there. Mostly I'm just glad I'm not constipated I think mine was from protein shake, .the one I don't like, the Muscle Milk. It probably has artificial sweetener. I want a happy medium. The scale was at 173 today, so going back down gradually.
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Old 01-31-2024, 09:02 AM   #80  
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Scale is up 2 lbs to 175. Im not surprised as the Mac and Cheese was very good and I ate a lot. Then DH made popcorn. I slept pretty good and my rings are a little tight.

I have not been able to get my security camera app to work since I got my new phone a couple months ago. I thought my subscription expired. Then I noticed the charge showed up on my credit card so I tried again and now its working. Only problem is they don't offer the same notification sounds and I liked the ones I had. They were very loud so we knew someone was out there. I had to choose new ones that I don't like as much. DH said it worked when he let the dog out this morning. You can buy a speaker for in your house so you can hear it better. I might see how much that costs. We never got much activity on it before. Sometimes when the neighbor cuts the grass he gets in range of the camera. We had no unexpected visitors. DH just wants to know if anyone comes on our property during the night. Never happened so far.
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Old 01-31-2024, 01:36 PM   #81  
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I never had a chance to check in yesterday. Time got away from me. Still haven't done everything.

Carol Sue We have never had an outdoor camera. DS and her DH have one for their front door. We might should get one but never have. They don't go out much and even have their groceries delivered. They do out of town once in a while to see their daughter and go to their doctor's appts and her beauty appts. They have it set up to even where her DD can see in their home etc and she can hers.

I used to fast till afternoon for blood tests in SC because we had to drive so far to make 2 trips. When we moved here, we lived so close to the docs office, I would go in the morning and DH went back in the afternoon when he got up. Now we live so far from the docs office since he moved across town that I will fast until we go get our lab done. Sometime I think maybe we should try to see if we could get a doctor at the clinic we went to when our doc was over here. It would make things so much easier on both DH and me.

I got a call yesterday and I have to do a 24 hr urine test. Oncology sent me a jug and one of those hat shape deals to urinate in and then pour it into the jug throughout 24 hrs and then take it back to oncology because I had protein in my urine again. Not sure why. It has to be kept cold so DH put the jug in an ice chest to keep it cold. I'm glad he did that because just thinking of pee in the fridge just me cringe. I know that is crazy but just me.

I am trying to learn how to eat to correct this protein in the urine situation. My primary said it wasn't caused by the protein I eat, but I read online that it can be caused by that and it also says that it can be caused from exercising too much and that fiber is important. So I have cut my exercises back down to 30 minutes a day. I will use the bike and the vibrating machine. I am going to try to balance my meals and try not to worry about fasting too much. I really need to be sure and drink plenty of water. I will figure it out. DH doesn't want me to exercise today, but I still want to do at least 3 to 5 days a week. I could skip today and still get at least 4 days in this week.

Have a good day everyone.
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Old 01-31-2024, 02:56 PM   #82  
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Trish, from what I read online, protein in the urine can be from many things and they need to find that reason. It only said intense exercise and I dont think your exercise is intense. Do you feel that its intense? I know none of my exercise is intense. I would consider it to be mild to moderate. And your exercise is spread out thru the day, not all at once. I think they need to research other causes,unfortunately. I had this once when I was doing very low carb or actually high protein. I wonder if it has anything to do with your cancer treatment. That seems to be the biggest difference in your life right now. I hope they can get to the bottom of this and its nothing that can't be easily corrected.

Yesterday my SIL took the weight system. Today I ordered the Free Step that I wanted. I couldn't decide so DH convinced me. With my new credit card I will get $200 cash back, so that was an influencing factor. I think it will help me get back to exercising. I showed DH a video of how it works and he said he might use it too. So far the only thing he uses is the treadmill. I wanted this free step before and didn't order it. After using the similar one at cardiac rehab I know I like it. The one they had costs thousands but does the same thing. It exercises all muscle groups but is a sitting exercises like the bike which makes it easier to use for a longer time. It should be here in a week. Then we have to worry about assembly. There is a you tube video to help.
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Old 01-31-2024, 10:37 PM   #83  
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I ended up not exercising at all. I do get sleepy after I am through exercising each day. I'm actually wondering if the dark colored urine is a color of something I eat or drink because it is better some time during the day than others. I just pray it will be something that can be corrected easily. Maybe I just need to drink more water. My calories were over today but that is because I never exercised today.

Carol Sue I'm glad you are getting the new exercise machine you wanted. I'm not sure if I've ever seen one. At least you have used one similar and know you will like it. That is why I bought the recumbent bike I have. I used it at the gym and absolutely loved it. I've also thought of seeing if I can find a CD or online sample of Sitting Yoga exercises and also I recently saw that Tia Chi is excellent for balance. So might check on that. It would have to be really simple moves but I'm sure they would be good.

Well I am absolutely tired today. Hoping for a good nights sleep.
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Old 02-01-2024, 09:37 AM   #84  
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Trish,I googled and found Seated Exercises for Seniors you tube and also Seated Yoga Exercises for Seniors you tube. There are several to choose from if you could show them on your laptop while you follow along.

I think you should let the doctors do what testing needs to be done to figure out what's going on with the protein in the urine. Hopefully it will be easily remedied once they figure it out. You will drive yourself crazy trying to figure it out yourself without there being evidence pointing to any one thing. Drinking water does help and is important but when you are retaining fluids they tell you to limit fluid intake. I know its worrisome not knowing.

On Tuesday I weighed 173. Yesterday was 175, Today is 177. I am supposed to call the doctor but I don't want to. This is probably why I'm feeling out of sorts. I need a whooshie!!

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Old 02-01-2024, 03:19 PM   #85  
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Carol Sue I'm actually feeling pretty good today. DH made a step for me to step up on to get in bed and he moved my vibration machine to the living room. He set it behind the recumbent bike so I can stand on it and hold on to the back of the bike. It is nice to have it in here. So I've got my exercises done for the day. However, I did cut the amount back probably more like 45 minutes instead of 60 minutes. I have always wanted to do Ti Chi and did do it for a while, but I had forgot about it until someone mentioned that Yoga for seniors is good for balance.

I really don't expect anything bad to come from the urine test. I really haven't been drinking much water, but I did yesterday. I'm glad I'm through with the test and hope I don't have to do it again. My bathrooms aren't big enough for everything. I just hope I am able to have my infusion tomorrow.

DH was going to get Taco Bell on the way home, but when he got ready to pay for the tacos, he didn't have his billfold. So we will get them tomorrow. We will have chicken patties with swiss cheese instead.

Hope everybody has a great day.
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Old 02-01-2024, 03:45 PM   #86  
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Trish, do you make your own chicken patties or buy them prepare and just cook them. A guy on the low carb forum showed chicken burgers he made and I asked him how he made them but no response yet. Rodneys has chicken croquet that are like chicken patties but
​​​​ I dont like the way they season them. I think I would like them but probably not DH.

Today I am making spaghetti which DH doesnt want but I told him too bad. I haven't made it in ages and I go to the casino when I don't want to. He can always go to McDonalds when he doesn't like what I'm making. Its only a mile away and his burger and fries are only $3.

I have my vibration platform next to my treadmill so I can hold on. DH sits with his feet on his.
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Old 02-01-2024, 10:39 PM   #87  
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Carol Sue I bought a package of these made at the local grocery store. I have them and the turkey burgers I got there. We don't like either of them just to get rid or them. I'm looking forward to having my tacos tomorrow.

I guess the urine test turned out okay because all I got from them was a reminder of my appointment in the morning with a NP and then my infusion. I also made a copy of my lab test results and a lot of them are better, but my platelets are always low which is caused by chemo medicine they give me. Any way I looked up how to raise the platelets and I went on line to find out how to raise it. I will do that tomorrow and learn how to start eating to build up my blood. If I can get the platelets up the red and white blood cells will start coming up as well. That is when I'm going to start feeling better. I noticed all of my other numbers are slowly adjusting themselves into the healthy ranges. I read that papaya and carrots are very good for the platelets but I don't like papaya, but they do have a papaya pills or chewable, which they say works. So I will have to think about that. Also citrus food is good for that and protein. I think a balance diet is definitely good for me to get my blood healthy again.

Headed to bed soon. Rest well. I'm going to bed early because I have to get up 2 hrs earlier than normal.

Good night.

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Old 02-02-2024, 12:05 PM   #88  
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Trish, I hope your infusion goes well. I was wondering about your blood draw. Do you always get your blood draw done at the doctors? I always go to a lab and they send the results to the doctor. I have 3 labs to choose from here. One is Quest which is no copay but I need an appointment. One is associated with the hospital , no appointment, walk in, but I have a copay. The cardiologist requests that I go there for some reason. The third one is an independent. I used to go there but the last time when I was getting on the elevator the sheriff deputy was getting off with a prisoner in shackles. That must be where the county prison takes prisoners who need blood draw. It gave me a weird feeling. I was glad DH was with me..

Yesterday I got a call from the hospital. It showed up on caller ID but I didn't answer in time and they didn't leave a message. Im so curious about what they wanted. I hope they call back. DH said I haven't been there for a while and they missed me and they have a room open! Ha ha ha! I don't have any appointments til June so no reason for the doctor to call.

My weight is still 177 today. I hate this. I feel bloated and uncomfortable. I don't like this feeling. I think I'm not eating enough vegetables.

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Old 02-02-2024, 02:23 PM   #89  
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Carol Sue I didn't have the infusion today because they didn't have the results of the test back yet. They postponed it to Monday. I hope to hear from the NP by the end of the day. I wrote her when I got home because we stopped at the front to set up the appointment and the girl set up for me to lab and infusion on the 19th instead of the 5th. I will have an appointment on the 19th for lab but no infusion. I will have lab on the 19th for the infusion that will be done on the 27th. My urine looked good today so we think I just need to drink more liquids. The treatment can damage the kidneys and they may need to take 24 hr urine test when the regular test shows protein in the urine. She said that my kidneys are working beautifully so I'm praying I just haven't been drinking enough water and liquids. She assured me that eating protein has nothing to do with it. I even wonder if what swelling I have is caused by the medicine. I need to look that up because my labs show my sodium is perfectly in the middle.

I asked about trying the papaya chewable to see if my platelets and hemoglobin would go us. She said she thinks we get more from the food itself than the supplement, because I don't like taste of papaya and she said she doesn't either. She said I could try it and see if it works and if it doesn't just stop taking it.

No take out today either because it was too early when we came home. We had planned to get LJS fish but we will have chipped beef.

My weight today was 156 lbs. DS went to the doctor yesterday and she has lost 17 lbs. She felt like it wasn't much but her doc told her that was good and a lb a week is the best way to lose. All exercises are done for today.

Have a nice day.
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Old 02-02-2024, 09:26 PM   #90  
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We are having trouble with Comcast and I just got the internet back but still no phone.. We can't talk to a person just automated. And for this I pay $200/month. DH is finally connected to a person so maybe we will get our phone service back.

Im glad they said your kidney function is good. Thats the main concern. You might be right about drinking water. I drink a lot, maybe more than I should, but my urine is very light almost clear. In the hospital it was dark, almost brown. My lab results still show kidney issues though, but I haven't had labs done since December and the cardiologist has not ordered more.

I didn't eat dinner. I was not hungry enough to go out so DH got McDonalds for himself. I. ate 2 French fries. I had a lot to eat today. I'm getting hungry now but will try not to eat. Maybe I will drink a shake.
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