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Old 02-20-2024, 05:40 PM   #136  
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Carol Sue I am sorry you are still having problems with your blood sugar and fluid pills. Don't let it get away from you without having it checked out. I don't know that Lasix has ever done anything to interfere with my blood sugar.

As for pharmacists knowledge, it was a pharmacist brave enough to confront a new doctor DH #2 had that saved his life. Our doctor had moved to Dallas and a new doctor took over. When we went to refill DH#2 medication, he wouldn't okay any of them so the pharmacist called the doctor and told him there was one medication DH had to have and if he refused to refill it then DH would die. The doctor okayed enough of the meds until he could see DH#2. Thank God for a pharmacist who spoke up. He lived many years after that.

I just had blood work today. There were a lot people getting lab and patients getting treatment. I mentioned it to the guy who signs me in about them having a full house and he said it was about to get worse too. I didn't ask but I assume that meant there are a lot of new cancer patients. That is so so sad.

I hope I get my test results so I will know if I have a good urine test. It looked good so I pray that means there is no protein spilled into the urine which would mean my kidneys are not damaged.

We went to Walmart and someone had left an electric cart close by in the parking lot and DH brought it to me. So I ended up using it. I told DH that wasn't helping me get much exercise. Some time or other he has got to let me walk with the cart or my walker. I bought some new nail products so I can do my nails for when I go out next week. I also bought a few foods I can cook in the air fryer and eat a small meal around 4 or 5 hrs after 3 o'clock meal. I didn't eat breakfast because I wanted to fast for my lab work although it doesn't have to be. So today will be a 2MAD.

I also bought some pills for Lactose Intolerance and took one during my meal because I always drink milk and I think it worked. I still had to potty after mea, but it was normal so I just may be okay as long as I take a pill with dairy meals. I got some cottage cheese and some yogurt. I like cereal and while I sometimes like it with milk, I also like it with just a little bit of yogurt.

DH decided he wanted to try KFC chicken to give them a try as we haven't been getting it in a long time. It actually was good. I had 2 pcs of chicken a serving of coleslaw and the rest of the French cut green beans. I may have a little cereal with yogurt for supper. I need to go track it and since I didn't walk Walmart as I had planned to do, I will need to go at least do the bike and the vibration platform.

Have a nice day.
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Old 02-20-2024, 06:18 PM   #137  
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We went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner. I had shrimp with broccoli and baked sweet potato. I did not eat any rolls. Im so glad I was able to avoid rhem. In fact I didn't even think of them until we were leaving.

I hope your lab work is good and no protein in the urine.

I didn't take a morning fluid pill today. I think I will try taking one a day and hope that it works. Maybe then my blood sugar won't go as high. I will try to limit my carbs to the SL toast I eat with my eggs in the morning. I often have had good control by just limiting carbs. One-time my A1c dropped down to 5 when I was exercising regularly. I will figure this out, or if not I will call my PCP and ask for more G.
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Old 02-21-2024, 09:25 AM   #138  
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Scale went down to 176, down one pound. Down is down,but I want to do even better.

Our shower curtain liner ripped so we can't take showers. I have a new one but I can't find it. I've looked where it should be. We will go to Dollar General to get one. They are the closest store. After I buy a new one I will find the one I have. I can't bend down to look on the floor in the linen closet. I told DH to look but I don't know if he looked thoroughly.


We went and got the shower curtain liner and DH put it up. Now we can take showers. He wants to go to the local casino. Im surprised he didn't want to go yesterday because Texas Roadhouse is almost by the casino. Last week it was the old casino when he won the jackpot on Tuesday. But he wants to go today so we won't eat dinner. At the old casino he gets a hot dog and fries but this one doesn't have a food court. There is an expensive restaurant and upstairs there is a sports bar that has food but we never go there. By the time we get out of there most restaurants are closed. Sometimes he gets a burger at McDonalds drive thru but they don't have anything I like. I'm hoping to just have a longer fast. He can't go to bed hungry but its better for me.

I also need to get more ACV. I have some that's old. I drank some at bedtime but FBG was 239. Sometimes it is in the 300s. Im trying everything to lower it. I have some chromium picolinate. It doesn't seem to help. But online it says if you combine chromium with niacin it will lower blood sugar. They make a supplement that combines them in one capsule but I want to buy niacin to use up the chromium I have, first. Everyone says ACV works but it didn't work when I tried it before and didn't work last night.

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Old 02-21-2024, 02:22 PM   #139  
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Carol Sue My weight is coming down again too, but I think it has to be done with 2MAD and I think those meals have to be breakfast and dinner. I cannot eat late at night and have a healthy FBG the next morning. FBG was 121 yesterday and 125 today. So I will have to see how things are going. I'm hearing Farxiga protects the kidneys. They are expensive and they can cause yeast infections. I used to have yeast infections ever once in while, but if I keep having problems with protein in urine, it might be worth trying it.

Got all but one of my lab tests results. I am excited to see all but 6 of them are normal and even those 6 are improving. My platelets are normal now and my hemoglobin is just a fraction low now. The protein in the urine was the same as last month, but they haven't called for me to do the 24 hr test so I assume whatever they learned last time wasn't there. Ir maybe the fact that so many things are back to normal, maybe that makes a difference. I only drink one cup of full caffeine coffee now and I might have to give up the caffeine at least for a while. I'll ask when I see the NP next week. I just love seeing things improving. I also look forward to seeing the results of the blood work I will have next month during my 6 month appt with PCP.

I hope your trip to the casino will be good. Hope you have a very good day.
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Old 02-21-2024, 02:50 PM   #140  
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Trish, i'm glad to hear your labs are satisfactory. I hope the NP can give you more insight.

When I was hospitalized in July they recommended that I go to the heart failure clinic but no more was said. I never went but will make an appointment now. They might be able to give me more info about the water pill and blood sugar. I am not happy waiting for June. I don't think I can stop the diuretic completely but I'm really concerned about the blood sugar numbers. I need answers. I hope I can get an appointment soon.

I need to start longer fasts, too, Trish. DH is starting to cook breakfast earlier. I don't actually want to eat until 11. And dinner no later than 4. Nothing afterwards. Thats my plan, now to implement it.
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Old 02-21-2024, 05:52 PM   #141  
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Carol: Keep being pro-active for yourself. I remember learning that once you have swelling or oedema in your legs, you have gained almost 10 pounds of fluid.
It seems like you have gained a few pounds without real reason, and fluid may be the issue.
Trish, glad your labs are so good too. Did they do an A1C as well?

I have come down with DH cold. feeling like crap, and worried I will eat badly, which is my go to. Did not get to the pool.
Had some dizziness as well as ache, pains and sore throat and stuffiness. It's been 2 weeks for DH and he is slowly improving, which is good because he had to do the groceries today. LOL
Have a good day friends.
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Old 02-21-2024, 09:52 PM   #142  
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Carol Sue I'm glad you are going to check things out because you never know what is happening. Maybe nothing serious but need to have peace of mind.

Fatmad I'm sorry you are having cold, but good to get it over with before your surgery. i hope your eating doesn't get out of hand.

No they didn't check the A1c this time. They don't check it all the time. I don't know what decides when it will be checked. Another thing that surprised me was that they didn't check BUN/Creatin since they have to watch my kidneys. Guess I will get answers next Tuesday when I go for infusion.

I ended up having 2MAD plus a snack within 7 hrs eating window.
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Old 02-21-2024, 11:11 PM   #143  
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Mad, im sorry you caught DHs cold but its pretty inevitable when you live with someone. Its hard to avoid. I hope you feel better soon and keep your eating under control.

I don't think I'm retaining fluid because until today I was taking the diuretic twice a day and peeing buckets, even during the night.I have been eating more the past few days. Im not happy about my weight but I'm really concerned about my blood sugar. I think they didn't take into consideration that I'm diabetic when I was in the hospital and just prescribed the diuretic. At the heart failure clinic they probably have this situation on a regular basis and will know what to do. I hope so and hope they can see me soon.Im thinking if I cut back to one pill a day things will be better until I can be seen. Worst case scenerio, I will end up back in the hospital and they will figure things out.

Trish, Im glad things went well for you and I hope they can tell you why they didn't check kidneys. Maybe the 24 hour urine test was all good so they had no need to check further. That would be great!

DH won $700 at the casino. I was really hungry and was craving a salad but he would not leave. By the time we left nothing was open that had salad. But he was able to get his burger and fries at McDonalds drive thru right before they closed. Our lettuce at home was a little wilted and I didn't have much else to make a salad. So I ate Cheerios. Not the same when you are craving salad.

Today I dropped my tester on the bathroom floor and it broke. Just so happened I had another one in my spare room. I think I bought a new one and put the old one away in case I needed it, which I do now.

I think the elevated glucose is part of why I'm not sleeping as well. DH already went to bed but I'm not tired. There was a talk show on the radio during the night that I would listen to if I couldn't sleep and they took it off the air. Im really disappointed. They replaced it with the radio show from the local university held by the college students. I don't like the subjects they discuss. A lot of people wanted the show I like to be off the air because of their political beliefs, but I agreed with their beliefs. I guess I'm in the minority!

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Old 02-22-2024, 12:26 PM   #144  
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I m in trouble. I slept very good last night but the scale is up to 179.8. Almost 180. My legs, feet and hands are not swollen. I can't really tell about my belly and trunk. My problem with Congestive Heart Failure is fluid around th heart and lungs, with low oxygen and difficulty breathing. I checked oxygen a couple times during the night and it was in the 90s. I didn't use my CPap. I fell asleep right away and was too tired to put it on.

When I got up, DH had made pancakes. I ate 1 small pancake with a fried egg on top. I'm still craving a salad so I'm hoping I get to have it today. Maybe a grilled chicken Cobb salad from Bob Evans.

The thing with the swelling. I have narrow feet, and very thin calfs, lower legs. My right foot/ankle used to swell when I took Norvasc but otherwise, I never saw them swell. But the doctors feel for swelling, , they don't go by looks. I saw pictures on the internet of swollen legs with edema and it was very obvious. Mine never look like that and when my hands are swollen I can feel it if I try to make a fist. And my rings get tight. One time a few years back DH had to cut my rings off, my fingers swelled so much. I think I gained a bit every day from the 15th til today totaling 5+lbs. I know I've been eating a lot but not more than 1500 calories per day.and not that much every day. Not watching carbs as I should. They have been over 100 every day. So I figure I'm getting what I deserve.

Also,because this fluid pill raises blood sugar, I've been taking additional glimperide and glimeperide causes weight gain. It's like a big snowball rolling down a hill, getting bigger as it goes. I don't know what to do about it. I need answers from someone who knows.


We went to Bob Evans and I satisfied my craving for salad. I got a grilled chicken Cobb salad with no bacon and no blue cheese. It was delicious. DH finished before me so I brought it home and finished it here. I rarely crave salad. I don't usually order salad with a meal because I prefer hot vegetables. I don't know what caused this craving.

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Old 02-23-2024, 01:14 AM   #145  
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Carol Sue My weight is going up too. I think I need to slow down on things myself, but I need to get my stomach feeling better first.

I got the rest of my test results and they are looking so much better. I don't understand a lot of things about my results. My bun and creatinine are normal while the Bun/Creatinine ratio is high. Also my glucose and sodium is normal. My hemoglobin is coming up. I do see that I need to keep eating the way I am because it looks like things are improving in such a way that it won't be long until everything should be in normal ranges. I notice some things improve by tenths/fractions but they are improving.

We are trying to empty our freezer. We had frozen pizza we bought a while back. Not sure how long some of this stuff has been in there. When our trash goes out Sunday night, I want clean out the freezer burned foods. I found a beef and a pork roast in the freezer so I took the beef roast out to cook tomorrow. DH bought a new set of cookware that had a nice Dutch oven and I plan to use it to cook on the roast on the stove top.

Well I'm going to bed soon before DH finds something else he wants me to watch on tv with him. Goodnight.
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Old 02-23-2024, 06:37 AM   #146  
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Trish, I don't know how to cook a roast on the stove top.. I haven't done it in the oven for years. I did it in the slow cooker for a while but now DH likes it in the electric pressure cooker. It only takes less than 2 hours and the meat falls apart. I think I have 1 beef roast on hand. I have some pork chips I want to cook but I know DH is not going to want them. It seems he only likes them cooked in saurkraut. But that wasn't them cooked on my grill pan. If love meat cooked on the grill pan because we never use our grill. The kids use the grill every day, even in winter.

We are up early today because Comcast is coming between 8 and 10. We don't know why they are coming. We recently got a new modem then I got a text that they need to upgrade our speed,or something like that. I will ask him when he gets here, and DH said we better not get charged for this. I don't want involved in that argument. Nobody does anything for free.

It was in the50s this week and most of the snow melted. Today it will be warm but getting cold again for the weekend, in the 30s. But next week its warm again into the 60s. I guess the groundhogs was right. We are getting an early spring.I am so ready for warm weather.

I forgot to get weighed before I got dressed so the scale said 181. I don't like that at all but I don't know how much more clothes weigh than my nightgown. Im still getting the error message on the scale, so its not happy with my weight either! I have to find out why.
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Old 02-23-2024, 09:14 AM   #147  
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The Comcast guy came. I told him we didn't understand why he was there. He said "You're not having a problem?". I said No. So he checked all our connections and gave us a wire we needed for the phone next to my chair and that's all. We better not get billed for this!
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Old 02-23-2024, 08:55 PM   #148  
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My weight was 158.8 lbs this morning. I'm not happy with that. I ate 2 boiled eggs, 2 sl bacon and 1 sl dry toast with a cup of coffee. I cooked the roast and it was delicious. I think that roast was half of one DH got at Sam's club a few months ago. We have enough left over for another meal which we may have Sunday.

Carol Sue I learned to cook a roast on the stove top when I lived with my aunt. That is the only way she ever cooked a roast. My Mama and my DH#2s grandmother cooked her roasts in the Dutch Oven, but they cooked them in the oven. I used to like to cook roasts in crockpot because I could put it in the crockpot in the morning and forget it till we were ready to eat. Now I like it cooked on the stove top the way my aunt cooked it.

I just might have to go back to a lower carb woe although I still don't want to go keto low. They wanted me to eat to build myself up which I've done, but one thing I Do Not want is to gain any or all that weight back that I have lost. I pray we both will be able to start losing weight again. I hope fatmad is feeling better and I pray she will be able to reach her goal weight before her surgery.


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Old 02-23-2024, 10:48 PM   #149  
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Trish,I don't recall my mother cooking roasts. We were so poor and she had to buy the cheapest meat she could and mix it in a casserole type dish to make enough to feed 2 adults and 3 kids. So each of us only got a small amount of meat. After my Dad passed away and I got a job and brought money home she started buying better meat but still not roasts. Maybe she didn't like roast. I just learned to cook roast by reading cookbooks. I don't think I ever saw a recipe for the stove top just the oven. Then after the internet I saw to cook in the slow cooker and pressure cooker.

We went to the casino and I won $2400. I didn't want to go again but he did. I usually use the excuse that we are spending money I need to pay bills but I can't say that because we are spending money he won. Now it will be money I won. It was surprising because I thought I won $1400 but then it came up on the screen $2100. Then I won $300 on another machine. But it was the old casino that meant an hour ride home. We don't like that part.

I agree that we need to get our stuff together and quit gaining.

A hospital in Pittsburgh called me today to see if I wanted to get my valve replaced. Thats where I was supposed to get it done before they started to do it in our hospital. I told them I already got it done here so they took me off their list. They must not have a lot of people getting it done if they need to call people. They might do it every day but our hospital does it on Tuesday.

DH went to bed so I will join him.
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Old 02-24-2024, 08:52 AM   #150  
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Sleep was pretty good. The scale still shows 180. I have to accept that and work a plan to correct the problem.

DH broke the garage door opener. The past couple weeks it would open with the remote but not close. He did something with the main mechanism in the garage and now it won't open with the remote. When we come home we have to walk up the front steps and use a key to get in the front door then go down the cellar,steps to open the garage door from the inside. Instead of trying to fix it he's going to buy a new one. The one we have has done well for years but its,from Sears. I don't know if anyone sells their stuff or not. Otherwise we don't know which one to buy. He can install it but bun I would like him to have a helper. The guys are always busy. Funny,but he's always available when hpthey need help.

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