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Old 01-10-2024, 09:01 PM   #16  
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Carol Sue Thanks for the article links. I will check them out. Our DH sound the same when it comes to casseroles. Mine will eat a lot of the foods that are in the casseroles separately but not together. I've decided that I'm going to start cooking some of the foods at home that we buy takeout because I can cook them healthier. Fried chicken is one of the take out that I can cook healthier. I like fish cooked with cornbread breading but DH likes it pan fried so he cooks it himself. Since he has learned to cook this past year, I've decided that he can cook things he is good at that I don't want to cook and I will cook some of the foods I can cook healthier.

My calories are around 1300 today within 7 hr eating window. I finally got my exercises done. I accidentally took my tramadol this morning instead of saving it for bedtime which left me feeling sleepy most of the morning so I had to push myself to get all my exercise done, but I did it. I've started putting my medicine in a pill box for 4 servings. I ended up taking my bedtime pills instead of morning pills. Stupid move. I'm also trying to get organized with 2024 chores I want to do and just had too many things going at one time.

Hope your trip to the casino goes well today and y'all have a safe trip home.

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Old 01-10-2024, 09:18 PM   #17  
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Trish I could not get the one link to work. Thats very disappointing because the article are very good I think. I hope you can see them by typing it in yourself.

We did good at the casino. Cold but no snow, only light rain.

I have never been able to cook fried chicken. It gets done on the outside but not on the inside. My MIL cooked it good just dusting it with flour. Everyone liked hers. I wish I could learn.
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Old 01-11-2024, 01:37 AM   #18  
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Carol Sue Congratulations on your casino trip. I wasn't able to bring up the article either but will try to pull it up tomorrow. I'm tired and ready to go to bed. Sweet dreams. Good night.
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Old 01-11-2024, 08:37 AM   #19  
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Hi friends: I have fasted about 40 hours now. Plan to keep going for now.
Trish, I feel the same about exercise. I am really pleased to be back to routine and going to the pool for the water walking again. I really feel much better doing it.
I found my knee starting hurting pretty quickly on the stationary bike, so I have not been doing that much, so getting back to the water is good. The class works this way. We walk back and forth in a pool that is about 4 and a half feet deep. We change the type of step each length, so we do we exercise different muscles. Forward, backward, side steps, high steps, heel/toe etc. we do this for 30 minutes, then we move to the swirl pool which is kept warmer at over 90 degrees F. The we work on abs and stretches for 15 minutes. Works well for me. I don't like to go under water and don't enjoy swimming. This works for a variety of people we don't all go the same speed, but we can tailor it to the needs and abilities to each person. In the pool my knee doesn't give out and no pain unless I am not paying attention and I do something I should not.
I see my surgeon at the end of the month and the knee replacement will happen in the next couple of months after that, so I expect by the end of March at the latest. I know this is very different that in the US, but I won't pay anything out of pocket and no worries about insurance etc.

I am really determined to get this weight back down before the surgery.
Trish, I am glad you have some appetite. Keep eating healthfully and have a treat now and then. You need food energy for your exercise too. How are your sugars these days?
Carol, that is fun that you did well at the casino. Was DH jealous? I am picturing him wanting to go back and do better than you next time, LOL.
I will think about pesto. I have liked it in the pas, but never thought of it on spaghetti squash. I like my sauce to have a lot of protein in it, so I always add meat to my red sauce.

However, I am thinking of taking meat out of my diet for a couple of weeks. Had some genetic testing done, and I have the gene for Hemochromatosis. This does not mean I have the disease, but the treatment is to eat a low iron diet and give blood. One of the symptoms is joint pain, especially in the hands, so perhaps reducing meat for a bit will reduce that symptom. It will be harmless to give that a try for a bit. I will still eat cheese, fish and plant based proteins like tofu and beyond meat.
DH is on board, and I told him he is welcome to go out for a burger anytime he craves meat. The thing is, I love meat and especially red meat. But for much of what I eat, where ground meat or diced meat might be used, I can easily substitute plant based stuff.
So that is my plan for the rest of the week.
Have a good day friends.
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Old 01-11-2024, 09:28 AM   #20  
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Mad, I think the pool exercising would be good for me but I don't know of any in our area. They might have it at our YMCA but they built a new one somewhere and I've never been there. It used to be local and I've been there for regular exercise classes. I also don't like to go under water, in fact, I hate to be wet. I rarely take a bath, haven't for years, and showers are quick. DH always says "I wouldn't tell people that!" Also, I dont eat much red meat except for things that have ground beef, like pasta sauce or chili. I would devour prime rib but rarely have it as DH wouldn't go near it, and occasionally have a steak. I eat other meat like chicken, pork and I love fish. Red is my least favorite and I like my red meat pretty rare. When I do eat it I have to be careful because DH can't stand the sight of rare beef. I tell him his meat is like shoe leather.

DH is glad when I win at the casino because our money goes together. So its his, too. He knows I tend to win more than he does. In fact yesterday he was playing a machine and had $100 in it. He told me to play it and left to play somewhere else. So it was his money when I won the $500. I was just the one pushing the button! When we got home I kept out $100 and put the rest in a central place where we keep money at home.

There is a woman on the low carb forum whose husband has hermochromotosis. He has had it for several years. He leads a relatively normal life but goes regularly for blood letting. They are retired but active socially and do a lot of traveling.

My weight is up to 177 today so a big jump up. I don't feel it. I slept very good last night. The last thing I remember was putting my Cpap on then waking up at 8 am.

Lately I've been paying attention to my Fitbit when it shows my "readiness score" and today it is 99. I looked back and I've had this,before and also a few 100's. In late November I had a score of 1 three days in a row. I don't know what was going on then. It goes by your activity, your sleep and your heart rate. Its interesting if nothing else. I never get even close to 10,000 steps that are recommended. 5000 steps is a great day for me. My best friend whom I speak of gets 15000+ steps. She does a lot of intentional walking every day. There are people online who do that too. I know I am sedentary.


I went back and read my posts for the end of November to see if I could understand why I got 3 1s in a row but I could not. Nothing was a lot different. It seems that my number is higher if I've been inactive. But good sleep helps. Its nice that we post regularly here and can refer to our older posts.


I put sweet sausage in the slow cooker for dinner with tomato sauce, green pepper strips and onion. I also baked some Cheddar Bay Biscuits. I bought that baking mix on impulse since I remember them from Red Lobster. We don't go there anymore. They are ok, something different. I will make whatever else DH wants. Baking those biscuits I realized I have some energy. I guess my readiness score is right.

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Old 01-11-2024, 11:14 PM   #21  
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This is a quick one before I go to bed. I have infusion early tomorrow morning so going to bed early. I'm not used to getting up so early any more. I'll come in when I get home and read again and post then.
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Old 01-12-2024, 08:20 AM   #22  
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Sleep was ok. Weight down 1 lb, 176.6. Not good but it is what it is.

Saturday thru Monday is going to bring a big storm our way. Some areas might get a foot or more of snow but that will be in the mountains. Not our area. The ski resorts will be happy. Our grocery stores will be crowded today with people wanting to get food in for the weekend. I don't have muchbut I really don't feel like shopping. I will do what I have to do. I could stand to go without food for a couple days but DH would not.
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Old 01-12-2024, 06:41 PM   #23  
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Carol Sue Today was very cold, but the worse is coming up Sunday through Wednesday will be the coldest because nights will be below freezing. We will have chili one of those days and I will probably make either a beef or chicken soup one of those days. DH said there so many people in the local store because people were shopping to get ready for the cold weather. I told him Friday is always a bad day to shop.

=fterday we ended up eating a meatless meal because we didn't have any chipped beef. DH decided to just have biscuits and gravy because we didn't have anything thawed out to go with it. Even though I did have a ham sandwich later, it wasn't enough protein and my FBG was 121 this morning, but it usually is between 99 and 106.I'm sure when I get the protein back where it should be, the reading will get back under 100 most days. Weight stays at 158.4 so things are going good.

Infusion went well. My team nurse I see when I don't see the doctor surprised DH and me when she walked in with a patch over her left eye and her face drawn. I thought she had had a stroke, but she has what is called bellspalsey. Not sure how to spell it. They say it usually lasts 3 weeks, but can last up to 3 months. So we are praying for her to be over it after 3 wks. It causes dry eye and she has to use eye drops all day to keep the patch on it and sleeps with it moist with it taped shut with eye gel in the eye and a patch.

I hope everybody has a good day and stay warm and safe during the bad weather.
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Old 01-12-2024, 09:04 PM   #24  
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Trish,years ago an older woman at work had bells palsy. I don't know how to spell it either. She said it was caused by a nerve in her cheek. It didn't last long.

Tomorrow I want to make vegetable soup. I have the vegetables and I think I might have a soup bone in the freezer. If it doesn't snow early tomorrow I will go to the local store and get soup meat and a loaf of French bread. I meant to get it when I was at Wal-Mart today but I forgot. Wal-Mart wasn't too crowded but the local store will be tomorrow. A lot of people were at work today. We wanted to go to Goodwill but we forgot! We didn't want to turn around and go back. There was no discount today.

I think I have everything to make chili, too. Soup and Chili are nice cold weather meals. I have never made good chicken soup. DH makes fun of it! I would like to learn to make it and put tortolini in it.

This morning on Kelly and Mark Live they were talking about the harm in eating dinner late at night like my step children do. Here is an article I found online that discusses how late eating can lead to stroke and heart attack.

I was discussing this with DH. We never had strokes but we both have heart disease and we never ate late at night. When I worked we usually ate by 6 pm. Now we eat earlier and I told him how you do too.

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Old 01-13-2024, 10:39 AM   #25  
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The soup is simmering on the stove. I found 2 bones in the freezer so I have one for next time. At the store I bought a,small pkg of beef they had cut in small strips for stir fry and I cubed it and put it in the soup. I don't always put meat in. I use beef bullion cubes so I don't add salt. The bullion and canned vegetables have enough sodium. Years ago I did a test to find the best canned vegetables for soup. I bought one can each of Veg All( thats what my mother used) Delmonte, libbys, and a couple store brands including Great Value Mixed Vegatables. I opened them and dumped each one into a bowl. I was looking to see which one had the nicest variety. Some had mostly carrots And green beans and very little corn and peas. Wal-Mart's Great Value won! So that's what I always use now. One time I used frozen vegetables and DH noticed the difference and didn't like it. He said the vegetables were harder. I also add thinly sliced celery, a can of diced tomatoes and juice, a half of a peeled onion which is for flavor. I put it in whole and take it out at the end. I peel and cube a small potato and peel 2 and put them in whole. DH likes them. I add a fourth cup of barley and a cup of shredded cabbage. I would add more cabbage but DH only likes a little. It simmers a couple hours until the potatoes and cabbage are cooked and all the flavors combine. DH says the bone doesn't do anything but my mother always used a bone and I think it adds flavor and minerals,like making bone broth. I will always use it. Many stores don't sell bones but the store where I buy the good ground beef always has them. They also have "soup meat" which is a small piece of beef, often attached to a small bone. Our local store had neither. They have a small meat department with mostly the common items. They have a good bakery, small but with things D H likes. I got Italian bread to go with the soup. They also have a nice deli with a hot food case. You can get dinner in a hurry. All types of entree items and sides, different each day.


We ate the soup for lunch. I didn't have breakfast today so soup was my first meal. I ate 3 bowls and 2 slices of Italian bread, half of one of the whole potatoes. I've got a nice bone here but Rusty doesn't chew on bones. Our first dogs, Blacky and Missy liked to chew soup bones but none since. Maybe its just different breeds.

The scale is down to 173 today. A big drop but NV I had potty issues over night.

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Old 01-13-2024, 03:11 PM   #26  
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Carol Sue Your soup sounds good. I might make aoup tomorrow if I have the veggies to make it. I have the other half a lb of the ground beef for the meat. DH doesn't like the chunky stew meat I like so I can chop up the ground beef and make it so that is what I will do if I have the veggies for it. If not then I will make chili. DH took out the chicken for today for me to fry it. The problem we have had lately is half the time we get home with our orders missing something or complete wrong and with prices having gone up, I figure I can cook what we want a lot chipper and the order will be correct.

I slept good and I had a lot to do but I got all of it done. The only thing I need to do now before I start cooking is my vibration platform and I will have all of this weeks exercises done for this week. I am so proud of myself.

I will try to watch the link you shared this afternoon. I remember my grandmother telling about an old man who lived next door to her who ate an apple at 4 pm everyday and nothing else after then. Sometimes I wonder if people back then didn't know thingsthat were healthy that we are just learning.

Have a good day everybody.
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Old 01-13-2024, 04:14 PM   #27  
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Trish, my grandparents ate their big meal at noon. I don't know why. I really don't know what other meals they ate or what foods they ate. I never ate a meal at my grandmothers house. All I remember is big round sugar cookies. I think she made them because they were cheap and used ingredients she had on hand. I want my grandson to remember my brownies that same way. My grandparents died in their 70s but they seemed really old.

I am very proud of you how you are doing that exercise every day, faithfully. I wish I was doing it too, but I still don't feel that I have energy but its a little better than it was. But that's no excuse. I should do it and I better get my house cleaned.

We eat out because we don't like bringing things home, except for Pizza.


Funny but we just brought take out home! We were going to go to Rodneys but then DH decided he wanted Arbys. He usually gets beef and cheddar but I reminded him they brought fish back so we got fish sandwiches and brought them home. We ate the soup so early it didn't keep us full long enough..

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Old 01-13-2024, 09:06 PM   #28  
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Carol Sue My Daddy's Mother died when he was six weeks old and Mama's Daddy died when she was 13 or 14 and I don't remember any one ever talking about what they liked to eat. I remember Daddy's grandparents who raised Daddy had a farm and grew their own food and they ate pretty healhy. Daddy's Daddy's side of the family were big eaters and they loved to eat and they ate a lot of sweets where as Daddy's Mama only cooked sweets for special occasions. My Mama's Mama was a [size=13px]vegetarian[/size].

My chicken was good but I remembered some things I used to do that I forgot to do this time. I'll get better at it as I go and make it healthier. I think we will have chili tomorrow because I can throw iit in the crockpot in the morning and make cornbread to go with it. Then all we will have to do is serve it when we get hungry. An easy meal day for both of us.

Have a good evening.
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Old 01-14-2024, 08:58 AM   #29  
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I never knew my fathers parents. He was 20 years older than my mother and he died when I was 11. But he had a serious disease he inherited from his mother. We ate a lot of carbs because they were cheap. A serving of meat was divided up between 5 people so no one got much. We did eat eggs because they were cheap. After my dad died and my brother joined the Marines my mother didn't have to cook as much. She tried new recipes and became an excellent cook. She didn't work so she spent all day preparing dinner. It was ready when I came home. I wish I could cook like she did.

DH doesn't like fried chicken because he only likes boneless skinless breast. I grill it , roast it or cook it in a casserole. I buy a big bag of tenderloins at Walmart. If I roast a whole chicken or buy a rotisserie chicken he pulls off a piece of breast meat and that's all he will eat. The same with turkey. He also only likes boneless pork loin chops while I prefer bone in. I cook what he likes or he won't eat it.

I don't know what I'm going to make for dinner. I will either make chili or a casserole with chicken tenderloins. Either way, DH won't be happy about it but sometimes he has to eat what I like. I have a box of Jiffy Cornbread Mix that I could make with the Chile but DH wouldn't eat cornbread either. He is a very picky eater. He would rather have a McDonalds hamburger. This week I bought ground beef at Walmart instead of at the store where I usually go. That store is on the other side of town and I didn't want to go that far. I don't know if DH will even eat the Wal-Mart ground beef. He prefers the meat from the other store because they don't add anything to their meat the way some stores do. I don't know how some women get a husband who eats whatever is served to them. I didn't get that but I didn't know that when I met him. I have a friend who said her husband doesn't care what she cooks for dinner but he wants dinner on the table when he walks in the door. She worked from home so she could do that. They were friends with DH when he was married to his first wife and she said his first wife used to complain about what a picky eater he was. So I guess he was always like that. When the kids were here he ate whatever I cooked. I think he did that so they would eat it too, but they were always good eaters. After they moved out he wanted to go to restaurants every day.

I don't think we are going to get more snow. A big snowstorm is happening up north from us.
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Old 01-14-2024, 05:40 PM   #30  
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Carol Sue My 1st 2 Hubbies would eat anything at least once and if they liked it then I would know I could eat it again. This has been really trying with DH because he isn't good at trying things to at least see if he likes it or not. So I get in a habit of cooking around his likes. However, I do try to throw in something I like if I am really hungry for it.

The chili was good and we have decided to have chili dogs tomorrow to finish it off. I don't think we will get any wet stuff with the cold weather, but it is going to be really cold. I'm thankful I don't have to go anywhere this week.

Have a good day.

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