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Old 03-02-2022, 08:42 PM   #421  
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Trish, were the exercise videos you saw on You Tube Bob and Brad? I just wondered because I watched them for exercises for knees.

When I buy iceberg lettuce I look at the core and if there is brow around it I don't buy it.

I didn't eat my kale today. Tomorrow. I feel very good and hope I sleep tonight.
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Old 03-02-2022, 10:19 PM   #422  
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Carol Sue, yes they are Bob and Brad. They are very good and I will probably watch them again. I also look at the core of the lettuce and try to find one with as little to no brown on it, but for some reason it isn't easy always easy to find good ones. It takes some work to clean it up when I can't find it. I wouldn't buy it if DH would eat any of the other kinds.

I don't know if I can eat spinach or kale every day as it has really played havoc with my stomach. A lot of growling etc. Maybe I needed to be carefully and start slow and gradually increase it and eat it only one time a day.

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Old 03-03-2022, 07:40 AM   #423  
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Trish, I'm not surprised that it was Bob and Brad. I really like their videos. It's very easy to follow along with them.

I have never had stomach problems from eating kale, but I never eat it raw. I like baby spinach in a salad but DH does not. When we eat out, he picks everything out of his salad that is not iceberg. He calls it crap.

I slept very well last night but only 6 1/2 hours. I think that's what my body needed because I was unable to fall back to sleep. When I went to bed I took a Tylenol and half of a Benadryl. I felt no effects from the Benedryl, just sleep. I also put my melatonin lotion on my arms, but not on my legs. My legs were very itchy, but I think the Tylenol and Benedryl kicked in and stopped the itch. Tylenol and Benedryl combined are the same as Tylenol PM. I used to buy that but then I was afraid I would get used to it and not be able to sleep without it. When I was in the hospital and asked for something to help with sleep the doctor told me no, but he would allow me Benadryl, so that makes me think it must be safe. The others are probably safe, too, but for whatever reason he would not give any of them to me. That's ok. I would rather not take anything for sleep.

I forced myself to get on the scale this morning even though I didn't expect it to be good, and I was right. I am up 4 lbs to 191. I'm not upset about it because I have been eating very high carb lately and expected an increase. Sometimes I don't get upset, because I know that 4 lbs is really nothing. No one would look at me and think "Boy, did she gain weight." Don't get me wrong, I would much rather see it go down. But I did this willingly, eating pancakes and waffles lately, and yesterday we had tuna noodle casserole. I didn't have the light and fluffy egg noodles that I like, so I had to use fat heavy noodles that I use for Halushky. It was really a heavy meal. Now I hopefully will get back to lower carb and my fasting window so I expect the weight to come back off. It did set me back a bit.

Trish, I thought of you. When I woke up this morning my mind immediately realized that I forgot to pay my water bill. It only comes once every 3 months and it's due right away. As soon as I got up I got online and paid it. It was due March 1 and had a $4.50 late fee, but when I looked online the late fee was not added on, so for some reason I didn't have to pay it. I thought about you paying your bills as soon as they come.

Yesterday there was a possum in our back yard. It wasn't moving and DH thought it was sick. I guess it was playing possum! He put out some left over tuna noodle and it perked up and ate it, then trotted off. So I guess it wasn't sick. I know that feeding the critters is just going to make them keep coming back but DH feels sorry for them and feeds everything. Even me!

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Old 03-03-2022, 11:41 AM   #424  
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Carol, my daughter works in assisted living/nursing home, and they routinely give residents benedryll for a sleep aid. My father had suffered from congestive heart failure and diabetes and his Dr also recommended it to help sleep. He said it was one of the safest sleep aids you can buy OTC. Melatonin works for me but I have to take it by 6pm or I am useless until noon the next day. Possums are one of my favorite animals, I get them on my game cameras but only ever get night time pictures. Always hoping to get one with babies on the back but so far haven't.

Trish, I have some DVDs for seniors, exercises for bone building, strength and range of motion. They can get boring, so I sometimes turn off the volume and play music on another device to keep me motivated.

I picked up some groceries. I have a list of things I need to complete today. Got a couple inches of snow overnight and had awful squalls when I was in town.

Scale is bobbing up and down but 1-2 lbs less than last week, so I will just have to get used to how my body lets go of weight.
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Old 03-03-2022, 01:39 PM   #425  
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Ann, my issues with sleep aids is I want to try sleeping without it and only take it if I wake up at 1 or 2 and can't fall back to sleep. So taking anything at 6 pm wouldn't work. Normally I fall asleep in a matter of minutes but don't stay asleep all night or fall back to sleep. Taking a half Benadryl if I wake up or even a Tylenol works. In the hospital they wouldn't give you anything after 11 pm so I had to take it early.

We ate McDonalds breakfast sandwiches today and for lunch DH made scrumptious hamburgers so I had one with tomato and Swiss cheese, no bread. He only ate a half. He's dieting even though he won't say that. I'm glad. Lower weight is good for his blood pressure.
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Old 03-03-2022, 03:16 PM   #426  
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Ann, I have collected a lot of dvd and old video tapes of exercises so I have no excuse for not doing them. Some of them I can’t do any more, but I have DVDs for seniors. One I bought when I first moved back to TX that is really good because the lady made it for her mother who I think was in her seniors. It is an excellent dvd because it has different types of exercises to fit everyone even tai chi which I’ve heard is really great for balance. Problem I have with it is that I can’t remember where I put it. But do plan to find it and use it along with these that I’ve learned over the years along with the ones I learned from Bob and Brad.

Carol Sue, I got a laugh out of your DH feeds everything even you. I think it is just his personality and he doesn’t know how to change. It is ingrained in his DNA.

I am so used to making salads so that I never thought about the kale being too hard on my stomach until last night. I added the mixed spinach and kale plus yellow pepper in my salad yesterday and that is what made me suffer with my stomach. So I think I will start cutting some of them in the morning and add them to my eggs and just have an egg omelet everyday and not eat them later in the day. I may have to stop the salads at the second meal of the day. Not sure at this time.

If I had my way I wouldn’t even go to this doctor, but I am interested in what she has to say. I’ve thought for a long time that it would be nice to see one. DH#2 never knew what caused the problems he had for years until he saw an endocrinologist. She might be able to tell me if I’m getting all my nutrients or not. I’m not having diarrhea, but when I go like I do go, it drains me of all my energy. Maybe she can tell me why and what to do about it.

Weight was 182.4 this morning. Down .4 lbs from March 1. So that is good. I’ve had 3 days of FBG in 90s and down to 95 this morning. I hope to have the whole month of March in the 90s. I have already tracked my foods in MFP today and my carbs today are only 10%. I will be doing a OMAD tomorrow so won’t eat until we come home. It will be a long fast because my appointment is actually at 3 pm.

Have a great day everybody.
Finally got the results of D test and it is normal.

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Old 03-03-2022, 06:30 PM   #427  
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Gosh, sometimes I can be soo lazy. I finally got my pictures on the wall, took all of 15 minutes. I put these things off party because I know I am going to move other pictures from room to room and I am not sure what I want where. I had a large picture on my living room wall that I bought at a second hand store. it is a print by Ridgway Knight titles "Hailing the Ferry". I just loved the pic and the frame, although it really doesnt fit in my home. I took it down and replaced it with a picture I took in the White Mountains last fall on my phone, I had it printed out and to keep the dimensions it ended up being a 12 x 26 print. I had to have glass specialy cut and I made a frame for it,. and a custom double mat. I just love this, but now I have the other print and have no other place to hang it. I might donate it just to get it out of my house.

I am talking to my daughter about my older DGD, Mariah is 15. I am planning to 'kidnap' her tomorrow and subject her to a couple days of Nana. I will drag her out snowshoing, do some geocaching. have her help me set up my new table saw in the shop, macrame wool holders, set up game cameras, and just keep her busy. I have recorded some movies that I think she will like.
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Old 03-03-2022, 11:45 PM   #428  
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Ann, it sounds like you will have a nice time with DGD. We haven't had DGS over for a couple years. There isn't anything for him to do at our house. The only thing he does anymore is play video games. He's into baseball and basketball with his Dad. His other grandparents live on a lake. They take him kayaking and camping. They all go bike riding. Lots of things to do at their house. But they are in AZ for the winter.

I have so many exercise videos. Some are VHS and some DVD. With that and my equipment I should hang my head in shame for not exercising! A lot of them I can't do because I can't get on the floor. Oh, I can get on the floor, but can't get back up.

I did better with food today, around 80 carbs. Too many, but way better than the past few days. Baby steps back to plan.

I have given up sweets for Lent to try to eliminate them. Can't do that with carbs completely. 6 weeks is too long.
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Old 03-04-2022, 10:22 AM   #429  
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Weight is down 2.2 lb today. 189.2. I've been in the bathroom for a while.....

I was achy when I went to bed so I took 2 Tylenol and 1/2 Benedryl. I fell asleep so fast I didn't put my CPap on and slept straight thru til 4:30. The only thing bad about that is I don't know what would happen if there was a emergency in the middle of the night. Would I be groggy? I was able to fall back to sleep until 9. Fitbit says I slept poorly, probably because of not wearing the Cpap.

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Old 03-04-2022, 01:54 PM   #430  
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Ann, Enjoy being with your DGD. You always have such fun things to do with her even the work that needs to be done. e

Carol Sue, glad your scale is moving down again. That feels so good even if it does mean being in the potty room a while. I'm experiencing that too with the veggies. I am trying to think of it as weight loss happening.

Weight is back down to 180.8 lbs this morning. I was disappointed that FBG was 100 which is still good, but I just wanted 2-digit readings this month. However, I remembered that isn't unusual when I have a good weight drop. I notice that we all seem to be learning how our bodies work individually which helps us to better understand "what works for one doesn't work for all".

Knowing that the Vitamin D was normal and reading more about benefits of 2 minerals I heard about called Boron and DHEA especially for seniors that I started taking yesterday, I think this plus exercise will really help me get the osteoporosis under control. They say you can't reverse osteoporosis, and some say you can. However, I have read that you can either slow it down or even stop it from getting worse. And we know what we have learned about diabetes from Dr. Fung and I have definitely gotten my diabetes in remission whether it is reversed or not. I personally believe you can get rid of diabetes as long as you continue doing what you did to reverse it, but it is really in remission. The reason I say that is that I have gotten my blood sugar under control several times since I was diagnosed in my late 40s or early 50s, but it came back when my weight went above 200 lbs. Took me a long time to learn that. I honestly believe it is possible with diet, the correct exercise and the vitamins and minerals I take I can at least slow the osteoporosis down. It will be interesting to see what the endo doc has to say especially since I plan to refuse any meds that have the risk of causing me the very diseases I have worked to prevent ever having. I don't know if the way I eat will really keep me from having cancer, heart disease of some sort or a stroke, but I have no desire to take meds that pretty much guarantee it can cause them.

Have a good day everybody and I will let y'all know the doc says.
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Old 03-04-2022, 05:30 PM   #431  
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We went to Rodneys. DH had fried fish and French fries. I had grilled salmon and green beans. DH didn't eat all his fish but I told him not to bring it home because I will end up being the one to eat it. I was proud of that. Even though we haven't been there for a few weeks they always remember us.

Trish, I think you have done a great job of controlling your diabetes and you will do the same with your osteoporosis. You are almost in the 170s. My friend has done the same with her diabetes. I hope to wise up and do the same.
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Old 03-04-2022, 06:13 PM   #432  
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Well, today ended up being a whole lot different from my original plan. My daughter texted me last night and said she had to go the Dr and get pain meds. She is taking oral double dose chemo one week a month and her entire body hurts, she is in a lot of pain. i told her I would take her as I didnt' want her driving all that way. So I left the house at 830 this morning and got home around 1 pm. She went right to bed when I got her home, hope her meds are ready at the pharmacy by morning. DGD had plans with her friends so it is just Otis and me this weekend.

I had my tractor picked up in November for new blades, oil change, tune up and a repair on a part of the engine cover. Parts finally came in and they dropped it back off today. Glad to have it back. If the snow ever melts I will be out mowing. I still have about 6 inches of snow, should be melting soon with warmer weather.

DBF and I are planning a trip. He is a history buff and we have been to Gettysburg, Saratoga, Bennington, and a few other New England revolutionary and civil war sites. We were targeting Boston and planned to walk the freedom trail, but so hard to find anyplace to stay with the 3 dogs in that area. Most places want a 3 night stay and that is a lot of time to spend in the city with the dogs. It is about a 2 hour drive from my house so we may just do it as a day trip. We are also planning a trip back to Salem, Ma. such a fun place to walk and take pictures. DBF had mentioned Sleepy Hollow so we have looked into the area. Lots of fun places and photo ops with the dogs. I use VRBO to get a house or a condo. We like having the space, plus 2 bathrooms is a wonderful convenience. Kitchens are stocked so we go grocery shopping, make our coffee and breakfast and pack our lunches to save money. We will eat out if we can find outdoor seating that the dogs can be there for. If it is cool and we can park where we can see the truck we sometimes leave the dogs in it and eat in a real restaurant. I booked a nice place 15 miles from the places we want to visit . We haven't been anywhere for 2 years so really looking forward to it.
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Old 03-04-2022, 09:06 PM   #433  
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Ann, you reminded me of a funny story. Years back when we went to the family fishing cabin in Northern PA we used to take our dog. Often we would leave him in the cabin while we went to eat. One time there were 3 car loads going for the day and everyone wanted to stop for breakfast on the way. We left Mikey in the vehicle parked right outside the window then requested a table near the window. We started to order then someone looked out and noticed that Mikey was in the front seat with his little paws up on the dashboard watching us! I felt so guilty! It was strange that we had to take his water bowl with us because he would not drink out of anything else.

I took a short nap in my chair this evening. This is becoming a daily thing.
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Old 03-04-2022, 09:51 PM   #434  
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Ann, glad you are there for you DD and hope she feels better soon.

Endocrinologist was very nice. The hospital is a big place and I have walked all over that place when we used to take my Daddy there, but I think I walked more today than I did then because they have become a part of the insurance I have and they do things differently. Did a lot of back and forth to places in the same building.

Doc had x-rays of my back done and a blood draw for a thyroid. I don’t know when I will get the results. She prescribed alendronate 70 mg that I will take once a week. I was too exhausted to go get them so decided to pick them up when we go to the store next Tuesday because I want to take them on Wednesdays. It has to be taken on an empty stomach and I have to sit up (no laying done or recling) for at least an hour hoping I will be able to tolerate the medicine without the side effect of acid reflux. If I tolerate it okay, I will be on it for 5 yrs. They have learned not to take it longer so there are no bad side effect. After 5 yrs you have a test to see how things look and take a break for one year. Then they will test and keep an eye on things each year to see if I need to take another 5 year round. From what I understand, if I can’t handle this oral med, they can do 1 injection 2x a year which seems to be more tolerated. She agreed I am doing everything right according to all my blood test results. She said that the bone density test shows I’m slowly losing density which means I need help to protect my bones.

I was surprised that she has no problem with me using the recumbent bike saying it was good to use it unlike my primary did. As for diets, she wasn’t into Atkins but okey with low carb, however she is more fond of a balanced eating like the Mediterranean diet so we didn’t talk too much about diets. We did talk about the vitamins and minerals I take and she said look for the ones with a circle with U-PS in it because they have the amount of item in it that it says it has in it. I go back in one year on March 10th, 2023 as long as I have no problems.

I’ve lost 2" in my height, I am now 5'1/4" tall. Sign of osteoporosis. DH told her I had lost 40 something lbs since the last bone density test and she said that losing weight can cause us to shrink. However, she said that doesn’t mean that we should not lose weight because being over weight is bad for our joints. I told her my goal weight I’m working toward is 150 lb and she thought that would be a good weight for me.

So I guess overall it was a good doctor’s visit. As usual, I am exhausted tonight and just want to go to sleep.

I had a long fast almost 25 hrs today. We stopped and got fish sandwiches from McDs. I decided to put mine on the SLMG 45 calorie bread and fries. I’m fudging more and more on MFP to count the calories and carbs. I don’t guess I have to track, but I’ve done it for so long and I do like to know what I’m doing. Besides all the walking I did today, I have managed to get 5 days of weight bearing exercise. Now I will take my 2 days off.
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Old 03-05-2022, 08:48 AM   #435  
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Trish, your appointment sounds good. I hope the meds work well for you. Why did your primary say the recumbent bike was not good? They had recumbent bikes at Cardiac Rehab but they also had you do other exercises as tolerated such as treadmill walking.

My sleep was very good last night. Fitbit rated it 82. Anything in the 80s is good for me. I wish I knew what made the difference. I did not eat after dinner. I want to do that every night, I've been snacking lately. I woke up at 1:30 and could not fall back to sleep so I took1 Tylenol and half Benedryl then slept til 4, then back to sleep til 7. I have to pay attention to what I do to make sleep improve. I am switching to 500mg Tylenol at night and only using the Arthritis Formula during the day if I need it. I might even lower to 325 at night then wean off.

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