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Old 04-07-2011, 12:06 PM   #16  
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Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't been around lately... I can't even say I've been really busy, I guess I just haven't had much to say. My ultimatum deadline passed... on the last day I was seriously stressed, b!tchy and talking to hubby. He asked me why I was in such a bad mood and I said it was because today was the last day and he still wasn't working. Now I had to decide what I was going to do. He said he'd been doing everything in his power to find work and he's at least gotten contracts. I told him that wasn't the type of working I had in mind when I gave him the ultimatum... he said I guess I'll find another place to live then but I couldn't let him go. He is trying, really hard now, it just really sucks out there. Don't worry, if I see him slipping back into bad habbits I'll kick his arse so hard he won't sit for a week. I have resolved to be very firm about that.

So something good... although I'm sick again (strep), I've been working out a bit more now that I'm not so depressed. I've decided to bite the bullet and sign up for the races I promised my co-worker I'd run with him. But I really need new running pants... the ones I have have holes in them!!! So I asked my Mom if she would get me an early bday present and so we're going shopping on Saturday. Now I just have to keep her from buying me to much! She's like that... tries to buy me everything I like, it's really hard to resist sometimes! She says it's because I do so much for them (my parents - both disabled), I try to tell her it goes both ways but she doesn't agree, silly woman... I love my Mommy.

Marie - I totally understand about the inter-racial family... mine is as well. Anytime anyone says anything remotely racist I snap, my ex brother in law was bad for that. I'm glad you said something And good for you, quitting your job! I bet that's a load off your mind!

Vermont - Good job, digging that up.

Hope - What Vermont said!

Iris - If the job is good for your professional development maybe you should take it anyway.... just a thought.

Mom - That stinks about your free training session. Maybe he wasn't interested because he probably wasn't getting paid much (if any) for it? Still, he shouldn't have done that. Could you complain to the gym maybe? See if they'll give you another or one at half price?

Sorry if I missed anyone.... I had a lot of reading to catch up on.

Last edited by Aunty Jam; 04-07-2011 at 12:06 PM.
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Old 04-07-2011, 03:27 PM   #17  
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Oh aunty jam you poor thing and being ill on top of it, hope it passes soon.
I am in a similar situation with my husband he hasn't worked for 6 years now, every time I go to kick him out he comes up with some thing. The last thing was go back to collage, so he did but that ended last july and he is back to not working or doing much. Its all my fault though as I told him to give up work all them years ago so he could look after the kids as the childminders where not working out and my career was taking of, so he did but the girls are in full time school now so there is no excuse . Anyway I have told him that once I start my new job and the bucks are flying in, I'm not giving him any money until he has a job. It won't work but its got him making a bit of an effort. But we will see what happens.

My day was boring today my manager told me to look busy even though he knows I'm not doing anymore work before I leave. He is quite sweet really shame they where not all like him I would of stayed.
Back to the docs tomorrow for my monthly mad appointment. The pills are working so fingers crossed its not to painful

Hope everyone is feeling ok today xxxx
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Old 04-08-2011, 05:46 PM   #18  
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sorry ive been reading....but things have been a mess....sticky situation is back and has me a mess...a whirlwind of emotions..angry, sad, hurt, angry, scared, got the idea...I will never allow someone to make me feel powerless EVER again...I can guarantee that.

knee and leg has been sore all week by today I couldnt put full pressure on it...but it gets better with anti inflammatory pills so I really think its just muscles I have to work thru i dont know....

ok thats it I will have to do personals another time i just cant right now..sorry
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Old 04-09-2011, 07:00 AM   #19  
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Hi to everyone It's my last Saturday at the crummy winter job; today and then 4 more days to endure I think I'm feeling my usual 'brightening' of my spirit because of the time of year. I'm not feeling that 'what is the point of life' horrible listlessness. Though there is the nervous anticipation of getting 'that' call about my mom (just started chemo and she is just a living skeleton)

Aunty Jam, I'm glad that you have kept your resolve about the ultimatum, but I'm also kinda glad that you didn't have to kick him out and deal with being on your own! Did you get some running pants?

momof4, real sorry things are a mess for you now

Hi Marie; ems; iris; buddly and hope4me

Last edited by VermontMom; 04-09-2011 at 07:01 AM.
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Old 04-09-2011, 02:13 PM   #20  
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hey everyone

mom, i dont know what your situation is but but I hope things get better for you.

ems, you picked a cracking week for london, if you fancy a drink this week let me know your not far from me

Vermont, glad your feeling more bright, as the seasons change its always an uplifter. 4 more days you can do it honey then kiss goodbye and move on. stay strong babe

love to everyone else

So i went back for my check up and it was ok, they have uped my AD meds which i am pleased about, but they are trying to take me of my sleeping pills, i know i am addicted to them and I want to come off them I have even talked to the NA people for help, i am just so scared I am never gonna sleep if I dont take them. they have cut the dose but i know on the "bad" nights I will take double the dose, i do that as it is so i am not in a good way with that.
Today was a good day the weather in London has been amazing the last few days so I took the kids to Hide park for a long walk and a picnic then off to the doctor who experience, it was a lovely family day out i liked it just a shame my husband was there.

is anyone weighting in tomorrow? I am I am scared i had such a big loss last week I doubt there will be much tomorrow

Take care everyone xxxx
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Old 04-09-2011, 03:03 PM   #21  
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Was able to get to the gym today and worked out a solid hour on machines...felt great!
I have 26 more lbs to lose and hope I can be in the 100's by our vacation in June!

Im trucking along...I think I need to go to school to be a counseler. Yesterday a friend texted me he was ending it all done with everyone and he usually does what he says so I drove to his house had to make him open up the door. He looked like a little kid there just lost and confused....his wife acts like his mother and he has a lot of other stuff going on. Then my sis in law calls at supper and told me call her back and I did and she just burst out bawling...and was like i dont wanna talk i was like yes you do you called me...she went into the sobbing cant breath we finally worked through her issues. Im used to people calling me bawling cause i have teens that call me at like midnight....I do ok at helping people but would like more knowledge.....
If I could just get through my issues id be great. I have to figure out where this anger is coming from and resolve it and get RID of it!! lol

ok thats it sorry bout not doing personals...maybe tomorrow!
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Old 04-09-2011, 04:40 PM   #22  
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Mom you sound like such a help to so many people, deinatly go to back school and get the quolls to help others.
Your so beautiful by doing this. And the anger get some pills if u can, without mine I'm a loon I need to be a ***** at work but try and leave it there, unless husband pisses me of at home.

You have such a caring nature working these people though there problems it in you bad the anger maybe just a vent.

Hope things get better for you xxx
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Old 04-10-2011, 03:07 PM   #23  
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Aunty Jam - have fun training for the races! =) Are you going to run with your coworker?

Momof4, I hope things get better soon with your situation and your leg/knee. Sounds miserable I think you would make a great counselor! You should definitely look into it.

Vermont, glad to hear you are feeling "brighter"! I am sorry to hear your mom isn't doing well, though. That is so tough with parents.

Marie, that will be tough with the sleeping pills I am sure but you can do it! You'll probably have some sleepless nights but you WILL sleep again.

I've had this ear infection which keeps coming back for the past couple of months. Of course this is during the first few months of my life where I am without health insurance... grr. I am seeing a specialist tomorrow morning, the other docs think there might be something anatomical wrong, like a bend or a growth in one of my ear canals. Can't wait to see what the bill will be.
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Old 04-12-2011, 07:50 AM   #24  
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Iris - so sory about the ear infection, what did the specialist say? and yes, OMG to having to pay doctors without insurance!

Hello to everyone else

I'm tacking each day as it comes. My mom is struggling to stay alive, we thought she had made an informed decison to go ahead with chemo, but last night a nurse pulled me and my sis aside, and gently said, 'you girls do know your mom is dying? is this how we want our loved ones to come to the end?'

and our basement is flooded, never happened in 25 years we've been here. it is being sump pumped but slowly. And we had to shut off all water but I have dealt with that before, its not that bad when there are no small children in house.

My second-to-last day at the crappy winter job, that's one good thing. And my bike insurance money is in the bank, its just supposed to be to get my bike replaced, but its a nice buffer.

Try to have a good day
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Old 04-12-2011, 12:03 PM   #25  
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You guys keep making me glad I'm in Canada with all of your doctor bills talk. Of course you guys don't have to wait 6 months for a specialist visit like we do either.

Marie - If you are really that unhappy maybe you should re-evalulate your relationship with your hubby. Do you love him? I know I'm one to talk but I really love mine. Please work with the doctor to get off the sleeping pills.

Mom - All of these people call you when they have problems... do you have someone to call?

Vermont - I'm sorry to hear about your Mom.. my dad is terminal to but with something different. It is very hard on everyone. There is a song by a local artist that gets played on the country station here... basically a woman telling her dad that it's ok to let go... makes me bawl every time. On a better note, not only did I get pants, I got a shirt, a bra and a water belt too. My sisters birthday just past and my Mom spent extra on her so she spent extra on me too.

Iris - :sigh: my co-worker is out of town! The first race is tomorrow and I'm tied up in knots wondering if I should go. I don't know anyone there, I checked the results of last years series and the slowest time of a 60+ year old woman is about the same as my pace. How embarrassing. So yeah, I haven't paid yet so I may pull out. Co-worker will be gone for this race and probably the next also. Besides... he runs 5k in 25 or so minutes. Way faster then me on my best day, so it's not like we would be actually running together.
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Old 04-12-2011, 12:34 PM   #26  
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Aunty Jam, bummer your co-worker won't actually be there! I have run a few 5ks and most of them were for charity fundraisers so there were people who ran competitively as well as those who just walked - very nice because I could place in the middle of the pack. Maybe if you don't want to do this one you could look for one more like that?

Vermontmom, that is so hard with your mom. I used to work in a long-term care facility and I am TERRIFIED of the time when the end for my parents becomes imminent. That seems a bit insensitive, what the nurse said though.

The ear infection basically cleared up on it's own... dr. thinks it was probably allergy based (which is good, really, because previously I was told it could be a growth in my ear canal or something else wrong anatomically). Which is all good news, but I won't go in to the ridiculous amount they charged to tell me that.
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Old 04-13-2011, 08:15 AM   #27  
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Hi Everyone, hope your all ok

Iv had a quite few days after running out of meds at the weekend I have just taken this week slowly until my meds are fully back in my system.
Also on Sunday I pulled the muscle in my leg so I have been limping around it seams to be alot better today so hopefully I can start working out again.

Aunty Jam - I cant leave and because of the UK law as my husband is the stay at home parent I will not get full custady of my kids, so I am staying until the children are old enough to come with me with out having to go through all the legal things. Its a very depressing life but it would be even worse with out my children.
Did you do the run in the end?

Vermont, have you finished the job yet? thats sch a shame about the flooding, hope it doesnt take long to get it dried out and back to normal.

Glad your feeling better Iris.

Tonight will be my 1st night on the reduced dose of sleeping pills, im not looking forward to it but I am going to try and keep calm and give it a go I need to come of these!

Have a good day everyone xxxx
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Old 04-13-2011, 11:55 AM   #28  
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im here...just cant really bring myself to post....having a hard time getting back into routine after being outta the gym most of last week..Its crazy what the missed time did to the depression...sigh...sick today....lata
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Old 04-13-2011, 12:09 PM   #29  
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^ Sorry to hear that Mom

Marie - That's tough but I understand. I couldn't leave without my "kids" either. How did it go with the reduced dose?

Iris - So glad you're feeling better and nothing is wrong with your ear!!!

I have an outdoor run tonight... I have a bag packed with all of my gear ready to go in the back of my truck... but... I forgot my sports socks I don't think it's going to work to try run in my sheer office socks ? I'm not sure if I'm upset about that or not... I don't have time to get back home and get them before the run. It's cold out there today and we're supposed to get our annual spring snow storm I am NOT happy about that.

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Old 04-13-2011, 04:00 PM   #30  
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hey everyone one hope your all well? i have been away to london and went way off track but now im back home and il be starting a fresh. I lost 3lbs last week woohooo I PROPERLY PUT IT BACK ON NOW LMFAO xxx
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