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Old 04-01-2009, 07:51 AM   #1  
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Talking 40 somethings - April Chat!

Good Morning! I thought I would go ahead and start the April thread!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day, try to stay OP, get some exercise but most of all don't get Fooled! I teach so I am sure there will be plenty of kids trying to pull silly April Fool's jokes. It's always fun!

Keep up the good work.
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Old 04-01-2009, 07:59 AM   #2  
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Well, this is no April Fool's Joke - I'm down precisely 10lbs today -- yay!! I'm thrilled... I've been telling myself that when I hit 10lbs I would go to Target and buy a new pack of underwear... It seems silly, a little $5 purchase, but I've been waiting for this for a long time! When I hit 20lbs I've been planning to get a ring that my mother once gave me resized -- hopefully in late May / early June.
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Old 04-01-2009, 09:51 AM   #3  
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NewLeaf, that's an awesome feeling! New drawers are always good!

I think my scale was playing an early April Fools joke on me. It hasn't moved in 2 weeks and today it finally moved! I now believe that my body was stabilizing at a lower weight and that's why it took so long to see results. Also, I struggle with getting in enough calories with my activity level. I've upped my calories in the last 3-4 days and I think that did the trick.
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Old 04-01-2009, 09:51 AM   #4  
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OMW...I hope the kids aren't too wild today. What age do you teach?

Newleaf...Way to GO!!! 10 pounds gone is awesome!! And, happy underwear shopping. It is the little things that count. I also have a ring that I am waiting to wear once I lose weight. It is nice to have things to look forward to, isn't it?

As for me, I got quite the shock this morning when I weighed myself and saw that I had gained 3 pounds!! Not sure how, because I have been exercising every single day and eating well. I was stunned and a little ticked when I saw the number. Where the heck did that come from? Oh well, I only have one choice and that is to keep going. Maybe by Friday (which is my official weigh in day) I will be back down.

Happy April everyone. Have a good day.
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Old 04-01-2009, 11:13 AM   #5  
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Yay!! Newleaf, that's great!! I hit 10 lbs yesterday! It's a wonderful feeling!

I just have to say that I feel so energized since coming back to this site. I don't know where my head was the first time around, but reading what people have to say here and getting involved in posting just lifts my spirits and makes me believe that I am finally going to be able stick to a healthier lifestyle!
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Old 04-01-2009, 11:45 AM   #6  
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Hi everyone, I'm here and am sticking around! As one of my many excuses to conquer, coming here and checking in at least once a day has to be on the priority list. It's obvious I need the support, but if I don't reach out I have no one to blame but myself!

I want to apologise already in advance that I haven't really gotten to know you all or shared information about myself with you - I am not always able to get on the internet - if I'm at work it tends to be too hectic and if I get home too late from work I tend to stay away from the computer. At the moment I'm on the train and checking in!!

So what can I tell you? I'm Renee, a lifetime WW'er, gained all the weight back and have been stagnant for the last 4 years, due to various good and not so good excuses I just got married on March 6th, I have two step-kids, age 11 and 8, 2 cats, 6 fish, am originally from the US but have lived in the Netherlands for the last 15 years. I work at Starbucks, at the European roasting plant in the finance department and not matter what challenges we've faced the last year or so, I love working for this company and regardless of stress or tough situations I can't imagine not working for them (helps that I LOVE coffee ). I live quite far from work and we are wanting to move (my husband also works quite far from home) but we have some previous-life challenges to deal with (I have an ex who has left me a financial disaster and my husband has responsibilities to his kids) that make it difficult at the moment. We both hope 2010 will be our year to finally get a house instead of the shoebox we live in now.

What else? I love music and traveling mostly and try to combine the two if possible. I also love a good book and a classic movie (or a good modern movie), I love the 40s and 50s and sometimes imagine looking like Betty Page when I'm feeling naughty and Audrey Hepburn when I'm feeling more angelic

I hope that gives you an idea of me and I hope to get to know you all. I WILL be posting here frequently! I am struggling so much with doing this completely alone, I really need the support and hope to give back to you all as well.
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Old 04-01-2009, 03:09 PM   #7  
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Velveteen, We are glad you are here! Join in when you can and vent here when you need to. I find this group very welcoming and extremely helpful; I think you will too.
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Old 04-01-2009, 04:03 PM   #8  
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LoserMom- I've just started counting calories because the scale hadn't moved for 2 weeks, and I was very surprised I wasn't eating enough either. I've upped my calories to 1300 and am down 3 lbs since Sunday. Weird.

LessofMaur - I'm so sorry about the gain; that's frustrating! Drink lots of water; tomorrow is a new day.

Jacqui - it makes such a difference, doesn't it, whether your head is into it or not? I've had the same experience.

Velveteen - how fun to work for Starbucks; I hear they are a great company. Welcome!
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Old 04-01-2009, 04:14 PM   #9  
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Less and NewLeaf, thanks for the welcome (again). And yes I do love where I work
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Old 04-01-2009, 04:16 PM   #10  
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Velveteen, under support forums, "Chicks up for a Challenge," there is a thread about an April Weight Loss Challenge. You should think about joining! Everyone is welcome! Setting mini-goals, like breaking your weight loss down one month at a time, may help you. It's much easier to make excuses when the task ahead of you seems to loom so large, but by putting it in manageable chunks, you'll be more likely to feel success and continue!
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Old 04-01-2009, 04:42 PM   #11  
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Hello 40 Somethings,

Lessofmaur - salty foods can cause you to retain H2O, I was up three recently and when I examined my food log, two meals consumed in the prior 24hrs were much higher in salt than what I usually eat, was down three the very next day

Newleaf - reining horse competition - like figure skating only you ride a horse, 8 required maneuvers in each pattern, scored with penalties and maneuver ratings, everyone starts with a 70 and the score goes up or down, spins, slides, figure eights, rollbacks, loads of fun and very challenging to do well

Today is Wednesday, the week is half over, lets make good choices Thursday and Friday everyone!
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Old 04-01-2009, 05:13 PM   #12  
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Happy April Fool's Day everyone.

I freaked out last nite and ate a 40box of Timbits. So today I am back on track. Even felt well enough to go see two of my horses.

Fatboi is fat as ever. He gets fat on air. But he's shedding out.
Baby is my rescue horse. She's gained 300lbs since Xmas. She looks amazing.

My other two are out in Idaho. And current pics of them.. they are HUGE.. due to have babies middle of May. They are still REALLY wild. Refusing to come to the feed trailer when hay and grain are brought out by my friend. He says they are fat and sassy. He's going to have to get some of the ranchhands to round up all the mares to bring them in closer to the main house.

Seems spring has come to Idaho fast than it has here in Niagara!

Nearly 60 here today and got sunny around 2pm.

Will step on the scale tomorro and check the weight.
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Old 04-01-2009, 05:19 PM   #13  
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I've dabbled in reining... but stuck with Western Pleasure and Hunter Under Saddle. Right now I have an Oldenburg Pinto gelding, a TB mare rescued at xmas time, and two Blue Valentine Qh mares.
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Old 04-01-2009, 08:19 PM   #14  
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Welcome Velveteen! I'm kind of jealous that you work at the Starbucks roasting plant. I love all things coffee--I would totally be jacked up on caffeine if I had your job!

Lessofmaur--I have noticed that usually my scale will go up a lb or 2 before I lose if that makes any sense. Maybe your body is getting ready to lose a couple of pounds.

Hotsplashes, I love to look at horses. But frankly they scare me because of their power and strength. I admire your courage! What are Timbits? I've never heard of them. Don't worry about them--tommorrow is another day...

Last edited by losermom; 04-01-2009 at 08:19 PM. Reason: grammar
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Old 04-01-2009, 11:09 PM   #15  
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Newleaf- great job on the 10 lbs!! Enjoy the new underwear!

Losermom- where about in MN are you? I just came back from a quick visit to St.Paul where my relatives live- would love to move back someday.

Hotsplashes- :hugs: on the Timbits- but sounds like you're ready to move on. I stay away from Tim Hortons for that very reason. Though this morning I 'treated' myself to a blueberry tea latte from 7-11.

Velveteen- Welcome! Looking forward to getting to know you. Mmmm Starbucks

LessofMaur- I've given up on the ways of the scale as I can't understand it's rhymes or reason. I just try to accept the number that shows up & move on. Here's to a better number tomorrow.
We did a pseudo experiment with my mom's scale and we moved it to various locations in her apartment & weighed ourselves and the variance was +/- 5.5 lbs which I thought was huge. There are so many factors in weighing. bah humbug!

Jacqui D- I've been around a while- but didn't actively participate & forgot about the site for a while. But this time it's the real deal & participating in the boards is making all the difference.

Hi to anyone I forgot. Have a great evening!
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