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Old 11-21-2008, 07:01 AM   #46  
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to all...

Congrats, Hope - that's wonderful news!!

I'm in a strange place - a lot of change that I am either ignoring or simply not dealing with, effectively or otherwise, and I am starting to see that I can't - unfortunately - put it off forever.

We are, I think, a product of the choices we make... and mine haven't been making me feel very proud or good about myself. The alternative is terrifying... but the time is coming: if I want to see a change, I'm going to have to make it myself... much liike losing weight. Poop.

I'm still not working out well, or regularly - I do still blame three hours a day in the car... but it's just an excuse. I'm eating well, and the scale is reflecting it, so baby steps, right??

All for now - hang in there chicks - weekend's almost here!



Last edited by HeatherAngel; 11-21-2008 at 07:01 AM.
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Old 11-21-2008, 07:38 AM   #47  
Burning it away
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Sassy, I baked cookies yesterday night and have eaten the whole batch nearly...eeeugh dear.

I'm getting along, still feeling posative. I want to go out more, see friends and the urge to stay locked alone and in bed is beginning to wither. It is there and it lurks but overall its not as strong. Also, I'm starting to actually appreciate myself... it feels weird
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Old 11-21-2008, 08:18 AM   #48  
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Wow atleast we had some action in here. I didnt check it yesterday cause i figured no one was into posting...

We my want to eat everything in the house is dying...TOM came and usually on the bad cycle I want to eat everything in site the week is quickly dying. which the scale is showing a few extra pounds but that could be just for the week it usually goes back down after TOM goes home...or to someone elses house!! I have to go take my special points exam today because of all the points I got with those two speeding tickets. I HAVE TO PASS IT. There really isnt any other time to take it if I dont pass today. The stuff in there seems easy but I always mess up the stuff with drinking and driving cause i dont drink at all so I have never paid attention to that stuff!! Ok well I need to go study then get ready to leave!!

Oh yeah its snowing here and the ground is alll covered. I was going to take the kids and get out but who knows if that will happen now!!

Lata Me
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Old 11-21-2008, 10:10 AM   #49  
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Well.........I finished cleaning the bathroom.....

I was gonna start laundry then thought that is silly when I would have to do DH's scrubs when he comes home too. So I'm waitin on that! So all I have to do left on "my list" is the cookies. I may try to get some other things tidied up a bit, but I am not killing myself! lol.

Hope --

Heather -- I totally agree with ya. I beleive it is all a state of mind. Such as today for me for ex. I did NOT wanna clean that stupid bleeping bathroom!! (who ever does??? ) But I put it in my mind that I was going to do it and get it finished and BEFORE noon because after noon seems like nothing gets done, ya know? At least for me. lol. Of course it has just made me hotter than I already am. (I think my hormones are all wonky) So I have resorted to opening the kitchen window a bit..........UGH I may open the thing all the way at this point! lol. (it is only 37 degrees here)

Spoz: I usually do not eat many sweets. It is my DH who has the extreme sweet tooth. My vice is my Mt. Dew or as my coworker calls it: Liquid Crack I just have cut down on it and tried drinking more water. I have been going out more, thanks to my friends at work. Last weekend I went out and got my hair done.

If any of you have Myspace, just pm me and you can see my new "do" on there. I was thinking of posting it in the forum here, but I dunno, just not quite that brave yet.

Momof4: Howdy Girlie! UGH I have been battling my stupid TOM for months now. She just refuses to go away!!! She will go away for a few days, then she is right back again. UGH frustrating! I am in search of a new ob/gyn as mine has moved out of state.............. on your test! I have been there before!!!

I hope you all are doing well!!!!

P.S. -- I truly love the song by Trace Adkins, "You're gonna miss this".......only sharing!!!!


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Old 11-21-2008, 12:01 PM   #50  
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I passed so Ya...I dont get my liscense suspended. I feel weird today. It snowed out but now the sun is out, had my parents here this morning to watch kids, then fosterd went on respite at my parents for the weekend. Husband is gone until 8 its like I want to just party like I have freedom or something...usually i leave when he works all day so I dont go crazy but I am trying to get my sisin law/best friend to come over for the day and spend some time with me...I HOPE SHE yeah I dont really feel like doing school so I think I will do their school tomorrow since our schedule is already messed up today...Ok
Well talk to you lata all!!!
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Old 11-21-2008, 02:14 PM   #51  
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momof4: on passing! I am all alone too. My hubby is working........then after work he is hanging out with the guys from yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeee for me. lol

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Old 11-21-2008, 06:48 PM   #52  
Getting my Halle bod! :)
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Thanks for the welcome! I'm glad you passed your test momof4. I woke up feeling really depressed lacking motivation and nrg but I pushed myself and worked out on the treadmill anyways. I guess it helps to remind myself that my weight is part of the reason why I'm depressed and have no self esteem in the first place. TGIF! I hope everyone has a grt weekend.
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Old 11-22-2008, 03:38 PM   #53  
Burning it away
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Today I had an argument with my brother over something so small, but during this petty fight he brought up how I 'eat everything in the house' and althouth he's right and he didnt say anything I already know, its hung over my head all day. I feel horrid.
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Old 11-22-2008, 06:34 PM   #54  
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Lauren, I know it hurts but look at how much you've accomplished! If he says something again, tell him about how you're trying to rid yourself of bad habits & his comments definitely do not help. No one is perfect & I'm sure your brother isn't either.

/cher the way...I've been wanting to say this since you've changed your avatar - you are beautiful, so anytime you feel down on yourself, look in the mirror & tell yourself "you are beautiful & worth good things" 3x's

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Old 11-22-2008, 07:01 PM   #55  
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hey everyone!

i have a psychiatrist appointment on tuesday... i started grad school in the fall and therefore i have a new psychiatrist than i had during my undergrad (switching from UIowa to UWisconsin). i'm kind of nervous. i haven't had an intake appointment in three years!

i'm wondering if i should mention that i think i may have a problem with compulsive exercise. i also weigh myself at least twice a day. i just don't want ANOTHER diagnosis on my record. i already have Generalized Anxiety Disorder with undertones of OCD, and i don't need some form of bulimia (when i feel guilty about what i've eaten, i work out extra hard and extra long) on there too.

any thoughts? i don't want my psychiatrist to think i'm crazy (does that make sense?), but i want to make sure that i'm getting the care i need. Thanks!
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Old 11-22-2008, 10:26 PM   #56  
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CHER- your still alive????? I haven't seen you much on here...

I have a headache called i have a headache and going to watch a movie...lata...
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Old 11-23-2008, 04:24 AM   #57  
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Wink Good BBBBBRRRR Morning!!!

Well Good BBBBRRRRR Early Morning All!!

First I wanna offer to whoever may need them...........

I figured you all could use a good ole "Sassy Post" to brighten your

It is a lovely 19 degrees F, that is - 7.2 C. So brrrrrr!!! I know that isn't as chilly as some places, but still pretty chilly to me! lol. I think its time to break out the long johns and the cocoa!!! lol.

Yesterday (Sat.) DH and I was out all day long, shopping. Linens N' Things are going out of business so we went there and they had some good deals, then we got the stuff we needed for T'giving. Then we even battled Wal-Mart............Lemme tell ya I felt like breaking out the football gear and painting those black lines under my eyes! lol. It felt like we were trying to make a football play! lol. I'd tell DH what we needed then he would go and get it and bring it back. lol. Its like go long, go Anyways we kept our humor about it until that is I was at the self-check out at Wally World. DH went to Subway to get some dinner for us and I tell ya I was about to lose it! First of all I have to say I have absolutely no fingernails, nill, none. lol. Secondly, those BLEEPING plastic bags are about impossible to get apart!!! So here I am standing there for about 10 minutes to try to get ONE flipping bag open!!! GRRRRR!!! I was soooooo over it!!! lol I was like no wonder we should go green, it is easier!!!! I FINALLY got the bags open, after battling and a bit of um "encouragement" lol. There WERE (keyword = WERE) people behind me and I was thinking, "I DARE you to say one word to me!!!" lol. Needless to say, after me battling, they um moved on!!! Now I can look back on it and laugh, but at the time I was about to totally lose it! lol. I was like I have went ALL day long battling people and it takes PLASTIC bags to make me almost lose it??? Too funny!!!

And um no I still have not got the cookies done........... I am so over it. Then I have to flippin' make a flippin' apple pie.........FIL requested one especially from me, which totally ticked my mil off. I dunno what it is but since day one she has always been very competitive with me with baked goods. Hilarious.

I wouldn't mind baking so much if we had a decent kitchen and not a "barbies dream house" kitchen. Not even dream house, more like "barbies trailer kitchen" But DH said that when he goes to 3rds, which will be in 3 weeks (he will now be on 2nds for two weeks) then we can begin looking at some places. HALLELUJAH!! I want the bleep outta here! lol.

I guess DH is having a difficulty in trying to think of something to get me for Christmas. lol. I was like all I want is a new house. Thats all. lol. My friend said she is going to get me a doll house!!

Then our digital camera that we just bought not too long ago quit working. I went to the manufacturer's website I guess there is some known issue so we have to send it back to get it fixed. But in the meantime, its coming up on the holidays and we have no camera!!! GGGGRRRRR!!!! I think we may have to buy another one in the interim. I gots to have my pictures!!! lol. and I so had a good picture opportunity yesterday!!! We were at my in-laws and their two cats were cuddling and the one was cleaning the other. Sooo cute!!!

DH and I watched WALL-E, it was soooo cute!!!

Well I suppose that is about it.............tonight (Sunday) is back to the ole grind for me........ and this is my "long" week, but it will be good $$ with the holiday pay and time and a half for working Thursday AM. That is IF they don't screw it up AGAIN! I just now got my pay for Labor Day!!! But my boss assures us that he thinks he has it all under control this time. I hope so!!! lol. Don't be messin' with my money!!! lol.

Okay I am totally rambling............... But ya know that means I am back to my old "Sassy" self, right??? lol.

Well take care everybody!!!!! Keep warm!!!!

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Old 11-23-2008, 04:50 PM   #58  
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Hi everyone!

Hope you are all having a restful Sunday.
Sassy, boy that is a little chilly! we were at -9*C this morning, but we are above freezing now. Its still feels cold and I had to turn up the heat. Sound like you had quite the day shopping.
Not to much new here. I got up and drove DdA to work this morning (she started at 6am) I hadn't gone to bed until 3am so of course when I got back home I crawled back into bed to finish my sleep. Hubby left yesterday afternoon to pick up a piece of machinery about 10 hours north of here. Hopefully the roads aren't to bad. He almost hit the ditch trying to turn onto our road on Friday. Thankfully he was able to get out and he left a message on my cell so I could come home a different way and miss the ice.
Whoops just looked at the time I have to go and pick up DdA from work.

Take care everyone and enjoy the rest of the weekend.
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Old 11-23-2008, 09:27 PM   #59  
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Buddly your dog is so cute! Is it a maltipoo? They say pets and things can help with depression and stuff. I ordered one's supposed to be here by the end of the month but I haven't seen recent pics or heard from the ppl in almost a month. I emailed them tonight...I hope I didn't get scammed! I'm real antsy because this is my first pet and want her to have her 1st Thanksgiving with us
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Old 11-23-2008, 09:34 PM   #60  
There is no try...only do
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I had a rough weekend. Shopping, ate at the mall. YIKES.
Then company over with drinks Saturday, so all day Sunday was a blah....
I am watching COLTS now, and plan on walking 20 minutes after the game.

** perk** think I walked 5 miles at the mall chasing my preteen diva and her 3 friends. lol
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