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Old 09-10-2009, 11:13 AM   #31  
Slower But Get'n There
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I'm back. I haven't done very well on any challenge I have signed up for, so hopefully this will be my turning point. I just came back from vacation, so my weight is up some,

Start weight 284.4
Goal for 10/31 274
10 pounds

(My computer has crashed too. So I've been mia on 3fc. Have to buy a new one,)

Last edited by JazzyPeggy; 09-10-2009 at 11:15 AM.
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Old 09-10-2009, 11:22 AM   #32  
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Just got in a 2.52 run... Scale still isn't budging, but it's TOM and it's not going up either, so Ehhh... I think I'll suffer. Lol.

I have to get ready to work, so just a short one for now. I'll try and do some personals later on!

Welcome Jazzy!!

Have a great day everyone!
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Old 09-10-2009, 04:58 PM   #33  
So close to onederland...
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Hi ladies, hope you're all sticking it out and working hard. I've got a run today (w1d2), which I'm hoping I'll make it to (rain is coming). If I don't get to run I'll get on the stationary bike again today. I've been on plan food and water wise, but my weight has jumped from the new exercise... blah. I'm just pushing lots of water and hoping it will come back down as quickly.

Hope everyone is doing great! It's almost the weekend already.
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Old 09-11-2009, 01:55 PM   #34  
this is my time
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well, my goals for the rest of the year have just changed well at least the weight goal has. took a pregnancy test today and i am pregnant. i am planning on sticking around for a while though.
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Old 09-11-2009, 02:31 PM   #35  
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msaugie: Congrats on the pregnancy yay! i love babies! is it your first?
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Old 09-11-2009, 06:48 PM   #36  
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Msaugie~ CONGRATS!!! Ahhh... My sister is having one in 3 months, a little boy... Do you know how far along you are? I love babies, but I don't have any yet so I kinda live through everyone else's kids... LMAO!

Long day of work... On plan so far, now off to visit some friends!
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Old 09-11-2009, 06:59 PM   #37  
Angelina/Gerard is Love
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I'm feeling kinda down today. They cancelled my unemployment claim. I can appeal it, and I will, I'm just so pissed that I have to go through this again! And yesterday it rained so hard (which was good and much needed) but I ended up basically stranded on the other side of town because I was trying to apply for food stamps and I couldn't find the office! I finally found it after an hour of walking around, getting totally drenched by some jackass who didn't bother to slow down while driving through a lakesized puddle, and they tell me that I can only get the application there, not actually apply! Whatever.

Welcome back Jazzy!

WOOOT AUGIE! Congratulations! This will be our group's second baby!
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Old 09-12-2009, 09:53 AM   #38  
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Finally down to 168! Below 170! I thought it would never budge!

It's a freezing morning here in the North Country. DBF said there was frost on the cars this morning, Oh I hope he is just messing with me. It's wayyy to early for that already!

- That sounds alot like the office around here. They will send you all over just for one application, or even better, they tell you that it can only be done online. DBF is going through the same thing. I really hope that you get it straighten out. It's such a frustration situation to deal with!

sprklemajik- Did you get your run in? I have to get my staionary bike and elliptical from my fathers house soon. The colder weather is kicking in. Brrrr... Thankfully we haven't had to much rain lately. I'm hoping it stays that way.

Well I have a soccer game to attend, my neices first real games of the season! Hope everyone has a great morning!
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Old 09-12-2009, 02:17 PM   #39  
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I hope you are all having a great Saturday. I'm still down but the bright spot is I get Pullo back today!
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Old 09-13-2009, 04:10 AM   #40  
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I know I'm about a week behind but is it ok if I join in on the challenge??
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Old 09-13-2009, 09:45 AM   #41  
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The weather finally broke and it is now raining, and cold outside. No jogging today unless this clears up. So the scale now sits at 168 again for the second day, but I'm looking to get a digital one soon. I've heard that Eatsmart has a good one on Amazon. Anyone heard anything about it?

kswood87- I don't see why not, the first weigh in is due tonight at midnight. Just PM your goal to JasonsLea, along with your start weight for this challange and current weight before Midnight tonight.

Well I'm off for a somewhat boring Sunday. Shopping. Have a great one everyone!
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Old 09-13-2009, 10:12 AM   #42  
So close to onederland...
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I did get my run in on Thursday It was so much fun.

Everone Weigh In today!!!

I'm at 211.5, so a half lb loss, which is great considering that I spent most of the week up at about 215 after starting running again. Congrats Mrs.Augie! We love Babies around here.

Faux- I'll be restarting C25k tomorrow (are ya with me?). And anyone else that would like to join is more than welcome to as well.
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Old 09-13-2009, 12:38 PM   #43  
I have less blubber!
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Shari...sorry to hear about your troubles You're a tough chick though. Everything will work itself out.

As for me....Ugh TOM makes me feel like a bloated cow, and apparently causes me to gain four pounds. Oh well. I splurged eating a little on Saturday when I went to see my family, but not 14,000 worth LOL.

So 176 it is.
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Old 09-13-2009, 01:26 PM   #44  
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JasonLea--so sorry to hear about everything you have been going through! :hugs:

Sprklemajik--I'll start the C25K with ya tomorrow! I started it about a month ago and got through week 1, but then I moved to this really hilly area, and I can't do the program here as apparently I do not run up hills! I just joined the gym though, so I can do it on the treadmill now. I have been running down the hills though and doing some running at the gym for a few minute spurts, so hopefully starting again won't be too hard!

Sockmonkey--Stoooopid TOM! I hate that water weight showing up the discouraging!

Well, as for me, my weigh in today was at 257. I started at 262, so that is 5 pounds down, and 18 more to go to reach my Halloween goal!

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Old 09-13-2009, 02:37 PM   #45  
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April- Thanks, I will go do that now!

Tessa- I wish I could start the C25K program, but I'm just so weird about people seeing me run....that's so dumb I know, but eh I have convinced myself that when I reach goal I will be a runner!

Hello Ladies! I'm finally back down to 169 this morning which is awesome because I weighed in last week at around 176ish. Water weight galore! Really really hoping I can reach my goal of 159 with this contest...I think it's doable but sometimes my body just doesn't want to cooperate.

Last edited by kswood87; 09-13-2009 at 02:37 PM.
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