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Old 01-26-2009, 11:10 AM   #1  
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Default G2009 - Loving The Skin I'm In #3

Thought I would start a new thread since our last one was up waay over 500
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Old 01-26-2009, 11:12 AM   #2  
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Well I have been MIA since last week from my Kidney Stone. I did pass it on Saturday and feel normal again. No pain!!

Quick update:
I did workout yesterday but not today. I couldn't get out of bed. Hopefully tomorrow I will. I have ate really good this last week except for last night, I got hungry for sooo much junk food. I was at MIL and ate a small Slim Jim, Pringles and a Little Debbie Cake thing. I felt horrible after that. But today is a new day and I am eating healthier. It is also TOM time so I think that is what caused my cravings. Have a great day everyone!!
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Old 01-26-2009, 11:22 AM   #3  
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Scarah:glad it passed and you are feelng better!

Im so lazy today.. i know i should go to the gym... but im LAZAY!
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Old 01-26-2009, 12:57 PM   #4  
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Has anyone heard anything about blueberries helping depression? I have been in a dark whole the past week, like can barely get out of bed and sleeping all day long depressed...but I bought blueberries from walmart yesterday and have eaten a lot of them yesterday and today and I swear I feel so much better. It's like my mood is lifing since I have been inhaling them with every meal and snack. I may have to go back and buy a bunch more before they go off sale.

Faux--maybe you need a day of rest? If you've been super busy and working hard you may just need a lazy day, but try and at least watch calories so it doesn't undo you...but I see nothing wrong with a lazy day from time to time.

Last edited by Purplefirefly; 01-26-2009 at 12:58 PM.
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Old 01-26-2009, 02:43 PM   #5  
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faux - just try for ten minutes i promise you will finish your workout. i still have this nasty flu. workout for me!

i am starting the fat smash diet today and so far so good i tried to prepare things so i can succeed. i have to cut out a lot of sugar and salt. so this will be my trial to see if i can really begin to live even healthier than i have been.

my blood pressure has been high the last couple of times i went to the doctor and i have to get it down. i have had high cholesterol since i was 18 and i was a healthy eater at a normal weight, due to genetics. i cant afford to have high blood pressure too. i dont eat fried food etc but i know i could let go of the salt.

i am going back to the doctor because i am not feeling any better. but i have still managed to stay OP and not let go of my goals!
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Old 01-26-2009, 03:24 PM   #6  
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Hey all...

I haven't worked out in days. I'm going to try for tonight. I've been getting a little panicked... bills are all rolling in & I haven't been making the money to keep up with them. It doesn't help that I missed work last Friday when I got sick. I don't know how much longer my husband is going to be able to keep things afloat pretty much on his own. It's amazing how a few weeks of not making money can take months to recover from. My home child care hit troubled times in December, I started my new job at the end of December & at the end of January I'm getting nervous about how all these bills are going to get paid. And it's not even like they are fun bills... like we went on vacation & now have to pay for it. It's the normal every month water, car insurance, groceries, cable, etc... UGH! I hate being an adult!!!
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Old 01-26-2009, 03:54 PM   #7  
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Hey everyone! It's everyone's favorite sporadic poster!

I've been feeling really sick and stressed lately... today I went to work and got really sick and I had to leave early. but the person causing the stress is gone so its all good.

Despite all of the stress, I haven't binged or went off plan. I haven't worked out like I should but my schedule is such that I don't have a set workout time, I workout when I can but I walk 3-4 miles daily. I can tell that I'm losing, the stretch marks on my arms are much less noticeable. It's good to finally start to lose the weight I gained back after going off plan Oct-Dec.

fauxtini: Go workout! You'll be angry later if you don't.

Purplefirefly: When I start to feel depressed, I eat blueberries. I find that eating blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries help with the depression and are much healthier than a bunch of chocolate.

bjeweled: Good luck with the fat smash!
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Old 01-26-2009, 07:45 PM   #8  
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mkmom- Jeff knows several of the people you named, he said they were a couple years younger than him. It's a small world.

I'm glad everyone is hanging in there, I've not been feeling well (chest congestion) but I think I'm still going to try and workout tonight and see how it goes. Maybe just try a little gentler than usual.
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Old 01-26-2009, 07:55 PM   #9  
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Hi Everyone~I just got caught up on the posts. I have had a crappy week. I have ate like crap, have not exercised, a few days I have not gotten in all my water. I plan on pampering myself with a hair mask and a full facial. I bought some plain yogurt and some bananas. I am a nervous wreck. I need pampering. My middle DD rear ended a car on her way home from work. She skidded on a patch of ice and tagged the car in front of her. She is fine, but the van is in bad shape. Her hubby went off the deep end and said some awful things that really ticked my tock. Once a mom always a mom. You don't say things like that around a mom when she just learned her daughter has been involved in an accident!!!! He did apologize to her, but not to me. I just got off the phone with her and she assured me again that she is fine. I waited at their house for her to get home so I could see for myself that she is okay. Tomorrow my sister and I are supposed to go to Indy for her pre-op orientation. We are supposed to get 3-5 inches of snow; Indy can get up to 8 inches. She is going to watch the late weather forecast and call to let me know if she is going to cancel or not. I will catch ya all later. I wanted to let ya all know I am still here. Pat

PS: I have a sinus congestion thing going on. A lot of pressure under my eyes. I have been taking decongestant so I can breathe.

Last edited by Dixiemae; 01-26-2009 at 07:58 PM.
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Old 01-26-2009, 08:41 PM   #10  
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Sounds like it's been a rough week for alot of you guys, myself included. Hopefully this will be a better one going forward.

Well, I tallied up my off-plan horrible eating for the weekend and was surprised to find that Saturday's grand calorie total wasn't so bad (1900... higher than my "diet" range, but not over what my current weight requires) but Sunday was hideous! It had nearly 2500 calories!! I couldn't believe it. Fast food junk adds up FAST.

Anyway, I said last night I would be back on plan today... and I have been. Since Sunday was my real bad day, I decided to have a really good on-plan day today (1050 calories, which is less than my typical "diet" range but it's only for today). That should balance out my numbers a bit.

Also, I'm very proud of myself for walking into the drug store amidst a sea of valentine's day goodies and easter candies (Yep, they had some easter stuff out already) and I passed them ALL up. I got some fruit and nut trail mix w/o the chocolate pieces and some sugar-free Werthers.

By this point in most diet's I've done, I'd have fallen off the wagon and stayed there. But I'm really motivated to do it this time and I've made it past the "21 days to make a habit" point finally!
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Old 01-26-2009, 09:16 PM   #11  
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marimari--Congrats on the NSV!! I too have been trying not to see all the Valentine's chocolate and such out there. And yes--let's hope this is a better week for all of us going forward.....

Dixie--you sound stressed, hon. I hope everything looks better in the morning. And why do guys always yell about car accidents and such instead of being grateful for the fact no one's seriously hurt? I mean, jeez, accidents do happen, but being ok, that is the most important thing. Doesn't he know your DD needs some comfort and reassurance first and foremost?

sexybrokechic--wtg for not falling off the wagon with your eating!! SO hard to do when you are stressed, especially combined with being sick. Just stick to it, the exercise will come....

StNessa--oh yes, this economy is kicking us in the booty, as well, and our bills keep coming even as our production-based pay keeps dropping.....It's been scary here as well for a few months now. Even though I just picked up a couple more days of work, it still isn't coming in fast enough to make up for the past bills. We just gotta keep hanging on......

OK, so I did have a good week-end, but today, came home from work and have yet to do a wo. After dinner, some yoga and some core crunches, I think. At least it will be something......
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Old 01-26-2009, 09:29 PM   #12  
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Well i worked out! thanks for the butt kicks, guys!! 3 miles in 34 and 1 mile walking one good thing about a full gym is that it makes me run faster cause i wanna look cool... hahhhha

nessa.. i dont like growing up either!!! lol

brie.. arnt you better yet, girl? COME ON!! im senidng you wellness vibes through the internet!!! weeoooweeeeooooweeep eheheh
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Old 01-27-2009, 12:02 AM   #13  
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Originally Posted by Dixiemae View Post
Hi Everyone~I just got caught up on the posts. I have had a crappy week. I have ate like crap, have not exercised, a few days I have not gotten in all my water. I plan on pampering myself with a hair mask and a full facial. I bought some plain yogurt and some bananas. I am a nervous wreck. I need pampering. My middle DD rear ended a car on her way home from work. She skidded on a patch of ice and tagged the car in front of her. She is fine, but the van is in bad shape. Her hubby went off the deep end and said some awful things that really ticked my tock. Once a mom always a mom. You don't say things like that around a mom when she just learned her daughter has been involved in an accident!!!! He did apologize to her, but not to me. I just got off the phone with her and she assured me again that she is fine. I waited at their house for her to get home so I could see for myself that she is okay. Tomorrow my sister and I are supposed to go to Indy for her pre-op orientation. We are supposed to get 3-5 inches of snow; Indy can get up to 8 inches. She is going to watch the late weather forecast and call to let me know if she is going to cancel or not. I will catch ya all later. I wanted to let ya all know I am still here. Pat

PS: I have a sinus congestion thing going on. A lot of pressure under my eyes. I have been taking decongestant so I can breathe.
Dixie - If you go tomorrow be careful! I'm glad your daughter made it through the accident okay. And I'm sorry that your son in law has stressed you out. Guys are like that! When they get scared they yell. Don't they know that does nothing to calm us?!?!

Originally Posted by marimari View Post
Sounds like it's been a rough week for alot of you guys, myself included. Hopefully this will be a better one going forward.

Well, I tallied up my off-plan horrible eating for the weekend and was surprised to find that Saturday's grand calorie total wasn't so bad (1900... higher than my "diet" range, but not over what my current weight requires) but Sunday was hideous! It had nearly 2500 calories!! I couldn't believe it. Fast food junk adds up FAST.

Anyway, I said last night I would be back on plan today... and I have been. Since Sunday was my real bad day, I decided to have a really good on-plan day today (1050 calories, which is less than my typical "diet" range but it's only for today). That should balance out my numbers a bit.

Also, I'm very proud of myself for walking into the drug store amidst a sea of valentine's day goodies and easter candies (Yep, they had some easter stuff out already) and I passed them ALL up. I got some fruit and nut trail mix w/o the chocolate pieces and some sugar-free Werthers.

By this point in most diet's I've done, I'd have fallen off the wagon and stayed there. But I'm really motivated to do it this time and I've made it past the "21 days to make a habit" point finally!
Great job passing up the candy. I'm very proud of you!

Originally Posted by modcat44 View Post
marimari--Congrats on the NSV!! I too have been trying not to see all the Valentine's chocolate and such out there. And yes--let's hope this is a better week for all of us going forward.....

Dixie--you sound stressed, hon. I hope everything looks better in the morning. And why do guys always yell about car accidents and such instead of being grateful for the fact no one's seriously hurt? I mean, jeez, accidents do happen, but being ok, that is the most important thing. Doesn't he know your DD needs some comfort and reassurance first and foremost?

sexybrokechic--wtg for not falling off the wagon with your eating!! SO hard to do when you are stressed, especially combined with being sick. Just stick to it, the exercise will come....

StNessa--oh yes, this economy is kicking us in the booty, as well, and our bills keep coming even as our production-based pay keeps dropping.....It's been scary here as well for a few months now. Even though I just picked up a couple more days of work, it still isn't coming in fast enough to make up for the past bills. We just gotta keep hanging on......

OK, so I did have a good week-end, but today, came home from work and have yet to do a wo. After dinner, some yoga and some core crunches, I think. At least it will be something......
When oh when is this all going to get better?!?! Budgets and myself have never been friends before in the past but I've learned to love them these last few months. I would love it if our relationship progressed to the next level where I use it when I just want to save extra money & not because I can't live without it.
Originally Posted by fauxtini View Post
Well i worked out! thanks for the butt kicks, guys!! 3 miles in 34 and 1 mile walking one good thing about a full gym is that it makes me run faster cause i wanna look cool... hahhhha

nessa.. i dont like growing up either!!! lol

brie.. arnt you better yet, girl? COME ON!! im senidng you wellness vibes through the internet!!! weeoooweeeeooooweeep eheheh
Good for you getting that workout in. And that is why you look so awesome and I... well... we'll not think about that right now...

As for me today -- My stummy (yes, that's a mix between stomach & tummy)is still not 100%. When I stand for too long I start to get uncomfortable but I still did my work out. I just took it easy. I did a 2 mile WATP that was 30 minutes long. Less than half way through it my stummy was hurting but I braved through it. I was so tired at the end of it. Then I did the push up challenge, week 4 day 3. I managed but I had to take longer rests in between the sets. Surprisingly the sit up challenge was a lot easier. I thought that would be the painful one being as, oh I don't know, my stummy hurt. But not at all. So I finished week 4 day 2 of that. Since I took so long with everything it ended up being over an hour workout. Tomorrow I am going to try a little more with a little more intensity. I need to get back to what I was doing last week. It stinks when things happen and put a hiccup in what you've already accomplished. "I shake my fist at you stummy illness!!"
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Old 01-27-2009, 01:13 AM   #14  
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abby- you crack me up! lol i feel better tonight we will see if i still feel better in the morning. i am going to try to do a video in the morning.

marimari - i think that you def showed yourself you can exhibit balance...which to me means hey i over did it but i know what to do to balance everything out. thats one of the keys to success in my opinion. you have to live your life and everyday will not be calorie perfect.

dixiemae - i am glad your daughter is okay

stnessa - i hope your stummy feels better!
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Old 01-27-2009, 01:39 AM   #15  
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Well, I ended up working a lot more than planned, but I managed to get in a facial before bed on Sunday. To be honest, it kind of made me feel like crying. Anyway, it was nice to just relax and listen to music and smell the scented candle I lit. They had bath stuff on sale when I bought the facial mud mask packet, so I bought some and took a quick bath afterward and almost fell asleep. Woke up not feeling very well. Tired and coughing. Ug.

I had a scale dream last night. I had a doctor appointment for some reason, only it was in the middle of the grocery store. I felt bad about having to weigh in while I was on the challenge. The nurse adjusted the scale and said I weighed 154 pounds. I asked how that could be because I still looked the same. She said she must have made a mistake, weighed me again, and said that I actually weigh 284 pounds! Sure wanted to weigh this morning, but I didn't.

I did manage to exercise over the weekend but didn't have time today. I wonder how close to bedtime I can exercise and still manage to get to sleep?

Oh, to curl up with a blanket, a good book and a cup of tea.
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