The Biggest Loser - Winning by Losing For discussion of the NBC tv show The Biggest Loser and the book Winning by Losing, by Jillian Michaels

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Old 11-20-2005, 12:12 AM   #196  
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Default My new name!

Ok, Jillian. I've given up the "phat" and gone with "smart".

I feel the "smart" part is appropriate because your book has been very educational for me. I've heard from cynics that there's "nothing new" in your book, but what can I say? You are the person who made me interested enough to BUY the book. I had sworn to myself I'd never be one of those "overly-obsessed" people who counted calories. That sounded ridiculous to me. That's why I thought South Beach was the answer. But it didn't work for me. Either I was so afraid to eat carbs I was starving myself and not losing weight, or I was overeating fatty foods (note: s.b. doesn't encourage fatty foods, but I felt it was better than bad carbs) that I still wouldn't lose weight.

I have monitored my calories, keeping a food journal and pre-planning as much as I can so that I can eat what I want but not overdo it. At first I was gaining weight (as I mentioned before the low-metabolism from starvation), but ultimately I lost 2.5 pounds without exercise (I will start soon I swear!), in 2 weeks. (I won't even attribute it to water-weight, because I was doing south beach before this.)

Checking out the calories in foods I'm eating has been extremely educational. When I look back at my past and think of the dinners I used to order at various restaurants, I cringe. I was probably eating more calories in one meal than I should have in an entire day!!!

Anyway, I don't have a real question other than, if you are flying to Australia soon does that mean we won't be hearing from you for a while?

I also wonder if they'll show the Australian B.L. version here or on cable at least. That would be cool! Anyone know?
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Old 11-20-2005, 12:26 AM   #197  
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Red face Australia - keeping up with the times.

Hey Smartbutt, like the name. Down here in Australia we recently got the internet, so I'm sure Jillian will be able to check in.

You know how I said before that I was ok about not getting on the show, well I've changed my mind. I've decided it sucks. I believe they are making final casting decisions by Tuesday so I have till then to convince them. I think I must be going through the denial stage of the 7 stages of grief.

Hmmm what to do, what to do..

I am up to page 148 in the book though, so I am progressing well there. My fav section so far is the intensity section. Killing the myth where you should exercise at a lower intensity to burn fat was awesome.
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Old 11-20-2005, 01:11 AM   #198  
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Default get on that show!

Oz - call them up and ask them to reconsider you. I'm not sure what their criteria are, but you should throw something out there just for the **** of it. It can't hurt, right? Look at it this way... if you DON'T contact them, they certainly won't reconsider you. Tell them you'll have thousands of Americans flying to Australia spending big tourist dollars just to see you when the show is done. hehehe

And yes, I do realize that Australia has internet. Upgraded from the two tin cans and a string? I kid. Actually I meant if she was going to be filming and training the contestants, she wouldn't have any time most likely.

Now YOU, you get on that show! I'll keep my fingers crossed.
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Old 11-20-2005, 02:18 AM   #199  
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Jillian, not a question.. but just wanted to let you know, what you said on last week's show about "your dreams are your dreams because they are your destiny" really inspired me and made me think.. you're making a difference in so many lives and you have with mine in just a comment you probably made offhand..

God bless you..

Last edited by Peppahmint; 11-20-2005 at 02:21 AM.
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Old 11-20-2005, 02:20 AM   #200  
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Oh, by the way.. I just saw that earlier in the thread you said you have stretch marks you're proud of.. because they show how far you've come.. did you used to be heavier? I don't know your story.. if so, do you have before & after pictures..?

God bless.
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Old 11-20-2005, 02:37 AM   #201  
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Peppahmint, she posted a "before" picture several pages back. You'll have to do some scrolling but it's there.
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Old 11-20-2005, 05:21 AM   #202  
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SmartButt thank you so much for the support I appreciate it more than ever.

I'm not use to demanding things. I sent an email to the casting director, firstly I assured her that I was capable of handling the pressure you have to face in the public eye because at the audition I kinda broke down a little when asked why I wanted to be on the show. I don't think it was that bad but it was more than anyone else. Anyway my father had a minor stroke on the Wednesday afternoon so prior to the audition on Friday I had basically spent two stressfull days in the hospital. BTW he's doing so great, it's amazing. He should make close to a complete recovery. She was already aware of what had happened. Then I told her that I understood that they were trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle and maybe I wasn't the piece they were looking for but if a selected contestant pulled out then I would be a capable and willing contestant with a moments notice. I think I was a little passive, perhaps I have to push even harder.

Then peppa posts the "your dreams are your dreams because they are your destiny", we're behind a few weeks here so I hadn't heard that but that is exactly how I feel. I know it's destiny, I know it, just not sure if I have to make destiny happen.
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Old 11-20-2005, 06:33 PM   #203  
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Default Hello Jillian

Hello Jillian,
I wanted to let you know that I find you absolutely beautiful, and extremely inpirational. I am working hard to get in shape because I have the goal of joining the Canadian Army by this summer. I am taking a sensible approach to weightloss this time... Focusing on Running and Lifting to gain the strength needed for basic training. I have 41 more lbs to go to reach my goal weight, but at least the scale is moving in a downward direction for the first time in my life!! I am currently 35 (almost 36) and I want to get this journey accomplished before I am to old to truly realize my dreams/goals. I want to give the army at least a good healthy 20 years!!! One area I am really struggling with is trying to perform Full Male-style military pushups. I seem to be so weak in this area. I try and build strength by doing counter-top pushups, but I can never seem to get the strength needed to progress. My goal is to eventually (within 6 months) perform 10 perfect pushups. Any advice/ thoughts you could shed on this to help me progress towards the strength I need to accomplish my goal would be so appreciated. I refuse to give up and I will keep working towards my goals!! I can't wait to finally find your book in a store here in Atlantic Canada, because everytime I look you are sold out!!! A true testament to how many people admire and respect your advice. Thanks for taking time to read and hopefully respond to this.
Keep up your great work, and thank you for being so caring and down to earth in taking the time to truly connect with us, even though I imagine you are extremely busy.
I patiently await your reply,
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Old 11-21-2005, 07:56 AM   #204  
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Jillian: Not a question. On the last epp of BL that aired here (AUST) when you were upset at the loss of Mark, you didn't like Losing the boys.They're not lost.
Thanks you to they've found themselves. I know how hard it must be to see them go but thanks to your help they've come a long way in such a short time, especially mark. There's no value you can place on that kind of impact.

Our thanks to you.
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Old 11-21-2005, 10:01 PM   #205  
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I have not got your book yet since I dont see it in my Target store. I am currently doing Atkins and weight is comming off. Do you agree w/ low carbing? Is it dangerous? I also wanted to tell you, You are so awsome! You and Bob make the Biggest loser show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love watching you guys, havent missed a week yet!
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Old 11-24-2005, 11:54 AM   #206  
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Default Quick Question

Hi Jillian,

I am a huge fan of the BL and you are absolutely the best. I have your book, but I have not started your program yet because I have not been able to fully get through the book yet. I have an almost 4 year old at home so personal time is not at a premium in my house. I did take up running back in June and with the info I have gotten from your book I have managed to lose 3 pounds in the last few weeks.

Anyway here is my question, I just recently found out that I am pregnant with #2 and I am a bit confused as to where to go from here. I know I can't continue to cut calories to lose weight and I can continue excercising as long as I don't overheat too much, but what should my caloric intake be? Should I be eating enough calories to maintain my weight with gradual increases thoughout the pregnancy? I really don't want to gain ton of weight that I just have to take off in 9 months. Any info you can give me would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
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Old 11-24-2005, 12:17 PM   #207  
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Originally Posted by mommy2aliya
Anyway here is my question, I just recently found out that I am pregnant with #2 and I am a bit confused as to where to go from here. I know I can't continue to cut calories to lose weight and I can continue excercising as long as I don't overheat too much, but what should my caloric intake be? Should I be eating enough calories to maintain my weight with gradual increases thoughout the pregnancy? I really don't want to gain ton of weight that I just have to take off in 9 months. Any info you can give me would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Ida - I'm not Jillian but just wanted to say congratulations ...also have you asked your OB/GYN about diet and exercise during your pregnancy? He or she might have specific instructions for you...

Also - I see that you're new here...wanted to direct you to our Pregnant/Nursing subforum here at 3FC...check it out definitely worth a look!
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Old 11-24-2005, 01:13 PM   #208  
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Hi Mrs. Jim,

Yes I am pretty new here and I didn't know there was a pregnancy/bf section. Thank you for pointing it out to me. As for the OB/GYN I am in Canada and here you usually don't have your first appt until 12 weeks. At least that is what happened when I was prego with my first. I guess I am not sure if I should make any changes starting right now or if they can wait until 12 weeks. I will check out that other board and I have also ordered Runner's World: A guide to running while pregnant.

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Old 11-26-2005, 03:42 PM   #209  
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I missed any drama that was here so can't address anyone personally, but wanted to apologize if it seemed I was being rude or controlling. So, I apologize. Thank you Oz for PMing me also. Good luck getting on the show and I'll keep my fingers crossed.
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Old 11-26-2005, 03:53 PM   #210  
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Default Question/comment for Jillian


First let me tell you that I admire that you take the time to answer questions here, thank you.

My question is about exercise with injury. On the show we see knee injuries, back problems etc. I have back problems(as do many overweight people I imagine). Besides walking what would you recommmend as a good exercise that is easy on the back. Swimming is already on my list.

Thanks in advance,

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