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Old 05-01-2022, 06:56 AM   #1  
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Default Beck Diet For Life/Solution – May 2022 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach

Welcome to the discussion group, support group, Diet Coach group, Diet Buddy group relating to the two books by Dr. Judith S. Beck:

The Complete Beck Diet for Life

and the first book

The Beck DIET solution: train your brain to think like a thin person.

The Beck Diet Solution is a psychological program, not a food plan. It provides a step-by-step program to learn specific techniques to stay on our diet, lose weight, and maintain our weight loss for life. The program is based on Dr. Beck's clinical research in Cognitive Therapy (CT).

The Complete Beck Diet for Life expands the earlier work and includes a food plan with suggested menus. From the cover:
With The Complete Beck Diet for Life you'll discover the 5 stages of successful dieting and maintenance. You'll learn how to motivate yourself, give yourself credit for every change you make, create time and energy for dieting, and handle hunger and cravings. Dr. Beck eases you into changing one step at a time. You'll master one task before moving on to the next. And you'll learn techniques to deal with challenging situations, such as sticking with our plan at celebrations and dealing with "food pushers." With Dr. Beck's skills, you'll achieve a lifetime of healthful eating and lifelong motivation.

This is a place to discuss the Beck strategies and our daily efforts, to receive and provide support, and, for some of us, is where we serve as on-line diet buddy (coach) to each other.

If you’ve arrived from a search engine, you've landed at the site of 3 Fat Chicks (3FC), a remarkable place for those interested in a healthy life style, including mindful eating, exercise, and weight loss. More about the site, including how to register so that you can post, can be found here.

The books are available on Amazon through the 3FC store by clicking their names above; buying through 3FC helps to cover the costs of running this site.

You can find the list of previous (or more current) monthly Beck threads here on 3 Fat Chicks via:

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Old 05-01-2022, 06:57 AM   #2  
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Thumbs up Sunday - May Day

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Walked, CREDIT moi, to visit an open house for a condo for sale where I wanted to see the layout created by its renovation some twenty years ago. Had to ask the agent, "Is this fully staged?" "No, they live this way; they're still living here." Meticulous. Nothing out of place. No stacks of unread papers. Items in the closet hanging arranged. Also, not a square inch of spare space. Any item brought in must be balanced by an item removed. Used as a two bedroom with two and a half baths - kinda like that they take care of themselves. And the master bathroom had two sinks for the two adults. I grew up in a house with one bathroom containing only one sink for five kids. My teeth got brushed, but I'm jealous of the thought of never having to wait.

Eating was on plan with no daytime snacks, CREDIT moi. After dinner entertainment, while it was still light, was hauling the patio table and chairs from the basement. The stuff is heavy enough for me to count it as resistance exercise. I refer to it as our "new" patio furniture; but DW points out that the rusting legs might well just collapse one day. So "new" merely means that I can remember the previous set that we didn't replace until it almost fell apart. We seem to be slow at buying new stuff. This, too, shall be a job for the butler when I finally get around to hiring him.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Thanks for the link to Lizzo's Tiny Desk Concert. A lot of voice from that one. Glad that you survived the earthquake.

maryann - Yay for the family fun of all three of you watching a show and ribbing each other. Super Kudos for making the decision not to eat at the birthday party of your one year old GN.

curlyjax - Happy "unstructured weekend ahead" - so good to be reminded that we love our kids and also love that they fly the nest. Our DD just sent pictures of the DGD among the tulips at their nearby garden center. Looked like Holland.

Penny. - Can't believe that a coworker told you that her surgery led to cancer. Some folks don't seem to have their tongues connected to their brains. Kudos for continuing to do the fantasy series with your DD despite being boring.

Readers -
Chapter 5 Stage 2 - The Think Thin Initial Eating Plan

Graph Your Weight Loss

Too often dieters get too focused on the number on the scale and fail to see the big picture.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), Pg 125.
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Old 05-01-2022, 08:33 AM   #3  
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Productive day yesterday once I finally got out of bed. I had a good coffee and bagel chat with my friend, then zipped off to do a few errands. I got some more paper shredding done, and got it out of the house as well. I went to Savers and exhausted myself looking at clothes, but it was fun to do. They don’t have a dressing room anymore which is annoying, but they let you have two weeks to return things. Two out of four of my items fit which isn’t bad. I need to remember wearing cute dresses is another reason to lose weight.
I reached out to a friend for a walk this afternoon which will give me incentive to get things done this morning.
Nationalparker-I made the farro dish you mentioned a few days ago and it was so good! I didn’t even have fresh basil. I did use the parm, and I added some spinach too. Definitely a keeper.
Bill- always fun to see how others are living. They must not have kids
Maryann- great planning for the birthday party. Massages are so great.
Gardenerjoy-an earthquake, wow! Excitement indeed!

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Old 05-01-2022, 09:28 AM   #4  
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Good morning coaches,

I got to the campground at the Grand Canyon at about 3 on Friday and my acquaintance who was sharing the site arrived at the same time. We had a pleasant visit and she set up her tent and I made up my bed in the back of the car and got organized for morning. The hiking group met for dinner at 5 at a restaurant right outside the park. I had picked up Chipotle on the way and ate it before meeting for dinner since the restaurant didn't have much to choose from. I had a burrito bowl, and boy did they pile on the guac. I did have a churro dessert which I'm sure wasn't vegan, but oh well. Another gal arrived around 7 and also shared our site. She set up her tent and I was so happy I had reserved a site and with my senior pass. Park entry was free to me and the camp site was about $10. I slept okay in the car. It was comfortable enough, but there is always a little anxiety before a big hike.

We met at the Visitor's center and took the 5:30 a.m. bus one stop to the South Kaibab Trailhead and were on the trail by 6. There were 9 of us with half of us over 60. The oldest guy was 73 and he hiked Rim to Rim to Rim last year in 25 hours. That is south rim to north rim and back, about 48 tough miles. He was hoping to do it in under 24 hours, but blowing dust slowed him down. He is like me a late bloomer to hiking, in his case 60ish, and no hip or knee issues (because we never wore them out ha ha). Two guys didn't go all the way to the bottom, but cut over half way day and then up. It only saves about 2 miles, but quite a bit of down and then up. They only did that because one of them told the other that was the anticipated hike.

We all had times where the hike seemed difficult, mostly because it is, but party due to it being warm. It was probably not warmer than 80, but in the sun and going up, up, up that seems warm. We all made it out under 9 hours, which is a good time. During the times it seems hard I think I don't need to do this one again, but I probably will. After getting to the top we had to hop the bus back to our cars and I was driving home before 4. I actually felt just great and I'm feeling great this morning; not even sore. Yay! I did have one leg cramp at bedtime and got up and took a couple of electrolytes.

For my food I took a cooler and had my oatmeal, ground flax seed, berries and tofu (which I make into a kind of cottage cheese) for breakfast as soon as I woke up. On the hike I took a couple of small peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, a couple of bananas, 2 large ginger cookies, and some apple slices. I ended up eating 1 1/2 sandwich, one banana, both cookies and a few of the apple slices. I finished the apple slices on the way home.

Well that was probably a lot more detail than you want or need, but it was fun letting you know how it went. Today I will get things cleaned and put away, do some laundry, eat healthy with a little extra protein and take it easy.

Curlyjax Your day sounds like a good one and nice that you found a couple of dresses. I can imagine the ups and downs of having your kids home. Nice to have the company for sure, but added stuff and sometimes stress. They both sound like really good young adults though and you should be proud of all you handle.

Bill So good that you got the "new" patio furniture out and ready for the season. I can't believe it is May 1st already. I have to say I'm glad we can leave our furniture out all year. It is heavy. Also, we don't have a basement or any place to put it.

GardenerJoy Do you get many earthquakes? We had them more often in Washington, but very rarely here.

Maryann We have a Panera nearby, but I think I'll reserve it for big hike days and the occasional sweet. I used to go there with friends frequently for lunch. I hope the party went well and you were able to stick to your plan.

Penny Holy moly that co-worker needs some help. What a thing to say. I'm betting you will do really well and be so happy not to have the monthly **** you've been going through. And about the Grand Canyon Hikes, we hiked about 17 miles yesterday and 5000 feet elevation gain. Some people do the same trip in a 3 day backpacking trip and so have I. There are a number of different trails and hikes to do, none of them easy.

Nationalparker The Lizzo concert sounds just great. I'll have to listen to more of her music cause I do like it. When you said sleep was elusive until 4 a.m., that's when I wake up. That would be awful. I hope you're not freezing to death with no furnace. I could send you some warmth from here. It's supposed to hit 95 today and 100 next Friday and Saturday. Yuck!
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Old 05-01-2022, 10:00 AM   #5  
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Happy May day!

I don't think I'll be leaving flowers on my mom's porch, ringing the doorbell, and hiding behind a shrub today but I enjoy the memories.

Yesterday was on plan and weight continues without change. I'm technically down five pounds for the month if I just look at the first and last numbers, but really it's no progress. I'm still feeling motivated so hoping I can get through another fully on plan month.

Karen, congrats on a successful hiking adventure! That does sound tough now that I know the stats. I enjoyed reading your trip summary and living vicariously.

Bill, keeping tihings until they fall apart is how we do it too; well, and buying second-hand to begin with. I like to call it my eclectic retro style. lol

Curly, I love that you have so many outings with friends, and really love the walking plans you and NationalParker make. That is such a good nonfood, nonmoney idea. I forget it doesn't always have to be an elaborate hike.

Joy, that's cool you recognized the earthquake. We are so not used to them here, our brains try to explain them away and probably don't even notice it most of the time.

NationalParker, I need to look back and find that farro recipe again. I must have forgotten and Curly's high praise makes me want to try it. Plus my daughter had farro seeds as a big part of her show she was watching yesterday- it would be fun to introduce it now.
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Old 05-01-2022, 11:01 AM   #6  
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It's taken a couple of months, but I think I'm ready to come up with a strategy for strength.

My long-term goal is to prevent falls and injuries in later life. But it's not very clear how to achieve that.

I kind of plateaued over the winter with yoga and/or calisthenics every third day. I'm not willing to increase the intensity with weight-training because I've injured myself too many times doing that. So, I think what I want is more frequency. Maybe even daily.

The new realization is that I have a short-term goal. I like to feel my muscles in that pleasant "oh yeah, I worked out" way. So, any day that I'm not feeling that is a day to do a yoga routine or some calisthenics. Or even any day where I am feeling that but wouldn't mind a little top up to make sure that I feel it tomorrow, too.

Exercise +40, 1535/1400 minutes for April

karenrn: I enjoyed the details of your hike. At this point, I consider all travel-planning as fantasy, but the Grand Canyon is definitely one of mine.
We're near the New Madrid fault that produced the largest earthquake ever recorded in the US, in 1811. There was another pretty-good sized quake in 1968 -- people in Boston reported that buildings swayed with that one, BillBlueEyes and curlyjax. Otherwise, the system produces lots of quakes too small to be felt. This is probably only the third or fourth quake that I've felt in my life. So, not frequent and not large -- but geologists warn that we'll get another big one some time.
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Old 05-01-2022, 12:25 PM   #7  
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Happy Sunday!

Yesterday's BDay party was very nice and relaxed. I did not eat the meal but I did dive into frosting and ice cream. Together. I know. I practiced that old embarrassing behavior of scraping frosting off cupcakes and throwing the cake part away. Oh Well. It is a new day. Weight did not go up so that is a bonus. I am going to spend two hours outside on the yard and an hour at Sam's club.

Karen: I love the details. it is my hope to do the same hike someday when the cosmos line up. Maybe with you For today I continue yoga. I have decided to get ingrown toe nail surgery done on the 10th since I am off hiking until my other toe heals.
BBE: We had 8 in the house with one shower and we used the same towel. Never thought anything about it. Life is so different.
Penny: Hear's to another month OP.
Joy: My exercising goal is absolutely about being able to physically do what ever I want as I age.
Curley: I had an hour chat with my sister this morning. It is so important to have that socialization.
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Old 05-01-2022, 10:31 PM   #8  
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Happy May! This weekend flew past me. We got home from DH's folks house about 45 minutes ago and we had a quick dinner (Trader Joe's vegetable samosas that baked while we were unloading the car and I was moving the laundry along, feeding the cats, etc. It seems that we're always bringing stuff home, even if just for me to take to Goodwill after I get stuff cleaned up a little. DGD's 4th birthday was a success yesterday. She was quite the little hostess, accepting all birthday wishes with a sweet "Thank you!" and exclaiming over every gift as if she wanted it all her life. It was fun to watch her exuberance. We were alerted that they were having lasagna, so I got up and prepped a loaf pan of one for us, cooking up some plant based meatballs and slicing them thinly in a lot of sauce for the meat layer. Just omitted any cheese as we don't care for the dairy-free stuff. DH pronounced it a big success, but I think it'd be better as a baked ziti type meal with a little more of a pasta presence for all of the "meat" ... added some grated carrots to the onions in the beginning of the sauce to thicken it up a bit.

I'm beat now - all day clearing out at the in-law's house after I ran up to IKEA to pick up an item that finally arrived after a few months of waiting. We have just enough room on one wall in a room that houses my art supplies, some kids' toys and our exercise bike, to add bookcases (crammed, you say? Yep!). I'm excited about the prospect of my art stuff not being stacked up so much. And a while ago I bought a pretty wooden stand not for a tablet, but to showcase whatever my most recent watercolor done that I don't cringe looking at, pretty card received, etc. in a prominent place on the shelf.

Re: Lizzo - I should have said that the language in some songs is pretty base ... but her lyrics are fun and sort of empowering: (From Truth Hurts) - You tried to break my heart ... Oh, that breaks my heart ...That you thought you ever had it ...No you ain't from the start

Bill - Thanks for starting us out on another month. In case you hadn't seen Lizzo and her flute, here's a clip from her playing at the
. Sanding and repainting the black metal on my "new" patio furniture is a project for me this spring. Ours is only 12 years old. Martha Stewart brand from Home Depot and I WISH she still was selling it. We got it for $250 with free shipping, half price. So only $21 a year for using it so far.

Penny - I CANNOT believe that someone had the lack of empathy/wisdom to say that in light of your upcoming surgery. UGH. Five pounds down from start of month to end is superb! A few (well, more than a few) of those gets me closer to where I should be. Want to be. That farro recipe is pretty good - the better tomatoes you use, the better it tastes, I think. It really shines in the summer. I confess I detest tomato skins in cooked tomatoes, so I stand at the stove after a few minutes of cooking this and pull the skins off with a knife and a wooden spoon to catch them.

Karen - Thank you for your hike details - I loved reading it. I would have scarfed all of the food I carried, I know that about me. I loved a story of an acquaintance who hiked the PCT and one day she'd eaten her day's allotment of snacks by 8 a.m. I connected with her on that haha. Glad it was smooth and safe return to Otis. And DH No cake for us as I didn't think to bring a vegan dessert and I actually didn't miss it. I DID bring some bread with plant-based butter as apparently that had a higher priority! I want to just write PB for Plant-Based but I also use that for peanut butter. I guess it would be self-explanatory, but the editor in me struggles with that.

Maryann - Smart to get other foot handled while in a bit of limbo time! Credit to you for moving on past the party food! I LOVE frosting; that is a temptation for me. The fact that the cake at my DGD's party wasn't vegan saved me.

Joy - Glad to hear that all stayed intact during your earthquake. I've only been in one here and it was unnerving. Do you do a lot of gardening in the spring? I was thinking of that "oh yeah, I worked in the garden" feeling hits me later in the day when I can feel my calves... I need a lot of mulch, and can't put off buying and spreading it this year.
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Old 05-02-2022, 07:13 AM   #9  
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Thumbs up Monday - General Mills begins shipping "Cheerios" (nee "Cheerioats") (1941)

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Exercise, CREDIT moi, was chasing the (2 yo) DFGD at a playground along with DW, DS, and DIL. The playground was delightfully packed with kids. She loves watching other kids. Her newest thing is being able to climb the bar ladder to the platform where she takes the slide down. New for her because her arms and legs have finally gotten long enough; a side effect of being rather short is that the arms and legs aren't long enough for some age-appropriate tasks. Most fun: she joined a bunch of 5-6 yo girls making "soup" in a plastic cauldron out of sticks, leaves, and fallen blossoms. Lots of stirring and giggling. When one of the girls brought us a serving, she did so using two sticks as chopsticks. Then I noticed that she was Asian. So neat; the DFGD scooped soup with her hands, the Asian girls with chopsticks. I looked around; it was a typical city playground with about 90 percent of the kids non-white. I so like living in a diverse place.

Eating was on plan with no daytime snacks, CREDIT moi. We got home from the playground late; dinner was produced rapidly - chicken on the grill takes only three minutes a side. Evening snack was a California Cara Cara Orange and a handful of blueberries. I'm so sad when the Navel Oranges stop, but the Cara Cara are so red and so sweet that they're immediately my favorite. Reminds me to be grateful to California for feeding us all.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - I'd forgotten about the New Madrid fault. Hope it goes back to sleep for a few decades - you're a seriously populated area. Neat to work out in your brain how you need to work out with your body to feel it without being overwhelmed.

maryann - LOL at eating the frosting of cupcakes. Good to know that the little girl part of you is still in there. I, too, remember drying myself as a kid using a wet towel.

nationalparker – Congrats for your graciousness of bringing your own food so that you could happily join the festivities. And thanks for the link to Lizzo on her flute. I need to be reminded that popular artists are also musicians. With Lizzo, I can't stop watching how easily she moves her body despite being large.

Karen (karenrn) - Wonderful story of your Grand Canyon hike. So impressed that it was only a nine hour hike - that's a lot of down and up in that time. I congratulate the two guys who had the courage to cut the hike short. I know of too many tales of folks who got all the way down only to realize that they were exhausted with the harder half remaining. One couple we know finally got back to the South Rim at 3am feeling barely alive. Drooling for "a burrito bowl, and boy did they pile on the guac."

curlyjax - Congrats for finding four items at Savers to take home - a good shopping day. And Yay for finding "another reason to lose weight."

Penny. - Congrats for those five pounds for the month. Hope your brain will come round and let you feel the credit you deserve. Thanks for "eclectic retro style" - I can use that next time one of my kids calls me "cheap."

Readers -
Chapter 5 Stage 2 - The Think Thin Initial Eating Plan

Graph Your Weight Loss

For instance, Mary had lost 10 pounds, but then even though she was doing everything she was supposed to, the number on the scale went up by 2 pounds and stayed there for a week. She could have told herself, Oh, I've been so good, but I gained 2 pounds anyway ... That's really terrible.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), Pg 125.

Last edited by BillBlueEyes; 05-03-2022 at 06:55 AM. Reason: Typo: possible to terrible
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Old 05-02-2022, 07:45 AM   #10  
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Yesterday morning I bustled around and got a lot done before i met my friend for a walk; laundry, baking a pan of tofu with barbecue sauce and a pan of peppers and carrots, and a nap because I work up too early. And all the dishes done, yay. Good walk with my friend that I went to NH with, although I realized how out of shape I am and had to stop a few times to rest, yikes. Then we bumped into another good buddy at the park, so that was fun. I really focused on drinking a lot of water as I'm trying to do that more, and I think I did okay with food. A few groceries and another errand rounded out the day. I ended up really hungry before bedtime. What do you guys do for a snack if you're super hungry before bed? I have trouble sleeping if i'm too hungry. I ended up with peanut butter and 2 dates.
Karen- thanks so much for the details! So interesting, and I get a real sense of what its like- if I were in your shape! did you pass donkeys on the way- I think I read that some people ride them down and camp at the bottom?
Bill- it is wonderful to watch kids of different backgrounds play so naturally with each other. aha, its cara cara orange time, I remember you talking about them!
Nationalparker- good job bringing your own food to a party. That stand is pretty and a good price too,much nicer than my plastic one- hmm..
Maryann- better to spend the calories on something you really like; frosting is indeed the best part!
Gardenerjoy- have you looked into balance exercises? Those can be good for preventing falls and improving overall flexibility. But maybe yoga does that.
Penny-I used to do that for May day too! I have the same 5-6 friends I do things with, and have really worked on reaching out after DH died, so i am very glad about that.
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Old 05-02-2022, 10:05 AM   #11  
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We walked for a couple of hours through a cemetery yesterday, searching for DH's ancestors. I counted it as thirty minutes of exercise, given how slow we moved and added some yoga when we returned home.

Food was never planned due to the weirdness of the day and wasn't stellar, so I have today fully planned so that I can do better.

Exercise +50, 50/1500 minutes for May

curlyjax: Yes, I like yoga routines with balance poses. I think adding more of those in would be helpful.
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Old 05-02-2022, 11:23 AM   #12  
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Good morning coaches,

Food was on plan yesterday and the plan included an extra protein shake with banana and PB Fit. It was delicious. I knew my protein was a bit low the day before, so I decided to focus on extra protein yesterday. I was tired from my long day the day before and took a couple of short naps, plus some relaxation in the pool. I slept well last night and my Garmin says my Body Battery is almost at full power this morning. I pick and choose which readings I accept based on if I like them. My VO2 max is 34 with a Fitness Age of 48, so I always accept this one.

This morning I headed out early for a 90 minute hike (the gate now opens at 5:09 a.m.) and then walked Otis when I got home. I've had an apple for a snack and I've got some beans in the Instant Pot to soften. I found a Vegan White Bean Chili recipe that sounds good and we need to focus more on beans and a little less on tofu which is higher fat. I have tofu in my breakfast every morning already. No big plans for the day, but I have looked at a couple of movies that sound interesting.

GardenerJoy Did you find any of the relatives in the cemetery? I had no idea about the largest earthquake and the fault line being near you. I always though the Pacific Coast was the scary area.

Curlyjax We did see one group coming down the trail on the mules. It looks scarier than walking to me. As for an evening snack, we have just started having some air popped popcorn. We had non dairy ice cream around sometimes, but it has more calories than we want to have.

Bill So fun to hear about your little DFGD and how much she is growing, as well as your diverse neighborhood. My street is fairly diverse also, but we don't see the kids playing much except at the large park at the end of the street. The guys that cut the hike short were doing well, but one was unaware the plan was to go to the bottom and he wasn't feeling like he wanted the challenge. It would not be fun to feel like you couldn't make it cause there is no choice.

Nationalparker I really like the wood stand. I hear you about scarfing all the food. That's pretty much why I didn't bring the dates or make some kind of nut/date treat. I was afraid I would scarf them and then need a bathroom. I only brought things that I like well enough. The cookies were delicious, but I spread them out. I hope you're getting a break today.

Maryann I would love to do the hike with you but those stars better align in the next couple of years. I'm not sure how many more years I can do it. Oooh good idea about the toe surgery but that sounds painful. My niece told me about a tool to run under your toenail after showers to be sure the nail doesn't get ingrown. I bought one cause sometimes I'm afraid it will happen.

Penny I would call technically down five pounds a great loss for the month. I would think this month might be kind of tough with your surgery and all. Are you getting food ready or will the family take care of your food?

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Old 05-02-2022, 03:46 PM   #13  
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Hello! A brief check in today because this is one of the most beautiful days we've had this year, and I'm going to return outside to garden a bit. I just came in to write out and post a card to our HVAC guy, who I've worked with for nearly 20 years. He arrived early, solved our issue for a reasonable amount, and then went next door to service my neighbor's unit. He has to drive a ways to get here, so that's good we can piggy-back. She called me while I was heading to walk with my friend, did he tell you he had cancer? WHAT?! No. Their conversation led to that as my neighbor is a cancer survivor, and so she let me know.

CurlyJax- I copied and pasted yesterday after losing a post and missed including your note in my last post. Yay on clothes that fit! My cousin lives in RI and talks about Savers. We don't have them here. Thanks for the reminder on drinking more water. I stink at that. When my plan only included water (my own determination now, but I am a slacker), it was no issue at all. I need some sort of challenge, apparently.

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Old 05-02-2022, 07:57 PM   #14  
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Good Afternoon, Coaches.

Today was a bit of a workout. I wanted to eat more. I tried to moderate or at least change it to healthy foods. Mostly I was successful. The lunchroom upset me. One of the teachers has been really negative about the kids. "that kid is a so and so." terrible expletive. Then a few others would chime in. I disagreed. reminded them that one of the kids is from that foster family I was telling you about and needed a little extra grace. The teachers were on me saying that kid was screaming expletives in their classes. I said, "Well she doesn't do it in mine." Then they got on me for bragging or whatever. My point was, if she doesn't do it in mine, she doesn't have to do it in theirs and maybe they can change their tactics. But I don't think any of that got through. A teacher that I trust came by later and said I was fine and had nothing for which to apologize. I am going to take this as a learning opportunity. I spoke my mind. I was being as honest as I knew to be and I was sticking up for a few students who are very vulnerable. It might make me unpopular but it is my right. I will just let it go.

So maybe that encounter is what made me angry. The "people pleaser"in my is feeling very crunchy but again. it is not about a popularity contest. Extra food will not take the crunchy feeling away. Maybe a little more rest.

I don't want to do my yoga but that might be the best thing. That and close the kitchen.

Wave to all
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Old 05-03-2022, 07:17 AM   #15  
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Thumbs up Tuesday - World Press Freedom Day (since 1993, the UN General Assembly)

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Was a day without grand accomplishments. I answered a question that my tax accountant emailed. I prepared for my last two classes on this Thursday. Read a whole bunch about neutron stars - they only get more weird as we approach the end of the book. Astrophysicists just keep drooling that they allow, again and again, verification of Einstein's General Relativity theory of gravity. Turns out that there are dozens of alternative theories on the table that explain one little corner of reality better than Einstein's. But it's always just a little corner and it fails in the bigger picture. We may have to live with the placeholders, Dark Matter and Dark Energy, for decades more.

Eating was on plan with no daytime snacks, CREDIT moi. Dinner was a pumpkin soup that isn't my favorite; I compensated by eating more tortilla chips with it than necessary. Always glad to watch my brain's ability to make up reasons to eat more.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Walking a cemetery to look for relatives is a new one for me. Neat that he knows which cemetery is likely to be their resting place.

maryann - Thanks for working to create a positive attitude about the kids in your school. It's possible that some teachers aren't aware that they're contributing to the teen's negative stuff. And thanks for the reminder, "Extra food will not take the crunchy feeling away."

nationalparker – So kind of you to post a note to your HVAC guy with cancer - not everyone treats contractors like human beings.

Karen (karenrn) - I can imagine that you are tired from your long day. Congrats on that 48 yo Fitness Age. Good point, "It would not be fun to feel like you couldn't make it cause there is no choice."

curlyjax - I'm a dedicated planned evening snack person. Not actually sure that I need it, but I am sure that I'm capable of digging into tree nuts or trail mix if I detect a glimmer of hunger.

Readers -
Chapter 5 Stage 2 - The Think Thin Initial Eating Plan

Graph Your Weight Loss

But she didn't. Instead, she said, The number on the scale is down by 8 pounds since I started the program ... That's great ... I'm following my plan every day, and I'm exercising ... This is just a temporary blip, and I'm sure I'll start losing again ... But if I don't, I'll just change my eating. Saying this to herself made it easy for Mary to maintaining her motivation and to keep following the program.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), Pg 125.
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