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Old 08-19-2013, 07:06 AM   #181  
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Hello coaches,

Good day today. Invested in a good chair for my home office (where I work 3+days per week) and my back is feeling infinitely better for it. Had a pain free walk at lunchtime. Hooray! Was in a bit of a belligerent mood today - kept trying to break the rules in little ways - reading while I are lunch, trying to eat my mandarin while I walked. But the "good me" won out mostly - compromised on taking the mandarin with me and eating it sitting down on a bench half way. Credit. And kept switching my iPad off again at lunchtime! My partner commented that maybe the belligerent mood comes after the end of a week with kids - that I've been infected by their impulse to argue every point. But as I right this I think it might be about time stress. I work much shorter hours during my week with kids so when I get to this Monday I feel like there is all this stuff backed up and that there isn't time for eating mindfully etc. will have to make a response card for that.

Credit for staying OP today - had two meals I wasn't able to plan for but managed to make choices that stayed on program. And credit for realising that tonight I needed to relax, rather than keep working after dinner.

National Parker - credit to you for committing to those steps and for promising to give yourself credit for them. Looking forward to the update.

Gardener joy - great planning to be able to enjoy your night out and stay OP

Maryann - yay for yoga and pleased to hear both our backs are recovering. I am also not a chronic sufferer (thankfully). Like most things with my body - if I look after my back it is fine - it is only when I treat it badly that it gives me grief. So now I shall treat it very well (or at least until I forget what the pain was like and get slack again :-))

Khemistry - lovely to meet you! I am about 5 weeks into Beck and really loving it. Combined with the lovely folk in this space it finally feels possibe to feel to change my life forever. Credit to you of saying hello.

BBE - right on for the joy of seasons and the joyous diversity they bring. Have to confess to being a "I love the arias (and duets etc) but get bored in the in between bits" opera fan! Recently discovered how to create ringtones for my phone so these days when someone calls I hear Maria Callas. Tricky bit is making myself stop listening and answer the phone.
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Old 08-19-2013, 07:52 AM   #182  
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Hi Coaches!

A two day check in.... (Saturday) was stellar….OP and lots of exercise as I took both the opening and closing shift at work. Credit. This morning (Sunday) I weighed , read my cards, exercised and put a written plan by the refrigerator. Credit. I had a day off from work (Sunday) so I made a list of distraction projects which felt good to get done and kept me from "idle" projects which often lend themselves towards thoughts of food.
ETA-No internet earlier so Sunday update….stayed OP but changed dinner. We decided to have a date night in Denver. Dinner at WhFoods (op) then our annual trip to the amusement park for rides. We go to the old original, not the 6 flags version….very nostalgic. I went when I was a kid and not much has changed. We had a great time, spent $16 on rides and admission and skipped the food. credit. A good one for the memory box...I love when we create and enjoy events and skip the foods that no longer serve us well.
Monday AM-a new low for my ticker. credit. I've weighed, planned and prepped smoothie. I'll exercise before work and then again at work. lol Spontaneous exercise will be adjusting my ticker. Yay.

khemistry, Nice credits! You're getting right into the groove. I look forward to getting to know you better!

BBE, credit for the spontaneous exercise needed to haul vinyl out of the house AND to a spot where they might receive another use. We have many AND a machine which transfers them to CD. I'm amazed at the quality we get.
Kudos, also, for a 100% day, especially when confronted with dreaded donuts.

Maryann, many credits, especially leaving 1/3 of your breakfast. I've been meaning to mention that I've been doing several low cal days each week and I'm comfortable with my associated progress. Thanks for mentioning it. I have been thinking of you and your stepping up to the plate and being up front with your questions at work. The answers aren't always easy but I, too, would rather know. That speculative stuff that floats around in my brain isn't good for me.

Ann(Newlifestyle), glad you are here with us and feeling comfortable. Thanks for sharing your experiences with the group! Credit!

gardenerjoy, when you said southern style seafood all I could think of was deep fried stuff, never having visited the gulf shores. Yay for a healthy fish/salad choice. Advance knowledge of menu choice is such a strengthening tool.

nationalparker, Kudos for making a plan and posting. Credit to you. Keep trying-keep posting.

ForMyGirls, so nice….having a partner with qualification in massage therapy. Glad he is willing to share his experience with you. Credit for your rational response to your proud little bakers. I agree, it's an instance where not tasting (because it's not in your plan) would quite possibly have a devastating effect on the young ones. Credit for thinking through the difference and for another day, (Sunday), where you thought through the need for a new response card.

Beth(from Dayton),Hope you're having fun ! You've planned just great and have lots of fun activities scheduled.
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Old 08-19-2013, 09:21 AM   #183  
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Quick post here. If okay, I'm going to do my countdown to Halloween - a goal I'm setting for myself. So 74 days on my personal challenge and day one, yesterday was a resounding success. I feel good - like I'm finally back in control after only, what, 15 hours awake and on plan But we got out for a short walk at 10 pm under the nearly full moon, went to the movie (saw The Way Way Back - thoroughly enjoyed it) and I brought us each a snack size 70-calorie milky way, all meals were on plan and we added extra veggies to dinner, and have plenty for leftover/quick prep, avoided the rolls that DH hauled out, added in water and cut snacking. Credits abounded for me for a change, ha! I redid my advantages card and prepped one response card with various sabotage-busting replies. It's a nice feeling to wake up in control and with a plan, rather than to wake up feeling in a downward spiral.

Two mental challenges this week: I always feel compelled to eat up/use up open food products before we head on a trip - hard to explain because I don't eat shredded cheese or cereal or something like that, but other stuff, none of which I can think of right now. And other challenge is to not eat a LOT on Saturday when DH is working and I'm wrapping up stuff. The feeling that I'll go hungry (big deal) is subconscious with camping trips. Will think and write cards for those this evening.

Plan to walk along the canal for a bit at lunch. The audiobook thingy (Bill, you were right - mp3 plalyer) is loaded with two books to start enjoying.
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Old 08-19-2013, 10:54 AM   #184  
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Lunch went according to plan and we had a good time, too! I skipped the fried strips of something that unexpectedly showed up on my salad. I didn't even have a taste because I sure didn't want to find out that I liked them. Credit!

WI: +0.15 kg, Exercise: +40 715/1500 minutes for August, Food: 90%op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes

maryann and ForMyGirls: much less back pain has been a benefit of weight loss for me -- fewer pounds helped. So did getting stronger so that I can get lower to the ground with squatting and lunging movements instead of bending over.

Welcome, khemistry! This thread is a great place for giving yourself credit -- love that you not only bought work-out shoes, but that you got bright ones!
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Old 08-19-2013, 11:29 AM   #185  
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Good morning coaches,

BBE: What a great approach! "I stood down several platters of factory made foods - including glazed donuts - that tried to pretend that they mattered to my happiness." Kudos for you.

Khemsitry: Welcome. I've been here for only a few weeks as well and I'm finally getting into a comfortable and more confident weight loss with the Beck Solution.

I had a good weekend but didn't exercise much - baked bread on Saturday and went for a long walk - credit - and cooked for much of Sunday. Managed to lay in 30+ measured, healthy portion meals for DH and I to eat out of the freezer over the next couple of weeks (salsa chicken, seekh kebab and basmati rice, turkey breast, and two kinds of meat loaf). I'm trying a new bread making approach this week based on a book "Artisian Bread in 5 Minutes A Day". It's part of the "no knead" fad.

Have any of you compromised on the undistracted eating? My husband really wants us to eat in front of the TV (like we used to) on the weekends and is okay with eating at the table during the week. He says that he eats too fast when he's not distracted by the TV. The amount of food doesn't change as we only prepare ourselves a single portion of food. What's the danger of this compromised approach? Thanks for any advice you can provide. Cheers.
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Old 08-19-2013, 12:28 PM   #186  
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Good Morning, Coaches.

Crazy morning. I did not sleep well — up from 12:00 to after 2 am. Then DS came into the room at 6 ish and was scared about zombies. A quick breakfast and I am half awake walking him to the bus stop ( a new big adventure for him), but there was no bus. Walk back, drive to school, check route, home after step class and I can't get the internet going. Really I am still half a sleep. You know the kind of day.

So I start over with a gratitude list. I only work three days a week so I was able to take time this morning to help get DS to school. I love my step instructor. I am getting my hair cut and colored today. I have a food plan. Although I jumped into Chinese Food last night, I am back OP today.

Lexxiss: Today is my low cal day. The two day low cal is bringing structure I really need. I am glad you told me it is working out for you as well.

Last edited by maryann; 08-19-2013 at 12:29 PM.
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Old 08-19-2013, 01:00 PM   #187  
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Quick update - plans for lunch changed at lunch when we were asked to join in with the new fellow, who didn't have lunch plans. I ate half of my no-mayo sandwich and boxed the remainder. Proud that I rolled with the flow and should still be okay. Higher calorie, but not a disaster.

Belated welcome to khemistry - apologies! I look forward to your notes here and hearing what tips you have!
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Old 08-19-2013, 03:17 PM   #188  
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Hi, Everyone.

I am checking in. I lost a total of 70 pounds, most of which was on Beck/IP. I let myself enjoy off plan foods in February for my birthday, anniversary, and at a party. Since then, my losses have been slow and I've not been 100% On Plan. I have fallen back in to my old habit of "restarting tomorrow", then screwing it up and saying, "I'll restart tomorrow."

I wanted to post. I have been 100% OP today, but am battling the hungries. I review my response cards and am reaching out to avoid off-plan foods.

Thanks for reading!
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Old 08-19-2013, 09:51 PM   #189  
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I'm just checking in. I'm fighting myself with food issues, but exercise is working out okay--my friend likes to walk, too.

Breakfast was OP, lunch was fine, not great, just fine. I'm not sure yet what we're having for dinner. But if I continue to make good restaurant choices I shouldn't gain while i'm gone. My weakness is really when there are tables full of sweets--and that we don't have!

I'm going to be sure to read my cards tonight and again in the morning.

I get to see DS tomorrow--I'm looking forward to that!
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Old 08-20-2013, 05:16 AM   #190  
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Hi all,

Not been on for a week. My DH returned from 3 weeks in Asia and we've been enjoying some family time together. I've had a bit of an epiphany (yesterday). I've still been following my diet around 80% but we're all on holiday (not away but going out for days) so I've adjusted it a little. And I was giving myself a really hard time for not reading a chapter a day of the book. I am such a black and white person and need to overcome this. Well yesterday it dawned on me that I don't *have* to read a chapter a day and actually she says take longer if you need to. So it doesn't all need to go to pot. I can pause on where I'm at, so long as I am still doing all the things I'm meant to do (read my cards, sit to eat etc). That felt such a relief. Like I'd normally have a sabotaging thought about "I've failed to progress through the book at the correct pace, therefore I need to quit and start over again". So I feel big credit due there.

The two chapters I've just read are a) monitoring hunger before/during/after meals and b) skipping lunch. I want to do those next week when DH is back at work as I want to do it properly and not when we're out all day etc. And I don't want to read further into the book until I've done those two tasks.

So, to summarise. I am paused but following the program. And I am gonna check in here every day too.
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Old 08-20-2013, 05:50 AM   #191  
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Thumbs up Tuesday - Full Moon

Diet Coaches/Buddies – Yet another eye doctor appointment where I got to look through the world's most amazing optical-mechanical device with lenses flipping up and down. It's just a beautiful machine. My doctor is youngish but is so proud of his very high quality machine of the old school. His computer analysis software is the latest - but there's no plastic in his machinery. Conclusion: I can still see just fine with the minor glasses I'm wearing.

Eating was OK, CREDIT moi, but snacks remained larger - Ouch. Lunch was my first tomato sandwich from our garden - just bread, super thick tomato slice, mayo, and basil picked just before I sat down to eat it. Soooo yummy. My walk, CREDIT moi, included the library to return a stack. I passed two boxes of FREE books on the curb and took none, CREDIT moi. Candide was difficult to leave on the curb, but I've got to remember that I don't need to own every book that I've ever read and liked. Take that, Voltaire.

Joy (gardenerjoy) – LOL at, "fried strips of something." That happened to me at a BBQ place in the Memphis airport. Turned out to be fried pickle. Wasn't particularly good or bad, but was a major surprise.

Debbie (Lexxiss) – Yay for amusement rides for entertainment. I love rides but can't do roller coasters, don't know why.

FutureFitChick – Super Congrats on those 70 pounds gone forever with Kudos for "100% OP today." I hope the academic world is treating you well.

maryann - Yay for solving DS's bus problem without having to miss a day of work yourself. Kudos for doing your gratitude list.

nationalparker – Interesting to feel the need to finish up everything before going on vacation. We have a neighbor who brings us a bag of stuff before she leaves saying, "Use it or toss it, just don't tell me," LOL.

Beth (bethFromDayton) – Yay for not having tables full of sweets. Seems to me that my challenge is tables-full-of regardless of what.

Tracey (Tracey on a journey) - Kudos for 30 prepared meals in advance. I'm one of those who occasionally does undistracted meals as an exercise but when I'm eating alone, I'm almost always reading something. That said, last night was just such an exercise as I had dinner alone on the patio and just wanted to savor the summer evening. If I'm paying attention, I can see the bats come out.

ForMyGirls - The right chair is just as important as the right shoes but strange that nobody ever writes about that. [We have a favorite Maria Callas CD that goes with us on all long drives.]

Readers -
day 6 Find a Diet Coach

Here's what your diet coach can do: . . .
Build your self-confidence. Your diet coach can help make sure that you give yourself credit on an ongoing basis. And when you slip and think, I can't do this anymore, your diet coach can help you get back on track and remind you of what you've learned to get to that point. Your diet coach can counteract your sense of helplessness.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Beck Diet Solution (Pink book), pg 84.
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Old 08-20-2013, 07:15 AM   #192  
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Good morning Coaches,
This is a quick fly by, I am still on plan with my eating and walking, just really busy with life. I am doing well. I will read posts when I can.
Have a wonderful day and thank you all for being here.
Take Care
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Old 08-20-2013, 08:31 AM   #193  
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Credit for a well handled conversation. Workmate: "would you like some M and Ms" me: "thanks but no" workmate: "don't you like them?" Me: "Oh I love them - but I'm dieting so I won't have any". I said the big D word, with a smile on my face :-)

Tonight I realised I had a carb serve left and got very excited because it meant I could have one of my kids muffins but - big credit here - I weighed it first to work out how many serves it was and then cut it in half. Hooray - treat without guilt :-)

Today I have been thinking that maybe Beck is right about after a while the sabotaging thoughts back off a bit or get easier to handle. It has felt very doable today. And saw a photo today that was taken about 3 months ago and I realise my face is leaner now. Nice realisation.

Lexxis - yay to breaking the need to include unhelpful food in nostalgic experiences and woohoo on new low on the ticker :-)

National Parker - yay for feeling back on track! And yay for audiobooks to keep you entertained. If you have someone tch savvy to help you I recommend learning how to load on podcasts - so much cool stuff out there (my personal fave being This American life.)

Gardener joy - wow to leaving the fried strips of something. I am yet to bust the "it's in a salad therefore it is vegetable" myth :-)

Tracey journey - yay for such a big healthy cook up. My thoughts on the breaking the rules about distracted eating - I think it probably depends on how much of a habit you have of distracted eating. For me I think sticking to it is really important because doing Beck has made me realise that I hardly ever stopped and enjoyed my food and I am concious that it would be very easy for me to slip into automaton eating again. (I also find it a useful rule because I have such a busy life that often what stops me eating is that If I have to choose between stopping what I'm doing and skipping the food I skip the food!) all of that said I do have one meal a fortnight where I let myself eat dinner while watching my favourite show - but I am pretty strict that that is the only exception.

Maryann - well done for working out that being grateful would help with a rough morning.

Hello future fit chick - how great that you broke the "tomorrow habit" and restarted today :-)

Beth - well done for staying on track on your holiday. If I am remembering right you said a while back that trips away etc are your weak spot so especially big credit for mastering one of your challenges.

3TL - I love your epiphany. I had a similar thought process a week or so ago and it was so liberating!

BBE - well done for resisting free books.

Ann - well done for checking in even when busy. Glad you are going well.
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Old 08-20-2013, 09:57 AM   #194  
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I couldn't make my planned snack of frozen yogurt because I forgot to put the ice cream maker bowl in the freezer. Somehow, that meant I should get a larger than normal serving of the alternate snack. Really, the normal size would have been just fine.

But I did everything else right yesterday and got to a new low for the month. I've exercised every day this month! I'm motivated to keep that streak going.

WI: -0.4kg, Exercise: +60 875/1500 minutes for August, Food: 80%op, Read my Advantages and Responses:

Tracey_on_a_journey: We eat in front of the TV every night. Mostly, I do just fine with that by serving one portion and calling it done. Occasionally I'll go through a phase where I want just a little something more. I have sometimes used a piece of crystallized ginger to answer that, but last time I went through a phase like that, I found that a spicy herbal tea would give me the same effect.
I have made a rule that I don't eat in front of the TV when I'm alone. Like BillBlueEyes, I usually read when I eat alone. But something about watching the TV when I'm alone triggers behaviors that I thought I'd left behind long ago. I finally realized that it just doesn't work for me and made it the top item on my response list: No eating in front of the TV when I'm alone in the house.
I think it helps me to break one of Beck's rules with a fair amount of glee. That makes me more amenable to following the rest.

FutureFitChick: great to see you!

3rdTimeLucky: Sounds like a great time to pause -- terrific insights about your version of all-or-nothing thinking. And, of course, you want to post even when you're not actively reading the book. One day, you'll finish the book and you'll still want to keep posting, so it's great practice to do it now. Good for you for managing about 80% while in a holiday mood--that's quite good and will make it easier when you're ready to get to 100% some days.

ForMyGirls: LOL at "it's in a salad therefore it is vegetable" myth!
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Old 08-20-2013, 11:46 AM   #195  
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Default Yesterday turned out great!

Hi, Everyone!

Yesterday went great and that feels awesome. I was up about 8 times overnight to go to the bathroom because I drank so much water yesterday, but I slept in until 10:30 AM to make up for it. In my ideal world, I'd be a natural morning person, but not being a great sleeper messes that up everyday.

Today I have a plan for eating. Salad with tomato and cucumber at lunch with my protein and an omelet at dinner. I'm not sure what I will have for snacks, but that is never a difficult one for me.

Thanks for your support!

3rdTimeLucky, major credit for sticking with it even though your original plan didn't work out exactly as you hoped. I struggle with this sooo much and am thankful to Beck for helping me reshape this response.

BethfromDayton, I hope your food issues will give you a break today! Enjoy your visit with DS.

BillBlueEyes, academics are going OK. Congrats on fabulous eye exam results! That has to feel great. Also, great response to the box of books. That must have been REALLY tough! As far as me, it is me that is holding me back from finishing my writing. I know lots of self-doubt is par for the course, but it has been wearing me down and I just want to be done.

ForMyGirls, something really powerful about your "I WON'T have any" response to your co-worker. It sounds so assured aside of my "No thanks." I will have to try that.

GardenerJoy, great to see you too! Yowsers on the exercise ever day this month! That is awesome!

NewLifeStyle, hang in there with the busies!
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