Beck Diet Solution A step-by-step program to learn specific techniques to stay on our diet, lose weight, and maintain our weight loss for life.

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Old 11-28-2012, 01:44 PM   #181  
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Boy, I like this idea!!
November 28, 2012 - Wednesday Sabotage
Sabotaging Thought: It’s better to just not have any treats during the holiday season.

Response: I need to get away from all-or-nothing thinking and remember to look for the middle ground. Cutting out all treats never works because I eventually end up eating them, and then usually go overboard. While it may not be reasonable to have extra holiday treats every day, it’s important plan to have reasonable amounts all throughout the holiday season.
BBE -- Good to have you back. We survived (only barely) while you were away.

To everyone else......... keep fighting the good fight. If you get knocked down, get up again. I may need to do that myself. I was starving at lunch and after eating my heavy homemade creamed soup ate some off plan peanut butter. To stay on plan it's going to have to be pretty lean for the rest of the day.
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Old 11-28-2012, 09:54 PM   #182  
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Making a plan, packing or preparing the food, getting most of the way through the day, then going off plan; sometimes a little off, other times miles off.
No reason to try to give excuses because you all have tried all of those excuses and Beck has a response (healthier and more positive) for each one, also.
So I'll just check in here, make a plan for tomorrow, pack some unauthorized treats into a garbage bag and put them in the car to dump at school (that's what I did this morning, but unfortunately I found the only store within 15 miles [seriously!] and loaded up again )
So we try again....
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Old 11-28-2012, 10:31 PM   #183  
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I totally went off the rails today. I was HUNGRY all day and ate through it. About the only credit I could throw in is that I only ate half the piece of chicken fried steak and about a half dozen fries. I guess that's something. :/
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Old 11-29-2012, 07:02 AM   #184  
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Diet Coaches/Buddies – Thanks for welcomed return. Good enough on eating plan, CREDIT moi. I felt the call of the nibbles at home and had to remember that I don't want to do those.

Mobility improves daily. Went out last night using only one crutch which made it possible to carry stuff in my left hand. At home, I use the stairs with no crutches which is good, but does put me in better touch with the food in the kitchen.

Joy (gardenerjoy) – I need to be reminded that some days can go out of control even without my contribution. So thanks for reminding us that food doesn't have to follow.

Debbie (Lexxiss) – Two packed lunches is a sound platform for a sane eating day. Hope pup is well.

Nature Girl – Kudos for having no excuses - a good place to be when looking for new strategies to find the path. Yay for "So we try again...."

Beverlyjoy – Ouch for lemon drops as a gateway drug. When I've got a cough, I love cherry cough drops to help soothe the throat - then I love cherry cough drops as a sugar high. They are a challenge.

HaleyJu - Chicken fried steak is just deadly. (But so popular that I had to laugh when I read the sign "Chicken Fried Chicken.") Beck has some good words about feeling "HUNGRY" that are worth reviewing. I know that feeling - for me it seems to coincide with feeling stressed.

Readers -
chapter 1
The Key to Success

The Power of Cognitive Therapy

My father discovered, however, that depressed patients could get better quickly - often with just 10 or 12 sessions of therapy. When he helped his patients set goals, solve problems, and change their depressed thinking, their depression quickly abated. Because a major component of the treatment focused on correcting people's distorted thinking, he called this new form of treatment "Cognitive Therapy." The word cognitive refers to thinking.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Beck Diet Solution (Pink book), pgs 19-20.
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Old 11-29-2012, 07:49 AM   #185  
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Arrow whatever the "reason"

Hello Coaches

Today is "re-join WW day". I had my first sabotaging thought of not followong through because I just *credit* weighed in to see my weight up 1.1lbs from yesterday. Imagine this crazy logic:

I can't go to the weight loss place because I've gained some weight.

What a classic sabotaging thought!

So. I WILL go to the weightloss place. I will be late. I will weigh more than 253 as I won't be nude on their scale and it will be 2.5 hrs from now. But I will do this today.

I'll check back later.
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Old 11-29-2012, 08:50 AM   #186  
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Hi Coaches!

onebyone, what a classic sabotaging thought! Kudos for recognition and heading to WW anyway!

We didn't get home until very late last eve. Our pup is progressing w/his heart disease but the vet praised us for getting him in right away (to the tune of $700). She said when folks wait too long they end up having to be hospitalized before they can even start medication. I really credit my learned Beck skills for just doing what needed to be done. We stopped at Costco for his meds and had to wait wait wait....I did have 2pc. of an egroll sample yet picked a package of sushi for dinner instead of the many other options, which included stopping for fast food. We ate when we got home. credit. I forgot to weigh this morning ...will do when I return from work.
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Old 11-29-2012, 10:34 AM   #187  
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Hi coaches/beckies/friends - I am so happy to say that yesterday was a healthy day... I am grateful. I planned/measured/logged food, did my exercises, weighed, lots of water, slowed down a little, left a bite (most of the time) & went to the store for healthy foods to have a more 'friendly' food environment at home. It's nice to have a few credits again.

- GREAT to remember that a bit day in general doesn't have to spill over into eating. Credit! Thanks for the reminder that being here is showing that we are not giving up on ourselves when the going gets rocky.

lexxiss/debbie - glad your doggie got to the vet in time to forstall any hospital stay. You made healthy choices at Costco. Credit for passing up the fast food.

- aren't our minds really kooky sometimes... so glad you are going back to WW. (despite gaining) You know it's helpful. Credit.

billbe - Credit for answering those sab. thoughts about have nibbles!! It's wonderful to hear that your mobility is improving daily!!

haleyju - I hate those days when I have food insanity. Forgive yourself... try and plan your day for a healthy one. You said: keep fighting the good fight. If you get knocked down, get up again. It's a good reminder that we are here for the long haul, for sure.

naturegirl -keep throwing your tempting off plan foods in the trash. Put, dish soap on them right away. That is helpful. So glad you posted!!!

Have a great day. Treat yourself as kindly as you'd treat a good friend.
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Old 11-29-2012, 05:49 PM   #188  
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I swear whoever writes the Beck tips must be watching over my shoulder. One of my co-workers is a major chocoholic. I know where her stash is and have been known to hit it in previous school years. This year so far I have managed to stay out of the wonders she has in the cabinet. (It's also cheaper, too. I generally replace her stuff at a 2:1 ratio if I have helped myself.)
November 29, 2012 - Think Thin Thursday Tip
If you go into the break room at work and see some unexpected treat, walk right out! Remind yourself that you’re not really missing out on anything because if you had never seen it, you would never have wanted it. Then remind yourself why it’s worth it to resist and all the good things that will come as a result.
BBEsaid "for me it seems to coincide with feeling stressed." Yep, probably right..... I have another workshop to teach on Saturday and then I'm leaving Wed. for DC. I'm reasonably organized but not to my normal OCD level. Sometimes I have to talk to myself about just letting things go.

Beverlyjoy thanks for reminding me of my own tips. Glad you are having a better day.

Lexxiss I'm amazed that you can forget to weigh. Maybe that's another thing I am OCD about. I have been known to weigh multiple times a day.

onebyone Once upon a time I was a WW lifetime member. It's a great accountability system if you don't allow yourself to get sabotaging thoughts. Good for you that you recognized "stinking thinking".

Got to go or I won't make it to yoga. I need that credit.
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Old 11-30-2012, 12:42 AM   #189  
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It's after midnight now and like a little kid I am resisting going to bed. I did promise to come back and here I am. Weird day today. Kind of a continuation of a weird night last night I think. Last night I was shivering cold. I haven't felt that bone-cold since the last time I vended outside at a farmers' market in late October. No amount of blankets or comforters wpuld warm me. Eventually I had to sit in a hot hot hot bath and this did the trick and I was able to fall asleep. It was weird. Then today I grew an enormous headache, nausea, dizziness, exhaustion. Went to WW (YAY credit galore) got signed up again and then abandoned all other tasks as I came home and went straight to bed. So quickly that the cats had no idea I was in bed or they would have been there with me, on me, and I felt so icky I wanted to be alone. I have been using old glasses since my real ones have not turned up. I did decide to go get my eyes checked anyway (it was overdue) and chose new glasses that were ready for me today (fast!) but I was in no shape to go pick them up. I think the old glasses are the casue of the dizzy/headache/nausea but can't attribute the shivers to them. Oh well. It's mostly passed now. I get to stay in tomorrow and will walk over (planed exercise) to get my glasses in the morning. I think my body wants to move more btw. It's all achey and creaky after months of ignoring it. Time to do something for my physical self.

BTW DH had bloodtests done as a followup to his August diabetes type 2 diagnosis. The Dr called him to question what the heck he did as all his numbers are now normal" blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure--all normal and good normal to boot. The Dr. was aghast that DH has no clue how much weight he has lost. It's true. No idea. My guess is 30-40lbs. I have done as much as I can with the DH diet though. We are clearly not the same kind of physical makeup. Plus he's not a food obsessive like I am. I can tell you it is way easier to have a foodplan in this house now that DH has outlawed all the foods a diabetic should not eat. I am hopeful for my continued success in this second round of WW. My personal weightloss is most successful from November to early May. As soon as I start outdoor shows, as soon as that kind of stress begins I lose focus on the weight and it drops from priority #1 which is where I have to keep it if I am to lose weight. What is fantastic however is maintaining the weight I have lost since this time last year: 35lbs down. I am striving for that and more as I face the end of one decade of life and head into another at, again, this time next year.
I'd love to ring it in by tossing those BP pills if it's possible.

Anyway that's my "short" check in. Moving forward once more in every way.

Bye for now.
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Old 11-30-2012, 05:04 AM   #190  
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Thumbs up Friday

Diet Coaches/Buddies – An on-plan eating day, CREDIT moi. We saw the movie Lincoln last night - a gripping story well worth seeing. It makes me want to read the book the movie is based upon, Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln by Doris Kearns Goodwin. I'm playing the haunting soundtrack as I'm typing. Such a raw time in the U.S.

Exercise continues to be minimal. I'm walking around the house including stairs with no crutches, presumably under doctor's orders per his statement, "Follow your body." Working with DW to put clean sheets on the bed was a bigger challenge than walking at the Miami Zoo. Leaning and stretching are well served by flexible ankles rather than a limiting cast. No complaints, a week ago I wouldn't have attempted sheeting the bed.

onebyone – Welcome back to WW - Kudos Galore for recognizing that you needed them and for getting yourself there. And Congrats to your DH for getting his blood number all the way to "good normal." LOL that you can't weigh nude at WW. I stopped weighing after I broke my leg until I finally admitted that I can weigh with cast and PJ's daily with a new mental tare. Doesn't matter if I've estimated the tare correctly as long as I use the same one each day. So I've added the accountability back into my life.

Debbie (Lexxiss) – Yay for sushi for dinner - your body gotta love you for that. Sending healing thoughts to your pup.

Beverlyjoy – Yep, Kudos for "a few credits again." It's nice to read that you went to the store without writing about how difficult that was.

HaleyJu - Neat idea that you replace borrowed chocolate with double - a nice incentive to stay away. I'm also working on "just letting things go." Neat that your DC trip is coming up so soon.

Readers -
chapter 1
The Key to Success

The Power of Cognitive Therapy

In the ensuing years, my father and researchers all over the world adapted Cognitive Therapy for many different psychological disorders and problems. Hundreds and hundreds of research studies have demonstrated that it helps with a wide range of difficulties, including depression, anxiety, eating disorders, obesity, smoking, and addictions. Even more impressive, people not only get better, but they stay better. They learn how to change their inaccurate, unhelpful thinking in order to feel better emotionally and behave in more productive ways to reach their goals.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Beck Diet Solution (Pink book), pg 20.
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Old 11-30-2012, 08:02 AM   #191  
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Hi Coaches!

I didn't weigh again this morning, yet I did hop on after work yesterday. I have a new morning routine w/pup which is interfering w/my old weighing routine. He's on lasix so I jump out of bed...grab warm clothes and get him outside before anything else then sort out, split up and give him 4 different pills. credit for spontaneous exercise. Food choices were "coulda been better coulda been worse" yesterday. I'm obviously stressed, yet succeeding in remaining mindful. Funny, I had bought items (WW tortillas and vegetarian green chile) to health up our dinner version of breakfast burritos. Last eve I had to ask DH about the tortillas...they were missing. He went to the car and found the evidence...pup had gotten into the bag, pulled them out and had consumed 6 of 10 while we were at Costco. The vet was concerned about his problem yet.

BBE, great job adding the tare of your cast and pj's to accomodate a daily weighing routine!

onebyone, great getting to WW even though you didn't feel well.

HaleyJu, funny how the daily messages seem so personally picked (to me, too).

Beverlyjoy, yay for shopping healthy!
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Old 11-30-2012, 11:25 AM   #192  
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Good Morning, Coaches.

Back from Southern California and the Mojave Desert. I have been rereading the Beck book and I am on Day 13. I did not do the hunger experiment yesterday because of problems with blood sugar in the past. I have lost a little of the weight I gained over the holiday and now rest a pound above ticker. Credit. Double credit actually for giving myself credit when I really want to scream at myself for allowing myself to gain five pounds over six months! But the time is now. I have stopped at a five pound gain instead of a twenty pound gain. I'll take the credit.

Interesting. I read that 20 extra calories a day will put on two pounds a year. Twenty extra calories is about a Jolly Rancher. The fact highlights how I MUST sit down when I eat or I will never be able to accurately count calories.

I have a couple of supercool tools. DH bought me an IPHONE and I am logging into Myfitnesspal. Yesterday, I was at a big box store and was given a sample of peppermint bark. The phone scans the barcode and logs the serving into my food diary automatically. Amazing. I have put my advantage cards on the reminder app and everyday at noon, one pops up.
Glad to see everyone is still here in my absence.

Last edited by maryann; 11-30-2012 at 11:35 AM.
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Old 11-30-2012, 12:04 PM   #193  
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I'm not going to meet my minutes goal on exercise in November but I met my other goal -- do Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred workout fifteen times (although, full confession, I modify like crazy -- I wrote about that on my blog this week: Readers’ Workouts — November 27). My reward is 5-pound dumb bells. For a few of the exercises, I'm ready to try a higher weight.

BillBlueEyes: DH is reading Team of Rivals and enjoying it. He's refusing to watch the movie until he's read the book!

onebyone: For many years, I had to take a hot bath before bed or lay awake cold. Now, I have hot flashes to warm me up . Great job pushing past the resistance and getting to Weight Watchers!
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Old 11-30-2012, 01:38 PM   #194  
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Last day of the week, last day of the month......... another on target tip. I need to re-read these multiple times a day. Somehow I have let the snack creep catch me again. My worst time of the day is around the time I get home in the afternoons. It's costing me! I need stop!!

November 30, 2012 - Friday Weekend Warm-up
It’s important to remember that just because you THINK something doesn’t mean it’s true. This weekend, if you think, “It’s okay to eat this because everyone else is /it’s just a small piece/it won’t matter/I’ll start again on Monday,” remind yourself that these are just sabotaging thoughts and not true reflections of reality.
maryann, I have always used Fitday to track my eating. I like the idea of being able to take a picture and have it automatically enter the data. I may need to look at Myfitnesspal. Thanks for the recommendation.

Have a great weekend everyone. Mine will be busy!
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Old 11-30-2012, 02:25 PM   #195  
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Hi folks - yesterday was a healthy day. I am always grateful for that. I stayed with my plan well. Also, planned/measured/logged food, exercise, lots of water, journalling, deep breaths before each time I ate, ate a little slower, concentrated more on the taste a few times, and even felt the fullness couple times.

My cold is getting better. I was boiling water for moisture in the air and ruined my pot when I forgot about it. I was going to make some soup today... guess not until I get a new pot.

Hope you are all having a great day.
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