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Old 02-06-2014, 10:02 PM   #61  
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Hi everyone.. another quiet day,dh puttered in the garage most of the day,its nice that he feels well enough to do more than sit and gripe..good for me too hoping your day is a good one too rosey

cottage cheese duo ( prefilled tray with 1/2 c. cheese and fruit on the side)

1/2 diet pizza
iced tea

wildberry fruit smoothie
ww honey pretzel twists

1/2 chix breast
fried rice a roni 1/2 c
1 piece giradelli dark chocolate(stawbeery filled )
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Old 02-07-2014, 07:57 AM   #62  
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Good morning ladies. Packing again. Heading out to the camp after work. My eating has been good but the scale is not moving. I'm guessing that it will give up sooner or later. I never would have thought I would say this: I'm ready for winter and hunting season to be over. I'm in need of warmer temps and sunshine. It's dreary outside.
I started with a new toddler this week and it's kinda stressful. I'm very busy with 6 little ones.
I'm out if time.
Be back soon
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Old 02-07-2014, 08:39 AM   #63  
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Going to be a big girl and drive myself to work today. First time this week, dad gum ice! It takes away my independence. Oh well, thankful for my son taking me and my son-in-law picking me up.

Going to eat Shusi (sp?) for the first time today. The girls at work tell me they have one that's just veggies. Think that will be the one I get. Well, off to work. Enjoy your day!

Last edited by RobinVM; 02-07-2014 at 08:40 AM.
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Old 02-07-2014, 08:44 AM   #64  
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Good Morning...I found some puppy treat recipes online this morning. The little guy is eating the peanut butter treats I bake for Charlie and I think it's making his stools too soft. I ran across a bunch of recipes to make your own dog food too. I might try one of the recipes as we use a very expensive brand of dog food for our English Setter. It's around $30.00 a bag. Between feeding all the wild critters outside, we're dipping way too far into our monthly budget.

Anybody make their own dog food? K3...I know you cook up food for Dash, but I'm looking for dry food.

Cana...why don't you make some oven fries for hubby? Lots of online recipes for them.

Karen...let us know about Tim.

Robin...If you're not used to driving on ice, just take your time. So many people are in a hurry, leaving for work with no time to spare...that's when accidents happen.

Ta Ta

Last edited by Bobbolink; 02-07-2014 at 08:47 AM.
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Old 02-07-2014, 10:48 AM   #65  
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Originally Posted by Bobbolink View Post

Cana...why don't you make some oven fries for hubby? Lots of online recipes for them.
I probably will, after he loses the weight he wants, but right now we are trying to give his pancreas a rest, and calm the insulin spikes from easy starch/sugar carbs. He is hypoglycemic and our MD says it would be better if he ate less of the potato, noodle, cereal, bread, rice, etc stuff. His hypoglycemia leads to a mild sort of paranoia - he starts to think everyone is against him or talking about him. When he gets that way, I just say "OK honey, here's a little healthy snack" and then he's better within a 1/2 hour. Sounds strange, but I guess we all have our problems. I know blood sugar is very important for the brain, so a crash from a big spurt of insulin after eating quickly digested carbs really affects him.
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Old 02-07-2014, 10:55 AM   #66  
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Originally Posted by RobinVM View Post
Going to eat Shusi (sp?) for the first time today. The girls at work tell me they have one that's just veggies. Think that will be the one I get. Well, off to work. Enjoy your day!
Hope your drive went well Robin! Sushi can be a real jolt to the blood sugar - try to get one with brown rice and add miso soup to your dinner for a bit of protein too. I love sushi, and sashimi (raw fresh fish). I even cut up tiny strips of nori seaweed wrap to put in my spaghetti sauce. Looks like spinach but adds that certain richness of 'umami' one of the five flavours we can taste. Hubby hates the idea of sushi, but likes the nori in sauce.
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Old 02-07-2014, 01:57 PM   #67  
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Good Hola, All....

Lynn - I was glad to hear from you. I figured you were out of electricity... what a storm you all have had!!... and I'm glad you found a warm place with DD. I hope your FL trip isn't affected.

Nothing going on. We're having our own cold, cold weather, but its duration is MUCH less than what you all have had. It's 20 today, and it feels WARM! I feel the bitter cold in my hip, and I've been a whiny mess the last couple of days!

KarenFL - I have to say "oh, bah" to you about walking on your pant legs.... I would love to walk on my pant legs (instead of my boobs)... someday, maybe. I'm excited for you that your surgery is so close. I'm also VERY jealous of you!!!

Bobbi - pats to Levi and Charlie!

Nothing going on here. I'm ready for the weekend. I missed my acupuncture apptment last week, and I'm looking forward to it tomorrow. It does help!

Everyone - have a good weekend! Later, lovelies!
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Old 02-07-2014, 02:36 PM   #68  
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Hi everyone.. we are having a wind storm. its blowing out in gusts of 40 to 60 mph..brrr noisy cuz the dogs bark at every little noise. im toasty with the wood stove going. I wouldn't say this to steve but im a better fire starter than him, lifes little accomplishments lol Bobbie I cook for my little dogs esp Tootsie as she only weighs about 2# and really picky,i know I spoil them. I cook chicken thighs in the micro,frozen to ready 10 mn. then I peel off the skin,soak the juices in 1 slice of ww daves power bread and add puppy vitamins,cut the meat into little pieces mix it all together and put it in their own bowls,sometimes I add cooked vegies,or use moose or fish,but they like the chix best.I also add a bit of butter to tootsies share as she loves it and will eat more.. see I do spoil them. never made dry food tho. my dogs like the generic kibbles and bits from wall mart. I chuckled when you said you where making doggie treats as I just got a cook book for dogs,and picked up some ww flour. I got a set of the diff size doggy bone cookie cutters(e-bay ) steve said how come I wasn't baking cookies for him.. well id eat them and not the doggie ones. thinking about the karens,sending good thoughts for them,one for a successful surg and the other a good report for her dh Cajun do you do daycare? I used to,loved my "kids" they are all grown now but still come visit their old babysitter. ttfn rosey
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Old 02-07-2014, 02:53 PM   #69  
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Howdy all....It must be miserable up North because we are having damp chilly few days. Sea fog is rolling in and that penetrates bones. brrrr Still nothing like the mid-Atlantic got. (darn spell check made me capitalize Atlantic).

Okay, I know it has been many years since I went to nursing school. And retired past 13 years, but how come I have to go back to the hospital lab with in 3 days for type and cross match. It's only good for 3 DAYS! Think of all the GI's with dogtags. My lab results will be posted online at 1:48am 2/8/14. Why then ?????? They made me sit in a lounge chair, stand and walk 10', turn and return and sit which they timed. Will test me in 6 weeks. Wow I better be walking less like a Jimmy Crab by then. (waterman term for male crab)

About every 10 years I surcome to a TV ad. Last time was Red Lobster yesterday it was Applebee's steak dinner with pepper sauce. OMG it was so good for 500 cal. DH had chicken and I had the steak. It was excellent, But served on 14" plates it looked like an appetizer. Dh was hungry when he finished. It was same size portion I would serve on a smaller plate. Eye fooling mind.

Bobbi....Levi is the perfect name. He's a love. boobs get rolled up and tucked under my knees! Going have to figure were to put them for PT.

Karen....Keeping Tim in my prayers.

Lynn....Are you defrosted yet? Any pipes freeze?

Cajun....Push a little extra water and you may get a shoosh!

Rosey...I have a package hidden in my car in the garage and DH keeps puttering out there. Got till next Friday to get in here. He'll probably still be puttering.

Gayle....Where are you? Worry when you aren't here. Is everything ok?

Starting to pack my 2 bags. Stuff I need in the hospital and then the good stuff I need for 2 weeks in rehab. No bridge today. Partner sick. So enjoying getting organized.
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Old 02-07-2014, 07:10 PM   #70  
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Ended up driving myself just fine. There are still slick spots on the major roads but not bad. The back/side roads are terrible! This winter has been unbelievable with so much snow and ice. Not to be a whiney baby but NW Arkansas usually gets maybe 1 or 2 snows a year (maybe is the key word...we have had No snow the last two years) and it's melted off by the next day. This one is definetly for the record books!

Sushi was Ok, but not gonna be one of my favorites. I was very uncomfortable about the little building we were in. I'm one of those weirdo's that has to know where the exits are and has an exit strategy plan wherever I am. There was only the door we came in and we were packed in like sardines. I was a nervous wreck!! Told ya I'm a weirdo!

Ya'll have a great weekend. I'm so far behind on my court cases that I'll probably be working both days. Ugh!
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Old 02-07-2014, 07:43 PM   #71  
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I have been reading daily but not posting. I had a great weekend and then home before snow and then ice. Kids didn't go to school all wk. I had part of the week off from kids but didn't really do much but crochet. I found some new spring yarns and made up 15 skeins this wk. I sold 13 scarves without leaving home. Lol. Will take them around tomorrow if we don't get more snow.
My new grandson is perfect and I can't wait to hold him again.
Hubby has to have some heart test done on Monday and we will go and see the baby then. All this will happen if we don't get more snow. I am so over winter!! I collect snowmen and display them into march. Well I am so sick of snow I'm hiding the snowmen tomorrow hoping to end winter. Lol

I can't seem to get on track with my eating. Hoping to grocery shop and bring home healthy food and get focused again.
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Old 02-07-2014, 08:28 PM   #72  
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Ok this is the 3rd time I've tried to post today. First one disappeared as I was typing (not sure what button I hit but it was the wrong one!), second time it froze when I tried to make a new paragraph. I did manage to save it to help me type this one at least. So here goes:

We are snowed in. This doesn't happen often here but it does happen some years. I saw our neighbor pull out (with some effort) from his driveway, spin around in a circle in the cul-de-sac and drive back in. LOL Think we will just stay inside. I've gotten a lot more done day so sometimes staying home is good for me. Still a lot to do though to catch up as I've really been neglecting my house for some time now. I haven't been out of the house at all, but dh went out to get yesterday's mail (today the mailman hand delivered it to the door since he also had a package) and shoveled a path down to it.
The doc cancelled my appt but promised me an appt next week. I hope it won't be way off in the distance...I'm tired of itching!!

The package he brought me was the Fall Fight shampoo/conditioner I ordered.
It was calming to my scalp and ears when I tried (sample) it so hopefully it will continue to help. And I like that it is to help with breaking hair...I don't know whether my hair is breaking but it sure is falling out. Hopefully I can get an appt next week with the dermatologist.

Doing well on the fiber at least. Yesterday I went over 30 again and today so far I've done well. Getting fiber has to be deliberate but is not hard....keeping the calories and carb count down is much harder for me.

dgramie - That's great that you can make money from home! Enjoy that grandson!

Robin - I don't care for sushi but most of my family love it even my 7 year old gs.

Rosey - I bet your little doggies love your spoiling! That's exactly why I don't bake any more...I eat it. Dh is very disciplined esp with sweets so he'd be fine but it's me. I admit it.

Cajun - You have a daycare? Guess I missed that. You are a brave woman!
Or younger than me...

Have a good evening everyone and stay warm and cozy!
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Old 02-07-2014, 09:51 PM   #73  
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Good evening GG’s,

I have been reading, but have been busy, so haven’t gotten around to posting. Got kind of tired and weary from the other stuff I was doing ~ needed a break ~ so decided to visit you all.

Worked on a kind of perpetual calendar/journal thing I saw on Pinterest. You make a note card for each day of the year, and dividers for each month (was supposed to be vintage post cards, I didn’t have those, so googled images and did it that way). You write the year and one line ~ something that happened that day, then when that day rolls around the next year ~ you have a memory of what happened. You do this for as many years as you can until the card is filled up. I had to kind of improvise ~ couldn’t find the kind of box they used in the picture and decided that I wanted to use the full size (4 X 6) note card instead of half a card. All I have left to do is cover the box I made to put the cards in and stamp the month/day on each card. Then it will be done.

Fixed up a little package for my mom for Valentine’s Day. Maddie had helped me make a Valentine, I had bought a card for her as well. Made her a letter ~ my FIL’s wife had helped me learn how to insert pictures into a document, so I put a couple pictures in the letter for her. And a pair of socks. They have such fun socks ~ I like to give them ~ where were they all though when I wanted to find some. Oh well, I did find a pair of red ones (Mom’s favorite color) with Hello Kitty on them. I told her that Maddie helped me pick them out.

Also have been working on scanning some pictures to make something for Sara, Corbin and Maddie. When Sara was little we have a picture of her with sunglasses on ~ the sunglasses were on a bit crooked. When Corbin was little, there was a similar picture of him, then the same for Maddie. So, I got them each one of those little 3 picture hinged frames to put a picture of each of them in. I thought it would be a fun thing for them to have. Then fooling around one day, I took a picture of Maddie’s best friend (her stuffed toy Zebra) with a pair of sunglasses on and will put that in a 2 picture hinged frame with Maddie’s picture for her.

All these projects keep me busy and my mind off the troubling stuff that is going on in the family. I’m lack the ability to explain in a brief manner, and it isn’t always the most pleasant subject ~ so forgive me if I don’t try. If you feel like it ~ you could pray ~ that seems to help.

So, thank goodness for these projects ~ I get wrapped up in them and it enables me to escape for a time. I’m OK K3 ~ thank you for your concern.

My hand/wrist is hurting tonight ~ hope it is just that I have been on the computer a lot today and not the beginnings of another RA flare up.

Corbin came last evening with Sara when she stopped to pick up Maddie. So, I got to hug on him a bit. He asked me if I had any chapstick. I went and found him one. I grinned at him and told him that I sort of wanted to tease him a little, but I didn’t want to get on the Bad Grandma list ~ so I wouldn’t. (He has a girlfriend now ~ so I was gonna rib him a little about why he needed that chapstick…….well you get the idea).

Hope you all are staying snuggy warm and have a good weekend.

Take care

I was gonna try to attach the sunglasses pics, but my computer won't cooperate ~ who knows why ~ my husband always answers ~ "it's a computer". Mind of their own I guess
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Old 02-07-2014, 11:04 PM   #74  
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Hi everyone..a quick post befor the power goes out again or if,our power went out about 11:30am and just came back on at 6:45 pm.. crazy day and my lift chair doesn't work with out power. wood stove kept us warm but the wind was sure blowing. when steve got up from his nap I sent him to town for batteries and water. in the past we have been without power for days. also my lift chair will work on 2, 9volt batteries but of course I couldn't find them.. so steve went on my errand and 5 mn later the power came back on im glad as I was tired from sitting in a kitchen chair or steves chair all day..i made a terraki rice and chicken dish by lighting the stove with a bic it turned out pretty good. Maryea sure hope you can see a Dr soon,my head itched so bad it would wake me up. Glynn sorry for the family troubles your projects sound neat esp the pictures. Bet they will love the pictures in frames.Hope you all have agreat evening, I love watching the Olympics esp when the countrys march in glad my powers on so I can.. rosey

cinnamon latte

1/2 c soup
1/2 baloney sand

chix and rice terraki

few corn chips and salsa
coffee mocha

Last edited by akrosey49; 02-07-2014 at 11:06 PM.
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Old 02-08-2014, 08:31 AM   #75  
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Glynne - what a great idea! I think I'll make one of those for my girls next Christmas! If I start now I might be finished by then. Love that!

Years ago when my kids were small for Mother's Day I had heard an idea on TV where you decorate a jar and make a "Memory Jar". You then write down little notes of something you remember about your mom, cut them into strips and put them in the jar. She loved it! Every morning with her coffee she'd remove a memory and read it, said she couldn't wait for the next day. We also did this for my parents 50th anniversary, all the guest wrote memories cut them into strips and they both had something to look forward to with their morning coffee. Really inexpensive too.

Gotta get moving, lots to do today. I was so tired last night that I was in bed asleep by 8:00 and woke up at 7:00. Haven't done that since I was a teenager....many many many moons ago!
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