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Old 12-29-2012, 02:03 PM   #166  
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Donna - I am glad you have something that doesn't bother your hip. That's they key. Find something you can do and something you will stick to. The glider exerciser may only use lower body muscles, but I have heard that using the large muscles of the body burns fat all over. If you want to strengthen the upper body you can always use hand held weights while watching TV, etc.

Karen3 - Hope the ice continues to help with the knee. We don't want that replacement if we can help it, do we?

Bobbi - I am with you, not wanting to give up my meat. I am not a big meat eater, but do like to have some meat most days. I could never be vegan. I don't understand the big deal about it anyway, for weight loss. Meat may contain more calories, but lean meat is good protein and helps burn fat.

Rie, where are you????????
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Old 12-29-2012, 05:42 PM   #167  
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Well, I am pissy! My posting just said "guru meditation not found" when I hit send! What???????? So, I'll try again.

KarenFL - I'm very confused. I thought you had a knee replacement a couple of weeks ago, on Dec. 11, to be exact. What was THAT surgery, if not a replacement???????????? Please explain.

Yes, pigs do fly, sort of. The PT has been working diligently (and with good results) on the tight, tight muscles and tendons of my hips, legs, and butt; however, the exercises have been aggravating the arthritic hip. So, being me, I decided to figure out on my own what I can do differently to make things work, and I came up with the glider idea. I cannot walk, because the jarring cripples me, and I do need some stamina. The glider seems to work well, but there's a however (isn't there always?). Both legs woke me in the middle of the night with huge cramping in the backs of my legs. So, I guess I have to stretch AND glide. This is taking up way too much of my time! Old age sucks big time!

AN (?) - welcome and don't be askeered! This is a group of basic cornballs who have gained and lost enough weight to sink the Ark, but we keep trying, over and over and over and over and over. You're most welcome to join us!

Enough for now. Does anyone have any rowdy NYE plans? Do tell! Later, lovelies!!
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Old 12-29-2012, 07:30 PM   #168  
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Hi everyone and happy new year,we used to go out and paint the town,now we stay home I finally faced the scale since thanksgiving. i shouldnt have been shocked but i was. no surprise for my gain the the 1st since my bariatric surg 2 yrs so mad at myself. didnt eat alot at one time but steady all the wrong things. yikes im back to reality. protein and vegies for this girl. and my dd and i are going to the pool a 1st in many yrs for me. hoping you all did better than me with the goodies which i threw away much to my dh big but WHY lol. here's to new beginings rosey
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Old 12-29-2012, 10:35 PM   #169  
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Good evening GG’s,

Haven’t had a lot of time lately to post or do personals ~ work and holiday stuff to do. I probably should be doing something else right now, but sometimes it is better to do what you feel like doing than doing nothing because you don’t feel like doing what you should be doing.

Rosey ~ sorry for your regain. You’ll get back on track.

CK ~ glad you had a nice Christmas with your family. Glad your brother liked his afghan

Bobbi ~ your description of the winter wonderland sounded beautiful. And your family Christmas celebrations sounded like fun. Did your family like the quilts you made them. The pictures of them were beautiful.

Lynn ~ glad you had such a nice time on your trip with your daughter.

Donna ~ sorry for the cramping in the back of your legs. Hope that stops. Is your glider thing like one of those gazelle things? Things I used to be able to do and like (like the eliptical) bother me now. I wonder if one of those gliders would be do-able and not bother my knees and hips. Can you share more about the low carb way you are eating?

Carol Sue ~ you’ll get back on track with the exercise.

K3 ~ sorry your knee is bothering again ~ glad the ice helped. Hope it stays better and you don’t have to have further surgery on your knee. Your Cuban restaurant dinner sounded really good and what a great price.

Mary ~ sorry you have been sick. Hope you feel better soon. Sorry your brother is not doing so well.

Ginger ~ Glad to see you back. Sorry you have been sick but glad you are feeling better now and sorry for the worries with your little grandson.

Cajun ~ enjoy your time at your camp and your time off from work

Deelee ~ hope you are hanging there ok ~ what with all the health things going on in your family. How is everyone doing?

Carbie ~ hope you did not get sick after your grandson stayed with you

Welcome Spicylyfe, Rhonda, Workinglikeadog, Jademarlene, Time2befit4life ~ always good to meet new friends.

Hello to Amarantha, Zoe, Marie, Rie, TN Donna, Freda and Isabella. Miss you guys.

In case I don’t get to post again soon ~ Happy New Year to you all.

Last edited by glynne; 12-29-2012 at 11:43 PM.
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Old 12-29-2012, 11:07 PM   #170  
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K3 ~ I tried to put a couple pictures on here for you, but it said it needed to be resized ~ have not had a chance to learn how to do that and too tired to mess with it tonight.

No particular funny stories ~ it was just a nice fun family time.
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Old 12-30-2012, 09:18 AM   #171  
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Good Morning girls, I can chat a bit today. Woke with a migraine headache so not doing church.
Carol Sue and Donna, I used to have a Nordic Track ski glider that did both top and bottom exercisers. Why did I ever sell it? Dumb and dumber. It had handles that acted like ski poles and it the ski's for leg exercises. After awhile it started collecting dust because I HATE to exercise. Glad it's working for you both.
Glynne...both GS's loved the quilts but they have a dog that eats things or chews them up. I threatened them with a clobbering if they let Max chew up all my hard work on the quilts. I made one for my daughter too, she loved it. I had enough of the material left over to make a quilted apron for her to use at work. She's a preschool teacher and sometimes they get into messy stuff like paste, water color paints. etc. Still had some quilt material left over so made two matching pot holders. Then I started thinking of all the cut up blue jeans I had left from grandson's quilts. Made her two more potholders and they turned out so neat. Both very durable and heat proof since they were made of denim. Made me think I could make a few now and again when I have the time for gifts or to sell at rummage sales. Everyone needs potholders, right?

Rosey....don't feel bad about you food choices over Christmas, I did the same as you only worse. We set up a grazing table for the whole month of December. Lots of assorted nuts in the shell, smoky roast peanuts in the shell, candy, candy, and candy. Geeeeezzzzz, I should have know better, the nuts weren't too bad because I had to work at getting them out of the shell. But the sugared gumdrops kept calling my name. I made batch after batch of the carmel corn made with the puffed corn packages. I was up about 5 pounds around Thanksgiving, now with all the bad choices I made in December, I'm up another 5-6 pounds. meat, yup. The plan calls for a tiny bit each day unless you want to lose quickly, then no meat for 6 weeks. I doubt I'll made it without meat. I'm suppose to eat 1 pound of fresh veggies and one pound of cooked veggies daily. 1 cup of legumes of some kind daily. No dairy either. I make my own yogurt for my Fiber One cereal in the mornings, but can't do that either. Oh, 3-4 fresh fruits a day too. What a rotten diet! According to Dr. Furhman, you get all the protein we need in the veggies and beans.????? His favorite food was Kale, never had it before last week. It's actually delicious! I'll bet you grow lots of Kale in Florida. It's good cooked or raw. I made us a salad last night with romaine lettuce and kale, sliced pears on top. Made dressing with a squeezed orange, apple cider vinegar thickened it guar gum.
Doc is big on huge pots of veggie soup to have on hand. Sometimes when I wake at night and can't get back to sleep, I'd eat a bowl of cheerios and milk. Last night I had a small bowl of veggie soup and went right back to sleep.
Hi Mary...great to see your smiling face on our post. You're always so busy!
Hi Rhonda....nice to see another face at the Golden Girls. Just think, Jan 1st coming up and we'll all vow to never eat sweets again. Yeah ...right.
I did have a nice surprise in the mail, our Blue Cross Blue Shield doesn't have a RX drug progran anymore so we changed providers to UCare. They have a program for FREE access to any of the Fitness programs, SNAP, the YMCA, another one I can't think of in our area. So I'll be joining the SNAP program, they have a 24 hour program and I can stop when I go into town.

I agree, where Rie?
Lynn...get your butt back here and quit hiding!
Sorry if I missed anyone, my head still hurts.
You all have a great new years.

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Old 12-30-2012, 10:37 AM   #172  
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morning just flying by...kale down here is wonderful but usually cooked with fatback or country ham or something equally nondiet friendly.

Donna...I had arthopscopic surgery. They gave you general anesthesia and stick a scope in your knee and cut away garabge. I won't know until wed if it worked enough to postpone replacement. The line about pigs flying was kidding you about actual who deny ever trying to break a sweat.

Off for groceries.....k3
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Old 12-30-2012, 10:54 AM   #173  
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Good Morning, All....

KarenFL - thanks for the explanation! I thought I'd had an aneurysm or something! I did hear some "oinking" and saw what I thought were pigs in the sky... and I break a sweat just thinking about exercising!

Bobbi - I still do have a Nordic Track, but it is literally buried in the basement, and I don't have the energy (or interest?) to unearth it yet. I can't imagine that I will ever become a real exerciser. I spend far too much time justifying and rationalizing why I can "let today go and do it tomorrow"! It pleases me NOT.

Gayle - yes, the machine is like a gazelle, but it doesn't have the arm poles. It can be hard on the back if one doesn't stand up straight. I usually have a book propped up on the support bar which affects my posture in a bad way. I'm better off listening to music or just quietly whining to myself.

You asked about the restricted carbs... the idea is no cake, candy, cookies, or crappy cruds. Therefore, I eat a good protein (3-4 oz) and a vegetable for both lunch and dinner, a couple of fruits (orange, apple, grapefruit are my favorites) during the day and try valiantly to stay away from the 4 c's. Luckily, I like cabbage and so have a batch of cooked cabbage available all the time. I also found a recipe for Greek coleslaw which I love, has black olives, feta, red onions, cabbage, and a nice red wine dressing. Most veggies are just fine, and I do like veggies. If I could just stay away from the bad junk, I'd be svelte and would pass for Angelina's older sister.

Everyone, have a good Sunday! Later, lovelies!
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Old 12-30-2012, 08:16 PM   #174  
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Bobbi - I am so concerned about Rie because she has not posted on this or the diabetic board for 2 months. Her last post, she mentioned that she was having a bad flare of her lupus and having problems. Then nothing. Does anyone have her phone number? I do hope she's OK.
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Old 12-30-2012, 10:56 PM   #175  
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Well, thought that I would pop in for a guick minute here. Hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Year!

Donna, you asked about wild New Year's Eve plans.....Tim and I have already bought our bottle of champagne...Hopefully we will still be awake at midnight to enjoy bringing in the New Year and toasting to our 42nd anniversary! We usually watch tv and have always been awake just in time!! But like just about every year for the last several, one of is sick with a cold. This year it's Tim. I'll probably wait until he is just about over his before I get it! SO that is our wild and crazy plans!

Stay safe and Here is to a Wonderful New Year!
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Old 12-30-2012, 11:04 PM   #176  
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CarolSue - I think Rie is fine, except for the cold that has leveled her since Christmas. She'll reappear. The postings have been way down this month, probably because everyone is so busy. Fret not.
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Old 12-31-2012, 09:53 AM   #177  
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Happy New Year!
Be back later to start tomorrow's thread. Our post is down for December but that happens around the holidaya. Hope Rie gets rid of her cold.

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Old 12-31-2012, 11:02 AM   #178  
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The New 2013 thread is up and running, see ya all there.
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