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Old 02-27-2012, 07:04 PM   #451  
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Originally Posted by AnnieDrews View Post
Do you folks mind if I jump in here?? I will paste my intro I put up today. I've been a member here for a couple of years, but just turned 50....

Hello! I just turned 50 last week and I really need to get back into the habit of posting on 3 FC. A little bit about me…

I joined 3FC in January of 2010. By counting calories and exercising I lost a total of 41 pounds by late fall of that year. During 2011, I pretty much maintained, but also fought with about a 4 pound gain over and over. I still had 10 pounds until I would reach my original goal. Needless to say, after the holidays at the end of 2011, I found myself up another 5 pounds. I have been attempting to get back on the losing wagon since the start of 2012, but have not had much success. Hoping that becoming more active here will help me to be more accountable and stick close to plan and get the added pounds off and get to my goal.

I have 2 sons (ages 19 and 15) and will be getting re-married in May of this year. I sure would like to be at goal by then, but if I can just get back to my original loss I’ll be happy.

I live in Oklahoma, like to do crosswords, garden, camp, crafts. My big love is cooking. Although I have learned many healthy recipes or adapted others, I still have lots of things I enjoy cooking/baking that really are a hindrance to my goals. I am working to put baking on the back burner (pun intended) until I reach goal.

So not sure where I fit here. I honestly don’t feel like a “Golden Girl”. The term makes me think of the TV show from back in the 80s and those ladies always seemed so old to me. No offense to anyone here. But I do need to fit in somewhere.

I recognize a few faces here!! Hoping to getting back into the swing of things.
lol... im no golden girl either. I turned 48 in december but love the chat we all have on this site. IM sure no one will give us a hard time

Glad your back with us. more the merrier!

have a great day Brenda Ladysheets
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Old 02-27-2012, 08:21 PM   #452  
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Thank you, All, for your good SamCat thoughts and wishes... and Bobbi, the poem is priceless! He's still alive... beyond that, I'm not sure. There certainly was no activity in the cat box today, and he's still under the bed, very lethargic. I'm just going to leave him alone (and check in on him frequently) and hope for the best. He doesn't act like he's in pain, no panting, wheezing, or whimpering. I'll keep you posted!
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Old 02-27-2012, 08:27 PM   #453  
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Welcome Annie!! Glad you've joined us!

Finally got back to the gym this morning! I woke up early (well for me) this morning as again I got a pretty good sleep. The fan was on so know I must have had a hot flash in the night but still I really think I'm doing better without the herbal supplement. I'm taking one about every five days now and in a few more weeks I will be out of them so hope I made the right decision. I don't think I've slept this well since I got off the HRT 9+ years. Marie I don't know that HRT helps you sleep really but if you are having hot flashes interrupting your sleep and it takes them away that will help you sleep. After I went off the HRT, the Estroven helped a little, then when I added the iCool (last year) that helped a lot more but neither helped me enough and I'm actually sleeping better now with neither of them. Since I dropped the HRT I I've probably averaged one fairly good nights sleep about once a week so I sure hope this works. Will let you know.

We also went shopping again for the lighting for our little bathroom. The one we got was not really my first choice but I think it matches the shower door a little more than the other one I liked. I am sure it will be fine and was even the cheaper of the two. My dh was getting tired of my trying to make a decision I think..poor sweetie, he used to be so patient but now he gets tired easily and it's harder to be patient. So now he has to patch up the old hole (where the old light fixture was), sand and paint that area again and then wire the new one. After that it's just a matter of getting a new towel rack and TP holder intalled and he's done. He calls this bathroom his winter project since he just does a little a few days a week.

It was another nice mail day today...I got two prizes...a bottle of fish oil and a $50 check. Very useful prizes!

Bobbi - You're quite the poet!

Rie - One of the worst things about getting older for me are those pesky hairs that suddenly started popping out!! Started with my brows..long coarse unruly brow hairs but now I also have much more hair on my upper lip and chin! Everytime I look in the mirror and see them I think.."not by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin!" LOL I used to get them waxed but felt it was making my skin looser it hurts! I stopped. Now I just clip them with these little very sharp scissors (and tweeze brows). My sil tweezers hers...not just her brows but everywhere they pop out...she's a brave woman! Not me. I've even been known to shave my upper lip in desperation but I know people say it makes them grow more. In nursing I was taught it doesn't but I don't know. I don't like the stubble so don't do it often. Recently I tried using that Olay is more soothing than Nair and at least didn't make me break out like Nair but it also didn't remove the hair! I took it back for a refund! I've tried home waxing...didn't work...maybe cause I didn't have patience for it. So, I'm back to clipping..

I didn't get anything thawed out for dinner so we are having another pantry night. Dh is going to have Teriyaki Chicken (from frozen) and rice and I think I'm going to have potato soup.

Hope you all have a nice evening...

Last edited by maryea; 02-27-2012 at 08:33 PM.
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Old 02-27-2012, 08:53 PM   #454  
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Hi Annie,
what part of Oklahoma? I'm right across the line in Joplin, Mo. Just joined myself. Glad you are back and wish you the best of luck

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Old 02-27-2012, 09:24 PM   #455  
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Originally Posted by Bobbolink View Post
A get well wish for Samcat
My dear Samcat, we're here for you,
When you're feeling sick and blue.

Pick a story and donna will read,
When you're hungry, she will feed.

Just remember when it hurts,
You should eat some good desserts.
But not too much, even if it's yummy,
You won't want to upset your tummy.

When you feel better you'll jump around,
pouncing on balls upon the ground

I know you can't wait to run,
Because it's just so much fun!
love your poem Bobbolink
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Old 02-27-2012, 09:30 PM   #456  
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what is icool? The hot flashes are awful mine are really getting active now! yuck i hate being HOT and dripping in sweat.
good thing i live in Alaska lol But it dosnt seem to be helping much.
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Old 02-27-2012, 10:04 PM   #457  
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I'm not a poet, I googled a poem for Samcat and changed a few words.
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Old 02-27-2012, 11:33 PM   #458  
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Donna...just sending lots of warm hugs for you. Dash says woof and he said a wee dog prayer for Sam.

Darned thing happened today.My good friend wrote about how happy she is with her new aids. I emailed back instantly what brand and she replied Starky. I checked online to see where they have a place and would you believe it is the place I have an appointment tomorrow. The appointment I made a week ago! Home Depot called and washer will be here between 11-3 tomorrow. Please let it be a good day please

Welcome to newbies and glad to have you aboard. Too tired too late to do personals.....nite all k3

ps came in tied or 7/8 in bridge today. huh?????? paid tiny amount of points. geewhiz
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Old 02-28-2012, 12:16 AM   #459  
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What part of Joplin are you in Matty? I bet we aren't that far apart!!! I was born in Joplin, live in Carthage right now and may be moving to Webb City...
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Old 02-28-2012, 07:05 AM   #460  
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Bobbi - Just the thought of a black bean burger makes me lose my appetite. I only had black beans once and that was enough. I rarely eat burgers, but when I do I want the real thing. I use very lean ground beef, I make them small and thin, just enough so I get a good taste of it, cook it on the Geo Foreman grill so it drains off all the fat, then top it with lots of lettuce and tomato.

We give our birds bread daily, but they won't touch wheat bread or multi grain. LOL

Annie - Welcome! Although the posters here are Golden Girls, none of them seem old! I think you will like it here. We might be able to give you some previews of what's to be in the coming years for you.

Donna - I'm sorry to hear that Sam cat is failing. It is always hard to lose a pet. People who don't have pets don't get to see that they each have their own personalities and become like humans to us. I was with 2 of our dogs when they passed and it seemed that it comforted them to have me there. Our Missy was near death and we had an evening appt to have her euthenized but when we came home from work she had already passed. I felt so bad that she died alone. They will all be waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge.
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Old 02-28-2012, 07:59 AM   #461  
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Good morning GG's,

Headed out early this morning. Have physical therapy before work.

I got out late from work last night. I was up later than I should have been ~ had to have my GG and FB fix. The last of it, the internet wouldn't cooperate, so I had to read the posts on my phone ~ little tiny screen, but what ever. No, I'm not addicted ~ LOL

Carol Sue ~ I had a Missy (black cocker spainel mix). She was my baby. For a while after she passed, it would just bring tears to my eyes to see other people with their dogs. Funny memories come back thinking about her. How she took the doggy treats we gave her and burried them ~ for later use I guess. And once, someone came to the door ~ when I answered it, she tried to slip out, I was so afraid that she would get out and get hit on the road ~ I couldn't reach her collar, I got her by the tail and hauled her back in the door. Probably not too comfy to her, but better than being squished on the road. Another time, she did get out, DS Jason chased her and made a flying tackle and got her. Another time she escaped and we couldn't get her. A few minutes later ~ there she was sitting at the front door wanting back in.

That brings back a funny memory of our kitty. She got out once and got a few feet from the door and looked around kind of scared to death and ran right back in the house.

Ok, time to go. Hope you all have a good day.

Take care
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Old 02-28-2012, 09:15 AM   #462  
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Good Morning, had restless legs syndrome two nights in a row. Duh....I ran out of my meds and forgot to refill it two days ago. I will make a hasty trip into town to fill them before we get dumped on by the weather. Snow and Ice coming our way. No time for personals other that thanking Lynn for suggesting the book, "The Forgotten Garden". I picked it up Sunday at our public library and it's a really, really good book, hard to put down. THANKS LYNN

Last edited by Bobbolink; 02-28-2012 at 09:23 AM.
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Old 02-28-2012, 09:18 AM   #463  
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Donna, Prayers for you and SamCat.
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Old 02-28-2012, 10:32 AM   #464  
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Donna - you and SamCat are on my mind - good thoughts add prayres
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Old 02-28-2012, 11:59 AM   #465  
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Bobbi, I like black beans but I don't particularly like any bean in a burger. The texture is too mushy for my liking. But if I do make a bean burger I like to eat them immediately after cooking. Lentils would be my choice for a legume in burgers and are nicer if they are added whole (cooked). As for freezing the bean burgers, I find the beans really change and the burgers get crumbly but still mushy on the inside.

Lentil Burgers
1 can lentils, drained and left whole (may rinse if needed)
1 cup whole grain bread crumbs OR ˝ cup whole grain cracker crumbs
3 eggs or equivalent in egg whites
⅓ cup any kind of nuts, finely chopped or blended (not roasted or salted)
1 medium onion, diced
1 tablespoon oil
˝ cup any kind cheese, grated
1 teaspoon savory, or basil, or sage, or whatever you like to taste
˝ teaspoon seasoned salt
⅛ teaspoon garlic powder

Sauté chopped onion in oil until soft. Mix all ingredients together with the cooked onion. Form into patties and fry or bake until cooked through and crispy brown on the outside. I like them fried much better than baked. Don't make them too thick. Serve on bun with burger topping, etc. These are also nice cold in a sandwich with pickle slices and a little mayonnaise or mustard. Makes about 8 depending on size.

Donna, so sorry about your beloved little pet. My sister is a great cat lover and says its almost like losing a child.

Mary, you'll have to post pictures of the finished bathroom.

Welcome, Brenda. Time and tide wait for no [wo]man, so we might as well be golden. LOL

Karen3, good luck with the aids. Hope you get something you can hear well with. Must be so bothersome and irritating not to have the hearing aids functioning as they should.

Marie, having a hysterectomy was the best thing I ever did health wise. I was quite young at 37 or 38 so I only had a partial so I still have ovaries, albeit they are probably shriveled like raisins by now. LOL. The surgery is so much easier on the body these days but you still have to rest from heavy work about 6 weeks.

Hello to the rest of you Golden Girls. I'm gone to have a nap or at least a lie down. I'm a bit tired today and we're going out tonight to visit DH's nephew and family who are here on vacation for a few days.

Have a good day.
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