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Old 02-27-2012, 11:59 AM   #436  
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I just wanted to take the time to ask you vegan/vegetarians about black bean burgers. I was going to buy some of the frozen ones some of you eat but forgot. I found a 5 star recipe and made some from scratch, froze them. Last night I baked them to eat on a bun. We rated them a 3 star rather than 5. They tasted okay but a far cry from the real thing. Maybe it was the texture I didn't care for? (Then I burped them the rest of the night
) I don't plan on trying them again unless someone has a better recipe than I used.

Carol Sue...funny story about the shoe fetish your dog has, what kind of dog? When our dd was young, she had a small male poodle, he'd jump into our suitcases when we planned a vacation. He wouldn't get out unless we manually took him out, then he'd jump right back in. He was determined to go with us.
Lucidna.. I've been missing you.
I am wiping the blurry from my eyes and seeing myself anew once more. it is time for this fat chick to stop futzing around and now is better than later.
Yes and yes Donna...he has lots of character, Dogs can be so human like. When I take Charlies picture, he looks right at me except if he has something he's not suppose to have. When I snapped the pic with DH's red kerchief, he wouldn't look at me. He's thinking I don't see him if he doesn't look at me.

And Charlie has true character, yes? Yes.

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Old 02-27-2012, 01:46 PM   #437  
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Good Morning, All...
TIRED today... SamCat is having a rough time, and I always think that this time is it... and one of these days, it will be. No food or drink at all yesterday and sleeping under the bed; he did sleep with me last night, though, and that seemed a good sign. He also wanted water this morning. I brought his box up to my bathroom to make things easier for him. If he's going to die, I want him to wait for me to be there: I need to know where the body is, and I'd like to hold him when he goes.

Nothing exciting... I'm craving sweets (stress) and am, sigh, indulging. Oh, well!

Marie - how much time will you take off work?

Hope you're all having a good one!
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Old 02-27-2012, 02:22 PM   #438  
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Donna, I'm so sorry you are so worried about Samcat. Ginger and Sissy send lots of hugs and kisses to you and Samcat. I'm thinking about you(((HUGS)))
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Old 02-27-2012, 03:10 PM   #439  
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Rosey, the plane baby quilt you're making sounds amazing. Your family is so lucky to have you!!!!!

Bobbi, I love that the birds spit the gingerbread out too. Even when you enticed them with blueberries. I'm glad the second try worked for you.

Donna, ok, I don't like Ben Stiller or Will Ferrell but I do like Billy Crystal. I think he's humorous in a non-stupid way.

Isabella, good to see you. Hope the remodel finishes soon.

Carol Sue, my doggie, Kai (when she was a youngster so it was understandable) stole one of my orthotics and chewed it because it smelled like me. The receptionist at the podiatrist said that was normal. The worst story she'd heard was of a dog that stole its human's hearing aide. Also, saying your emotions are alike a yo-yo is a red flag for bipolar. I followed it by "Sometimes I feel so great and up and other times just depressed." That is classic bipolar, so then the drs have you take a longer evaluation so they can decide to refer to a psychiatrist. The referral was the best thing that happened to me even though I no longer take the meds. Because without a doubt I am bipolar II.

KarenMO, if you want to consolidate your stuff BEFORE you move, you'll have to start packing now. That is a long process.

Mary, thanks for the HRT info. You made me even more worried than I was. I really do like to sleep. It is a necessity in maintain evenness with the bipolar. I hated those meds and do not want to ever go back to them. Glad you got to talk to your son. That is always nice.

Lucinda, good luck starting anew.

Gayle, perhaps they have a daily rate for the indoor track that you could pay for when the weather is bad.

Freda, perhaps the osteoporosis is weakening your back and aggravating your back problems. The diagnosis might actually help. At least I hope it does.

Andi, hormone center? was that a walk in place or online? Sounds interesting.

Deelee, at your post at teaching the anesthesiologist and that he gets the big bucks with his patronizing poopy. Very funny. And uplifting!

Donna, Kia Pixie, Blizzard and I send all of our good health vibes to our dear SamCat. Every word you wrote I agree with. When it is Blizzie's and Kody's time to go, I want to hold them as I cry and let their spirits go. Oh, four weeks off from my office (I plan to work from home 1/2 time because I might as just well slit my wrist if I missed a whole month - I'm a one person job - no one else in my district know what, how or when I do my work - just that it is done). And then I work 1/2 in the office weeks 5-8. At least that is the plan. I just filled out my FMLA forms this morning and got the form for the doctor. I will drop it off on Wednesday before allergy shots.

Not much else on this fine day. Back at work, getting irritated with the stupid questions and want to go home. BTW, whoever said there are no stupid questions was STUPID and clearly didn't work in education.
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Old 02-27-2012, 03:12 PM   #440  
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Donna, So sorry to hear that Sam Cat is not doing well. You're making me cry. We love our babies so much, it's so hard to let them go.
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Old 02-27-2012, 03:18 PM   #441  
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Yes ,
I know Carthage well. People in Missouri love to eat. Ha! Every happy event is around food.

Even after we exercise.. we can't wait to see where we are going to eat next/ ha! Sad isn't it.? But true!

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Old 02-27-2012, 03:21 PM   #442  
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Do you folks mind if I jump in here?? I will paste my intro I put up today. I've been a member here for a couple of years, but just turned 50....

Hello! I just turned 50 last week and I really need to get back into the habit of posting on 3 FC. A little bit about me…

I joined 3FC in January of 2010. By counting calories and exercising I lost a total of 41 pounds by late fall of that year. During 2011, I pretty much maintained, but also fought with about a 4 pound gain over and over. I still had 10 pounds until I would reach my original goal. Needless to say, after the holidays at the end of 2011, I found myself up another 5 pounds. I have been attempting to get back on the losing wagon since the start of 2012, but have not had much success. Hoping that becoming more active here will help me to be more accountable and stick close to plan and get the added pounds off and get to my goal.

I have 2 sons (ages 19 and 15) and will be getting re-married in May of this year. I sure would like to be at goal by then, but if I can just get back to my original loss I’ll be happy.

I live in Oklahoma, like to do crosswords, garden, camp, crafts. My big love is cooking. Although I have learned many healthy recipes or adapted others, I still have lots of things I enjoy cooking/baking that really are a hindrance to my goals. I am working to put baking on the back burner (pun intended) until I reach goal.

So not sure where I fit here. I honestly don’t feel like a “Golden Girl”. The term makes me think of the TV show from back in the 80s and those ladies always seemed so old to me. No offense to anyone here. But I do need to fit in somewhere.

I recognize a few faces here!! Hoping to getting back into the swing of things.
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Old 02-27-2012, 04:21 PM   #443  
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Welcome Annie, we have others here with kids still at home. Some of us are replicas of the Golden Girls tv show and that's where our name came from. You mentioned your big love of'll fit right in!

Last edited by Bobbolink; 02-27-2012 at 04:22 PM.
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Old 02-27-2012, 04:26 PM   #444  
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Matty, I so understand the planning for the next meal. I grew up with that and every time I visit my parents, I'm blown away with how they are contemplating the next meal as they are finishing with the current one. The first time I was really aware of that a few years ago was when the big lightbulb went on and I realized just how I'd become food obsessed. I will never blame my parents for my fat but the environment I grew up in was conducive to obesity.

Hi AnnieDrews, I do believe I think I remember seeing you for a while on the 40s board. I turned 50 last August and becoming a member of the Golden Girls here was the best thing that happened to me. We an eclectic group and I'm glad you joined us.. on your upcoming wedding! How exciting!!!!!!

Last edited by Marie; 02-27-2012 at 04:27 PM.
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Old 02-27-2012, 04:44 PM   #445  
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Thanks for the welcome, ladies! Yes, Marie, we were members together at the 40-somethings for a while when I first joined. Nice to see you!
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Old 02-27-2012, 05:40 PM   #446  
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Welcome Annie!! Just make yourself at home. We look forward to getting to know more about you. I know you will be happy to have joined up with us. I think we have a pretty great group going here!
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Old 02-27-2012, 05:47 PM   #447  
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Hi everyone. im using my dh puter,theres something major wrong with my laptop. the screen keeps turning black. and shuts it self off. its not over heated so not sure what up with it, at least i can use this one to communicate. i need my"gg" donna im so sry about sam cat maybe he will rally,sending good thoughts welcome annie. rosey

1/2 banana

1 c moose stew

greek yogurt with granola
coffee mocha

shrimp with cocktail sauce
green salad
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Old 02-27-2012, 06:14 PM   #448  
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Hi Goldens!

Wow, this is a busy group! I am finishing my Monday soon (please) and then I am off to pool league tonight. As the month of February closes, I am also doing the “insurance company shuffle” to get the last of my flex reimbursement claims filed. It is so much fun! NOT.

Hi Rosey! Is it still snowing there? Sorry to hear about your laptop. Mine went on the blink and it really bugs me. It is not as much fun to go sit at the desktop…

Hi Annie. Welcome to the group. I remember seeing your picture on some of the other groups. I lurked here and then joined the group last year. Of course, although my birthdate would indicate that I am clearly 52, I don’t feel “old enough” to be here – most days. I joined this group and I swear it is the best group on 3fc. I hope you find a home here…. We have!

Matty, my family is always talking about food… here, there, and everywhere! They love it and love preparing and sharing meals. I am trying to turn that into healthy habits and still enjoy the family.

Marie, LOL Stupid questions….. education or social work….. This too we share

Andi, I want to go to the hormone center, too. Perhaps they could help me with all these rogue hairs that are popping up. Since when do I have a mustache???

Freda, I have never heard any bad things about fosomax? I don’t take it but is it a problematic med? My Gma took something that she had to take once per month. If you have osteoporosis, I would think it would be worth treating it. Here’s hoping that you get good results.

Gayle, you can never have too much fun or time with kids and grandkids, and you can always waste away too much time trying to clean house. I understand wanting to spiff up before company though…

Lucinda, each day is a new day. Good luck

Donna, so sad about SamCat. Maybe it is just a false alarm. Thinking of you.

Mary, at least you won’t have to worry about the leftovers from the Mexican place – you don’t like them!

Karenmo, sometimes I think that a move would be good for me because it would force me to get rid of my junk. Maybe I should just pretend?

Carol, I loved the story of your dog and your shoes. That dog must really love you and obviously worries about you.
Bobbi, I am still laughing about the gingerbread and the finicky birds. They must have ample food this year.

DeeLee, my mom just called me and told me not to come over because my dad is home sick with his cold. I feel like I have had a vague bug since the holidays. Sure am tired of it. I hope you feel better.

Well, Zoe, Karenfl, and anyone else I missed..... Sorry. See you all later!

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Old 02-27-2012, 06:43 PM   #449  
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A get well wish for Samcat
My dear Samcat, we're here for you,
When you're feeling sick and blue.

Pick a story and donna will read,
When you're hungry, she will feed.

Just remember when it hurts,
You should eat some good desserts.
But not too much, even if it's yummy,
You won't want to upset your tummy.

When you feel better you'll jump around,
pouncing on balls upon the ground

I know you can't wait to run,
Because it's just so much fun!

Last edited by Bobbolink; 02-27-2012 at 07:07 PM.
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Old 02-27-2012, 06:59 PM   #450  
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Originally Posted by jess1 View Post
Good Morning, All...
TIRED today... SamCat is having a rough time, and I always think that this time is it... and one of these days, it will be. No food or drink at all yesterday and sleeping under the bed; he did sleep with me last night, though, and that seemed a good sign. He also wanted water this morning. I brought his box up to my bathroom to make things easier for him. If he's going to die, I want him to wait for me to be there: I need to know where the body is, and I'd like to hold him when he goes.

Nothing exciting... I'm craving sweets (stress) and am, sigh, indulging. Oh, well!

Marie - how much time will you take off work?

Hope you're all having a good one!
Im so sorry to hear Samcat is failing more. I do know how you feel My boy Boris stayed with me 18 years and when he went it took so long for my hubby and I to get over it. we have no children and our pets are our babies.

4 years after Boris passed Sylvee came into our lives she was a little tiny stray in early spring. Had her 3 years now she is so presious we love her.

my heart goes out to you. Hang in there. will be thinking of you.
Brenda Ladysheets
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