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Old 02-10-2012, 05:27 PM   #181  
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Hi Everyone,

Just got info on the culture from my Urologist - no infection.

My DF and I went to Philly to a little wood museum. Then, lunch in a restaurant on the river. We stopped in the SugarLoaf casino - VERY smoky and noisy.

It is supposed to snow here tonight.

Will check in tomorrow.

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Old 02-10-2012, 06:18 PM   #182  
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Good morning, Saturday morning over here - and I am on my own. I just love it when Ted goes out and leaves me alone.

I have done a load of washing, tidied the house and am now sitting down listening to my latest book - it is so peaceful and quite. Just started raining outside we need it for the garden, but to the north and east of us they have had very bad floods - I suppose we are just lucky to have missed them.

I will try and read some of the past posts and answer them.

Until later.

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Old 02-10-2012, 07:51 PM   #183  
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Hi everyone. another snowy day. after hearing dh complain of the cardboard bread he has that is gluten free,i convinced him to go to yet another store. we found some lovely bread,kinda looks like french bread,anyways we bought 3 very small loaves at 5.79 a pop not knowing if his royal pain in the butt would like it. so when we got home i made him a sandwhich and will wonders never stop as he liked it i think crankyness can become a bad habit. other than that my day has gone by in a woosh lol hoping yours is peaceful rosey

greek yogurt

small slice of pizza

coffee mocha

green salad with 1/2 cup chopped chix

Last edited by akrosey49; 02-10-2012 at 07:52 PM.
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Old 02-10-2012, 09:20 PM   #184  
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Deelee, no sobbing as you succeeded at your copy and paste. I totally agree the GGs are the best friends to have. BTW, I have so many allergies on of the allergy dr just loves to read my chart (scarily excited to meet me and I really didn’t like him). I am allergic to dogs and cats. Cats will send me into an asthma attack and many breeds of dogs will as well. But not all breeds. Betcha can figure out that huskies don’t cause me too many problems. But you couldn’t get me to have a kitty. Except maybe my Kai’s true love – Donna’s SamCat. He’s sounds worthy of sucking on my inhaler often.

Jenye, great job on following your WW plan. You’re doing great on losing weight. I just love when my DH is out and I’m alone. Hence my embracing his desire to work swing shift while I work days. Love him to death but I can’t focus on my selfish needs if he’s around.

Donna, I think David would like that you have him in the husky list as he knows my love for them. Heck, he knows I adore and love him. I think it’s because he’s as wonderful as a doggie. And yeah, I don’t like Janet E’s other books. No way am I paying more than $1 for the Janet E movie. So when it comes to Redbox, I’ll rent it.

Rie, fingers are crossed for you winning the pool tourney. Kick butt chickie! Work was so bad today that it didn’t interfere with my 3FC habit – it obliterated it. If I didn’t know better, I’d have sworn it was Monday.

Isabella and Bobbi, I love the idea of Isabella’s counters with bronze faucets. Bobbi, Tiff’s kitchen is going to look amazing.

Lucinda at fluffy a## as opposed to fat a##. I like the idea of referring to my fat cells as fluffy not fat.

Hi Prescott, welcome aboard. Sadly my one experience on a cruise is that eating is the entertainment. I hope you are more successful at not gaining than I had been. You’ve been doing great.

Lynn, no infection = no symptoms??? I hope so. If not, talk to your dr about that syndrome my friend was diagnosed with. Knowing the triggers helped her immensely.

Rosey, “his royal pain in the butt” had me honestly laughing out loud. Having seen the pictures of your DH I can picture him tasting the gluten free bread and deeming it worthy or not.

OK, I had a crappy day at work. I think our superintendent thinks I’m insane. I suppose I could tell him I am a diagnosed nut but I don’t think that would help. I had what would be nicely described as a hissy fit about my co-worker who broke my webserver. And who then stayed home sick. I wasn’t feeling well but we were to be at a meeting and I showed up. And then it took #(%&$ 7 hours to fix the webserver. Co-worker did realize he needed to man up and come to work. But I was so mad because I had no idea what he did so how was I going to fix it? Long story short – co-worker apologized several times and I forgave him and we fixed it together. And the superintendent thinks I’m a little raving mad. Because after the hissy fit of the morning, I was in another meeting with him and he mentions the possibility of changing our student info system (as an example) and I sort of went bug eyed and basically said please don’t until I win the lotto or retire. Anyway, my webserver is back to functioning and it is weekend. Thank the heavens because I’m pretty sure I was pushing my worth today. But my boss likes me. That’s something. Her boss (supt) might not.

Now on the brighter side, my crankypant's project is complete. As I mentioned, he mentioned he hates woodworking. But here's two pics of my DGD's b-day present (her 1st b-day is tomorrow). The finished product of the crankypants week. The fits of temper were worth it!


PS HI to everyone I missed. Time to feed my doggies and gork.
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Old 02-10-2012, 09:42 PM   #185  
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Marie, that rocking horse is BEAUTIFUL!!! What a keepsake to have forever! I'd love to have a GROWN UP one!!! Can't you just see us all on our rocking horses have a grand time!! I'd love it!

Been a busy few days here. We have another contract on our house.... been kind of looking at houses but not going to get to excited about any until I know for sure that they can get the financing on this house that they want. Got to excited before and knew just exactly where my furniture was going to go in the new house... then it all fell through because the people buying our house wanted us to do WAY too much to our house so they could get their financing... So that deal fell through. So we are looking at different houses and trying to keep a few lined up that we would be interested in.. then if the deal goes through then we can make a serious offer on one. we'll see how it goes. Should know something next week since they want a closing date of march 15!

I hope everyone has a great weekend. We are in for a COLD one here... but we don't have to shovel cold. I think we are supposed to get down to 7 tonight and only up to 23 tomorrow! Should bounce back up in a couple though.

Well, guess I'd better get busy and get the clothes folded that are calling me from the dryer. Have a great night and Hello to everyone
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Old 02-10-2012, 09:44 PM   #186  
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That is beautiful Marie ~ your little dgd (it is Maddie isn't it?) will love that You'll have to share some pictures of her taking a ride
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Old 02-11-2012, 09:48 AM   #187  
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Bobbi - I looked up that book on my library e-books and there are 66 people on the waiting list. LOL I signed up for it, but I'm wondering if I'll live long enough to get it! I signed up for a book before Christmas and I was number 20 on the waiting list and I just got it a week or so ago. The bad thing is, you are allowed to keep the book for 14 days and at that time it will automatically be returned. You don't have to worry about returning it. I usually finish my books early so I go into the website and return it manually because others are waiting for it. But I imagine there are a lot of people who don't think to do that, just let it get returned automatically, but that makes it slower for those who are waiting for the book. They have 8 copies of this one so that will speed it up some, but I'm really curious to see how long it takes me to get it.
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Old 02-11-2012, 10:53 AM   #188  
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Good Morning, All...
Marie - SamCat was in PurrHeaven at your comments... if he ever comes to live with you, he promises to not shed any dander!! And how is our BelovedKai? Are the other babies pampering her?

The rocking horse is wonderful!!! David did good!!

Nothing to report. Got a dusting of snow overnight, but at this point, who cares?

Lynn - I'm wondering, too... no infection = no symptoms? Feel better!!

Rosey - hope your boy doesn't get in the habit of being a crankypants! That would not be good for YOU (and you're the one we worry about!).

Bobbi - Tiff's kitchen will be lovely! Do share pictures...

Onward. Later, Lovelies! Hope you all have a good Saturday!
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Old 02-11-2012, 03:54 PM   #189  
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Okay. Let’s see if I can do this copy and paste thing again.

Marie- I have a lot of allergies too - growing things, but shots help a lot. I love dogs. I often wonder why humans can’t be more like dogs - loyal, devoted, and always happy to see you. Had a mutt and then a beautiful white German Shepherd. After I moved away from my parents house, I became allergic to my dog. I am allergic to most dogs except the hypo allergenic ones. When my kids were growing up - we only knew of poodles. My hockey playing macho DH nixed it. A friend has a shnoodle. I am allergic to him - not violently but if he lived in my home I know it would get to me. I have to be careful to wash my hands after I play with him. I would hate to get a dog and find that I am allergic to him or her. We are traveling a lot so it wouldn’t be the right time. I like being a dog grandma. I watch my neighbors’ Westy occasionally. And since having to deal with older people with continuing problems - I’m not excited about dealing with any more poop right now We did have a couple of guinea pigs. The last one started coughing at 11:59 on a Saturday. I called a vet who told us all vets closed at noon on Sat except an emergency one. I called and they said it cost $50 just to walk through the door. (We paid $15 for him at Pet Smart.) I looked at my ten year old’s face and sighed, “Let’s go.” It cost $75 but the vet said , “You probably saved his life.” When DH heard about it he pointed out we could have bought 5 guinea pigs instead. But anything warm and furry that we’ve named, we love. I feel very differently about rodents that were not invited into the house and that we haven’t named…
The horse your DH made is beautiful!

Karen31- Selling a house isn’t fun in the best of times. You have my sympathy.

Pres Lady - welcome! I lost 37 lbs on IP. I’ve been maintaining since May or June. I’m about 5 up at the moment. I am not on their official maintenance - don’t tell them! - which probably why I’m up. But I will get it off soon I hope. I find it’s gotten hard now that I’ve resumed a social life. It seems everything has a food component. You see the results if you stick to it! And the cruise - those are tough. I was happy to be able to maintain.

Sorry I made this so long. DH is dragging me to gym. Hi to everyone! Hope you’re all having a nice weekend.
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Old 02-11-2012, 07:39 PM   #190  
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Hi. Me again. I obviously have too much time on my hands today. Just want to make a few posts.

I enjoyed the Stephanie Plum novels. I even got my husband to listen to them on tape when we make long drives. He found them amusing. Do you remember the one where Mama Macaroni was introduced - Morelli’s GM? She has a BIG HAIR GROWING OUT OF HER MOLE! My husband thought it was hilarious. He doesn’t know how many I pull out. I remember visiting my DGM in the nursing home. She was the only one there without long hairs sprouting on her face - cuz we took care of that. Before the movie was ever made I had my fantasy cast. This was a long time ago. Ranger - The Rock (Darryl somebody.) Grandma Mazer - Estelle Getty from the Golden Girls - she’s dead but this was a fantasy cast. Stehanie Plum - Julia Roberts at the right age. Lola -Queen Latifa (Sherri is probably ok but I pictured her bigger.) Stephanie’s mom - A younger Betty White. Morelli - I couldn’t come up with. I just don’t see how Kathryn Hiegle (sp?) can live up to my fantasy.

Bobbi - When you and DH are finished with your DD’s kitchen - you must watch The Money Pit. The second time DH and I watched it, we had done more remodeling. We laughed so hard we fell off the couch. That was back when we could both fit on the couch and didn’t have to accommodate all the aching bones, muscles, ligaments, etc.

Rosey - glad you found gluten free bread the your DH likes. When my DH has been cranky for a while, I tell him that he just sounds like a cranky old man and he’s going to turn me into a cranky old lady if he doesn’t stop.

Jenye - you got so much accomplished in the morning! I’ve been such a slug today but I did make it to the gym with DH. Is it difficult to read the posts on the computer with your vision problem?

Lynn - glad you got rid of UTI. It’s annoying when you have to wade through the smoke to have some fun. The last time DH and I went to a jazz club, (20 years ago - LOL) I couldn’t take the smoke. Illinois passed a law banning smoking in public places a few years ago. Now you just have to walk through the mob that is puffing away near the door.

Bobbi - I love the HGTV and watch a lot of the decorating shows. My favorite was Designed to Sell with little Lisa. I don’t think new ones are being made anymore.

Gayle - did they run out of coffee at your last meeting? That would have killed me.

Rie - Good luck in the tournament!

Isabella - love your countertop and tile choices. I’m thinking of paining our cabinets an antique white. We remodeled out kitchen almost 13 years ago and paid a fortune for new solid oak cabinets. Then oak was out cherry in.
oops! lost track of time - gotta run.
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Old 02-11-2012, 09:00 PM   #191  
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Just reading all the post, too tired to respond other than loving the beautiful rocking horse that David made Marie, who's it for?
Dee...I love the cooking shows and the remodeling shows. I hate cupcake wars, borrrrrrrrrring.
You all have a great Sunday, we're having dinner tomorrow with my two sisters/spouses and 2 brothers/spouses. We get together on everyone's birthday. One of my sisters is bringing all dad's photo slides that we haven't seen in years, that should be good for a chuckle or two.
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Old 02-12-2012, 12:21 AM   #192  
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Hi everyone. a nice day,nothing exciting going on here. hope your weekends awsome. rosey


1 egg
1 small gluten free pancake
sf syrup
2 slices turkey bacon

tropical fruit smoothie

sm moose steak
1/2 c 3 bean salad

Last edited by akrosey49; 02-12-2012 at 09:19 AM.
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Old 02-12-2012, 07:00 AM   #193  
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Hi ladies, nearly 11pm over here and I am off to bed.

Had a good Sunday . See you all tomorrow and when I have weighed in - Monday is my weigh-in day.

Good night and sweet dreams all.

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Old 02-12-2012, 10:12 AM   #194  
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KarenMO, thought of you when we brought the rocking horse to DGD’s birthday party. A woman said she thought it would be great to ride. So yep, we’ll need rocking horses for our crone circle. Keeping the fingers crossed the house sale goes through. It does seem as though you really would like to move.

Carol Sue, I think it’s cool you’re library does e-books. I’ve never checked to see if our library does. I think you’ve motivated me to do so.

Donna, SamCat would always be welcomed and adored by my pack. Kai is still being finicky. As I sat on the floor this morning coaxing her to eat, I thought of you and guessed you were probably doing the same thing.

Deelee, my sister has a lhasa apso doggie and it is non-allergic. Just a thought. Cute tiny dog. I’m into the big dogs but she loves hers. And clearly your DH is not an animal person. An animal person doesn’t think in dollars and cents & that animals are replaceable. I’m glad you took your 10 yo’s guinea pig to the vet. I totally agree that Julie Roberts at a younger age would have made a perfect Stephanie Plum. No way Katherine Heigl fits my image of Stephanie.

Bobbi, DH made the rocking horse for our granddaughter’s first birthday (yesterday). Our grandson, who will turn 6 on Saturday, got one for his first birthday. They’re heirlooms from my DH. He’s not thrilled he has to make another one for DGD’s soon to be born little brother. He thought one per family is enough. My response is “Do you want to tell [soon to be born baby] why he doesn’t get one for his children? That he wasn’t worthy?” DH will make his rocking horse this summer since it was making it in his garage during the winter that set him off. And the many breaking woodworking tools that I have now replaced for Valentine’s Day.

Jenye, good luck with the weigh in tomorrow.

OK so Bobbi and Isabella rubbed off on me. DH and I have bought a new fridge 2 years ago (emergency replacement) and the one that was in stock was stainless steel. All our appliances were white. But we hated the appliances in the house so we went with it. Then I got a stainless steel microwave/stove hood thing last year (which was over the white stove). And my convection oven and espresso machine are stainless. You can see the pattern. The white stove and white dishwasher (both bottom of the line crap) were yucky eye sores in my beautiful kitchen. And it is very pretty with the oak cabinets and green counters (they replaced white about 6 years ago). But yesterday morning I’d had enough. When he woke up, I said eat your breakfast and we’re going to Home Depot. I want a new stove. I knew a new dishwasher too would be pushing my luck. He hooked up the trailer and we came home with the most amazing new LG stove. Bells and whistles galore. AND he let me buy the new LG dishwasher at the same time. I won’t have to prewash the dishes before they go into the dishwasher!!! It’s got a food chopper in it so it cleans itself. More bells and whistles. The stove is hooked up and works. The dishwasher is in place so I could see how pretty but DH has Guard weekend and will hook it up tomorrow on his day off. He says this morning but I’m not pushy about that. It can wait. It’s just so pretty. My kitchen remodel is now done. Only took 6 years.

And the scale was kind this morning. I’m off to change my ticker.
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Old 02-12-2012, 11:19 AM   #195  
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Good Morning, All...

Happy Sunday!!

Marie - your kitchen sounds beautiful... puts my poor, pathetic, little OLD kitchen to shame... but I LOVE my 30 year old white 36" gas stove!! I wouldn't want to part with it. Luckily, while I'm shoveling food down my gullet, I'm not looking at my environs... and then I leave the room and don't care that it's pathetic!

I was definitely coaxing SamCat to eat this morning... it's so frustrating! He wants something, so I buy it... and then he won't touch it again. I've even tried mixing the hated with the current favorite. He can "ptuiiiii" food better than any animal I've ever known! He's getting so skinny, and I worry about him. Always.

The Stephanie Plum teasers: yuck. I was appalled at Debbie Reynolds "take" on the Grandma role... what a buffoonish performance! None of the characters seem to be portrayed at all well by those chosen. I for sure won't be going to a theater to watch it; I might put it on my Netflix list. It could have been so good!

Thinking about taking Aunty Ann to Village Inn for dinner this afternoon. I haven't seen her for a long time, and I miss her!

Hope you all have a lovely Sunday! Later.

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