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Old 09-10-2011, 06:18 PM   #121  
tired of being tired
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Default keeping myself on the right path

yes my dear lady friends. How much longer could i go on justifying how far from the path i had strayed. Staying up late at night to eat mounds of unhealthy foods, not showering for days b/c I hated my body and I did not want to have s3x w/ dh. So I let the FAT get in the way.
I am done being that selfish witch. I killed her off by taking away her sugar fix.
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Old 09-10-2011, 10:56 PM   #122  
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Nancy, good to see you. Is the stepson brother of your dear almost step daughter? If yes, it’s amazing how different they sound.

Donna, I have DSL modem and am happy. Val is right you can get an inexpensive wireless router/switch at best buy or anywhere else. It’s really not hard. Mostly you’ll link them together and most of the time it will self set itself. You can do complicated setups but usually its not necessary.

Val, ye I just did the social thing. My friend (co-worker) and I went to our friend’s open house (another co-worker) and it was in the upper crust type of thing. It was interesting. Definitely not anything like our type of thing but interesting, none the less. I chatted with the supt’s wife through most of it since she was from MN as well. I’m glad I went but I wouldn’t do it regularly. I did learn the best thing about an open house is you don’t have to stay long. Hehehehe.

Fitchy, LOL about retiring before someone gets hurt after eating the world. You made me giggle.

Lynn, the half marathon date is so soon. I’m looking forward to you kickin’ butt for it.

Mary, how can you not like zucchini with tomato??? That almost seems sacrilege. I love making zucchini parmesan. It can be so low cal and taste amazing.

Zoe, I adore that during long-range meetings you’re dreaming of retirement and thinking “so there” while sticking out your tongue knowing you won’t have to deal with it. How cool is that? I hope you get your Vit D shot at the lake.

OK, Carol Sue, I have my iPhone blasting on the Bose speakers and Britney Spears (yeah, I know…) Hold It Against Me started when I got to your post. Your little avatar being strutting was to the beat of the music. Sure did make me laugh. BTW, the song is my only Britney song and I heard it on Dancing with the Stars last spring and a couple was doing the tango to it. It was awesome. So now your little person is doing the tango in my little world. And yes, I am a bit on the nuts side.

KarenMO, since you’re probably done winterizing your pool now, would you like to take a detour on your trip to Oregon and do mine? I HATE that process. I’d rather swim in it – not work on it.

Rosey, have great alone time with the puppies. I do that often now that DH and I work opposite hours. I like saying I’m a spinster with four pups. They’re great company.

Arrow, way to go on taking away the sugar for the selfish witch. Welcome to the group. You’ll love it here.

So the first heckish week of school year is over. I don’t feel quite as drowned as earlier in the week but I thinking it will be another couple weeks before I swim to the surface of my job after being gone the week before school started. But the first week is over. Only 168 days of students being at school left and then it is summer again. Today has been a BUSY day. I started with doggie walking at 5:30 this morning – yeah we slept in a half hour – then I ellipticalled. After a bit, DH woke up and we had a quick breakfast then I needed to take Sasha to the vet. Town is 30 minutes away and they couldn’t get a urine specimen. I tried all week as I knew she wasn’t doing well and I ran into my vet at the store after work yesterday. I explained the problem and she said they could get one. Alas, they couldn’t so no diagnosis for her leaking. I brought her home and walking with her after getting her out of the car, I got about a teaspoon. I called the vet office and they said that would be enough and that I didn’t need to bring Sasha back since they’d already examined her. So back to town I went. I went shopping while they ran the urinalysis. Come back and it’s normal. Now they need to run bloodwork on the same day as the urinalysis. I’m thinking the gas bill is going to wipe out my savings. Luckily one of their techs was at my animal behaviorist’s wild life rehabilitation center out near where I live. So I brought the blood collection stuff there and DH brought Sasha to the rehabilitation center. The blood’s been collected and now we’re hoping its not a kidney problem. If it isn’t, then its female hormones and they’ll start hormone therapy. I'll let you all know how my baby is doing when I hear the diagnosis. I was exhausted from all the running around. Then I went back into town for the open house. I put over a hundred miles on my Jeep in one day. Tomorrow I’m not leaving my house except to walk the doggies. DH has Guard weekend so the pups and I are having another quiet evening at home. Sort of like Rosey is. Take care GGs.

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Old 09-10-2011, 11:58 PM   #123  
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Hello Goldens.

Well, I can't believe it but I actually bought a pickup tonight. It is a 2006, F150. It is black, shiny and beautiful. I made the deal and then called my dad to come and look at it. Instead of holding me back, he fell in love with the darn truck too. It was in my price range, it is really nice, and I can afford it. I just don't have the patience to try to post a picture here. The 3fc site has been so slow lately! The nicest thing is that I was able to sell my explorer cheap to my youngest ds. He has been driving a very old large beater that has finally given up. No power steering is the least of it's problems. Now he will at least have a reliable vehicle.

For those of you doing netflix, you really can't beat the instant streaming movies and tv shows. It really doesn't cost much and you can watch all these great movies on demand. It also has lots of tv shows, old movies, and even excercise shows on demand. I watch through the wii, but there are several types of equipment that will work. I still get the dvd's in the mail but I don't seem to watch them much anymore.

BTW, I didn't make it to the movies. I have been busy torturing car salesmen.

Marie, I am proud of you for the open house stuff. They are my favorite kind of obligatory social event because you can come and go as you please and it is expected. Sorry about your baby's troubles. I will wait to hear good news about her heath.

Hi Arrow! Welcome. I loved your introduction. Pull up a chair, or whatever, and enjoy. This is a great group.

Rosey, I think that tea and movie marathons are the best way to recover. Take care of yourself!

Mary, I agree with you about the excessive water. I know that I am more careful than I used to be about drinking more water. But those folks that insist that one must drink 2 gallons or more a day are out of line. However, I have learned that I often mistake hunger for thirst. My doctor recommended that I drink 8 oz of water just before every meal. It works.

Oh Donna, your post was so funny! MF diets, hiding from potential home repairs, and all the rest. Cracked me up. I have decided that I need to read "the Help" before I see the movie.

Zoe, OMG, I am is so much trouble because I feel exactly like you do about meetings and I am a ways from retirement. It sounds like you are having a busy weekend, but I hope that you make it to the lake. As for my blood sugar, I am eating really well. I think I might be getting to where they need to reduce some of my meds. I was thinking about it and I am still on the same dosages that I was 75 pounds ago. I see the doc again in october.

Karenmo, I think Travis Tritt did the right thing. Not sure what people were thinking there.

Carol Sue, that was nice info about the kidneys and liver. The kidney specialist talked about how those work together.

Lynn, I hope your training walk today went well. I am still working on my walking speed. Someday I hope to achieve your distance.

Sorry for those that I missed. TTL


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Old 09-11-2011, 08:20 AM   #124  
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Helllooo GGs

It’s been a while – I don’t know where the time goes …

I’ve been doing my utmost to at least keep a nodding acquaintance with my eating plan, but I can’t say I’ve been overly successful Anyhoo, another day, another week, and it seems the wagon has slowed down a little to let me jump back on.

Seems that how much water is enough has been a hot topic. My two cents’ worth – I drink 2 litres a day without fail (about half a gallon or 67 ounces according to the online metric conversion!) and a bit more in summer, or if I’m exercising. If I don’t keep up with the water, I get excruciating cramps in my legs. I read somewhere that drinking more than 4 litres can affect the electrolytes in your body, which sounds a bit scary.

My snacks when I’m being an might include
raw vegies (carrots, capsicum – which I think you call bell pepper?, cauliflower, snow peas, cherry tomatoes)
celery with a little philly cheese
humous with slices of apple
½ avocado with soy sauce and wasabi (if I’m starving and it’s the difference of having a big blow out if I don’t have something pretty substantial)
slice of ham wrapped around lettuce
boiled egg
eggplant chips (super thin slices of eggplant baked in oven with a teensy brush of oil)
small tub of yoghurt
when it’s summer, I make my own icy poles by blending fruit (watermelon and orange is a fave) and freezing them in icy pole moulds

Rie – wahay, WTG on the new pickup And so great that your previous car has gone to a good home.

Marie – so sorry to hear about Sasha’s health woes. It will be good when you have a diagnosis – at least then you will know what you are dealing with. You’ve had a tough few weeks, hang in there chickadee

Arrow – welcome and wishing you all the best for your journey. Well done on conquering the sugar monster – that’s a major achievement

Rosey – sounds like a relaxing weekend, just what you need to recover from your cold.

Mary – sorry to hear DH is still having problems with his eye. He must be well and truly over it. I’m in awe of your day – I would feel virtuous if I accomplished half the things you do

Donna – good to hear your opinion of The Help. My neighbour loaned it to me, and I will start it when I finish the latest Alexander McCall Smith. Is the Outlander series the one by Diana Gabaldon set in Scotland? I loved the first few books in that series.

CaddieK – disappointing that the Travis Tritt concert was cancelled, but understandable in the circumstances. It makes you think twice about donating to good causes if the powers that be think they can be so profligate with the funds, grrrr.

Carol Sue – thanks for the interesting info about water and weight loss. This whole weight loss thing really is about understanding what works for your body.

Zoe – your mad social whirl continues, hope you managed to get your Vitamin D at the lake! LOL at your mind going walkabout during meetings – sounds a bit like me, and I haven’t got your excuse of finishing up at work any time soon The chilli recipe sounds derlish, I’ll have to give it a go.

Lynn – good luck for your marathon, it must be soon? LOL at your quotes for Fitchy

Bobbi - *hello* nice of you to drop in!

Fitchy – such a wealth of meaning in so few words, I love it! We can both clamber back on the wagon.

Nancy – lots going on for you. Hope the problems with DS car are all sorted. You are a treasure of a sister to do 5 hours of housecleaning for your bro!

Karen3 – yeah on pain free days LOL at Dash bending you to do his will.

Freda – welcome home, sounds like you had a nice holiday with the family.

Darcy – good to hear Day 1 went well for your son.

CarolC - *hello*. I hear you on staying disciplined. I’m an all or nothing person too.

Well. It’s getting late and I need to be firing on all fours tomorrow as I start a new job (still at the same organisation, but just a different area) so I better finish here.

Hello to anyone I may have missed.
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Old 09-11-2011, 12:19 PM   #125  
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Quick hello, all...
My camera software is another victim of the nasty virus... I can't download anything from my camera! I had some good stuff to share, too... it's getting more and more important that I bite the bullet and just go spend some money on a new computer. I have a new ComputerGeek who will do the D&C and reloading of the programs for "maybe as much as $100"... I think I can live with that! LOL

Marie - SamCat is doing the very weirdest thing in his life! For 17 years, he's had a particular place on a counter to eat (when I had multiple cats, it used to be necessary). Since he's been chatting with Kai, Sissy, and Ginger (and he sends good wishes to Sasha!), he'll only eat if the plate is on the floor. WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?????? As long as he's eating, I don't care... but weird!

Koala - hope your new job goes well and that you enjoy it!

I was up til 2 messing with the camera software, to no avail, so I slept in. I need to shower and go see if I can part with some money!

Hope your weekend is going well, Everyone!
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Old 09-11-2011, 01:07 PM   #126  
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(I hope I remembered this right!!!)
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Old 09-11-2011, 05:16 PM   #127  
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Val, congrats on the new truck. It looks big! We signed up for Netflix a couple months ago. Once we get a PS3, we’ll stream more. We tried a Roku but it didn’t stream as well as my DD’s PS3.

Koala, perfect description – keeping a nodding acquaintance with my eating plan. Lately you can put me in that category. The funeral trip messed my willpower up.

Donna, that is too funny. SamCat was told by Kai that all in their club eat on the floor. Are you sure we don’t want to suspend their cell phones? These kids…

Gorking today. Just a big gork, I am. Listening to DD’s Viking’s football game. I checked my Sirius account and it goes through November 2011. Eeks, I’m going to have to renew that. I checked their new “packages” and cringed. I made scones for the first time today. Googled blueberry scone recipes and was appalled of some of them. One had twice the butter and a cup of heavy cream. I found a Taste of Home one that used ½ the butter and milk. I used skim milk and they taste great. DH and I enjoyed a fresh on by the pool before he left for the base. So now he’s working and I’m a gork.

PS Donna, I LOVE the gork word.
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Old 09-11-2011, 06:49 PM   #128  
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Thank you, Donna - you did remember it right. I've had a great day, and spent it with family. All of the kids and grands were here, (17 of us) and they took care of furnishing the food, and did clean-up, too. I just enjoyed the grands and took it easy all day, lol. I hope you had a good day, too.
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Old 09-11-2011, 06:58 PM   #129  
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Hi Everyone,

The half is next Sunday so this week is REALLY low mileage every day (2, 3, or 4 miles). My DF from NC comes in on Friday & we go to Philly on Saturday for a night-before pasta party.

My DD & SIL are in FL this week. They will fly into Philly on Friday.

Today, I met my sister & we had a nice lunch & went to movies. Saw Contagion - don't bother. Not half as good as the old Dustin Hoffman movie - Outbreak. However, I must admit, I did come home and wash my hands REALLY well.

Welcome, Arrow. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Jane.

Have a great rest of your Sunday,

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Old 09-11-2011, 07:10 PM   #130  
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I have a new computer! So far, I haven't attempted the router, because that's much too much stress for today! The wireless mouse doesn't work, but the wired one does. American craftsmanship... bah!
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Old 09-11-2011, 07:50 PM   #131  
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Hi all
I'm not here much, I am exhausted, but hanging in there. My plateau ended this week with a 1 pound weight gain. Pooh! My DS has started the physio to learn to walk again. there is still such a long way to go, but this a long awaited positive thing! Take care ladies
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Old 09-11-2011, 08:07 PM   #132  
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Happy Birthday Jane!!!

WOW!! Congrats on your new computer Donna!!!

Lynn, WOW--Good Luck on your half next Sundaay. Wish you could send some motivation over this way!!

Been a busy day but didn't get much done. Just kind of tired tonight.

Hope everyone has a good night.
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Old 09-11-2011, 09:28 PM   #133  
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Hey everyone. i'm still feeling like poo. ive been "gorking" love that word. watched the Pelican Brief and the terminal this aftnoon while playing scrabble on line and trying to keep gizmo off the puter keys. he loves to be close so cute.hope this cold disappears sniffle cough cough. have a wonderful peaceful evening (((hugs))) rosey
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Old 09-11-2011, 10:20 PM   #134  
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Hi all. Happy Sunday.

I have gorked around (tee hee) most of the day. I had lunch with my folks today. A hamburger, I left the bun off, a fresh ear of corn, and some cucumbers. It was nice to eat a meal with them that works for me. My mom is trying. tomorrow I am going to take her to see The Help.

I worked a little in the garden and cleaned out my old car. Mostly, I hung out playing computer games and did my monthly measurements. I have dropped an inch from under bust, waist and hips this month. I wish that I had started measuring when I first started. It is a good way to look at progress if the scale stalls.

I took the new truck for a spin tonight with an old friend. It was fun. It will be a while before it has the comfort of "my" vehicle. I have been driving the explorer for over ten years.

Happy Birthday Jane! I am glad that you had a wonderful and family centered party. Your kids know how to treat you!

Marie, the scones sound wonderful. I heard that netflix really works well through the ps3. I just enjoy the range of stuff that is available. I can select whatever suits my mood. I need to find a new and safe music download site that isn't too expensive. Any suggestions?

Donna, I am proud of you for the new computer! You will get used to it. I never thought that wireless was a big deal but I adore being able to access the internet anywhere in my house.

Tea Granny, so happy that ds is starting his therapy. That is real progress. don't worry about the dratted scale - you will get it back into submission soon.

Lynn, thanks for the tip on the movie. I wanted to see it but I can wait til it is on dvd. I am so excited for your race. You have really inspired me with what is possible! Someone told me yesterday that the race I am doing has hills and stuff. She called it a "tough course". Concerning, but it isn't anything like what you are attempting. I am rooting for you. I had a blast when I realized that fishing is an activity on the presidential fitness site. Too funny.

Rosey, enjoy your movies and keep drinking that tea. I sure hope that cold passes.

I hope that everyone has a great Sunday evening. I am off to finish watching the cowboys game. They are actually winning. Talk to you tomorrow.

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Old 09-12-2011, 08:00 AM   #135  
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Helllooo GGs

I had a good eating day today - shake for breakfast, humous and raw vegies for lunch, asparagus frittata for dinner ... and then the evening munchies struck. Grrrr, not happy Jan. I dusted off the wii, so maybe, just maybe, I'm crossed over the line and am getting back in the zone. Maybe.

Donna - woot on the new computer - I'm sure you will work it out soon and be very happy that you took the plunge! LOL at SamCat messing with your mind Got through day 1 of my new job, thanks for asking - lots of reading and getting my head around new issues.

Moderator Jane - Happy birthday! Sounds like you had a lovely day getting thoroughly spoiled.

Marie - you've got enough to be dealing with lately without giving yourself a hard time about your eating. You will get back in the right mindspace soon, I'm sure. Scones - soooo delicious, but soooo carby! They are a real comfort food loaded with childhood memories.

Lynn - not long now until the half marathon, so exciting!

Tea Granny - sorry about your scales going the wrong way - what were they thinking??? WTG for your DS, that is certainly a milestone to celebrate.

CaddieK - sounds like yesterday was a gorking kind of day!

Rosey - another gorker! Hope you are feeling a little bit better day by day.

Rie - WTG on your measurements - that's a great result! Nice that you could enjoy lunch with your family - with just a little tweak to fit in with your eating plan. Hope the football was a good game.
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