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Old 09-05-2011, 08:07 PM   #61  
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I hope everyone had a wonderful day!! I so enjoyed being with my family today. Donna, I think I am going to have to do like you said and just have small portions of the Fruit Cocktail cake. I guess I forgot to say this was a recipe my Mom had and made quite often for many family dinners. This afternoon when my older brother took his first bite he said, "Wow! Prepare to get flashbacks of Mom!" Made me feel so good! Right then and there I decided I'm not going to try and change anything about it! I guess some things shouldn't change!

I'm going to sit back and watch the Bachelor Pad now, got to see what is going to happen!

Take care and I'll catch up with everyone tomorrow
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Old 09-05-2011, 08:18 PM   #62  
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Originally Posted by Mom2TCS View Post
If any of you can think of any possibilities, we are definitely open to hearing them. As of now, we have nothing he feels works for him and he needs to be ready tomorrow for his first day, which I want to be a positive experience (middle school is a tough enough transition from elementary!).,

Mom, that's a toughie... I've raised 8 kids but have never dealt with anything like you and your son are going through. I will think it over and hopefully have something helpful to suggest.

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Old 09-05-2011, 08:33 PM   #63  
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MomTCS---First off (((HUGS))) to you and your son. I wouldn't know what to tell you. Sending prayers that a right answer will come to you.
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Old 09-05-2011, 09:15 PM   #64  
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A tip I just got in my email:
Double the volume of store-brought frosting by beating it with a mixer to ice more cake and cut back on sugar and calories.

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Old 09-05-2011, 11:45 PM   #65  
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Wow ~ Mom ~ I wish I could think of something. Hugs to you and your son ~ I hope all goes well tomorrow for him.
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Old 09-06-2011, 01:48 AM   #66  
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Karen31 - I think I'd just try to do the small portions as you say. That is a very tasty cake!

The Sinagang Baka went well tonight. My dh loved it! I really like it but could never eat that much at one setting...which is a good thing but except for the beef it really isn't that high in calories. It has a sour (lemon) taste which is surprisingly good but seems to make me feel full fast.

Mom - I tend to agree with you on your son just stating the truth and keeping it simple. If he says alopecia He will likely need to tell them what the word means though as they may ask. Maybe just tell them what's happening and that's it's growing back slowly. Just make it as casual as possible. Who knows these days with the weird hairdos and even shaved heads, some may think it's cool if he doesn't act embarrassed about it. I think their reactions will depend on how cool he is about it. But I know middle school is often the toughest time to get through..remember it with my kids and it's been a long time ago for me so don't want to tell you wrong. Sorry I can't be more is so hard raising kids, isn't it? You always worry about them..physically and their precious psychics. Would it be possible for the dermatologist to send a permission slip without a visit? Esp if he has seen your son already and knows the problem. Does the doctor have any idea what is causing it?

Donna - You really aren't going on the trip because of your cat? You're a better mother than I would be! Surely you can find someone to take care of him for that short a time. You deserve some time away and what a great gift!

Rie - I like the way you handle your diet....seems very healthy but also very practical and allows for special meals. My diet is very similar to yours I think. I've always said I don't want my diet to control my life. You are better than I at planning ahead and getting back on track but I think I am beginning to get the hang of it at least I hope I am. I did well today. I'm learning to keep my carb servings to 1-2 a meal and I eat often (I know you are a little different here), and I eat lots of veggies. As you know evening snacking has been my down fall but tonight I told myself I have to wait two hours after dinner just like I do during the day, and it worked! I stayed OP all day!!
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Old 09-06-2011, 06:53 AM   #67  
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Hi Mom,

See if he is comfortable with any of these -

I have a problem with my immune system and temporarily lost my hair.

That’s for me to know and for you to find out.

I have this condition where I am sometimes allergic to my hair.

Some kids need glasses because of eye problems, some need braces because of teeth problem, I need a hat because of hair loss problems.

PS - the 2nd one is a response I heard from a child in 4th grade when asked why she looked NOTHING like her twin sister. I never forgot it & have used it on several occassions in my adult life.

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Old 09-06-2011, 08:38 AM   #68  
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Excuse the length of this article but important message.

Processed Meats Declared Too Dangerous for Human Consumption

By Mike Adams
The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) has just completed a detailed review of more than 7,000 clinical studies covering links between diet and cancer. Its conclusion is rocking the health world with startling bluntness: Processed meats are too dangerous for human consumption. Consumers should stop buying and eating all processed meat products for the rest of their lives.
Processed meats include bacon, sausage, hot dogs, sandwich meat, packaged ham, pepperoni, salami and virtually all red meat used in frozen prepared meals. They are usually manufactured with a carcinogenic ingredient known as sodium nitrite. This is used as a color fixer by meat companies to turn packaged meats a bright red color so they look fresh. Unfortunately, sodium nitrite also results in the formation of cancer-causing nitrosamines in the human body. And this leads to a sharp increase in cancer risk for those who eat them.
A 2005 University of Hawaii study found that processed meats increase the risk of pancreatic cancer by 67 percent. Another study revealed that every 50 grams of processed meat consumed daily increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 50 percent. These are alarming numbers. Note that these cancer risks do not come from eating fresh, non-processed meats. They only appear in people who regularly consume processed meat products containing sodium nitrite.
Beef jerky
Hot dogs
Sandwich meat
Frozen pizza with meat
Canned soups with meat
Frozen meals with meat
Ravioli and meat pasta foods
Kid’s meals containing red meat
Sandwich meat used at popular restaurants
Nearly all red meats sold at public schools, restaurants, hospitals, hotels and theme parks
Sodium nitrite appears predominantly in red meat products (you won’t find it in chicken or fish products). Here’s a short list of food items to check carefully for sodium nitrite and monosodium glutamate (MSG), another dangerous additive:
If sodium nitrite is so dangerous to humans, why do the FDA and USDA continue to allow this cancer-causing chemical to be used? The answer, of course, is that food industry interests now dominate the actions by U.S. government regulators. The USDA, for example, tried to ban sodium nitrite in the late 1970’s but was overridden by the meat industry. It insisted the chemical was safe and accused the USDA of trying to “ban bacon.” Today, the corporations that dominate American food and agricultural interests hold tremendous influence over the FDA and USDA. Consumers are offered no real protection from dangerous chemicals intentionally added to foods, medicines and personal care products.
You can protect yourself and your family from the dangers of processed meats by following a few simple rules:
And finally, eat more fresh produce with every meal. There is evidence that natural vitamin C found in citrus fruits and exotic berries (like camu camu) helps prevent the formation of cancer-causing nitrosamines, protecting you from the devastating health effects of sodium nitrite in processed meats. The best defense, of course, is to avoid eating processed meats altogether.
[Ed. Note: Mike Adams, the Health Ranger - a leading authority on healthy living -- is on a mission: to explore, uncover and share the truth about harmful foods and beverages, prescription drugs, medical practices and the dishonest marketing practices that drive these industries. For his latest findings, click here.]

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Old 09-06-2011, 08:38 AM   #69  
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Hi Darcy,

I talked this over with DH, and he and I both agree that just saying the truth seems to be the best approach. Perhaps omit the word alopecia, since that would just invite more questions, and just tell him to say something like Lynn suggested: "I have allergies that sometimes cause my hair to fall out."

It is so hard on us when our kids have to face tough challenges, and I will be thinking of you both and praying the day goes well.

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Old 09-06-2011, 10:04 AM   #70  
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Well my dears, I just used up all my time reading 5 pages of posts. Just a couple of personals, welcome Carol
Mom...have to admit, I didn't know what Alopecia was until I googled it. I have to agree with Fitch:
"I have allergies that sometimes cause my hair to fall out."

Rosey...I can relate to the 'angry at us', my MIL slams the phone down on my ear every couple of weeks. It only happens after supper when she gets tired and confused. The other night she called and said she was ready to go home. I said you are home, she said she didn't live there (nursing home) and I was to come pick her up immediately. After trying to reason with her, she slammed the phone down on my ear again!

dh brother and girlfriend take mil out every friday nite and sometimes we join them. we picked her up and i dont think we will be doing that with her to many more times. she was so confused mentally and then would get angry at us sigh ,. Bobbie am glad you are solving the mystery head aches.
As to the mystery of my headaches, I'm still not sure exactly what my allergies are but I know dust is one of them. Yesterday I tackled the store room in the basement, it's a small room with tons of shelving on both sides. I swepted and vacumed it after clearing out a bunch of stuff, last night my sinus's plugged up and I got a very bad headache that lasted all night and I've still have it this morning. Next time I clean something that dusty, I'll wear a nose mask.
Lynn...I can't wait for Survivor to start. Last year we watched Biggest loser and Dancing with the stars, switching back and forth since they were both on the same time. This year we're not going to watch Biggest Losers, I hate all that switching. Chaz Bono was just on Good Morning America, lots of people are in a frenzy about her/him being on. I'm just curious enough to see how far her/him can get. Growing up as a girl with maybe not much muscle tone would make it harder to do all the lifting/swinging. Chaz said 8 pounds have been shed already from working on the first dance.
lynnAnyone else looking forward to Biggest Loser? Bobbi, I know you will be watching Survivor. I NEVER thought I would get into these reality shows, but I am HOOKED! Maybe because there isn’t much competition?
Rie...I've made lasagna with zucchini before, you really can't tell the difference. Thanks for reminding me, think I'll make some for supper tonight.
Fitchy...I see you use amaranth & quinoa. I purchased both after listening to Dr Oz talk about it. I am proud of the fact that I can eat anything, love all kinds of weird foods, and amaranth and quinoa is weird. YUK! I can't stand the stuff, I can't remember which one repulsed me more. How can I cook it so it'll slide down my throat?Do you have a good recipe?
amaranth, buckwheat, millet, quinoa
KarenFla...I've always loved your fantastic sense of humor, it still shows thru even while you're in pain. You have my sympathy...hang in there!
Crawling back in my chair and pull my goodie blankie over my head and suck my thumb.......k3
Donna...A couple of weeks ago when I guessed I had allergies, I made an appointment with a allergy specialist. I was talking to my regular doctor about it and he said I didn't have allergies and I could cancel my appointment. I did! I never showed any signs of allergies, like sneezing, tight throat, watery eyes, etc. I still don't have these obvious signs other than a headache so I can see why he didn't think that was the cause. After I get the bills for my 2 MRI's squared away, I'll re-schedule an appointment with the allergy specialist.
I’m so happy for you that the migraines seem to be gone! And not one, not ONE???, of those high-priced demigod specialists ever thought of getting you tested? That would be such an easy fix, probably! It sounds like you’re well on your way to self health, anyway, with the daily attacks on any lurking dust mites in the bedroom! Such good news!

Time to get busy, Zoe..... someone mentioned pictures, where are they? Probably on Facebook, sorry I don't get over there. I'll have to check later today....right now I'm burning sunlight.
I'll have to check in again tomorrow and catch up with all I missed. Welcome back Marie...sorry for your FIL loss, and 'what da ya' mean you don't like Minnesota?

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Old 09-06-2011, 10:37 AM   #71  
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[FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Good Morning Goldens!

It is a cool and misty morning here. I woke tired and with that achy feeling that comes from not sleeping well. I am dreading the work week a little - really need to get some contract negotiations finalized. Sometimes the business aspects are stressful to my social worker heart.

Zoe, I really enjoyed the wedding pictures on FB. You are blessed with an absolutely beautiful family. I am sure that you are glad that everything is over with now - weddings and family events are sometimes like a marathon race, and one is left with fatigue afterward, even when it is a joyous occasion. Rest, recover, and enjoy the feeling of being a successful mom.

Karen31, I enjoy the fact that you and Tim spend so much time with family. It is lovely and clearly you enjoy it. I really liked the story about the cake. My Gma made sure that some of us knew how to make treasured family recipes. I have noticed that each of us has begun to specialize in certain foods. How nice that you have taken that role in your family.

Donna, here's hoping that you can find a solution that will come close to meeting Samcat's exacting standards. He is bound to be upset - either way, but I think you need to have a true holiday.

Darcy, I wrote a post to you last night and apparently didn't get it loadedSorry. I am so sorry about what you and ds are going through. It is too late, but I agree with others that the best strategy is straightforward and as truthful as possible. "I have an allergy that makes my hair fall out". BTW, my youngest cousin has alopecia universalis, diagnosed at age 3. It would even often take her eyebrows and lashes. Really hard for a little girl, and wigs never looked right. I will tell you, though, that she ended up being a cheerleader, jazz musician, champion softball player, and is a successful physician's assistant now. She gave up the prednisone and other meds years ago and simply wears wigs. When I started losing my hair due to health problems, she smiled and said, "hair's overrated". Anyway, I know this is heartbreaking now but your son can triumph over this problem.

Lynn, I hope your training goes well. Isn't it interesting that walking takes away so much knee pain? It seems counterintuitive but that sure has been my experience. I never would have believed that I would get to a point that I would be walking for miles, let alone that I would be concerned about improving my times. I really admire your activity and your approach to life.

Carolcilona, Welcome! I hear you, I think that drugs, cigarettes and alchohol are easy compared to losing weight. I confess, I still enjoy my occasional booze

Mary, dinner sounds wonderful and I am glad that Joe liked it. That sounds like a good savings on meat. We don't have a whole foods here. I can get really good quality beef at the local packing plant but it is expensive. I dearly miss the days when we raised our own beef and pork. Of course, we ate a lot more hamburger in those days.

Marie, I hope that you keep your head down and just keep putting one foot in front of the other as you survive the backlog at your work. It will be just like biking or hiking up a long hill, and we all know that you have those skills. Maybe you and I can both remember: This too shall pass. I am hoping that I am clear of most of it and that I can begin next week with more optimism. I am hoping the same for you.....

Karenfl, hoping that you are feeling better and back to dominating the bridge game again.

Bobbi, thanks for the article. You always find some interesting things to share. I don't eat bacon much but I'm not sure that I can give it up. Of course, when I was a kid, we ate bacon or sausage at almost every breakfast on the farm. I think it was different, though, because we made the sausage ourselves.

Gayle, are you getting ready to leave tomorrow? Be safe and enjoy if we don't talk to you today!

Sorry for anyone that I missed. BBL
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Old 09-06-2011, 12:16 PM   #72  
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Hi Everyone,

My DD and I wimped out. It is pouring here. I will do my 12-mile training walk tomorrow in the gym.

Check back later,

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Old 09-06-2011, 01:37 PM   #73  
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Good afternoon GG's,

It is a beautiful day here. Feels so nice outside. It is funny ~ I came out of work last night and thought ~ how nice it was outside ~ a breeze and not too hot. I was suprised then when I got in the car and the thermometer said 90* (I was thinking it was somewhere in the 70's)
I guess after it being 100 - 110 (even late into the evenings) that 90 felt like a much lower temp.

Weight watchers this morning ~ a gain, but it didn't suprise me. I think I have been stress eating (stressed about this family time coming up ~ hoping that people will behave ~ I want to enjoy it and feel sort of angry that some of the people causing me to worry and stress and taking my joy away from me).

I'd better get off here and get working on my packing ~ have layed out some of the stuff already. I have a list (on my computer ~ just print it off every time and customize it for a particular trip) that I use ~ just go down the list and gather, pack and check off. Makes it pretty easy.

Hoping to be back later and get the personals done. I won't be able to while I am gone. I can post from my phone, but it is not as easy to do. I can hopefully check in (I can get FB and 3FC on my phone) if I can get signal/reception where I am. My son has the same cell carrier that we have and he hasn't been able to get a signal ~ my family is kind of in a rural area. Lynn ~ you mentioned you had family or friends in Ohio ~ near Canton. I will be flying into the Akron/Canton airport. My home town is Mantua ~ a little town between Akron and Cleveland.

Ok, enough procrastinating (my middle name) on with the packing. Hope you all are having a good day.

Take care
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Old 09-06-2011, 02:27 PM   #74  
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Hi all....Just an update. I crawled back out of my chair and pulled up my Big Girl britches and went and played bridge. Announced that I was toxic from chemicals and watch out. Heck 18 tables and we came in 1st....Thats First! Called doc this am and got 2 weeks more of the one antibiotic. Slowing down on toxic maybe. Still having am sickness all day, at least at my age it's nice to know I ain't preggie. Just grumpy and mean!

This darn storm Lee is still dumping rain here and I guess to Canada. Been raining all morning. We've had so much drought can't complain. Clouds have the temps down in the 80's so that helps. This is when I miss being up North. Cool mornings, would love to be able to open the house up.....

Zoe....checked out the wedding pictures and everyone looks so pretty. Love the twins......but where is picture of SMIL?

BBL to do personals......k3
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Old 09-06-2011, 02:33 PM   #75  
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Today's my free day today. Only a few things to do here at home and then I can do whatever I want. But I'm not sure what I want. Can't decide if I want to get my nails done, hair cut, both or neither. May wait a while and stretch out my money a bit longer. I've been a little short recently on my spending money since I spent so much the last couple months....remember all those clothes I bought? And other than that, what am I supposed to do on my own...I'm not a window shopper, I don't have family locally, friends are with their mates generally. And honestly I'm more of a homebody...prefer to be at home or with my dh unless I really have to go out. Mostly when I go out alone it is because I want to keep in practice with driving as dh always drives when we are together.

We went to yoga stretch class this am. It always feels good but doubt it burns many calories. I did a few leg lifts and side bends this am, Zoe and I'll try and get in a few minutes of aerobics later. My housework is easy- dust and vacuum spare bedroom (very light as isn't really dirty), clean tub and declutter/wipe out medicine cabinets.

Breakfast was a light yogurt with 1 T. cheerios.
AM snack was a mocha with 1/2 c NF milk and 1 T PB (yummy, I've been adding PB a lot recently...higher cal and carbs but so good!)
Lunch - not sure, maybe a salad. So far OP but weight is slightly high but hopefully it will fall soon.

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