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Old 09-04-2011, 09:22 PM   #46  
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Good evening GG's,

Two days down ~ one more to go, then some vacation days ~ a big yippee!!

I am so thankful ~ for right now at least, my knee and leg is feeling better. Hopefully the celebrex is kicking back in.

It has been a couple good days at work. Hoping that tomorrow will go well too.

The kids were at it again this weekend ~ dressed up their "fur" sister in one of Maddie's old halloween costumes. That doggy is a good sport. (See picture below).

Don't know if I'll get to any personals tonight. Have a couple little things I need to do.

Hope you all have been having a good weekend.

Take care
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Old 09-04-2011, 09:46 PM   #47  
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Hello Ladies--- I have a request-- I have already made this cake to take to a family cookout tomorrow but wonder if any of you cooking Gurus could figure out how to make it a "healthy" cake.. It is a Fruit Cocktail cake and is so easy to throw together and everyone loves it.. Just thought I would throw it in here to see what some ideas would be... Thanks bunches!!

Fruit Cocktail Cake

Mix Together:
1 ½ cups white sugar
2 cups flour
1 tsp. soda
½ tsp salt
2 eggs
2 cups fruit cocktail (med. Can) juice and all

Pour into greased & floured 9 X 13 pan. Sprinkle ½ cup brown sugar; nuts or coconuts on top. Bake 45 minutes at 350*

Mix together:

1 stick butter(margarine)
½ cup milk
¾ cup white sugar
1 tsp. vanilla

Bring to boil 7 minutes. Pour over cake while hot.
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Old 09-04-2011, 10:01 PM   #48  
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Hi, Girls! I'm down 2 lbs today, so I had to post with my new and improved ticker.

When I first went on the anti-inflammatory diet, the naturopathic doctor I was seeing gave me a 1-page summary. If some of you are interested in it, I'll look around for it and post. It gives the basic 'rules' of the program, so you can at least see what's involved. The biggest thing is you have to give up all of the inflammatory foods for 6 weeks, until they're all out of your system, then you can begin experimenting to add in one at a time to gauge your body's reaction to it. It helps you figure out which ones are causing the damage and inflammation in your body. For me, personally, the problem areas are wheat and some dairy. They also highly recommend that you include digestive enzymes and probiotics in your supplement regimen. I have to tell you, it's been a miracle for my gut, my blood pressure, and my pain.

Gayle: I use a CPAP, and have for ~3 years. I am 100% compliant, because it was another miraculous change for me. And once you find the right mask and headgear, it is not difficult to sleep on your side. The aggravation will be well worth it when you begin to really sleep well. I actually sleep on my back most nights now, with two large couch cushions under my knees. This also relieves much of my back pain from my surgery. I put the unit itself in the bottom drawer of the nightstand (left open, of course) to keep the noise level down.

Mary/Marie: I love love love my Kindle. Two recent developments of note... I'm now on a daily email list from Amazon for the Kindle 'book of the day', which gives me an ultra-low price on their choice. I don't always like the offering, but some days I do. Also, maybe everyone already knows this but me, but last night I discovered I can read my books on my laptop through Kindle Cloud. It was awesome, since I can make the print very large and lean back in the recliner to read!

I hope everyone is happy and well enough.

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Old 09-04-2011, 10:22 PM   #49  
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Hello Goldens!

I am back feeling relaxed and rested, even though I am tired. I am more convinced than ever that I am going to buy some type of small camper this winter. I was ok with the air mattress in my explorer as far as comfort but it is hard to crawl in and out. I also need a way to pottie in the night because the camping outhouse is not ok anymore. I came back late this afternoon and I put everything away. Ds hauled everything back downstairs for me. It would be so nice to have everything in a small camper that I could have ready all season.

The fishing was not good – I didn’t encounter any fly fishermen who were catching anything. We heard they were actually taking worms and caught 4 smaller brook trout this morning. We cleaned and iced them and I gave them to my folks. They were thrilled. We were about 40 miles up into the Gallatin National Forest. It is the first day of bow season here so there were lots of hunters there. I woke before sunrise every morning and really enjoyed my coffee by the morning fire. I did well on food but I enjoyed my smores and some really good steaks cooked over the fire last night. I noticed a real difference in my ability to move around and enjoy the trip. My buddy Kenny (who is 20 years younger than me) noticed that I was doing much better physically. I didn’t have to use my cane in the cold mountain mornings for the first time….. It was also really nice to come home knowing that I can relax because I don’t have to work tomorrow. Enough about my trip. Here are my lengthy personals:

Lynn, I love the fact that you go see your friend and I understand how painful it is. I agree with you – I try to treat people in the way that I hope I would be treated. Your training sounds like it is going well. Your mile times should keep you right in there!

Bobbi, I am happy that you are getting to the bottom of your headache mystery. Years ago, my mom was diagnosed with severe lung problems and we live on a farm. They were able to get air filters that really helped her to be more comfortable. Good luck!

Donna, thanks for all the pictures of capitols on fb. I am really enjoying them. I am looking forward to getting caught up, then I will move to south America!

Grammy, I only weigh one time per month because I don’t think I could stand to see all the scale fluctuations. I don’t do slim fast but several others here use it. Hang in there!

Gayle, I know several people who take celebrex. I know that there are possible health consequences but quality of life is important. I have a severely arthritic left knee that they tell me must be replaced. I am trying to delay that surgery. As you know, I also have lupus with primary symptoms of joint pain and fatigue. It has been really interesting to me that the last year has been the biggest reduction in pain for me. Oh, I still have it – but the working out really helps if I can make myself. How do they say that? A body in motion stays in motion… Anyway, I think if you need the med to be more active, you should go for it.

Mary, I think an anniversary calls for a lovely Outback dinner. It sound wonderful. I am a big believer in having celebrations with food and then getting back on plan. U can do it! With the zucchini, have you ever tried slicing it thin and using it as a “pasta” substitute – it makes really good low carb lasagna. I also like it cut in really thin ribbons and dressed with fresh tomato and basil sauce. Yum.

Fitchy, nice to have you with us. Sorry I don’t remember, what is your eating plan?

Marie, I have been thinking of you all week. I am so glad that you are back safe. Sorry that your asthma has been triggered and I hope that it goes back into hiding. Hugs to you…

Rosey, I loved the Gizmo story. Sorry about MIL, but it is so nice for you to try to care for her. Take care!

Darcy, it sounds like you did well on your camping trip and I am sorry about the dratted scale. I always wait several days after a trip to weigh because of the water retention. Again, so glad that you have joined us!

I can imagine that Zoe is wow ing everyone as the gracious and chic MOG. Karenfl, hope you are well. Sorry if I missed anyone, I will check in again tomorrow and try to get back in the GG swing of things.

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Old 09-04-2011, 11:43 PM   #50  
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Rie: I am loosely following the Belly Fat Cure diet. It is a modified low carb plan that allows up to 120g carbs per day; of those, no more than 15g can be sugars and at least 25g must be fiber. It's like cheating on Atkins, so it's been awesome.

I found the 'no no' list for the anti-inflammatory diet. These are foods to avoid for the first 6-8 weeks, to be reintroduced one at a time, slowly, to monitor your body's reaction:

All animal milks, all animal cheeses
Commercial eggs (organic okay)
All wheat products
Citrus fruits
Peanuts/peanut butter
Beef (grass fed okay)
Processed soy products
Potatoes (yams okay)
Fruit juices
Dried fruits
All processed foods
Corn/corn products
Fried foods
Artificial sweeteners

Occasional use of these sweeteners is okay: agave nectar, maple syrup, rice syrup, barley syrup, raw honey, stevia, xylitol

Fruits: Daily limit of 1-2 pieces of any fruits except citrus

Allowed grains: amaranth, buckwheat, millet, quinoa, oatmeal, basmati or brown rice, rye, teff

Legumes: soak for 48-72 hours and cook slowly

Also drink a minimum of 8 glasses of spring, bottled, filtered, or reverse-osmosis filtered water every day. NO distilled water.

There you have the basics.

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Old 09-05-2011, 09:35 AM   #51  
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Morning.....Nothing new here. Just plodding along with my head down dealing with dizziness and nausea from the antibiotics. Have one more dose this comes the hard part....I think I need another week of them. Will call the doc Tuesday am. Crawling back in my chair and pull my goodie blankie over my head and suck my thumb.......k3
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Old 09-05-2011, 10:07 AM   #52  
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Awwww ~ Karen ~ I'm sorry you are having such a rugged time. Sending {{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}} and good thoughts and prayers that things will get better for you soon.
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Old 09-05-2011, 11:43 AM   #53  
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Hello Goldens

It is a really pretty day here today but I think it is going to get really hot. I am headed out to the local riverfront park today to take the little guy fishing and for a walk. I will do my actual workout this afternoon in the air conditioning. We are going to BBQ some chicken and use up the last of the smores stuff tonight so I need to burn off some calories in advance. I picked the cukes last night when I got home so I have some lovely small, sweet cukes for lunch.

I discovered a few small cuts on my hands last night that are a little red/angry. I probably got them contaminated when I was cleaning fish. I need to be more careful, I think, with the diabetes. Yuk. I always hate to be reminded of any age/frailty issues.

Karenfl, I am sorry that you are still struggling. I know that infection will get knocked back in its tracks and then you will feel much better.

Gayle, hoping that you have a good last day at work and that you continue to feel better.

Fitchy, lots of people do really well on the BFC. Good luck. I believe that any plan is good if a person can stick to it. The anti-inflam diet is interesting. When I was first diagnosed with lupus I followed a total natural - no processed foods- diet. I even drank raw milk from our farm. It was not as restrictive as your list but I thought it was helpful at the time. Perhaps, just because it put me in a position to increase the amount of nutrients that I was getting from my food.

Karen, I can't think of anything to help that cake except reducing the amount of sugar - using some splenda or something. You could also use low sugar fruit coctail and add a bit of applesauce for sweetness. Our church folks used to serve a cream cheese and fruit coctail type frosting on the cake. Less sugar, more fat. Personally, I think we should eat small portions of sinful deserts with a joyful manner and then eat well the rest of the time.

Has anyone heard anything from Lyn? When was she comming back from vaca? I have been kind of worried if she made out ok with all the flooding?


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Old 09-05-2011, 12:51 PM   #54  
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Hola, Glorious Goldens!

Mary – belated congratulations on your anniversary! That’s such an accomplishment, and I am filled with admiration! I hope there are many, many more happy and healthy years ahead!

CaddieKaren – LOVE the new car! I knew it was just a matter of time before you got your way… you just weren’t happy with that pathetic and pitiful Mustang! I looked at that cake, and I googled a low cal recipe… I think your best bet is to cut the pieces in half (or you could eat it on Sunday or away from home, and then it would become calorie free)! One site said the calorie load for one piece is 176, which isn’t that bad.

Bobbi – I’m so happy for you that the migraines seem to be gone! And not one, not ONE???, of those high-priced demigod specialists ever thought of getting you tested? That would be such an easy fix, probably! It sounds like you’re well on your way to self health, anyway, with the daily attacks on any lurking dust mites in the bedroom! Such good news!

Marie – it’s really good to see you back… I missed you! Yes, Kai and SamCat DID have quite a few conversations, and yesterday’s was a very pathetic and sad one! Sigh…:

My brother offered me a weekend, anywhere, any time, his treat, and I’ve been SO excited and we’ve been planning an itinerary. We picked the weekend of the 30th, and all was even set with my taking Friday off. I was telling my friend about it yesterday, and she said (very slowly…) “and what about SamCat??????” OMG, I am the WORST mother in the world! I had totally forgotten about him and his rigid dietary needs and that fact that I CANNOT GO ON A TRIP. EVER. I’m sure he got wind of this terrible lapse and called Kai immediately! I thought about taking him along, but the idea of the screaming and the terror and the hiding and the angst and the drama and the trauma just wore me out.

Your homemade bread sounds wonderful!!

Rosey – your weight squiggly says “106 lbs. GONE”…………. I am so proud of you!!!

Gayle – that dog is a goof! I LOVE the pictures!! She’s going to be on the phone to Kai, too!

Fitchy – if you can find that anti-inflammatory summary and can post it, I would appreciate it. It sounds interesting. Ooops, I just saw it… thanks.

KarenFL – feel better!

Rie – glad you enjoyed your vacation, sorry the fish weren’t cooperative!

GM is doing much better every day! I take her back to the vascular surgeon on Wednesday and will talk to him about PAD, which I rather suspect she has. Her feet are like ice, and it’s been in the high 90s for a month! She sits around with the a/c going and a heating pad on her feet! But she’s doing much better, sounds much better… now if I could just figure out how to get her moving (see above!) and less tired, she’d be in good shape. At least I don’t have to go over there every day now, which has eased my life considerably.

And today is a day off for me, too. I’m even getting paid for it, which I think is wonderful. I have a very fair boss, and I really like this work situation.

I’ve done virtually NOTHING all weekend but rest and sleep and run some unexciting errands. I feel rested for the first time since GM’s surgery on August 18. Feels good!

PT/Zoe – I’m anxious to see pictures and hear all the stories you have to tell! I hope it all went well… but I also hope there was some comic relief, too! We’re all sitting here with our coffee (or whatever), just waiting for you!

Gotta do something productive! I’ve done laundry, but there’s more on my to-do list for today! Hope you all have a lovely Monday! And WELCOME TO ALL NEWBIES!!

Last edited by jess1; 09-05-2011 at 12:54 PM.
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Old 09-05-2011, 01:47 PM   #55  
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Hi Everyone,

REALLY lazy day today. Just hanging out. Tomorrow morning is dentist (just a cleaning) and then, I am supposed to meet with my DD for a 12-mile training walk. It is supposed to rain here tomorrow. Hopefully, it won’t start until after our walk.


Originally Posted by Karen31 View Post
Hello Ladies--- I have a request-- I have already made this cake to take to a family cookout tomorrow but wonder if any of you cooking Gurus could figure out how to make it a "healthy" cake...
Hi Karen,

You could try switching at least ½ the sugar with Splenda & getting no sugar added fruit cocktail.

Originally Posted by fitchy View Post
Hi, Girls! I'm down 2 lbs today, so I had to post with my new and improved ticker. :
Hi Fitchy,


Originally Posted by Riemontana View Post
… I know several people who take celebrex. I know that there are possible health consequences but quality of life is important. I have a severely arthritic left knee that they tell me must be replaced. I am trying to delay that surgery. As you know, I also have lupus with primary symptoms of joint pain and fatigue. It has been really interesting to me that the last year has been the biggest reduction in pain for me. Oh, I still have it – but the working out really helps if I can make myself. How do they say that? A body in motion stays in motion… Anyway, I think if you need the med to be more active, you should go for it.
Hi Rie,

Even with the Celebrex, I was having a LOT of back/knee pain. However, since I started all my marathon training, the pain is just about gone. I tried cutting back on the Celebrex, but the pain came back.

Originally Posted by Karen3 View Post
Morning.....Nothing new here. Just plodding along with my head down dealing with dizziness and nausea from the antibiotics. Have one more dose this comes the hard part....I think I need another week of them. Will call the doc Tuesday am. Crawling back in my chair and pull my goodie blankie over my head and suck my thumb.......k3
Hi Karen,

I am so sorry. I know what you mean about the antibiotics. I am not allergic to them, but they make me feel AWFUL! I hope you don’t need another week.

Originally Posted by jess1 View Post
And today is a day off for me, too. I’m even getting paid for it, which I think is wonderful. I have a very fair boss, and I really like this work situation.

I’ve done virtually NOTHING all weekend but rest and sleep and run some unexciting errands. I feel rested for the first time since GM’s surgery on August 18. Feels good!
Hi Donna,

I am so HAPPY to hear about your job being good. I am having the same kind of weekend – just lazing around.
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Old 09-05-2011, 01:59 PM   #56  
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Mary, I would highly doubt Amazon would change the format of their Kindle books (since they’re electronic) when they offer a new tablet. My guess is that you are very safe with your toy. So I was walking the dogs this morning as we passed a house that had been for sale for about 2 years. A woman moved in and she’s renting it. Anyway, I thought of you and suddenly was absolutely floored that your son has put you in this situation. I think he needs a swift kick in his rear from Zoe. I’m sorry about the turmoil you’re going through.

Lynn, my fingers are crossed for the rain to wait until after your training walk. Twelve miles is amazing. You'll be ready fro your marathon. No doubt.

Gayle, I’m glad your aches are starting to feel better. I love the picture of the doggie. Mine wouldn’t be nearly as sweet about dress up.

Fitchy, I’ll look into the book of the day email. They send me occasional emails on $0.99 specials but not a daily email. Then again, I read too much as it is. I love that the Kindle with sync with my iPad, my computers (yes plural) and my iPhone. I especially like the iphone since it’s always with me and I can read while waiting for a dr. appointment. I don’t like touching the waiting room magazines.

Val, I’d have to say your trip was filled with NSV. How awesome is that. DH and I camped (tent) at the Grand Canyon about 6 years ago. After one night on the ground, I said I was done. Going home and never sleeping in a tent again. So we travel with hotels now. I’m good with driving to the parks and doing day hikes but outhouses and campground showers are of my past.

KarenFL, that just stinks that you probably need a week more of the nasty antibiotics. Know you’re in our thoughts and prayers.

Donna, Kai suggests her animal behaviorist as a so-so substitute for SamCat’s care. Not nearly as wonderful as the human SamCat has his wrapped around his little paw, but it is acceptable for a few days. In truth, what about GM? Wouldn’t she like to cater to your kitty? Clearly based on how much weight Blizzard and Kai gained while we were gone, our neighbor loved catering to their poor woeful eyes. BTW, that is good news that your life is calming and GM is doing well. I hope her feet warm soon since horrible winter is lurking beneath the bright sunshine.

I had a nice morning with DH. We did a little plant rearranging. I have about 20 basil pots and the plants are getting old. So I needed to start new seeds and when the plants need transplanting, where would they go? And my tomato plant bushes were chopped down today. I’ve gotten cherry tomatoes for 3 months. I swear that should be a record. My outside turvies are producing as well as the cherry one that DH put outside. So a shelving system took the place of the bush and the basil has loads of sunlight. I’m hoping that will make them give me pesto for a few months while the seeds begin and grow big. DH called his mom last night and she’s doing well. When I told him he should call at least twice a week he truly didn’t get it. When I pointed out that although his father was failing, he still provided adult conversation. I think he gets it now. A nice lazy day on tap here then the stuff will hit the fan tomorrow. Being off a week the week before school starts was horrible timing. I think I will be overwhelmed for weeks. So I’m going to bury my head in the sand and not even tackle the email inbox. If I’m going to be miserable, I might as well put it off for a day.
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Old 09-05-2011, 02:43 PM   #57  
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Red face Hi! New to this thread

My goal is to get down to 200 by 12/31/11; and then after that see if I can get down to 150-160 by the end of 2012; I am 5'2" and pre-diabetic.

My weight is currently 237.5 and have journaled food for the past 10 years which helped move my weight down from 279 in 2001. Hit 223 early this year but then this summer sort of lost my ambition (lots of illness and stress in the family). Looking for support and a group that expects me to walk the walk. I am a highly motivated 62 year old who just finished a masters degree and works two jobs but just can't seem to get my butt in gear about my weight.

For the most part I can do anything I set my mind to (gave up drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes over the past 25 years); but the weight issue has proven to be almost insurmountable. Thanks for listening and hope to hear from you all!
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Old 09-05-2011, 04:56 PM   #58  
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Originally Posted by Carol Cilona View Post
My goal is to get down to 200 by 12/31/11; and then after that see if I can get down to 150-160 by the end of 2012; I am 5'2" and pre-diabetic.

My weight is currently 237.5 and have journaled food for the past 10 years which helped move my weight down from 279 in 2001. Hit 223 early this year but then this summer sort of lost my ambition (lots of illness and stress in the family). Looking for support and a group that expects me to walk the walk. I am a highly motivated 62 year old who just finished a masters degree and works two jobs but just can't seem to get my butt in gear about my weight.

For the most part I can do anything I set my mind to (gave up drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes over the past 25 years); but the weight issue has proven to be almost insurmountable. Thanks for listening and hope to hear from you all!
Hi Carol,

You have found the right place. We all know what you're going through.

What field is your Master's?

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Old 09-05-2011, 06:42 PM   #59  
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Default Looking for ideas -- non-weight loss related

Hi all,

We're kind of stumped at the moment and I figured what better group to ask than those with kids and grandkids and lots of wisdom and experience for new ideas. Hope you don't mind!

My middle son is starting middle school tomorrow. In kindergarten, he had alopecia for the first time, a few patches on his head, which within 9 months had grown back in. He has had nothing since, until Jan/Feb this year, and this time was WAY worse. He probably lost 2/3 of his hair. His teacher was awesome, as was his class, and he was never teased, etc. For the last couple of months of school, he became less comfortable when it spread so quickly, so he wore a ballcap in and outside of class with his teacher's blessing.

Enter a new school and new rules -- they only allow ballcaps or beanies in the classroom and walking between classes if there is a doctor's note (only time hats are ok are in PE). I can't get an appt. with his dermatologist until Oct and they won't write a note without seeing him, but the principal and nurse were willing to work around that so he could start middle school without the worry of going hatless (his hair is starting to grow back in some areas but it's short and sparse still, and the band across the back of his head is still completley bare). Anyway, here's where we need assistance. When I met with the school nurse on Friday, she said that my son should have a "stock answer" for when he gets asked by other kids why he's wearing a hat in class, why he's allowed to, etc., because he'll be answering with it a lot. She wants just one phrase that he can say over and over, and she wants to know what it is as well, so that she can support him (his teachers have all been sent an e-mail and he's being given a card to carry with him so if any staff member questions him, he has that card as "permission"). While it would, of course, be easier in some ways to just deal with it and be hatless, that's a really tough one for an 11 year old! So I told him it was his choice (my stylist helped cut the hair he has on Saturday and it looks better and covers up some of the baldness, but not enough for him to want to ditch the cap yet).

While I'm leaning towards the camp of "I have alopecia" and keeping it truthful and simple, he's not sure he wants to use that and worries that will lead to more questions. We want something he can say and move on, and something that won't lead to teasing (as in, "my doctor told me to" which would lead to thinking something was "wrong", etc. as middle schoolers could do). I don't want something that could be deemed "smart alec" that could cause trouble either. He's a sweet kid with a lot of compassion and a lot of self-confidence, but this is definitely testing some of that.

If any of you can think of any possibilities, we are definitely open to hearing them. As of now, we have nothing he feels works for him and he needs to be ready tomorrow for his first day, which I want to be a positive experience (middle school is a tough enough transition from elementary!).

Thanks so much,
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Old 09-05-2011, 07:01 PM   #60  
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Hello GG! Another pretty day in the NW. The thing about the NW is, when it's nice it's really nice! I got up late (10ish!), did my daily work and then went to the store for the ingredients for tonight's dish. I'm making Sinagang Baka, a Filipino dish I haven't made in ages. Some friends gave us some white beans they say are good in this dish. I've used green beans before, so want to try these new to me beans. I always buy my beef at Whole Foods and while I was there I stocked up on beef and chicken. When you buy $50 worth of meat right now you get $10 off, I barely made it but I did get my $10. I also stopped at Borders Going out of Business sale but for the second time I walked out empty handed. I almost got two exercise tapes...they were a great buy but I honestly don't think I'd use them. I have my own little ten minute routine I try to remember to do when I don't go to the gym and also some stretching I do on a mat and have enough trouble getting myself to do those. The gym is better for me.

Came home and finished up my daily cleaning...doing nothing special for Labor Day but I do hope Joe enjoys dinner.

Carol - You are not alone. Losing this weight is one of the hardest things I have attempted to do. I hope I manage to lose it and keep it off one of these days. I learn a lot from the ladies on this forum.

Marie - If Zoe is willing, I'll pay her way there! Doubt it would work though as
I think at 36 he simply cannot understand what it is like for us at 76 and 68.

Marie & Fitchy - I get a daily email called Pixl of Ink which has books usually no more than $1- $2.99 and many are free. I mostly get the mysteries. I do notice that books are often free or very low cost for only a short time and then the price goes up. Every now and then, in fact, I will click on a "free" book to find that the price is now 99 cents. But I'm getting a lot of good books because of this email newsletter.

Well, I have to run now will talk more later..

Last edited by maryea; 09-05-2011 at 08:11 PM.
maryea is offline  
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