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Old 10-31-2010, 11:10 AM   #1  
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Default ~~November Golden Girls~~

We are about Fitness and Quality of Life after 50...
We are about Fun and Friendship after 50...
We are the Golden Girls...

There is Value in us
There is Power in us
There is Wisdom in us
And Laughter....
We are a rainbow of unique wonders,
There is love in us.
(poem by Dorothy Holmes)

Tell us a little about your life, family and goals. What keeps you motivated? What is the best thing that's happened to you since you passed the 50 mark?
Friends laugh, cry and stand by each other, we'll be that to you!

Last edited by Bobbolink; 10-31-2010 at 11:13 AM.
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Old 10-31-2010, 07:26 PM   #2  
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Happy Halloween hope your was spooktacular rosey
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Old 10-31-2010, 09:56 PM   #3  
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we are waiting for the trick or treaters. Saw some in the neighborhood so think they have been waiting for our sensor light to come on. It should be on by now I think so maybe we will get some soon. Hope so as we bought a lot of candy. Some years we get a lot of kids and some years hardly any...just never know.

Jess - no it was not me about the sf pudding at night for bs. My bs are really good for a day or two and then high again because my diet is too inconsistent. But even when I'm good on my diet, I have a high bs in the morning. Doc says not to worry as long as that's the only one that's high. Well, it's not always but I'm trying. We went to Panera Bread for lunch and I went over on both cals and carbs, but amazingly my bs was ok one hour later. Won't lose weight that way though.

After lunch we did a little shopping at Pennys. My dh had a $10 coupon and wanted to use it. He lost it somehow either when walking in or in the store but they let him have the discount anyway. I was wearing kind which are not really high, but I'm not used to them any more...and my feet were killing me. Was so glad to get home and get them off!

I started laundry last night and am still working on it today. I was going to mow the lawn but decided to wait til Tues when it's suppose to be sunny, so I spent what was left of the afternoon reorganizing my pantry. I don't know how it gets to be a mess so easily! I have so many of those plastic containers. I hate to get rid of them as I might need them, but I moved some pans and paper/plastic wraps/bags into the pantry and replaced them with some of the smaller containers. Then I packed up the rest (a LOT) in a big box and put it in the garage. So I'll find out how often I really need them now. I have so many seasonings/spices/condiments...should go through them and see what I need to toss, but saved that for another day. I vacuumed the floor and my pantry looks nicer at least.

Well, the tricker or treaters are keeping me running now so better get off this computer..
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Old 11-01-2010, 07:20 AM   #4  
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Good Morning, Everyone,

Today is the last day of my course. My next one doesn't begin for a couple of weeks. I hope to get most of their papers reviewed and graded today.

We have a beautiful fall day here in PA - sunny and crisp.

Happy November,


Some more rally photos
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Old 11-01-2010, 10:19 AM   #5  
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Happy November everyone!
I love this month with Thanksgiving around the corner, decorating the house and thoughts of Thanksgiving recipes.
Today also brings glue to my mouth. I've been on a 3 day drunk with nasty, junk food. (Not booze) Darn, I made those darn caramel apples and that set me off. I didn't dare get on the scale this morning but my jeans are a little snug.
Lynn...I was going to comment on your pictures before I closed the Oct. thread but forgot. What are those people picketing?
I hung laundry out on the line yesterday, I have another load to hang out now. It's only 25 degrees out but will warm up this afternoon so hopefully the clothes will dry. I have a hard time giving up my outside clothes line, can you tell?

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Old 11-01-2010, 10:36 AM   #6  
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Lynn...I was going to comment on your pictures before I closed the Oct. thread but forgot. What are those people picketing?

Hi Bobbi,

There was a "Rally for Sanity" in Washington, DC on Saturday. It was about stopping all the craziness.

Was a WONDERFUL event. Everyone was really nice. There were over 330,000 on the subways into DC in the morning - lots of lines, lots of friendliness, just a VERY pleasant time.

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Old 11-01-2010, 10:37 AM   #7  
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Hi Mary,

I took my first I-Cool today. I will let you know how it works.

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Old 11-01-2010, 11:22 AM   #8  
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Good November, All!!
Oh, it's lovely outside... crisp and cool (to understate!)

No goblins last night... I didn't even hear any kids in the street. We don't have many, usually, although I thought we'd get a few more since some younger families are moving into the area. It was a nice night for them, if any were out and about.

I'm so looking forward to this month! I LOVE T'giving. Along with my birthday, it's the only holiday I really enjoy. There's way too much commercial hype with Christmas, and it isn't FUN! There's nothing better to my nose than the smell of turkey roasting! Yum!!

Lynn, I think it's so great that you went to The Rally for Sanity (and/or Fear)! I hope they'll televise it; I saw some of it as it was going on, but I'd like to be able to see the whole event. It looked to be a beautiful day for it!

PT/Zoe, are you well??????????? I just finished #4 of the Outlander series, starting #5.... oh, my, they DO get into scrapes, don't they? Brianna came to visit and just married the much-maligned Roger.

Rosey, your pumpkin and puppy are both too cute! That little dog doesn't look overly impressed with it, though!

Everyone, hope your first day of November is a good one! Be safe!!

The picture is Aunty Ann (on my right), me, and Granny (Mom). Ann is 95; Mom is 87.

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Old 11-01-2010, 11:37 AM   #9  
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Good Morning,

Went to get my annual Pap this morning, Mamo tomorrow. Yupee! I forgot how pleasant it was. But I feel so much relief when it's over. We went to my son and DIL's for Halloween. I get almost no spooks and goblins. they got over 300 and had to turn people away. Seems like there are more every year. Got some really strange ones too. Got one old man who must have been around 80 that came to the door. No costume, just begging candy. Lots of teenagers that had no costume, just walking around begging candy. when do you call it quits?

Lynn, Oh you lucky thing! I would have loved to be with you at the rally! Once I retire......

Bobbi, Throw the caramel away!!! Yeah, it's pretty good. OK, love it. But the pumpkin dip is good too and so much better for you.

Donna, Thanksgiving and Easter are my favorite holidays too. The rest are just so commercialized. Christmas is getting to be a choir, when it should be such a wonderful occasion. All that shopping and hoping you find the right gift. thanksgiving, just pull out the turkey and you're good to go. Good food and good company are all you need. and lady, when genes like you have (the ages of your mom and aunt) you better take care of yourself! If you're going to live that long you want to be well.

Mary, every time I read of someone cleaning, organizing, I want to get up and start too. It could use it too. Especially the spices. How long a shelf life do those things have?

Enjoy the day,


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Old 11-01-2010, 12:45 PM   #10  
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Happy November!!!!! Unpleasant weekend cooped up in the house, and then trouble sleeping because of my node being stubbed up.....Better now that I've been up for awhile. Nose is better, but I'm dragging considerably. Need a good, solid night's sleep. Hopefully, I'll get one tonight. Came to work - have to get a proposal in - then will leave.
Hallowe'en was unremarkable - no tricksters OR treaters, which was fine with me. Bah, humbug. My DD and SIL always take DGD - and now the twinnie DGD's to a friend's aunt's house; she does a big shindig every year on Hallowe'en so the kids won't have to be out trick-or-treating in the cold, and still get to dress up in their costumes and have lots of fun. Me? I'm too OLD for all that hullabaloo! It's in the "been there, done that, got the Tee-shirt" file. (Got about a dozen year's worth of Tee-shirts, actually - time now for the next generation of mommies and daddies to "do" Hallowe'en.
Thanksgiving is infinitely preferable to Christmas...a big dinner with all the various family members in attendance is hard enough to orchestrate and pull off; Christmas is now beyond my capabilities. I'll bake and roast and simmer and stir - make cookies and pies and crisps (all with Stevia and some ground-up Fiber One cereal thrown in for good measure, but I'm not telling!), muffins and cakes and hams and bisquits and my homemade apple-cranberry sauce, and turkey stuffed with sausage & apple stuffing, but all the Christmas shopping, and wrapping, and huge mess that accompanies Christmas is just not my cup of tea at this point. (But nobody should interpret that remark as any sort of connection with *the* tea PARTY). ANYhoo, yeah. Thanksgiving is okay, Christmas is over the top. Blah, bah and humbug!
Lynn, I saw those signs from the rally on Huffington Post. Soooooo kewl! I would absolutely LOVE to have been there, but I'm glad that you were there to represent us Golden Girls!
Oh, Freda! You said the dreaded m--------m word! And THEN you said P-P S---R !!!!! Ack! Ptooey! I need to go wash out my mouth! I hate those things worse than! (Plus, I refuse to go to my elder daughter's for Christmas - not the twin's mommie; this is the older DD - because she invites her FATHER and his WIFE as well, and I have finally decided that I'm old enough to make up my mind who I want to be around for the holidays, and trust me....he is NOT one of the who's!!!!! I'd rather <gulp> have a P-P S---R !!!! (Whew!)
Hi Bobbi - I'm afraid that I shall never share your delight in clothes smelling of the clean and fresh outdoors. (Besides, I live in a highly populated area - they wouldn't end up all that clean and fresh, anyway). But, having said that, I DO feel just the teeny-tiniest bit less lazy in that regard just from rubbing shoulders with you here in fatchickland. Ah, the wonders of the internet, huh? Sometimes when you mention hanging your clothes out, it brings back lovely memories of when I was a child and my mother would hang clothes good they smelled....awwwww, and how brown and dusty they got when I rode my bike through the sheets and occasionally (without meaning to, of course) knocked one or two down... (SO sorry; my cold medicine makes me a little crazy.....)
Mary, I just got plumb worn out from READING about what you've gotten done!
Hey, PT!!!! Yeahhhhhhh. Oh, I'm okay. Would love to be napping, but I'm not, so whattaya gonna do, huh? Omigosh! We are about 1/3 through the LAST Claire & Jamie book! (And you KNOW how slowly that woman writes!) Woe is me, woe is me. I may have to start watching season 2 of Dexter.
Hallooooo to Karens 3 & 31, Rosey, Gayle.....sgxbenurhegrtbb.....can't remember, sorry, it's the cold medicine. (I mean well, tho).
Not eating uncontrollably, incidentally - appetite has been pretty lousy since I started feeling sick.

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Old 11-01-2010, 08:57 PM   #11  
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Hi everyone! Can't believe it is already Nov! I did all the beginning of the month budgeting/banking stuff, in fact I was up late anyway so got a little ahead with some of it. Then went to the CU to make our two week cashwithdrawal. We have a great little CU branch here and the tellers have gotten to know us well and always ask how my dh is doing.
Then shopped two grocery stores mostly for additions to my stockpile but also some needs.

It's a dark wet day...the rain has really come down, so guess if I had any doubts I know it is definitely fall now. But tomorrow is supposed to be nicer (no rain) so if the grass is dry enough, I plan to mow. Might be the last time, but maybe not, never know.

We had planned to start back to the gym this am but neither of us slept well, and esp my dh was so tired he slept in. So now I think we will wait until Thurs to get started back as I have a lot to do tomorrow and our dd and gc come Wed. My dh is going to do the same things he did in PT at first and I plan to stay with him instead of going to my usual classes until I know he is safe. In PT for some things they stayed right beside him and unless I do that no one will do it at the gym. We plan to only go for 45 min at first. Since we will be traveling again before long, we probably won't get back to our usual routine for some time. When traveling we walk most mornings.

We had quite a few trick or treaters last night. We too had some couple looked like they might be in their 20s! Not dressed up just begging for candy! I would have been embarrassed to do it past age 12! But hey, it's free candy I guess. We got several young couples with was 6 mo and I jokingly asked if she (baby) would really be eating it (meaning daddy probably would, not that I care.), but he took me seriously and said that she would suck on the candy. Great...start them on candy early so they have a big sugar habit to fight later on in life... When they are older I can understand...they will get it from other kids anyway...but why start so soon...aren't they aware of the obesity problem and it's link to sugar?!! Oh well, I'm sure dad got his share anyway....

Zoe - Hope you are feeling better soon. Nice at least that you aren't overeating. Me, I eat sick or not I'm not into all the "doing" at the holidays anymore either. In fact I rarely even do much cooking or baking as it is usually just the two of us...the kids don't come home much any more. I miss having them all home but I don't miss the cooking/baking. Don't tell them though! I wish they lived nearby and we could just go to one of their homes with everyone there and I could just ta ke one dish and our gifts..that would be ideal for me anymore, I think. This year if doctor approves, we plan to visit our son and his family. He is the one that had a child born last month. First time we have spent the holiday with him since he's been on his own.

Despite how I've changed I still love both Thanksgiving and Christmas, esp Christmas! I love giving gifts but I now enjoy the spiritual side even more. I try to make sure we attend church activities like musical programs. I'm hoping we will find a place to do that when we are at our sons. Not sure they will do that but it helps me keep my mind focused on the real meaning of the season.

Lynn - I hope iCool helps you. Are you taking it at bedtime? That's what I do. It started helping me right with the first one or two. But remember I take it along with another menopause supplement (not together though).

Bobbi - I would love to hang my laundry outdoors! We don't have a line and I'm not sure but suspect they aren't allowed here. At least no one has one.
Bobbi - I'm sorry I gave up the eating thread. Just too much to post twice. Today so far I've done better. Got on a diabetic support group site where I was reminded of all the possible consequences of not eating right. Trying to make myself grow up and make the right choices. In my case that's to stop overeating. So far today I have done well. Tonight will be the real test of course.

Have a good evening, ladies.
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Old 11-02-2010, 08:54 AM   #12  
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Good Morning all,

Have you voted yet? I will be going in a few min. We're voting within walking distance, so I'll get a little exercise in too. I saw red skies in morn. Does that mean "sailors be warned". I can never remember. Big frost out this morning. The ground looked like it had snowed. DH brought in the last of the tomatoes in yesterday. We will have fresh tomatoes for Thanksgiving.

Bobbi, I washed the bed linen yesterday and hung it outside on the line for the last time. Like you, I love that smell. I washed all the throws too and snuggled up under one last night and pulled it up under my chin. The scent was addictive!

Z, sorry to hear that you are still feeling poorly. But the not eating is a plus. I am one of those people who gain weight when I have stomach flu. I think I eat to try to make myself feel better. Never works.

Mary, I can't believe that father said his baby would suck on the candy! Please! How dumb does he think people are?

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Old 11-02-2010, 09:24 AM   #13  
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Good Morning!
Freda...we're going to vote as soon as I get ready, gotta wake up first. problem, when posting menu's get to be a hassle, it's time to drop it. I post on Fitday and sometimes it's a hassle for me too. It definely helps keep me OP, but not always. I also like to see how others are eating for fresh ideas.
Bobbi - I'm sorry I gave up the eating thread. Just too much to post twice. Today so far I've done better. Got on a diabetic support group site where I was reminded of all the possible consequences of not eating right.
DH is waiting for me and I haven't put my war paint on yet, see ya all tomorrow.
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Old 11-02-2010, 09:59 AM   #14  
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Went to gym, voted, waiting for HVAC folks to come.

This evening, I am doing some volunteer phone work for the LLS (Leukemia, Lymphoma Society) in Philly.

Today is paper-grading day.

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Old 11-02-2010, 02:24 PM   #15  
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Morning..we had wet slushy snow last nite..i'll bet the roads are slick..i was up early and noticed it didnt get lite out till about 9:45 dh is on his way to vote..i vote absentee ballot so cast my say 2 weeks ago..i have been working on my xmas project.i will take pictures to share when im done..i love the holidays,but im like alot of us and dont bake anymore,my kids always come home for both thanksgiving and xmas..this yr will be the first yr since my girls were born that we will not be together for xmas,my youngest is in oregon and my oldest and her family are going to vegas and calif this yr we had 4 generations sleeping at my house i loved it..this yr deffinatley will be diff..we are going to my nieces for thanks giving..they are building a ramp for me and my mil so we can come to their house,im looking forward to it,,let the younger generation take over,,not sure how i feel about that but when i think of all the work i realize i like the plans we've made have agreat day everyone rosey
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