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Old 06-25-2007, 08:34 AM   #1  
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Default New for July - Friendship Challenge

The first Sunday of August is International Friendship Day. I thought this would be a PERFECT day for us to end our July Challenge.

NOTE: this challenge is open to everyone - not ONLY the Golden Girls.

The goal is to post your plan for each day regarding what you will do for fun, what you will do for exercise, and what you plan to eat. If you're not sure what I mean, take a look at the June Challenge thread.

For ONLY those who want to - you could also post your weight loss goal and then, periodically add that infomation to your daily posts. NOTE: the weight loss information is for your motivation ONLY. It will NOT count as part of the challenge.

Whoever has the most posts wins a prize (NOTE: only posts that contain your plan count).

Good luck,


PS - the reason I am posting this today is bc I'm leaving for vacation & won't be back until 7/3. I didn't want people to miss any days of the Challenge. Please begin on 7/1 without me. NOTE: if you want to commit to the Challenge before July 1, please feel free.
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Old 07-03-2007, 04:44 PM   #2  
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Hey Ladies - where are you?

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Old 07-03-2007, 08:55 PM   #3  
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For the 4th of July -

Fun - make a birthday card for my df
Exercise - walk the canal tomorrow morning - 3 mile walk
Eating -
B - 1 sl low-carb bread, 1 egg, 1 oz blueberries
L - salad, chicken, dressing - 2 sl low-carb bread, tomato, mayo
D - hamburger (no bread), catsup, corn

Today's wt. - 167 lbs.

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Old 07-04-2007, 11:13 AM   #4  
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Hi, I didn't realize there was a challenge! Duh!!!!!!!!!

Fun: going out with friends to dinner & fireworks
Exercise: 2 mile dvd

B. fruit & cinn. toast
S. Cheese stick
L. Chicken noodle soup/crackers
S. Fruit/rice cakes
D. Roast beef, veggies & maybe a glass of wine!!!!! Not sure of whole menu tonight at the resturant.

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Old 07-04-2007, 01:34 PM   #5  
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Default July 5th

July 5th

Fun - out to seafood buffet dinner with my dd & sil to celebrate his birthday No longer going out to dinner - will stop by to see them this afternoon.

Exercise - walk
Eating -
B - egg, bacon, lo-carb bread
L - crab roll-up, ww pita
D - seafood, salad, dressing, tartar sauce No longer going out to dinner - I have some scallops and cauliflower leftover from yesterday - I think I'll finish that off for dinner tonight.
S - lo-carb yogurt & peanutbutter


Last edited by ladyinweighting; 07-05-2007 at 11:57 AM. Reason: Change of Plans
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Old 07-05-2007, 01:36 PM   #6  
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Default New Challenge.....include me too!!

New challenge....I missed it....but HELLO!!

Fun for today: Try a new recipe....makes 6 servings....5 to freeze!

Exercise: machine: 30 minuttes

Food Plan:

Breakfast: serving of cereal with Dannon activia yogurt. YUM
Am snack: 15 grapes with more yogurt. YUM YUM
afternoon snack: Slim fast nutrition bar. Ho-hum, but good
Supper: Pineapple, beans, & brown rice.

I hope to make 170 pounds by my birthday...9/11
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Old 07-05-2007, 02:49 PM   #7  
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Default Back to the beginning for Z...

Here I am, after a phenomenally awful day of eating yesterday..the end of a progressively awful week which started out very well, and then deteriorated more each day until yesterday when it ALL blew up...up to and including TWO cups of SF/FF carmel pudding & SF/FF whipped cream at 11:15 last night!!! I must've eaten somewhere @ 2,000 calories yesterday! The very best I can say for myself is that I haven't missed a bike ride. Tsk. Sniffle.


Today: (Food)

B- Bag-o-fiber (back to my usual)
S- No
L- 1 can of white tuna mixed w/FF Miracle Whip on one 100-cal. flatbread
1 banana
S- No
D- Seasoned, baked pork loin
baked potato
steamed brocolli

S- MAYBE one cup of SF/FF pudding w/ SF/FF whipped cream MAYBE not.

Doo doo de doo dah...thas' ALL, folks!!!!!

Fun: Today is simply NOT a fun day; I'm back at work & my kids have all gone to Philadelphia with their father (my ex). Bah! Phooey! Fun nuttin'!!!!

Exercise: I shall ride my bicycle for at least 45 minutes...more likely an hour.
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Old 07-05-2007, 07:39 PM   #8  
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Originally Posted by ellabella View Post

Fun: Today is simply NOT a fun day; I'm back at work & my kids have all gone to Philadelphia with their father (my ex). Bah! Phooey! Fun nuttin'!!!!

You should have come with them! You could have stayed at my dd's B&B and you and I would have had some REAL fun!

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Old 07-05-2007, 07:43 PM   #9  
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July 6th

Fun - going scrapping
Exercise - probably very little - unless it stops raining
Food -
B - 1 sl lo-carb brd, 1/8 cup blueberries, 1 egg sub, Smt Bal margarine
L - Crab roll sandwich on ww pita (see recipe posted in a separate message)
D - Sesame Asian Lamb Chops (if I make it, I'll post the recipe tomorrow)
S - lo-carb yogurt + peanutbutter

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Old 07-05-2007, 07:49 PM   #10  
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Default Eat More!

Originally Posted by moxiesd View Post
Breakfast: serving of cereal with Dannon activia yogurt. YUM
Am snack: 15 grapes with more yogurt. YUM YUM
afternoon snack: Slim fast nutrition bar. Ho-hum, but good
Supper: Pineapple, beans, & brown rice.

Margaret, this is WAY too little to eat. Remember - how you lose is how you'll need to eat for the rest of your life to keep it off. In that book that people have been discussing on this website - Rethinking Thin - it claims research that shows 99% of people who lose more than 15% of their weight gain it back in 2 years or less. From what I can tell, the only folks who I know who manage to keep off the weight are those who lose it slowly & change their entire way of eating so that their new way is their life-long way of eating.

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Old 07-06-2007, 06:41 AM   #11  
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Hah, Lynn....they DROVE DOWN THERE with their dear Poppa. Hey! I didn't know you were near Philadelphia! Have you gone to that King Tut exhibit??? We've been hearing a lot about it up here. Now THAT, I really WOULD like to see!
Did well yesterday (finally). Didn't even have the pudding after dinner.
And so, for TODAY...

b- bag-o-fiber
s- nuh-uh
l- tuna mixed w/FF Miracle Whip on a 100 cal. flatbread, some salad greens
s- MAYBE a Fiber One bar (NOT the chocolate kind. The chocolate kind are the ones that have bug stuff in 'em)
d- Zoe's world-famous low cal., high fiber chili made with last night's leftover pork loin, brown rice
s- MAYBE pudding w/whipped cream

Exercise: Bike ride (of course)

Fun: Feeding DD's cats while she's in Philadelphia with her Daddy
Jes' kidding....but it would really be difficult to classify anything I'm going to do today as genuine, pre-planned FUN. I'll take my bath, get ready for work, drive to DD's, feed cats, hop on the 'Pike, go to work, WORK until 4:00, hop on the 'Pike, stop at DD's, feed cats again, come home, put chili on to simmer, go for my bike ride, come back, eat, prolly check in here, get ready and go to bed. Oddly, despite that rather mundane-sounding agenda, fun manages to be had, somehow...chuckling with somebody at work, chatting with DH, playing with Yoko-the-khat (Daisy is too sophistocated to "play" with anybody; she just lies on the corner of DH's computer desk (we each have our own at home because he needs pretty exclusive access for his writing and stuff) looking regal. So, no PLANNED fun; just the unexpected, spur of the moment kind.

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Old 07-06-2007, 07:54 AM   #12  
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Originally Posted by ellabella View Post
I didn't know you were near Philadelphia! Z
I'm about 30 or 40 minutes from Philly - depending on traffic.

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Old 07-06-2007, 03:43 PM   #13  
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Sorry ladies, this will be fast.....have mini emergencies to cope with....

Food: cereal & yogurt
nutrution drink
nutrition bar
nutrition drink
tuna patty & green beans

Fun: Go shopping

Fitness: Hope I can get to the machine today........
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Old 07-06-2007, 08:19 PM   #14  
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July 7

Fun - Make a new recipe
Exercise - Walk?
Eat -
B - lo-carb yogurt & peanutbutter
L - 2 sl lo-carb brd + tomatoes + bacon + mayo
D - Asian Sesame Lamb Chops
S - lo-carb yogurt & peanutbutter

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Old 07-07-2007, 09:13 AM   #15  
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I might try the south beach diet for a week or two....getting bored with the same old foods.

Fun: Son is coming for lunch
Exercise: Walking 2 miles dvd

B. egg, 2 slices turkey bacon, tomato juice

I'll put in the rest after I make my shopping list.

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