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Old 06-23-2007, 08:10 AM   #226  
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Good Morning Everyone,

Today is the day I go up to northern NJ for my sister's dance recital. Several concerns -
1 - her spare bed mattress is HORRIBLE. I end up with no sleep and bad backache every time I stay there. Maybe I will pick up one of those blow-up mattresses on my way up.

2 - dinner - we will arrive in the late afternoon & must leave for the recital (she's the owner, so she must get there early) around 6 pm. Usually, we don't eat before we leave - there is a buffet at my niece's after the recital - around 11 pm. OK - I will pick up salads for Lucy (my little sister) and me (and my dd if she wants one) on the way to my sister's. We can eat those before we leave for the recital.

3 - the after-the-recital-buffet. NEVER anything healthy to eat. Lots of carbs. I'll pick up some caffeine-free, diet soda on the way up & stick to that (and salad if there is any) at the buffet.

I hate it that my first thoughts about going out are the challenges I will have to overcome. Getting old is a pain. However, I'm old enough to know that if I don't have a strategy to overcome them, the challenges will do me in.

OK, everyone, I'll be back home tomorrow evening. Check back in then.

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Old 06-23-2007, 08:32 AM   #227  
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Well, Theresa, I'll probably respond a little more quickly to Zoe, since that's what people have been calling me all my life, but to tell the truth, I've gotten used to being "Ole' Ella" here at 3FC, so I'm comfortable with either one. Oh, okay. Maybe here with my FRIENDS, I can be myself - so yep, I guess I really would prefer my real name.
I imagine it'll be even quieter around here for the next few days...I'm just one of those insecure types who will check in even when I've got stuff going on, because I need the reinforcement. Today's going to be a tad busy - mostly errand-type stuff, but my sweet little granddaughter Morgan (age 6) is singing at an outdoor festival at a local park, and DH & I have to go over & see her, and then we're taking her, her mom (My DD) and her dad out for a celebratory dinner because he passed his teacher's exam. Some of you may remember my saying that he's been teaching for three years without one. He was in banking when my daughter met him right out of college, but he really hated it, and as it turns out, he's a WONDERFUL teacher - and loves every minute of it. He teaches math on the middle school level in Boston, and in a school where the kids are all from very low-income backgrounds. They all love him, and are doing so well in his classes! We're so proud of him!
And, I need to fit in a bike ride.
And, I need to get the bigger spare bedroom all cleaned and ready for my SON, who will be flying in from Los Angeles this coming Thursday to spend a week with us! Yay!!! I can't wait! I may also have mentioned at some point here that I miss him terribly! I'll have to put up some pictures of my whole rowdy bunch of kids and grandkids while he's here so you all can see this big, happy family..
Hmmmm. I'm not hungry at all this morning. If I TIME this right, I may be able to take my bike ride and THEN weigh myself, maybe. MAYBE. You know how I am about weighing myself. Always scairt.
Have a good day, everyone! Cat (Oh, I LOVE that name!), Linda, the soon-to-be petite Theresa, Phyllis-who-is-just-as-sick-of-chicken-as-I-am, Karen who puts us all to shame by losing five pounds in ONE week (Yay, Karen!), Paula, who is temporarily (I hope) MIA, and I REALLY hope it's because of computer problems and not something with Dad; Lyn-the-tall-golfer who doesn't look her weight, anyway; Lynn the busy one who still manages to stick to a diet and keep on losing; Jo-annie who is off gallivanting and had BETTER bring back some pictures...and Bobbi, who checks in occasionally to provide us with some inspiration (she did it, we can too!). Lily - another gallivanter.
We're so kewl. (And if I forgot anybody, it wasn't because I meant to - honest! Just post so your name will be fresh in my forgetful old mind!)


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Old 06-23-2007, 09:33 AM   #228  
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Ok, Zoe and Cat.....hummm, I'll have to get use to that!! I love both the names and wanted my daughter to name her baby Zoey if it was a girl (was a boy-Adam) and I have a friend called Cat.

Congrats on the 5 lbs. Karen.....I may have to look at that south beach diet, I have the book but then again I think I have ALL the diet books!

Zoe, how did you like the turkey sausage wrap? We loved it. I need to get to Walmart and buy some more wraps....I never did make the pizza with it. I did do the toasting and coating with ICNBIB spray and cinnamon/sugar sprinkled on...very tasty.

This is my third husband.....I was widowed twice. My first at age 28 and we had a son and daughter (5 & 2yrs) he was a Forester and was killed in an accident at work. My second was a brilliant man, made lots of money, was an alcoholic, unfaithfull and a terrible terrible marriage at the end. He went into rehab and had a seizure and hit his head on a tile floor and never came out of the coma, had brain surgury and then died 2 wks. later. I then had my 3 children at age 38, 2 boys and 1 girl.

Now I am married to the most wonderful, kind, loving man. We are retired and not a lot of retirement money, we have to watch our pennies but I wouldn't trade him or our life for the world. My kids love him and his two children love me, we have been married for 20 yrs. and still in love, I think that's a great statement and he has never complained about my weight either.

He is a keeper!!!!

I need to go eat something and I'll respond to more posts later.

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Old 06-23-2007, 09:42 AM   #229  
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GOOD MORNING LADIES!!!!! (that was my "good morning, Vietnam'd ya like it??

Nothing exiting happening here this up early to do some graphic stuff for a client, then went out and finished cutting the grass in the back with that reel mower (huff, puff) then I deadheaded some climbing roses on the back fence, then I spayed for mosquitos and also ended up spraying the puppy who ran under a "stream" of spray. She smells like a garlic furball now, so it's off to the bathtub for her and then me.

I thought I was going to be feeding an army today, but all of my (still sleeping) weekend visitors are scattering for the day, so I'm just defrosting some tuna steaks for Terry (husband) and I and will fix a caprese salad and saute a spaghetti squash with vidalia onions and red peppers. yum. Tomorrow my daughter and I are going to Baton Rouge to hit the Whole Food Market there and she wants to get some over priced new telephone that does everything but wipe...oh, never mind..but it's way to much money to spend on something that aggrivates you!
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Old 06-23-2007, 03:21 PM   #230  
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Omigawd, Cat! That sounds like my SON'S phone! I always have to laugh when I see his latest model, because each time, it does some OTHER amazing thing...I'm waiting for one that vacuums, personally . The one I have, MY KIDS laugh at because it must be one of the first ones they made. I keep it in my glove compartment in case of an emergency on the highway. Period. I don't use it just to chat, ever. The ironic thing is that I don't remember too often to bring it in and charge it, so if I ever do have a problem on the road, my cellphone will most likely be DOA.
Well, I did my little bit of grocery shopping, ran my errands, came home & took my bike ride and <gulp> weighed myself. Hooray! Two more pounds lost! (I have to change my ticker & stuff). Not dramatic or super-fast (like Karen...jeeze!), but I THOUGHT I'd been eating a tad too much, and evidently I haven't. I seem to have found a way to eat that's healthy (high fiber, lots of fruits, veggies & lean meats...more poultry than meat, actually, and even fish once a week or so. I usually don't like fish - except shellfish - but we've found a restaurant that makes a really nice baked scrod, and I have that) that's allowing me to lose some weight, and that doesn't leave me hungry or feeling deprived. And of course I'm exercising some, now, where the most I USED to do was walk from house to the car, and around the shopping malls.
So, we went to the park, listened to the lovely granddaughter perform, and are now waiting for her & her mom & dad to come here so that we can all go out to dinner together. I just ate my breakfast.
I SHOULD get started in that guest bedroom, but I've GOT all day tomorrow, right? (Oh, maybe I will; you know me...I kvetch & complain and don't WANT to do something, and then I usually do it anyway.)
The turkey sausage was EXCELLENT, Phyllis. And just for Lynn...I didn't grille ours. I browned it in the frying pan in some ICBINB spray, added a little teeny bit of water, covered it and let it cook on real low heat while I took my bike ride. Then, when I got back, I added some red peppers, green peppers and onions, turned the heat up some, and cooked it all up until the veggies were tender, and shoveled them into wraps. They were Soooo good! I'm definitely going to get them again. Cat? Tell me about spaghetti squash, will you? I've never cooked it...don't know how...but I'm hearing you all say how yummy it is, and I like summer and zuchinni squash, so how do you cook it? I'm ready to branch out and try some new things, here, and need a lesson from our resident gourmet chef!
I think Theresa might check in sometime over the weekend, so hello to you, girlfriend!!!! And everybody else, too, of course.


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Old 06-23-2007, 03:22 PM   #231  
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P.S. Nice Robin Williams impression, Cat!
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Old 06-24-2007, 05:53 PM   #232  
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Good Evening Everyone,

Hi Zoe, you know that teachers' exam that your sil just passed? I used to develop those when I worked at ETS. I think in MA, you may use one developed by another company, but we did most of the other states. 2 more lbs lost - a GREAT BIG CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
Spaghetti squash is VERY easy - cut 1 in half - scoop the shells out - put the shelless halves in a glass baking dish - pour in some water (around a cup) - put into the microwave for 25 minutes. Be careful when it comes out is is VERY hot. When it cools a little, use a fork and scrape the halves to get the "spaghetti" out. Then, do what you will with it.
I like it with tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese.

Hy Phyllis, I am SO happy that you now have such a wonderful dh. Your posts have always given me the impression that this was the case.

Hi Cat, does everyone walk around with a cell phone where you live? It's unbelievable on the east coast. Seems like every other person is walking around talking on one - EVEN when they are with someone else!

Pretty quiet around here. The recital was nice - kids all did VERY well. My sister had bought me a new mattress (I can return the one I bought at Bed, Bath, and Beyond). I had salad before the recital & didn't eat anything at my niece's. Only problem was that my Little Sister had a terrible cold and sore throat but came anyway. I am REALLY hoping that no one catches it - especially, my dd, sister, or me (all leaving for vacation today or Tuesday).

I'll be back tomorrow morning.

Take care everyone,

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Old 06-24-2007, 06:53 PM   #233  
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Originally Posted by ladyinweighting View Post
Good Evening Everyone,
Hi Cat, does everyone walk around with a cell phone where you live? It's unbelievable on the east coast. Seems like every other person is walking around talking on one - EVEN when they are with someone else!

Yes they do..drives me nuts. I used to go pick my husband up from work. He works in the Computer Dept. at our University. He got off right when classes were changing. His building is on a "circle" and kids with phones stuck in their ears would walk out right in front of the car. Every kid you see has a telephone in their face even if they are walking to the next class with another person.

Ella, do what Lynn said on the squash. For some reason yesterday's batch didn't turn out so was ok, but I didn't save the leftovers.

Spent the day with my daughter today..we went to Target (I needed a new pepper mill) and got a couple of shirts there...and yahoo, I no longer wear an XL..kind of a loose L!!..I see a medium within the next few months! Then we went to World Market and got a salt box and a great smelling soap, then to Old Navy and Marie (daughter) found a precious madras dress and I got a rusty/rose colored spaghetti strap sundress...all on sale. My son would not let his girlfriend come with us (he said he saw her check book!) and she agreed, so we brought them back some matching edible fake teeth (they both love goofy stuff like that)and brought her back a really cute head band since Mr. Meanie didn't want her to go. This is my youngest son who until he met this little sweetie was going to be a priest.

Got home in time to cook the big Sunday dinner and now it's nothing but relaxing the rest of the evening..all in all, a great day.
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Old 06-24-2007, 08:55 PM   #234  
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Smile I'm BACKKKKK!!!!

Hi all you darling GOLDEN GIRLS -- missed you all -- funny though I didn't miss going near a computer the whole time I was away. First time I have had such limited access and it was rather nice. I promise to come back with a full report tomorrow -- right now just busy catching up with laundry, washing the car, getting settled. As I type I am uploading the 384 pictures we took on the trip -- thank goodness my sweetie had to delete about 100 when the memory card got too full.

I noticed that everyone is posting pics -- I will see if there is anything decent from this trip -- so lovely to see all of you that I hadn't seen face to face before. Theresa, Ella (my dear friend Zoe), and Lyn how nice to meet you all. I have only been able to scan through all the posts -- I know I have missed lots of interesting things - -I am sure there has been weight lost -- information shared and I am determined never to be away this long again LOL (famous last promises). My eating was semi abysimal -- I tried I really tried but not having access to a kitchen really makes it difficult - my excuse and I am sticking to it LOL.

Glad to be back -- catch up with all of you on Monday!!!!!
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Old 06-24-2007, 11:10 PM   #235  
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Cat wrote, " went to Target....and got a couple of shirts there...and yahoo, I no longer wear an XL..kind of a loose L!!..I see a medium within the next few months!"

: yay:

Isn't it great to need a smaller size?

I'm happy for you,

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Old 06-24-2007, 11:49 PM   #236  
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Default My new outfit

This is me in my new outfit at my dd's B&B. They have a swimming pool in the ruins of an old stone barn - their house & property date back to before 1790. I'm standing inside the ruins.


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Old 06-25-2007, 12:29 AM   #237  
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Originally Posted by Jayjay55 View Post
I have only been able to scan through all the posts -- I know I have missed lots of interesting things -
Hi Joanne,

One of the things we have done is make a birthday list. You and Moxie are the only 2 birthdays missing. (Just need month and day - no need for year).

Please post & I will update our list.

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Old 06-25-2007, 12:31 AM   #238  
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Default Latest Birthday List

Originally Posted by ladyinweighting View Post

If you post your birthdate, I will edit this message & hopefully, we will end up with everyone's date.

Theresa - July 19

Lily - August 25

Cat - September 13

Joanne - October 8

Phyllis - December 15

Karen - February 14

Lyn - February 21

Paula - April 4

Lynn - April 11

Zoe - April 19

Bobbi - May 24

Linda - June 18

Moxie - ?
Just need Moxie's. Where is Moxie? Anyone have her email address?

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Old 06-25-2007, 01:44 AM   #239  
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Lynn: You are beautiful. I love the color green. Very nice picture.
My birthday was June 18th. Thanks for including me on the list.

I have also been married 3 times.
1st husband: 12 years, physically and mentally 2 children and I had to move from WVA to CA under police protection. Very hard but it made me strong.
2nd husband: We were engaged for 4 years and I came home early from work with a headache, one month after our wedding, to find him in bed with a woman he met at the bowling alley. Moved out the next day and got a divorce.
3rd husband: 20 years, unfaithful many, many know the rest.
What doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

Hi Theresa: Oh, I laughed so hard when I read the Girls Night Out story. I'm going to share it at work tomorrow. It's priceless.

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Old 06-25-2007, 01:46 AM   #240  
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Hi Joanne. Welcome back. I'm a newbie and joined while you were on vacation. It's nice to meet you.

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