3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Coondocks 09-09-2010 11:21 AM

Ona - Way to Go!! :carrot: Def a good Holy Crap for me ha ha

Kukkie - great whoosh for you, woo hoo!:hug:

DOV, Star, FitKristi - moving the right way, congrats !

Angie - That's so awesome you kept that 3lb drop :D Still keeping up with the inclines? Im heading for mine at lunch today since I remembered my pants this time :p

MamaP - 2 lbs down is fantastic!

Matilda - Bravo to the 220's!! You wont stay long Im sure of it :)

Love - BRAVO! 100 days is a great, great accomplishment :bravo::cp:

Vix - :high: you are ROCKIN it Lady!! That's awesome to hear about your borhter . . . Since being in different cities for a yr and at least another 8 months now we have taken a break from being 'us', we both know we will meet people and who knows what may come of it . . . but get us in the same city and we are still the same old us lol. Only weird thing we deal with is jealousy from others that don't understand that we are indeed a family, we are eachothers rock and best friend and nothing is going to change that, no matter who comes or goes. Its very Ross/Rachel . . . or so it's been pointed out to me :p
Seriously though . . . . HOLY CRAP to you too!! That's amazing!

Matilda08 09-09-2010 01:22 PM

Vixsin- congrats to you as well!!!

mamap- seems like you are working your way back down, you can do it!!

kukkie- woohooo nice work!!

angie- thanks a bunch!!

coondocks- thanks and im surely wishing on a star because I spend two months in the 230s

To everyone else howdie!!!

JennieLovesKisses 09-09-2010 04:18 PM

SW: 168.8
GW: Anywhere between 160-165

9.01.2010 - 168.8
9.02.2010 - 168.6
9.03.2010 - 168.0
9.04.2010 - 167.8
9.05.2010 - 167.2 I'm so sore! >.<
9.06.2010 - 166.8
9.07.2010 - 167.4 I made the mistake of missing lunch, then ate way too much at my boyfriends house for dinner...so much so that I made myself sick and ended up throwing up :( Now I'm paying for it with a sore tummy and two black eyes. lol...why I got black eyes from throwing up I have no idea, but I've learned my lesson.
9.08.2010 - 167.4 Ugh, still here.
9.09.2010 - 166.4 YAY!

love2b150 09-09-2010 04:46 PM

Hi Everyone :wave:

Thanks to ALL who congratulated me on my 100th day. I appreciate your encouragement :hug:

Congratulations to ALL of you that had a lost today ... You are doing great. :woohoo:

To Everyone like me with a gain well we just have to be patient and the scale will move as long as we stay on plan something has got to give :D <--- telling myself this (eventhough I'm worried about today)

I am up today .6 at 170.2 that's .2 away from my starting weight this month. :( I'm tired-er than tired and I know it's from only getting 4.5 to 6 hours of sleep the last 3 nights. I want to nap but every time I think I can my mind tells me I have things to do and I don't. I have had an interesting day appetite wise, all I want to do is eat, not the usual me and I haven't even drank half of the water I need. Right now I don't feel like walking but I haven't done much today except run errands and I didn't walk yesterday. blah blah blah ... I am gonna work on getting in the bed before 10:30 tonight for sure. :hug: to ALL. :)

OnaMi 09-09-2010 05:39 PM

:bravo: Vixsin..3.4 lbs.. man oh,man..that's fantastic!!you're doing a great job :) thanks :hug: I do feel better :)

MamaP,2 lbs!!!:cp: great Job!!!

Hannah,you'll handle TOM for sure :)

KuKKie,threw all the drama, you losing 2.2 lbs is wonderful!!:cheer3: hang in there and i know you'll do just fine :)

Angie,keep swimming :carrot:

DaughterOfVenus,you're doing great!!! 1 lbs is excellent :cheer3:

Coon,a good HOLY CRAP!!! well,alrightea then :D you're doing a bang-up job :)

Jennie,you're on the move again :carrot: 2lbs super cool !!!:)

Love,please take care of yourself :hug: there will always be stuff to do.Relax your Mind and everything else will fall into place :hug:

Angie 09-09-2010 06:57 PM

I went for my WI with my dr today and I was officially down 5lbs since I started with that program on August 12th. I was disappointed, but he said he will be completely satisfied if I lose 5lbs every 2 weeks, so I guess I should adjust my own expectations.

Coondocks -- Yes I was a little disappointed not to lose anything today, but I'm glad the 3lb loss stuck with me. I needed it!

Jennie -- Glad you got some movement, you had a tough couple of days!

Love -- Sounds like you need a rest. Really, there's nothing that couldn't wait a few hours so you can get a good nights sleep. I wonder if your appetite is perhaps TOM related? I get like that sometimes the week before TOM.

Ona -- Thanks! I'm still swimming...I was a little down, but getting perspective from the dr. helped today.

Heading out to meet with the trainer tonight. NO way am I telling them that Tuesday's workout didn't leave with sore muscles, they'll just make the workout harder!

SunshineTater 09-09-2010 08:17 PM

I was 256.6 lbs this morning...a loss of 2.4 lbs since yesterday. I didn't quite believe the scale and moved it all over the bathroom re-weighing myself :)

Diana3271 09-09-2010 09:45 PM

Hi Everyone! :wave: I haven't been able to keep up with the personals this week.

Today I was extremely busy finishing up my month end bookkeeping. The good thing about being self employed is that I have quite a bit of time that I can goof off during the month. I tend to get busy in the beginning of the month and don't have a lot of time.

I want to congratulate everyone that had losses this week! Great job!

We are all working hard, even if we haven't lost this week. Keep going! I know we can do it! :hug:

I am really looking forward to the weekend. Anyone else?

Diana3271 09-10-2010 07:30 AM

Good Morning and TGIF! :wave:

The scale didn't move, but I woke up feeling like I had less water weight on me. :D

Calories for yesterday: 1525

Weigh In: 201

No Change

econ nerd 09-10-2010 08:12 AM

1- 265
2- forgot
3- 263.8
8- 263.4
9- 262.4
10- 261.2 (-3.8 so far this month!)

Things are moving along nicely! Today is wedding anniversary #22 for hubby and me! We are going out for a seafood supper and then home to watch a movie and have a glass of wine. I'll be going easy on my WW points for breakfast and lunch so I have a few to spare for supper.

I have trouble keeping up with this thread!!

Angie 09-10-2010 08:27 AM

August -12 pounds
September Goal -10 pounds
Aug 31 - 248.2 Trainer & Cardio (did not sleep well, about 4.5 hrs)
Sep 01 - 248.4
Sep 02 - 247.2 Trainer & Cardio
Sep 03 - 246.0 Cheats at the amusement park, lots of walking
Sep 04 - 246.6
Sep 05 - 246.0 Cardio
Sep 06 - 241.8 Cardio
Sep 07 - 246.6 Trainer & Cardio
Sep 08 - 243.6
Sep 09 - 243.6 Trainer & Cardio
Sep 10 - 243.4

Diana, I felt the same way this morning, I woke up and thought 'i feel lighter', but there was only a -.2 on the scale (and only after I checked my weight, then went and peed, and came back and checked again...lol) but I'll take it.

Did I mention that my Dr. told me yesterday that I'm only 3lbs away from Phase 2 of my diet, that's the phase with fruit, dairy and (some) carbs!!! I'm so excited.

Diana3271 09-10-2010 08:32 AM

Econ Great job on your 3.8 for this month. You are doing great!

Angie Great job on your .2! You are almost down 5 pounds for the month. Great job!

fitkristi 09-10-2010 08:38 AM

August 31st weight: 258.0
1- 257.8 -.2 I'll take it! I've been stalled at 258!
2- 258.0 +.2 I knew it was too good to be true! C'mon, body - get me out of this rut!
3- 256.8 -1.2 YAY!
4- OOT (on vacation)
5- OOT
6- OOT
7- 258.8 +2 obviously a gain, but not bad for being on vacation! Now back at it!
8- 257.2 -1.6 Headed in the right direction!
9 - 256.6 -.6 YAY!
10 - 255.6 -1 WOOHOO! I can't remember the last time I saw 255 on the scale! That means I'm just 3lbs away from losing my first 50lbs! Yahoo!!!

StarGetsFit 09-10-2010 09:02 AM

8/28: 259
8/30: 256.4
8/31: 254
9/01: 253.8
9/02: 253.6
9/03: 253.3
9/04: 252.4 That's a seven day total of:-6.6lbs
9/05: 251.6
9/06: 251.6:devil: <---TOM
9/07: 251.6:devil:
9/08: 251.8:devil:
9/09: 251.0:devil: Yay! Back in the right direction!
9/10: 251.0:devil:

MamaP 09-10-2010 09:03 AM

1 ~ 221
2 ~ 220
3 ~ 220
4 ~ 221
5 ~
6 ~
7 ~
8 ~ 226 (definitely going the wrong direction)
9 ~ 224
10 ~ 221.6 dropping some water weight :)

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