3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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SwimGirl 09-11-2010 12:00 PM

Coondocks - I haven't really been around, kinda got into a little funk, plus combined with retaining water from working out = bad bad bad. That's a very cute picture of you, your man and Jack! 179!! Broke away from those darn 180's!

Ona - I am doing alright, I was just in a funk, think I'm doing a bit better today though. :) Thanks for the good vibes! Nice to see you are still losing so consistently :D

Angie - Do you have a treadmill at home to do your incline walks? I really wish I had a cardio machine in my livingroom, I'd totally do it while watching tv! Do you ever find that you are not losing as fast from working out? I've been doing the workout the trainer gave me, but I guess it's because it's mostly a interval weight program my muscles are retaining water like CRAZY! Anyways, it's totally frustrating because it's a HARD workout and I want to see results NOW, :lol:

love2b - thanks for the good vibes as well! Glad to see you are still rockin' the 160's!

:wave: Hello to everyone else I missed!

So my scale still isn't being nice to me. My muscles are still quite sore though, STILL being the key word. I've had issues sitting and then trying to get back up the last couple of day! :lol: Down .2 from last WI 3 days ago, so I'm at 261.5.


Diana3271 09-11-2010 12:03 PM

Kris Congrats on the new low! :carrot:

Aimee Yep, you sound sore. I'm glad to see you back. :hug:

JennieLovesKisses 09-11-2010 04:02 PM

SW: 168.8
GW: Anywhere between 160-165

9.01.2010 - 168.8
9.02.2010 - 168.6
9.03.2010 - 168.0
9.04.2010 - 167.8
9.05.2010 - 167.2 I'm so sore! >.<
9.06.2010 - 166.8
9.07.2010 - 167.4 I made the mistake of missing lunch, then ate way too much at my boyfriends house for dinner...so much so that I made myself sick and ended up throwing up :( Now I'm paying for it with a sore tummy and two black eyes. lol...why I got black eyes from throwing up I have no idea, but I've learned my lesson.
9.08.2010 - 167.4 Ugh, still here.
9.09.2010 - 166.4 YAY!
9.10.2010 - 166.0
9.11.2010 - 166.0 Scale was jumping between 156.6-166.0 so I'm accepting the higher number. I was SUPER busy yesterday and ended up eating way too late last night too.

StarGetsFit 09-11-2010 04:37 PM

8/28: 259
8/30: 256.4
8/31: 254
9/01: 253.8
9/02: 253.6
9/03: 253.3
9/04: 252.4 That's a seven day total of:-6.6lbs
9/05: 251.6
9/06: 251.6:devil: <---TOM
9/07: 251.6:devil:
9/08: 251.8:devil:
9/09: 251.0:devil: Yay! Back in the right direction!
9/10: 251.0:devil:
9/10: 248.6 Whooosh! Bye, TOM!:kickbutt: 2nd Week -3.8lbs

So, I've manage to stick with this dieting thing for a bit over two weeks now and lost 10.4lbs. I am also now under 250lbs!:D And I now only "obese" instead of "morbidly obese."

Not shabby for two weeks.:broc:

BBL for personals.

SunshineTater 09-11-2010 05:45 PM

256.2 - down .4 since yesterday

I'm afraid to change my ticker...everytime I do, I gain at least 3 lbs.

Diana3271 09-11-2010 10:32 PM

Star You are doing great. Congrats on the 10.4 pounds!

Sunshine Great job on your .4!

fitkristi 09-11-2010 10:38 PM

Everyone is doing great - I love coming here to see the progress everyone is making!

MamaP 09-11-2010 11:06 PM

Star - 10.4 in two weeks is awesome! Congrats!

Sunshine - congrats on your loss. I know what you mean about changing the ticker.

OnaMi 09-12-2010 08:18 AM

Happy Sunday everyone!!

Aimee :hug:we all have those kinda days :hug: hang in there :hug:

Great job Star!!!!

I'm down .6 today!!

6Th-256.0-1st wk 3.8lbs lost

fitkristi 09-12-2010 08:32 AM

August 31st weight: 258.0
1- 257.8 -.2 I'll take it! I've been stalled at 258!
2- 258.0 +.2 I knew it was too good to be true! C'mon, body - get me out of this rut!
3- 256.8 -1.2 YAY!
4- OOT (on vacation)
5- OOT
6- OOT
7- 258.8 +2 obviously a gain, but not bad for being on vacation! Now back at it!
8- 257.2 -1.6 Headed in the right direction!
9 - 256.6 -.6 YAY!
10 - 255.6 -1 WOOHOO! I can't remember the last time I saw 255 on the scale! That means I'm just 3lbs away from losing my first 50lbs! Yahoo!!!
11 - 256.0 +.4
12 - 257.0 +1

Seriously. I'm never, ever going to get out of this rut! :(

OnaMi 09-12-2010 08:40 AM

Yes you will Kristi :hug: keep a positive mind set and keep fighting.The 50's will only be a memory soon :)

Angie 09-12-2010 08:54 AM

August -12 pounds
September Goal -10 pounds
Aug 31 - 248.2 Trainer & Cardio (did not sleep well, about 4.5 hrs)
Sep 01 - 248.4
Sep 02 - 247.2 Trainer & Cardio
Sep 03 - 246.0 Cheats at the amusement park, lots of walking
Sep 04 - 246.6
Sep 05 - 246.0 Cardio
Sep 06 - 241.8 Cardio
Sep 07 - 246.6 Trainer & Cardio
Sep 08 - 243.6
Sep 09 - 243.6 Trainer & Cardio
Sep 10 - 243.4
Sep 11 - 242.8
Sep 12 - 244.4 Ouch

I wasn't really surprised with my number this morning. We went to the drive in last night and I ate about 360 calories worth of baked potato chips. I was still well within my calories, but ohhhhh the sodium! Also took my water pill a little late. :( Today will be a challenge, we have my DS's t-ball banquet at lunch and then a Chuck-E-Cheese bday party for dinner. Plan is to eat a good breakfast, then stick to meat & veg at the banquet, and skip eating dinner until we get home. I have a nice chicken breast wrapped around some cheese which is wrapped around some asparagus waiting for me!

Diana -- TOM is coming for me too...it's due any day now. I hope things level out for you soon. It does feel great when you persevere through a challenging time.

Ona -- Great job on the walk, you go! I have to admit, I skipped my treadmill yesterday, but I promise myself I will do it today. I'll tell myself "Ona would do it!" ;)

Coondocks -- Looks like you had the last laugh on TOM afterall, congratulations!!

Penguin -- Congrats on your -1!

Kris -- Fantastic loss for you!

Aimee -- Welcome back! :hug: Yes I am lucky to have a treadmill (they go on a major sale every year at Canadian Tire around the end of November or first week of December, I got mine for $500 a few years ago and it was regular $1500! It was my bday/Christmas gift and then some all rolled into one) I do see that my losses slowed since working out, but on the bright side yesterday people were commenting that they could see the difference on me, so I think what I'm lacking in weight loss I'm making up in inches and tone. I can hardly wait for the biggest loser show to come back on, I love doing the treadmill while I watch that. Just try to quit when they are being killed by their trainers! Don't worry about the working out, it will pay off; you know you're doing great things for your body and the numbers will come eventually.

Sunshine - lol, that happens when I change my ticker too! Way to go on your .4 :)

patchworkpenguin 09-12-2010 09:24 AM

9/12 ~ 213.0 down .2

Hubby and I ate out last night to celebrate his Bday. When we eat out we eat early in the evening between 4-5pm, but our friends were taking us out, and they couldn't get free until 7pm {kids, broken car} so that was an off schedule meal for me. I spluged a little here and there but thought I did okay, and I did at the resturant. It was the 680 cals of cookies I had baked day before yesterday that got me, LOL. Total cals 2,150. Good thing it was my 'high' day.

Diana3271 09-12-2010 09:26 AM

Good Morning, Everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful Sunday!

Calories for yesterday: 1730

Weigh In: 200.4 (TTOM)

Down: .6 (still up 1.4 over my low)

Diana3271 09-12-2010 09:33 AM

Ona Great job on the .6. Nothing wrong with .4 but .6 is even better. ;) :D

Kristi You can do it! Look at the crazy month I have had. Stay focused.

Angie Yes, I hope everything starts going in the right direction for me again. :dizzy: Yes, that sodium will get you. :(

Penguin Great job on your .2

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