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Old 02-04-2002, 08:22 AM   #1  
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Default Monday

Good Morning Girls!

Purrfekshun: Howdy and welcome, of course you are welcome here, not everyone here is on WW,so no worries. I know the Duchess's books deal with some of the emotional issues that cause overeating and I think there may be some other. I recommend the book "Thin For Life" as well, they give a lot of pointers.

I went to the personal trainer and she gave me a program which is cool. It's funny, she told me I have really good legs, I hate my legs because they're big and bulky, but all these fitness people tell me they're really good, so maybe I should just accept them. She says she tries to get people to get a particular curve on their quads, she told me I'm already there

Take Care!

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Old 02-04-2002, 09:27 AM   #2  
One Sick Puppy
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Default Morning...

Good morning!!

Congrats, Ali, on having those great legs!! If you can find one thing aboutyour body that someone else likes, it seems to make it easier to find something that you like... At least, that's how it works in my case.

Well, I set a goal last week to stay on the plan for one week without any slip-up days. I successfully accomplished the goal and even went a couple of days over. Then yesterday happened... My dad and I went on a geocaching trip (for more info on what geocaching is, go to and it'll tell you more about it. Or you can ask me and I'll tell you all about it) and there weren't a whole heckuva a lot of places to stop and eat, so I just didn't eat all day (I really should have packed a lunch). Well, when I got home around 3, I was STARVING and I STUFFED myself. Then, I did something with the boyfriend last night and was hungry again, so I got Taco Bell. Not just a little bit of Taco Bell, we're talking a Steak Quesadilla and two Chalupas and a large Pepsi (didn't even bother trying to drink diet...) My stomach is so mad at me for yesterday. But I'm really not mad at me. In fact, I don't even feel guilty. Once in awhile you just have to give in and I did so well last week that yesterday was almost kind of a reward for myself. And I justify it by thinking this way: I don't count my activity points and I don't think too much about banked points unless I need them. Besides, after last night, I can set a whole new bunch of goals for myself. (More on those later in the day. It's still early to work out goals... )

So, hopefully everyone had a good weekend, mine was uneventful, but very nice. Spent most of it with my boyfriend, watching movies.

OK, this is getting to be very long, I'll stop rambling now and check back later to jabber some more...
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Old 02-04-2002, 10:36 AM   #3  
Fed Up With Fat!!
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Default OK Ladies, I'm starting over....

We're having a snack day today so I tasted the foods I wanted to. I made Broccoli Cole Slaw. It's low fat, so I'll eat mostly that. I have been very disappointed in myself. I used to be the go-getter. I mean, you don't lose 50 pounds without putting out the effort, you know? Well, I've been on the same damn plateau for the last 6 months. I haven't lost any additional weight and it's really starting to get to me. I thought getting on etools would work. Well, it did for the first few weeks, but then I quit journalling. I feel like I'm not getting enough food, so I snack all day long. Or if I'm not snacking, I'm eating foods for lunch that are not healthy. It doesn't work if I bring my lunch, either, because that just stays in the fridge and I go eat Chinese. I'm definitely going to WI tomorrow night because I need to face the music. Bad or not, I need to get a swift kick in the butt. I'm tired of saying I'm starting over and I truly don't know if this time is for real. I think it will be though, because my sister started WW at home and I have a "home partner" again. The friends I did WW with I don't really talk to anymore, so now I have my sis.
I didn't do too bad yesterday. At least I ate foods that WW recognizes as healthy. This morning is another story so I'm just staying out of the kitchen today except for getting my cole slaw.

As you all can probably tell, my boss isn't here today. Her daughter is sick (which sucks) but it's cool that she's taking the day to stay at home with her!
So, how was everyone's weekend??? Mine was pretty good, full of eating, but other than that......
New start, remember? That's why we're all here. We all have a past and are tired of looking back, right? So, let's not get a cramp in our necks from looking at our past and just focus on tomorrow!! Without tomorrow, we wouldn't have today!

Thanks for letting me vent.
Ali: YOU are my inspiration!! I am going to get Thin for Life! I need the extra boost! I'm ordering it right now!
Jess: I'm with you on the eating!!! Turn the page and start fresh!!
I hope everyone has a great day, I'll definitely be back around later. I need to get some work done first, though.
Hi to all who posted while I was creating this novel!
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Old 02-04-2002, 12:04 PM   #4  
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Hi, all!

Tell me, what can't Monday be officialy part of the weekend?

Well, Jess and Stacey, I'm in the same boat as you. I do well for a little while, then I don't see results and get a "why bother?" attitude. So I eat. Then I feel bad all over again. This weekend I started out being good, even cooked eggplant parmesian (lo-fat version) with pasta for BF and I on Friday night. But Saturday ... well. Cheeseburger and fries (they were baked fries, at least, and lo-fat bread for the burger) for lunch, Chinese for dinner. Sunday I was bored, so I ate. I even bought some Milano cookies! AH!

So now, once again, I'm trying to get back on track. I'm wearing a new outfit (that I bought at Target last night), so maybe that'll help. I'm feeling very sassy.

Well, I'm having lunch with a co-worker (wish me luck!) but I'll be back later!
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Old 02-04-2002, 03:55 PM   #5  
Fed Up With Fat!!
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Default Where is everyone??

Hello, Is anyone out there???
Well, I've goofed off all day so I'd better get back to work.
See ya'll later!
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Old 02-04-2002, 04:45 PM   #6  
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I cannot believe how quiet the board has been today. Maybe everyone is recovering from some wild Super Bowl parties...
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Old 02-04-2002, 06:16 PM   #7  
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Hey Friends!

How is everyone today? I had a pretty good weekend. The dress sewing went really well. We're pretty much finished the mock dress & then we can start on the real one. We're both hoping that I'll lose some weight by then though. I'm am pretty tired from the weekend. Work was **** today! It was the longest freakin day & then I had some kind of weird allergy reaction going on so I took an antihistamine & that totally wiped me out. In the 15 minutes I get between clients I laid on the table & cat napped. Pretty pathetic isn't it?

My friend that wanted me to join WW with her called last night & we decided that instead we'll follow the program on our own & be each other's buddy & we'll WI together every week & try to keep each other accountable & motivated & if it doesn't work then we'll spend the money on the meetings. She's coming over tonight so we can get started. Hopefully it will work this way b/c I just don't have the room in my budget to join the meetings.

Stacey, Broccoli Coleslaw sounds great-do you mind sharing the recipe? Hope that you made out ok with all of that tempting food around. That's so great you lost 50lbs before! With some effort I know you can lose more Btw I really love your comment about not craning our necks & looking at the past!! That is totally me sometimes & then those are the times when I fail b/c I think it'll be just like last time. Thanks for your good advice

Jess WTG on acheiving your goal!! It's great that you don't beat yourself up when you indulge on occasion! Sometimes its easy to forget that we're human & then be upset b/c we aren't perfect. Good for you accepting that

Hey Sassy Kim! How did your lunch go? Did you stay the course? I find eating out is so hard to stay within my points. It definitely needs to be planned for. Hope you did good

Ali! Congrats on having great legs!! Maybe that means next year for Halloween you should dress up as a CanCan Girl! Show them off! Positive reinforcement from others is a really great thing!

Hello to all of you in hiding!! Talk to you tomorrow

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